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Does Illinois need a wage cut?

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Pat Quinn campaign has rightly noted that Sen. Bill Brady recently announced support for a $2,000 annual pay cut for full time minimum wage employees

Republican governor candidate Sen. Bill Brady today said he supports lowering Illinois’ minimum wage if he wins in November and the state rate remains higher than the federal one.

“For the state of Illinois to come in and micromanage wages above the federal minimum wage is a mistake,” Brady, a state senator from Bloomington, told reporters.

Illinois’ minimum wage will rise a quarter to $8.25 an hour on July 1, a dollar above the $7.25 federal minimum wage that took effect last July. […]

“When you try to over-manage the private sector, the private sector has choices, and they move, which is why the state of Illinois, under Blagojevich and Quinn, has lost nearly as many jobs as the state of Texas has gained,” Brady said.

Roeper weighs in

I get Brady’s point — but I still don’t see how one can advocate lowering the minimum wage. According to the Living Wage Calculator, if you live in Cook County, you have to earn a minimum of $9.95 an hour to cover food, housing, transportation, etc. (That’s for one adult. For one adult with one child, the Living Wage is $18.13.)


* Not surprisingly, Brady skipped Chicago’s Pride Parade

Shortly before Chicago’s annual Gay Pride Parade kicked off on Sunday, Republican state Sen. Bill Brady was gearing up for another event 40 miles west that commemorates the Swedish heritage of the Kane County suburb of Geneva.

“Well, this has been on our calendar a long time,” Brady said of his appearance at Geneva’s Swedish Day festival and parade. “The Swedish parade has got a long history and tradition and so we’re honored to be invited to be part of this.”

Asked by reporters if, as a social conservative, he would have marched in the Pride Parade, a celebration of gay rights, Brady responded: “I don’t know. I’d have to think about it. I didn’t even know the (Pride) Parade was going on today. It is? We’re here.”

* In other news, Gov. Quinn hinted that he’ll be taking some budget action soon

Gov. Pat Quinn on Saturday appeared resigned to dealing with the out-of-whack state budget lawmakers sent to him last month.

For weeks, the governor has been calling on the Democrat-controlled Senate to return to the Capitol to pass a $4 billion borrowing plan to make state worker pension payments. But with the new budget year set to start Thursday, there’s no sign of that happening.

“They didn’t want to make any cuts whatsoever,” Quinn said, while speaking to reporters at ithe Center on Halsted in Lakeview, where he signed a bill requiring high school social workers to undergo suicide prevention training. “They basically said the governor of Illinois will have to make all the decisions regarding health care, education, public safety, and they gave me a lump-sum budget.”

* And Brady chided Quinn for offering up a weak excuse

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady said Friday that if antiquated computers are to blame for escaped parolees, Gov. Pat Quinn should have ordered a prison-system technology upgrade before he released criminals early last fall.

Brady criticized Quinn for a “consistent blame game” regarding the “MGT Push” program, in which more than 1,700 criminals — hundreds of them violent — were secretly freed weeks early.

* Brady also defended Mark Kirk

GOP nominee for governor Bill Brady defended his party’s U.S. Senate nominee Friday, saying that suburban congressman Mark Kirk has served his country honorably despite the recent revelations he had embellished his military record.

“At the end of the day, Congressman Kirk’s military service is honorable and you can’t take that away from him,” Brady said in response to a question from reporters after his speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars statewide convention in Springfield.

* Related and a roundup…

* Bob Dold Thinks The Rules Don’t Apply to Him: Lo and behold, simultaneous to all of this happening in the virtual world Mr. Dold had boxes and boxes full of flyers printed up in the real world showing the exact same Trib logo with the same endorsement quote as he had on his site, then removed from his site, then put back on his site albeit with caveats. Problem is he’s using these Tribune-laden flyers for the general election — handing them out at train stations, ice cream shops, etc. in recent days — and the print-version Trib “endorsement” quote does not clarify that their nod came back in January during the primary:

* JournalStandard: Quinn ignores DOC issues

* As Quinn’s running mate, Simon courting women voters

* Journal-Courier: Cohen adds to state of confusion

* 14th District candidates speak out on unemployment

* Word on the Street: Candidate to Koehler: Let me stay

* Independent seeks new McHenry County judge post

* RR Star: Illinois Views: Ballot access unfair, needs to be fixed

* Governor Says Budget Information to Come This Week

* Illinois Borrowing $900 Million as Credit-Default Cost Doubles

* Pantagraph: Furlough plan doesn’t do much to reduce deficit

* Daley picks former aides, Shedd chairman for temporary McPier board

* Daley appoints 3 to McPier board

* Erickson: Quinn erasing some of Blagojevich’s legacy

* Quinn signs anti-bullying legislation

* Quinn to sign law at Scott Air Force Base

* New laws target fraud, inefficiency in Medicaid

* State Supreme Court rules underage drinkers don’t need to be driving to lose license

