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Report: Feds looking at Joe Berrios

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown, Tim Novak and Robert Herguth at the Sun-Times

A federal grand jury subpoena obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times shows investigators are digging into former Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios and his political organization.

The subpoena seeks documents related to Berrios’ 31st Ward Democratic Organization, his Friends of Berrios campaign committee and the Mexican American Political Action Committee.

Among other things, the subpoena asks for information about contributions to Berrios’ retirement party and his access to private planes and boats.

It also seeks turnover of any items “related to any official action taken in exchange for a benefit” and specifies the type of actions — including “assessor recommendations, certificates of correction, certificates of error, property valuations and re-reviews.” […]

Similar subpoenas were received by several current and former employees of the assessor’s office, a source said.

The assessor’s office didn’t receive any subpoenas, Fritz Kaegi’s spokesperson said.


Exelon hit with class action suit over alleged corruption

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release

Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC notifies investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Exelon Corporation (“Exelon” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: EXC) and certain of its officers, on behalf of shareholders who purchased or otherwise acquired Exelon securities between February 9, 2019 and November 1, 2019, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”).

This class action seeks to recover damages against Defendants for alleged violations of the federal securities laws under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

The complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Exelon and/or its employees were engaged in unlawful lobbying activities; (2) the foregoing increased the risk of a criminal investigation into Exelon; (3) ComEd’s revenues were in part the product of unlawful conduct and thus unsustainable; and (4) that, as a result, the Company’s public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times.

On July 15, 2019, during pre-market hours, Exelon filed a Current Report on Form 8-K with the SEC, disclosing that both Exelon and ComEd had “received a grand jury subpoena from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois requiring production of information concerning their lobbying activities in the State of Illinois.”

Then, on October 9, 2019, during pre-market hours, Exelon filed another Current Report on Form 8-K with the SEC, disclosing that, on October 4, 2019, both Exelon and ComEd “received a second grand jury subpoena from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois that requires production of records of any communications with certain individuals and entities, including Illinois State Senator Martin Sandoval.” That Current Report also disclosed that, as far back as “[o]n June 21, 2019, the Exelon Corporation Board formed a Special Oversight Committee, consisting solely of independent directors, to oversee [Exelon and ComEd’s] cooperation and compliance with the subpoena, any further action taken by the U.S. Attorney and any resulting actions that may be required or recommended.”

On October 15, 2019, shortly before the market closed, Exelon issued a press release announcing the abrupt departure of Anne Pramaggiore (“Pramaggiore”), Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of Exelon Utilities, and former President/CEO of ComEd. The Company’s statement on Pramaggiore’s retirement offered no reason for her departure, but analysts following the Company came to the conclusion that the criminal subpoenas and Pramaggiore’s abrupt resignation were related. On this news, Exelon’s stock price fell $2.15 per share, or 4.57%, to close at $44.91 per share on October 16, 2019.

Then, on October 31, 2019, during intraday trading, Exelon filed a Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q with the SEC, disclosing that “[o]n October 22, 2019, the SEC notified Exelon and ComEd that it has also opened an investigation into their lobbying activities.” On this news, Exelon’s stock price fell $1.17 per share, or 2.51%, to close at $45.49 per share on October 31, 2019.

Finally, on November 1, 2019, after the market opened, the Chicago Tribunereported that “[a] source with knowledge of the case in Chicago” confirmed that “Pramaggiore is one focus of the ongoing federal investigation.” According to the same article, “[t]he ComEd lobbying investigation dates to at least mid-May, when the FBI executed search warrants at the homes of former lobbyist Mike McClain of Quincy, a longtime confidant of House Speaker Michael Madigan, and of former 23rd Ward Ald. Michael Zalewski” (emphasis added). Additionally, “[t]he information sought by the FBI included records of communications among Madigan, McClain and Zalewski about attempts to obtain ComEd lobbying work for Zalewski.” On this news, Exelon’s stock price fell an additional $0.15 per share to close at $45.34 per share on November 1, 2019—a total decline of 2.83% since the initial announcement of the SEC investigation.

