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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Seems appropriate

And I feel fine

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State’s “bond-market penalty” falls to lowest level since 2015

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Shruti Singh at Bloomberg

As Governor J.B. Pritzker nears his one-year anniversary in office, investors are signaling that Illinois is making some gains even as the worst-rated state grapples with rising pension debt and the highest borrowing costs among its peers.

Pritzker, a Democrat, and other state leaders have earned credit from the $3.8 trillion municipal market for achieving some fiscal stability. Illinois’s bond-market penalty, the premium that investors have long demanded to hold the state’s debt, fell to the lowest since 2015 this week, which some debt holders say is due to optimism for potential new tax revenue and others attribute to overall strong demand for high-yield muni bonds.

“There is distinct improvement” over the past year, said John Ceffalio, a credit analyst for AllianceBernstein LP, which owns Illinois bonds among its approximately $47 billion of municipal debt. “The big thing from the credit side is increased political stability and economic and revenue growth.” […]

Illinois has put itself in a “better position” given its revenue gains, willingness to raise taxes and planned infrastructure investment, Ted Hampton, an analyst for Moody’s Investors Service, said in an interview.

Still, Illinois’s “massive pension liability” has made it an “outlier” in terms of the scale of its fixed costs relative to its revenue, Hampton said. Illinois’s so-called fixed-cost ratio is 36.4% in 2018, the nation’s highest and four times the median of U.S. states tracked by Moody’s, which didn’t include a few states in its most recent calculation.


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Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Downstate is shrinking

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Wirepoints

Collectively, Illinois’ downstate counties have suffered the worst loss of population, by far. The whole region lost nearly 120,000 people between 2010 and 2018 – more than 2.5 percent of its total population.

Three (DuPage, Will and Kane) of the five collar counties gained population, leaving the collar counties as the only growth area in Illinois.

However, that increase was largely at the expense of Cook County. Previous migration data shows many new collar residents come from Cook County.

Cook County itself lost 19,000, or 0.4 percent, of its total population over the 2010-2018. That’s on top of the more than 200,000 people it lost in the decade prior to that.

The Downstate population plunge includes people who moved to Chicagoland. They didn’t all leave for other states or countries. Click here and you’ll see the latest IRS numbers on that.

All counties with population increases over that time period were Champaign, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, McLean, Monroe, Will and Williamson.


State attorney general, state police, US Attorney and state’s attorney working together on email probe

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Champaign County State’s Attorney revealed Friday that her office is now working with other state and federal agencies on a investigation into a 2012 email written by a former powerful Springfield lobbyist that referred to an unspecified “rape in Champaign,” WBEZ has learned.

Democratic Champaign State’s Attorney Julia Rietz told WBEZ in an interview Friday afternoon that her office is involved in a “comprehensive investigation” with the Illinois Attorney General, the Illinois State Police and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Illinois into the content of the email.

“There are efforts being made to unravel this – again – cryptic, unspecific allegation regarding a sexual assault,” Rietz said.

* Meanwhile, the mayor stood up for the governor…

…Adding… More from the mayor’s remarks

Mayor Lori Lightfoot joined the chorus calling for a criminal investigation of the alleged rape mentioned in McClain’s email. But she added a perspective that’s been missed.

“If there was a rape, we have a victim out there who’s watching. Hopefully not. But I have concerns the person is being re-traumatized by the way in which this story is unfolding and the way that we’re talking about it and losing site of the fact that there’s a potential victim out there,” the mayor said.

“It’s mind-boggling that someone would put something like that in an email so blithely as an argument for why a particular person should be saved from disciplinary action. Mike McClain will have to give account for himself, I would imagine, on a number of different fronts in the coming days and weeks. But this one is something unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”

* Pat Quinn spoke up

Former Gov. Pat Quinn and currently Gov. JB Pritzker are among the state lawmakers calling for an investigation after WBEZ reported an email from a former lobbyist hinted at a rape cover-up.

The email was reportedly sent to aides to then-Gov. Quinn. Details about that rape case and apparent cover-up are unknown. […]

Quinn has said he had no knowledge of the matters mentioned in the email, but has called for an investigation. He said he was unaware of the email until he was told about it by reporters.”

”I think it must be fully investigated by law enforcement and justice must be done and the truth must come out. That’s what I believe,” he said.