The lawsuit is here.

* One aspect of the lawsuit is Exelon’s “Code of Conduct” for its lobbying operation

No Exelon personnel may engage in lobbying activities on behalf of the Company, testify or provide comments before any legislative committees for Exelon, or accept an appointment to an advisory or study group established by a legislative body or administrative agency on behalf of Exelon without first obtaining the approval of Government and Regulatory Affairs or the Legal Department. Government and Regulatory Affairs will also help ensure compliance with all lobbying registration, reporting, and disclosure requirements. All Exelon lobbyists are expected to follow both the letter and spirit of the lobbying laws and to maintain the highest standards of professional integrity.

Which leads to this claim

Specifically, Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) Exelon and/or its employees were engaged in unlawful lobbying activities; (ii) the foregoing increased the risk of a criminal investigation into Exelon; (iii) ComEd’s revenues were in part the product of unlawful conduct and thus unsustainable; and (iv) that, as a result, the Company’s public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times.


Because… Madigan!

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I leased a Cadillac through this dealership maybe five or six years ago, so that’s why I’m on this email list…

News Update regarding the New 2020 Illinois Trade-In Tax from Patrick Cadillac/Volvo.

Why are you receiving this email? Patrick Cadillac and Patrick Volvo Cars is working hard to communicate with their customers and we want to keep you up to date. If your considering to trade your vehicle in for New, Certified Pre-Owned or Pre-Owned vehicle with us now is the time to take action.

WHAT IS THE NEW TRADE-IN TAX? A new Illinois law becomes effective on January 1st, 2020 that eliminates the tax benefit of trading in your vehicle.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Illinois currently collects no sales tax on the car’s trade-in value. Your car will currently act as an untaxed credit towards your new vehicle purchase. Starting January 1st 2020, sales tax will be charged on trade-in value over $10,000.

To learn more or see an example of how this would affect your trade-in option at Patrick Cadillac click here
To learn more or see an example of how this would affect your trade-in option at Patrick Volvo Cars click here

Update to the New Law below


Illinois lawmakers adjourned the Fall Veto Session without calling [the Illinois Automobile Dealers Association’s] legislative proposal to repeal the $10,000 cap on the motor vehicle trade-in credit that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2020.

Despite having strong, bipartisan support in the General Assembly, the Speaker of the House refused to have IADA’s amendment to repeal the trade-in cap called for a vote during the Veto Session. Over the past several months, IADA met with many legislators and staff from the legislature and Governor’s Office, virtually all of whom were receptive to IADA’s proposal to restore the trade-in credit. We extend our thanks to our many dealer-members who met with their legislators and who generated over 4,000 letters to legislators and the Governor to urge a repeal of the $10,000 trade-in cap.

We hope to start fresh in the Spring Legislative Session to try to reverse the cap before it causes too much harm.

Strong bipartisan support? A small handful of members signed on as co-sponsors.


Pritzker sends president a letter consenting to receive refugees

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Monday he fully supports allowing refugees to resettle in Illinois, and he is expected to sign a letter to the Trump administration to that effect in the coming days.

Such a letter of consent is now required from state and local officials under an executive order that President Donald Trump issued earlier this year. Under that order, state and local officials have until Dec. 25 to issue written statements of consent.

“As the great grandson of a Jewish refugee from Ukraine, the president’s attacks on immigrant families are deeply personal to me,” Pritzker said in an email statement. “I will always embrace refugees with open arms, and under my administration Illinois will always be a welcoming state that values the contributions immigrants make in our society.”

* Press release…

Recognizing the countless contributions refugees make in the state of Illinois and across our nation, Governor JB Pritzker wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to welcome refugees to Illinois.

“As the Governor of Illinois, I proudly consent to the continuation of refugee admission to our state and extend a warm welcome to refugees who have come and will be coming to Illinois,” writes Gov. Pritzker in the Dec. 17 letter.

The Governor’s letter follows an executive order from President Trump aimed at turning refugees away. The Dec. 17 letter reads as follows and a copy is attached:

Honorable Secretary Pompeo,

Since 1975, the State of Illinois has welcomed and resettled more than 130,000 refugees from more than 86 countries. In recent years, 1,000 to 3,000 refugees, those seeking asylum, and victims of human trafficking arrived in Illinois annually. Refugees have successfully rebuilt their lives and made positive social and economic contributions to Illinois. They have helped revitalize neighborhoods and added to the cultural vitality of our state and communities.

As the Governor of Illinois and the great-grandson of refugees, I am committed to ensuring that Illinois is a welcoming state, especially for refugees and those seeking asylum. As survivors of persecution, refugees embody the importance of human rights, democracy, and freedom. Refugees’ resilience in the face of hardship inspires courage, hope, and perseverance. And refugees’ countless contributions undoubtedly make our states and nation stronger.

Importantly, refugees admitted through the United States must go through extensive security screening prior to their arrival. This process ensures that their claims are valid and that they are not a security risk to the United States. The security vetting can last more than two years and includes five background checks, four biometric security checks, and multiple interviews with United States officials. Once admitted to the United States, refugees are required to become self-sufficient and integrated into their new communities as soon as possible.

The New American Economy’s report From Struggle to Resilience, the Economic Impact of Refugees in America and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s report The Economic and Social Outcomes of Refugees in the U.S. have documented that:

    * Refugees pay $21,000 more in taxes than they receive in benefits on average in their first 20 years in the U.S.
    * Refugee rates of entrepreneurship (15%) exceed other immigrants (11.5%) as well as U.S. born (9%).
    * Refugees become citizens at a higher rate than non-refugee immigrants. In 2015, 84% of eligible refugees were naturalized citizens as compared to 51% of other immigrants.
    * Refugee children do as well as U.S.-born children on measures of education attainment.
    Over 77% of refugees are of working age as compared to 49.7% of the U.S.-born population, helping to meet U.S. labor force needs.

Illinois communities have clearly benefited from having refugees in our midst. We coordinate with the U.S. State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement, as well as the non-profit sector, to make sure that local communities are consulted and engaged in an on-going, positive effort to welcome refugees and ensure that refugees can realize their full potential in our country.

With a global humanitarian crisis of more than 70 million forcibly displaced individuals, including 25 million who are refugees seeking asylum, the United States should continue to provide leadership, in partnership with other countries, to offer resettlement for refugees. Our nation has the capacity to admit significantly more than the 18,000-person limit set by the presidential determination for FY20. I believe it is in our national interest and consistent with our national values to do so.

As the Governor of Illinois, I proudly consent to the continuation of refugee admission to our state and extend a warm welcome to refugees who have come and will be coming to Illinois.


JB Pritzker


Toys for the LSSI kids, a final plea and a vote

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For the past several years, Becky Carroll has brought a load of toys to my annual City Club “Christmas with Rich Miller” speech to donate to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. She’s never once asked me to publicly thank her. She does it because she wants to help the kids.

Since I didn’t do the City Club event this year, Becky asked me for a contact person at LSSI so she could donate toys again. She delivered 40 toys and games to LSSI a few days ago.

I neglected to ask Becky to take some pictures of the toys, so I reached out to Joy Medrano at LSSI to see if she had any photographs.

Email from Joy…

Hi Rich-

Sorry for the delay in my response. Here is a small sample of what Becky sent.

I gave quite a few toys away to children at our Visits to Mom party this past Saturday. The Visits program enables children and their care givers to visit their mothers who are incarcerated. The kids were so excited to receive the toys.

This current batch will be going to our Intact South Program. Thankful to both you and Becky for this incredible gift!

More on LSSI’s Intact program is here. Info on Visit to Mom is here.

And here’s one of Joy’s pics…

Thanks, Becky!

* As I write this, we have raised $8,250 for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, most of it donated in a single day. That’s far more than we ever raised at any of my City Club events.

How about we try to reach $9,000 (or even $10k) by this Friday? Let’s help this group. And, remember, we’re doing this in honor of the late Wordslinger, a proud Lutheran who was profoundly disturbed by what happened to social service providers like LSSI during the impasse.