* And Greg Hinz is done with MJM…


Rate the new Oberweis TV ad

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jim Oberweis’ congressional campaign just made a $31,317 cable TV buy for this ad

* Script

Washington politicians Nancy Pelosi and Lauren Underwood are trying to overturn the 2016 election. We, the people, elect the president, not Pelosi and Underwood. Impeaching President Trump was a complete waste of time and taxpayer dollars.

Congresswoman Underwood, you should be working to protect jobs, cover pre-existing conditions, lower drug prices, fix our roads and bridges, not trying to overturn an election.

I’m Jim Oberweis and I’ll put people over politics. That’s why I approved this message.

Keep in mind when you rate the spot that Oberweis is currently battling in a crowded Republican primary. Republican voters are his targeted audience.


Question of the day

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* One Illinois

The governor and lieutenant governor laid out extensive plans for criminal-justice reform Thursday, saying they’d work to end cash bail for low-level crimes, push drug offenders toward treatment rather than incarceration, and reduce mandatory sentencing.

At a so-called fireside chat at Kennedy-King College in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, Gov. J.B. Pritzker credited Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton with heading what they call the Justice, Equity, and Opportunity Initiative.

Pritzker cited how, on New Year’s Eve, he pardoned 11,000 drug offenders as part of the equity provisions in the legalization of cannabis, which took effect the following day. The JEO Initiative builds on that, with perhaps an initial focus on drug crimes, but it also attempts to extend such community-minded reforms across the justice system and in all areas of the state.


Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a pair of ambitious criminal justice reform goals Thursday: the end of cash bonds and mandatory minimum sentences in Illinois.

Pritzker says it’s part of “prudently” reducing the state’s 40,000 inmate prison population.

He acknowledges it will likely take several years to implement, but says ending cash bonds is a priority.

* ABC 7

Ending cash bail throughout the state was at the top of his agenda.

“Judges can make the decision about whether somebody is a menace to the community, if they’re let out on bail. We need to put a system in place that has a standard for a judge to use to make those decisions,” Pritzker said.

The governor said his plan also includes sending low-level drug offenders into treatment programs, which could save taxpayers money, and reforming mandatory sentencing laws, which could reduce the prison population.

* The Question: Your thoughts on this topic?


Our sorry state

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From Kathy Carmody at the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, here’s per capita state government spending on disability services

More at the link.

Some parents have left Illinois because of this.

* Explained…

For every resident of Illinois (and in other states), this is the amount of resources invested in individual and family support services for people with disabilities. For each resident of Iowa (not with a disability, but in the general population) the state spends $111 on individual/family support services as defined below the graph; in Illinois, we spend $19. It’s not a budgetary formula, but an after-the-fact comparison that allows comparison of states with different populations.

* More from a Tribune editorial

For some families, this failure to provide necessary services tips the scale toward leaving this dysfunctional state for one that does better — say, Indiana, Michigan or Wisconsin. The Illinois Department of Human Services says more than 1,350 people on the waitlist last year moved out of state. It’s not known how many left specifically in search of better services, but given Illinois’ standing, it would be hard for families to do much worse. The state ranks an embarrassing No. 44 in a recent report on how well state Medicaid programs serve people with these types of disabilities.

Illinois spends at least $400 million a year on this type of services and aid, according to Allison Stark, director of the Human Services Department’s developmental disabilities division. That ranges from small group housing to larger facilities and includes community day programs and adaptive equipment. Stark estimates Illinois would have to double its spending to eliminate the wait for services.

The Tribune editorial board advocates reducing state pension spending. It’s the same basic logic Bruce Rauner used before his first run for governor

“In Illinois there’s been a long-time history of what I would call social service, social justice, a bigger role for government in the safety net than in many other states,” Rauner said at a tax policy conference sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute. “I think we can drive a wedge issue in the Democratic Party on that topic and bring the folks who say, ‘You know what? For our tax dollars, I’d rather help the disadvantaged, the handicapped, the elderly, the children in poverty. I’d rather have my tax dollars going to that than the SEIU or Af-scammy (AFSCME), who are out there for their own interests.’”

Didn’t work.


Coyote captured in Chicago

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Earlier this week we had some fun with a photo of a coyote across the street from Gibson’s. Since then, however, things got ugly

Residents in Chicago have been rattled after two people, including a 6-year-old boy, were attacked by coyotes on the same day … after at least a decade without an incident.