Please, click here. Thanks!

* Speaking of our late commenter, the Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Commenter would normally be given this Friday, the last day the blog will be open before Christmas. I’ve been wondering what we should do about it. Should we just give it to Wordslinger in his memory? Or should we open it up to all commenters?

Vote here and debate in comments

find bike trails

Thanks and don’t forget to contribute.


Decatur police will use blood tests to check drivers for pot use

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Decatur Herald & Review

Police in Decatur and Macon County are gearing up for what officials expect will be an increase in impaired drivers after recreational cannabis becomes legal in Illinois next month.

Police and sheriff’s deputies are already trained to spot drivers who are drunk or high, but many are receiving additional training. Enforcing the new law could be complicated because cannabis can take many forms, such as edibles, which can look and smell like regular food. While a breathalyzer test can detect whether a driver has been drinking, blood tests will be used to determine if someone is driving while impaired by cannabis — expanding on a tool police already use to find drugs in a driver’s system.

“We will enforce how we interpret the legislation to the best of our ability,” said Decatur Police Chief Jim Getz. “We are going to make traffic stops based on violations and use our observations to take the next steps if things go further.”

The blood tests could be done at a hospital or by police who are trained in forensic phlebotomy. Of 10 officers in the state with such training, four of them are in Macon County, according to several of those interviewed by the Herald & Review.

You have to scroll down further to see this, though

If an officer finds enough probable cause for an arrest, the officer will read the driver his or her rights from a form called the “warning to motorist.” This includes information about being able to consent or refuse chemical testing. The driver will be asked to allow blood and urine tests, [Larry Brooks, Decatur master patrol officer who is trained in forensic phlebotomy] said. […]

If police determine through field sobriety testing that more analysis is needed, they will proceed only if the driver gives written consent, Brooks said. Under state law, Illinois residents can refuse DUI testing, but face an automatic driver’s license suspension — or in more serious cases, revocation — if they do so, according to the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office. […]

If consent isn’t given, state law does allow police to obtain a search warrant for blood tests. Brooks said, as an example, this might be done in cases involving a crash that resulted in serious injury or death. […]

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a vein, particularly if the person is dehydrated or using illegal drugs, Brooks said. If the officer cannot successfully draw the blood from the hand or elbow after two attempts, the person will be sent to a hospital to allow medical personnel to take the blood from an easier access point. Suspects are also brought to a hospital for testing if a forensic phlebotomist is not available.

So, if the cops say you have to take a blood test and you refuse, they can obtain a warrant or you can lose your license. And if you consent, you could wind up being taken to a hospital.

Totally not an overreaction.

* And then there’s this

The Decatur Police Department received a $500,000 donation from the Howard Buffett foundation. That money will be used to hire a new officer that is solely focused on catching drivers who are under the influence.


Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Lifetime Service in the Illinois House goes to former Rep. Michael McAuliffe (R-Chicago)

His history in the House is fascinating if you take a long view. He was one of the few republicans who got along really well with Madigan until the relationship soured. I believe he served as a chair of a committee at one point. For years he was known as one of the most bipartisan members, often helping newer Democrats learn how to deal with the republican caucus. Add to the equation that he’s passed some great bills, helped mentor dozens of GOP members, and was lucky enough to marry an amazing wife.

* The 2019 Golden Horseshoe Award for Lifetime Service in the Illinois Senate goes to retiring Sen. Dale Righter (R-Mattoon)

Senate debates will never be the same after Dale Righter is gone. He could briefly look over a bill and then immediately tear it apart from top to bottom, and he could make anyone, on any side of the issue, reconsider their plan to vote. He is so fast and so smooth and could verbally destroy your bill while maintaining the utmost respect for you and the institution of the Senate to the point that many of his “victims” would smile and get a kick out of the verbal barrage. Absolutely a one-of-a-kind debater. Will be missed by all. Plus there’s that one really tough vote he took…

Again, lots of very solid nominations were made. Thanks to those who participated and congrats to our winners!

…Adding… From Sen. Righter…

Rich, if you would, please pass along my thanks to the commenters who were very gracious in their words

* On to today’s categories…

* Best Legislative Liaison

* Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist

Please explain your nominations or they will not count and please nominate in both categories if you can. Have fun!


Is this fight truly necessary?

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Both Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Gov. J.B. Pritzker are pushing different candidates to take the helm of the agency that operates Chicago’s economically crucial McCormick Place convention center, a development that could be resolved amicably or could lead to some serious jockeying between the two officials.

Sources close to the matter say the mayor has been talking up Jeff Bethke, now executive vice president and CFO at DePaul University, to take over as CEO of the Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, or McPier as it’s generally known. Bethke served on Lightfoot’s transition team and once worked as an aide to former Chicago Public Library Commissioner Mary Dempsey, a close kitchen cabinet adviser to the mayor. […]

Sources say Pritzker has promoted two local officials: Arnie Rivera, the former budget director at Chicago Public Schools and now CPS’ chief operating officer, and Larita Clark, a veteran McPier staffer who currently is its acting CEO and the CFO. […]

By tradition in recent decades, the mayor has chosen the person who becomes chairman and the governor the CEO. But that situation began to break down under former Gov. Bruce Rauner, who “didn’t care about McPier very much,” one agency source told me.

United Airlines General Counsel Brett Hart is the current chairperson.

According to a search of the State Board of Elections, the only campaign contributions ever made by Jeff Bethke were to Mayor Lightfoot.

Unless Pritzker’s choices are completely unacceptable (and I have not yet seen any evidence of that), perhaps the mayor should let tradition dictate here. She’ll eventually get to choose the chairperson.


Mendoza uses GOP delegation’s anti-Blagojevich letter to urge Trump impeachment

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Comptroller Susana Mendoza writing in the Tribune about impeachment past and present

Trump held up your tax dollars, which Congress had authorized on a bipartisan basis to help Ukraine fight their war against the Russians, until Ukraine’s president would do Trump a campaign “favor” by publicly announcing an investigation of Trump’s campaign rival Joe Biden and his son. That’s extortion — as clear and simple as it was with Blagojevich holding up money for doctors at a children’s hospital. Or you could call it “abuse of power,” as it’s described in the articles of impeachment.

Illinois’ entire Republican congressional delegation signed a letter to President Trump in 2018 spelling out the “abuse of power,” “extortion” and “quid pro quo” Blagojevich committed as governor that they said warranted impeachment. They begged him not to pardon Blagojevich because they felt so strongly about not looking the other way from public corruption. They were right to write that letter.

Surely they could not hold their heads up now in public and argue that Democratic abuse of power is impeachable but that Republican abuse of power is … well, what everybody does?

Congressmen and senators, all that evidence and testimony you have already heard is before you now as articles of impeachment.

* From the GOP delegation’s letter to the president

We believe that it is important to outline why facts from the case of former Gov. Blagojevich show a much larger problem and underlying pattern of public corruption. During his tenure in the governor’s office, Rod Blagojevich participated in several pay-to-play practices in which he attempted to solicit money in exchange for official public acts. Two examples include withholding $8 to $10 million in reimbursement money from Children’s Memorial Hospital until they agreed to contribute over $50,000 to his campaign and withholding the signing of a piece of legislation beneficial to race tracks until one of the race track owners agreed to a $100,000 campaign contribution.

Bottom line is he withheld government action in exchange for a campaign favor on at least two occasions.

Before you comment, take a very deep and calming breath. Keep the back-and-forth to a minimum. Say what you gotta say and move along.


CTU hit with defamation cease and desist letter

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From Politico

Alaina Hampton, the political consultant who recently settled a sexual harassment case with Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and his Democratic organization, is still in a battle with the Chicago Teachers Union. During her suit with the Dems, Hampton had claimed CTU did not hire her because she had been blackballed by Madigan’s organization. Hampton had sought documents from CTU, but the organization initially refused. It eventually was compelled to turn over the documents.