Both attacks occurred Wednesday. The Chicago Tribune reports the boy was walking on a path near the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. A coyote lying on a grassy hill bit the boy on the head and had to be fought off by the boy’s nanny and other bystanders, the Tribune reports. USA Today reports the boy is recovering and is in “good spirits” in Lurie Children’s Hospital.

* So I was captivated last night by a Twitter play-by-play posted by Chicago Tribune overnight crime reporter Paige Fry

She updated for almost three hours. I was so tired this morning.

* Here’s her Tribune story

A coyote was caught on Chicago’s North Side Thursday evening, but authorities said it was not yet known whether it’s the same animal that attacked a 5-year-old boy the day before about two miles away.

The coyote, which appeared injured, was spotted around 10 p.m. in the 1700 block of North Dayton Street in the Lincoln Park area, according to Chicago Animal Care and Control. Workers from the agency caught up with the animal about a block away and “safely” shot it with a tranquilizer dart.

The coyote was taken to the agency’s facilities for “further evaluation,” it said in a tweet. […]

But Ald. Brian Hopkins, whose 2nd Ward includes the museum, tweeted that “preliminary indications strongly suggest this is the animal involved … waiting for DNA test results to confirm.”

The alderman said the coyote may also be the same animal that bit a man in the buttocks later Wednesday in Streeterville. Neither the boy nor the man — who showed up at a hospital with what he said was a coyote bite — suffered life-threatening injuries.

Also make sure to read the team coverage story in the Sun-Times.

* Video…


ISP director says he will work with OEIG on McClain email probe

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we discussed yesterday, Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady sent a letter to Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly calling on the ISP to conduct an investigation into the 2012 Mike McClain email to two Pat Quinn administration officials which referenced ghost payrolling and a rape in Champaign. Here’s Director Kelly’s response…

As someone privileged to work every day with public servants of the highest integrity, and as a former prosecutor, these allegations are deeply disturbing, and the Illinois State Police takes them extremely seriously.

As a matter of law and policy, the Illinois State Police (ISP) and Office of the Executive Inspector General (OEIG) routinely coordinate and mutually support investigations and referrals for prosecution. These allegations are no exception.

The ISP and the OEIG are in communication and the ISP Division of Internal Investigations and/or the Division of Criminal Investigations will appropriately pursue any criminal aspects arising out of this investigation and dedicate whatever investigative resources are needed.

Previous investigations falling under the potential authority of both the ISP and OEIG have been thorough, professional and laid a strong foundation to pursue justice wherever the evidence may lead – precisely the kind of work you would expect from the former federal prosecutor leading the OEIG whom I hold in high regard. The ISP is committed to nothing less in this case.”

* Meanwhile, I tend to give Skillicorn wide latitude. He is who he is. But for a sitting legislator to say something like this about a governor (any governor) is just way over the line…


IFI tries to connect Illinois out-migration to a potential repeal of parental notification laws

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This Illinois Family Institute article shows us once again that people who constantly complain about out-migration will always try to blame it on their Number 1 issue. Upset about government pensions? That’s why people are leaving! Cranky about taxes? That’s why people are leaving! Despise the Democrats? That’s why people are leaving! Hate the winter weather? That’s why people are leaving!

According to a recent article in Forbes magazine, Illinois has the disconcerting distinction of being the top state for out migration. That is, Illinoisans are leaving the state in record numbers. This is not a new trend. For 6 years in a row, Illinois has had a net population loss.

Is there a connection to our high taxes, political corruption, pension debt, radical abortion expansion, LGBT indoctrination and many other foolish policies? We believe there is, and a recent abortion-related law may be partly to blame.

When state lawmakers passed SB 25 and Governor JB Pritzker signed it into law, they opened the door to ending what little protection there is for young girls, a protection we fought long and hard for: Parental Notification of Abortion.

The rest of the article doesn’t actually explain how passing such a law would lead to more out-migration, however.


“The current administration has to own all the problems”

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hannah Meisel at the Daily Line

Fifty-six children died between July 1 and Jan. 1 after prior contact with the state agency charged with protecting children from abuse and neglect, according to new data from the Department of Children and Family Services’ inspector general.

The data on the first six months of the 2020 fiscal year follows a report released by the same inspector general last week, which found that 123 children had died in the 2019 fiscal year after having contact with DCFS in the previous 12 months — a 25 percent increase from the prior year.