The case is now settled, but Hampton says CTU has continued to disparage her on social media, so her legal team filed a cease and desist order.

Hampton revealed the legal move Monday in a tweet directed to CTU after a spokeswoman described the case as having “factual distortions, hyperbole and outright lies.” The spokeswoman’s tweet was deleted, but not before Hampton responded with her own tweet: “You can’t hide from the truth. That’s one reason my attorneys sent you and CTU a cease and desist for defamation a month ago.”


Lightfoot on gaming bill failure: “People came out of the woodwork with their ‘letters to Santa’”

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cole Lauterbach at the Center Square on Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s unsuccessful veto session bid to change the state gaming law to help Chicago land a casino

But her lobbying efforts hit a roadblock when news broke that a state lawmaker had been arrested for allegedly offering a state senator who had been wearing a federal wiretap a series of bribes in exchange for supporting another piece of gambling legislation.

“It didn’t help that, on the very first day of veto session, there was a criminal charge announced of a legislator around gaming,” Lightfoot told the Economic Club of Chicago. “I felt like at that point we may not even be in the conversation.”

As the veto session came to a close, it became clear that Lightfoot would come up short. She revealed Tuesday just how close it was.

“By our whip count, we had fifty-five votes in the House and we needed sixty so we were close despite those odds,” she said.

One of the difficulties she said her team ran up against was a legislative effort to add what she called “tinsel to the Christmas tree,” or markup the bill with add-ons they wanted.

“They saw this piece of legislation, particularly around casinos, as their one opportunity to get something that they felt they were promised,” she said. “People came out of the woodwork with their ‘letters to Santa.’ ”

The impetus for the change in the already passed gambling legislation was a report that said the tax and fee structure for a Chicago casino was too high to attract a developer.

Lightfoot said she was confident an agreement could be reached when lawmakers return to Springfield in 2020.

Legislators were, indeed, asking for a lot of stuff. Some thought they had an agreement with the mayor and then others jumped in when they saw goodies being passed out.

It’s never easy to pass a gaming bill, particularly a stand-alone bill like this one which the mayor tried to muscle through in a hurry.

…Adding… Some good points here…



*** UPDATED x1 *** Lightfoot praised for “new and innovative” cannabis social equity idea

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is working to form a city-owned marijuana cultivation co-op that aspiring entrepreneurs could buy into to address some of the inequities in the legal marijuana business, she said Monday.

“I would like to have the opportunity for the city to create a cooperative cultivation center so that we can bring a professional in … then people will buy into the cooperative even with a modest cash investment or sweat equity and eventually, after they learn the business from top to bottom, turn that over to them,” Lightfoot said.

* Sun-Times

Lightfoot said up to $15 million generated by tax-increment financing could be used as seed money for the plan to open a “cooperative cultivation center” that residents of color could “buy into” — either with a “modest cash investment” or with “sweat equity.”

She said the idea is aimed at overcoming the biggest impediment to minority ownership: access to capital.

“This is a very, very expensive business to get involved with. The basics to be a cultivator requires about a $13 million to $15 million investment. There are not a lot of people that have that, particularly in a market that a lot of banks and traditional lenders won’t touch,” she said.

“I think the only way to really crack this nut is for the city to invest its own resources to get engaged, get diverse entrepreneurs involved in the most lucrative part of the business, which is cultivation,” Lightfoot added.

It may be lucrative, but growing anything involves significant risk.

* Crain’s

As interesting as it sounds, it’s not clear how, or if, it could work. Marijuana businesses are licensed by the state, although local governments have control whether to allow them to set up shop via the zoning process. As Chicago has found, it’s often not clear where one stops and the other begins.

The state isn’t planning to issue new cultivation licenses, beyond the 22 facilities licensed under the medical-marijuana law, for another two years. […]

The state soon will take applications for 40 “craft-grower” licenses that will be awarded in July. Under the law, such growing facilities could be 5,000 to 14,000 square feet. Cultivation centers can be up to 210,000 square feet. Up to 60 more “craft-grow” licenses will be issued by Dec. 21, 2021.

In an effort to increase diversity, the state will award a 20 percent bonus to applications from people who qualify for “social-equity” status because they’ve lived in areas hit hard by poverty and the war on drugs or have criminal records related to minor marijuana possession offenses.

* Pritzker administration…

The administration is excited that people are discussing new and innovative approaches to equity and we look forward to exploring those options when the application period for cultivation centers begins in 2021.

* Context from CBS 2

Facing a potential City Council showdown over an alderman’s bid to push back the start of recreational marijuana sales in Chicago from January to July, Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Monday said she’s confident she’ll be able to work out a compromise to avoid a delay.

Ald. Jason Ervin (28th), who chairs the City Council Black Caucus, has moved to force a City Council vote this week on his proposal to delay legal weed sales in the city for six months.

Ervin’s ordinance has been bottled up in the Committee on Contracting Oversight and Equity since he introduced it in October, receiving only a subject matter hearing – but no vote – since then. So he has invoked a City Council rule allowing him to force a vote on proposed legislation after it’s sat idle for at least 60 days. […]

Lightfoot sounded cautiously optimistic that, one way or another, she will avoid a delay in recreational marijuana sales in Chicago.

“I met with Alderman Ervin last week, and my staff continues to talk to he and other members of the Black Caucus,” she said. “I think we’re going to get there. I understand their concern. They want to make sure that this new law speaks to the inequities that have befallen black and brown communities, particularly over the war on drugs.”

* ABC 7

Monday members of the Black Caucus met at 6th Ward Alderman Rod’s Sawyer’s South Side office to discuss options.

“What we gain is the fact that no sales, no commerce. Again we have very specific points that we have brought about that we would like to see changed, the state didn’t give us a lot of flexibility in this matter,” said Ald. Ervin.

But one of the chief architects of the law, State Representative Kelly Cassidy, said delaying sales would be counterproductive, because income and fees from medical dispensaries, which will be the first to sell adult-use cannabis, provides money for loans and grants for minorities applying for licenses.

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

As social equity applicants continue to apply for the coming round of cannabis dispensary licenses, the Pritzker Administration today opened applications for the first $21 million Low Cost Loan Program that was authorized in the cannabis law signed in June. The initiative is funded through the Cannabis Business Development Fund, created by the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, to support social equity applicants seeking cannabis business licenses.

The fund is primarily supported through the licensing fees of the first round of dispensaries and cultivators, among other sources. As additional early use licenses for dispensaries and cultivators are awarded, the available funds for loans are expected to surpass $30 million. […]

The low-interest loans will be available to those applying for a license to operate a cannabis business that meet the following criteria as set forth in the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act:

• Has at least 51% ownership and control by one or more Illinois residents who:

    o Have lived in a Disproportionately Impacted Area in 5 of the past 10 years. Disproportionately Impacted Areas are census tracts that have high rates of arrest and incarceration related to cannabis offenses, among other qualifications including high poverty and unemployment. A map of these areas is available here.
    o Have been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for cannabis-related offenses eligible for expungement, including cannabis possession up to 500 grams or intent to deliver up to 30 grams.
    o Have a parent, child, or spouse that has been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for cannabis-related offenses eligible for expungement, including possession up to 500 grams or intent to deliver up to 30 grams.

• Has more than 10 full-time employees, and more than half of those employees:

    o Currently reside in a Disproportionately Impacted Area.
    o Have been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for cannabis-related offenses eligible for expungement, including cannabis possession up to 500 grams or intent to deliver up to 30 grams.
    o Have a parent, child, or spouse that has been arrested for, convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for cannabis-related offenses eligible for expungement, including possession up to 500 grams or intent to deliver up to 30 grams.

In addition to the above, other criteria will be considered for qualification for a loan, including business plans, financial details, operational and compliance information, and need. While the interest rates for all loans will be below market rate, the specific rate, size and duration of each loan will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Successful applicants will receive pre-approval for a Cannabis Social Equity Loan, conditional on receipt of a license.