After the release of DCFS Inspector General Meryl Paniak’s annual report last week, state officials were quick to point to the $128 million funding increase granted to DCFS in the current year’s budget, along with efforts to hire more frontline agency workers to both investigate claims of abuse and neglect and at the agency’s so-called “front door” — its overworked hotline. […]

Paniak told The Daily Line Tuesday that her preliminary numbers on child deaths “means we have a lot of work to do.”

“This is Marc Smith’s first round of getting my annual report and realizing the recommendations and the impact and having an opportunity to implement and make some changes,” Paniak said. “I think sometimes when there is difficulty, there lies opportunity. We need to take this opportunity and not wait. We have to move with a sense or urgency to make some changes now.”

* CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov

Yet changes may not be happening fast enough. The inspector general confirms 56 more children with a DCFS history have died just in the last six months.

Two others suffered serious injuries.

“Enough is enough is enough, and the current administration has to own all the problems, and the current administration has to own the issues and injuries that are happening,” said Cook County Public Guardian Charles Golbert.

A Pritzker representative said it will take time for agency improvements to take hold. CBS 2 has obtained an internal DCFS memo outlining new screening procedures for kids who might be in danger.


A look at the race for Senate President

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a pretty good summary of what went on and how it could play out

State senators gathered at the Best Western Hillside earlier this week to talk about rules for electing the chamber’s next president and to hear from the three contenders vying for the job that opens up when Sen. John Cullerton retires from the General Assembly later this month.

The candidates — Don Harmon, Kimberly Lightford and Elgie Sims (in alphabetical order, FYI) — impressed their colleagues. “They all had good ideas. It’s going to come down to leadership style,” one senator told Playbook. […]

Senators have good reason to hold back on their endorsements: They’re either angling for a leadership position with whoever will offer it, or they don’t want to risk alienating the next president if they align with a losing candidate. […]

Sims heads one group. He’s a former state representative who’s been a senator since 2018. He’s not likely to be named Senate president, but throwing his name in the ring gives him bargaining power for a leadership position. A few senators (at least two) have committed to Sims as president so that gives him a bloc that could sway the decision toward Harmon or Lightford. One thing to watch: If Sims announces his support early, it may signal who will win the presidency. Sims will support the winner.

The second group includes 11 moderate-to-conservative Democrats who call themselves the “X” Caucus because they couldn’t otherwise come up with a name. The group is loosely headed by state Sen. Steve Landek of the 12th District. Members are scheduled to meet next week to discuss the vote. What they decide coming out of that meeting could shift the game entirely.

A more progressive third group includes Sens. Omar Aquino, Robert Martwick, Robert Peters and Ram Villivalam.

Some senators in the three groups are also members of the Women’s, Black or Latino caucuses, which have their own priorities. And don’t forget the Republicans. If Democrats don’t come out of their caucus with the full support of one candidate, Republicans could muddle things when the full chamber meets to finalize the decision.

There’s also an unofficial generational alliance — senators who are skeptical of old-school politics and practices. Will that play out in the decision-making?

I just don’t think the Democrats will take this fight to the full chamber, but weirder things have happened. It’s also possible that a new candidate could emerge if none of the three garner enough votes, but it’s probably too early to say anything for sure.


Republican congressional delegation wants special prosecutor over McClain email

Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

U.S. Reps. Darin LaHood (R-Ill.), Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), John Shimkus (R-Ill.), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), and Mike Bost (R-Ill.) today released this joint statement calling on the Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged rape and cover up in Champaign.

“These revelations are extremely troubling and a thorough independent investigation needs to happen immediately. We are very concerned that the Champaign County State’s Attorney has determined she will not investigate this alleged crime. If these disturbing allegations, that were revealed this week, are true there’s a victim out there that deserves justice and a criminal that should be prosecuted. Given the unwillingness of the local state’s attorney to investigate this alleged crime and ties to the governor’s campaign, we believe a special prosecutor is warranted.”

* But the state’s attorney has changed her mind

Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz said she had spoken to the attorney general’s office Thursday afternoon and would be assisting OEIG’s investigation to unravel the meaning of McClain’s reference to a “rape in Champaign.”

“Certainly, if there’s a victim in my county I want to do everything I can to bring the perpetrator to justice,” she said.

That’s quite a flip-flop from earlier this week.


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Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Jan 10, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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