Pritzker: “The speaker knows where I stand on all of these matters related to corruption”

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Bishop at the Center Square

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Monday that House Speaker Michael Madigan knows how he feels about the cloud of corruption at the Illinois statehouse, although the governor said he hasn’t spoken directly about the issue with the leader of the state’s Democratic party.

The latest in a series of a stream of corruption news included a report that a Madigan ally had tried to thwart the governor’s selection of a chief of staff. The Chicago Sun-Times this week reported former ComEd lobbyist Michael McClain sent messages to the governor’s office to try to block the governor’s choice.

“I was very upset when I read these remarks that somebody was making at the time, now it turns out as I understand it was who was reported today,” Pritzker said Monday.

Federal investigators raided McClain’s home this summer. The Chicago Tribune reported that emails showed McClain set up payments to a former Madigan aide after the aide was fired amid sexual harassment allegations. McClain has not been charged with a crime.

The report that McLain was trying to thwart Pritzker’s chief of staff selection comes after a report from the Chicago Tribune that said Madigan’s son was the subject of a federal investigation.

Pritzker was asked if he had talked to Madigan about federal investigations.

“I have not,” Pritzker said. “We honestly, the times when I do speak with the Speaker, it’s about legislation that I’m trying to get through. Sometimes he agrees with me. Sometimes he disagrees with me.”

Pritzker said the speaker knows where he stands on corruption.

“We need to make sure that we’re putting forward legislation that deals with ethical lapses, the crimes that seem to have been committed,” Pritzker said. […]

Pritzker said the corruption investigations were upsetting.

“I’m upset that there are people who have acted in a corrupt fashion in our government, in the legislature, they should be rooted out,” Pritzker said. “I want them out of government. They don’t deserve to hold public office.”

* Brian Mackey at Illinois Public Radio

Pritzker has always taken a diplomatic approach to Madigan, even as the speaker faced scandals over aides accused of sexual harassment and, more recently, was named in federal inquiries.

Chicago public radio station WBEZ-FM has reported investigators sought information about Madigan in raids. And the Chicago Tribune says the feds are asking questions about the speaker’s political operation.

Asked whether he had spoken to Madigan about the investigations, Pritzker suggested a conversation is unnecessary.

“The speaker knows where I stand on all of these matters related to corruption,” Pritzker said. “I intend to be out front, as I have been, talking about and advocating for significant changes in our ethics laws.”

Your thoughts about what the governor should or shouldn’t do on this MJM topic?


Pritzker announces early childhood initiatives

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


Illinois Governor JB Pritzker released new details about how to improve early childhood centers throughout the state on Monday. […]

Under the Rebuild Illinois plan, $100 million will go towards improving early childhood centers across the state. […]

He also announced that there will be an increase in the reimbursement rates for early childhood centers and homecare providers to allow more open spaces for families in need. […]

“For rural counties, that will mean an increase of 20 percent and overall the increase would be five percent statewide,” Pritzker said.


Pritzker said the goal of this is to “improve access to stable care for low-income families and increase wages of early childhood providers.”

For those in counties identified as Group 2, the governor announced another 15 percent for reimbursements on top of the statewide 5 percent.

Group 2 counties in central Illinois include Bureau, LaSalle, Livingston, Logan, Menard, Mason, Fulton, McDonough, Knox and Putnam counties.

Pritzker also announced another $3 million in funding for training for early childcare workers and the establishment of the 29-member Illinois Commission on Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care Funding.

* And he announced a commission

Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Monday announced a new commission to study the state’s early childhood education system.

The 29-member group is made up of several state legislators along with the state superintendent of education and other advocates, providers and school officials.

Leading the charge on one of the governor’s campaign promises, the commission is tasked with offering recommendations on how to better use state funds for early childhood services. […]

The commission will be co-chaired by “four of Illinois’ giants in education,” as Pritzker put it: State Sen. Andy Manar, who helped develop the state’s new evidence-based school funding formula; former state House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie; former state board of education chairman and now deputy governor Jesse Ruiz; and George Davis, the longtime leader of the Rockford Human Services Department.

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Tuesday, Dec 17, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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