* Pantagraph: Court ruling on teen drinking can save lives

* Residents share mixed feelings on futuristic ‘low-speed vehicles’

* Experts warn: Add safety measures for high-speed rail

* Asian carp forces troubleshooters to dream big

* SJ-R: There’s no reason to ‘rethink’ new FOIA

* RR Star: U of I austerity moves need to start at the top

* VIDEO: Expectations After STAR Bonds Bill

* Southern Illinois development bonds plan approved, next step is luring businesses

* Biz owners skeptical, but happy to receive job creation tax credit

* Illinois Invests $10 Million For Advanced Emergency Response Center


How things are done here

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Despite the quite troubling fact that a recent Tribune story was ginned up by a mayor who made some apparently horrible decisions, the piece is a good example of how things are done in Illinois.

The backstory from the Southtown Star

A report on Oak Lawn’s legal billing issues is hanging heavily over the village’s head as officials debate their next move - and the report’s value.

Prepared by special counsel Burt Odelson and released earlier this month, the report accuses the village’s former attorneys of chronic overbilling and legal strategy blunders that potentially cost the village hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Trustee Bob Streit (3rd) said that the village’s continued payment of too-high legal bills “constitutes misappropriation” and hinted that some laws may have even been broken. […]

The report recounts a pattern of sloppy billing, including multiple attorneys working on the same issue, bills with missing information and questionable expenses.

Mayor Dave Heilmann, who hired the old firm, completely disagrees. And he’s the only person in the Tribune piece who questions how House Speaker Michael Madigan stepped in and helped Oak Lawn clean up their act.

Anyway, some Oak Lawn leaders, including the above-mentioned village trustee Bob Streit, met with Madigan to pitch a big water project that the village couldn’t seem to get moving. Things did, indeed, start moving in the right direction soon afterwards. Then, something else started happening as well

As Madigan put his political force behind the project, firms and lawyers associated with him saw new business flow their way from the Oak Lawn Village Hall. All told, Madigan’s allies now stand to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

The speaker recommended the new village attorney, and he helped raise campaign money for the village trustee who recommended another connected law firm to work on the water project.

Trustee Streit, a conservative who was eventually the beneficiary of a Madigan fundraiser, flatly denies anything untoward happened. Past problems are now being fixed. But the new attorneys have close ties to Madigan and have contributed quite a lot to his campaign funds. One of those firms hired Democratic state Rep. Lou Lang not long after winning the contract, although Lang claims there was zero connection. Another firm is represented by the son of US Sen. Dick Durbin.

So, things get cleaned up, the taxpayers save money, but the Speaker’s friends and allies benefit. That’s pretty much how things go here.

* Meanwhile, the Speaker penned an op-ed for the Southtown Star over the weekend…

In discussing the causes of our fiscal difficulties in Illinois, it is critical to note that we are not alone - that in fact, a staggering 46 of 50 states have been forced into deficit budgets for the upcoming fiscal year. Is the state government in Illinois to blame for the national economic downturn? Of course not.

One of his more compelling arguments…

Worse yet, after hearing the GOP again trot out its claim that they could solve our fiscal problems solely through spending cuts, I called their bluff - and they blinked. I introduced legislation that would cut $4.5 billion from the budget, a figure chosen because it encompassed all the money needed to make the state pension payment. Not one Republican voted for cutting, just as they all voted against the means to meet our pension obligations. Then, I invited them to introduce amendments to my bill to cut whatever particular programs they wished - and not a single Republican identified a single cut!

Madigan’s staff has also posted a companion background briefing on the state party’s website. Click here to read it.


Question of the day

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

Six years ago, when he was merely a state senator and not yet the Republican nominee for governor, Bill Brady was pushing an idea that was something like an Illinois version of Mount Rushmore.

One of his constituents, Denny Rogers, whose long resume includes being a sculptor, had brought to Brady, of Bloomington, the idea for a possible Illinois Presidential Memorial Monument, which could be on a 400- to 600-acre site and feature 40-foot-high bronze heads of Illinois-based presidents.

At the time, that would have included Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Ronald Reagan, who had all lived in the state. Now, of course, a fourth Illinoisan could be included.

* The Question: Relying heavily on snark, what faces should appear on an “anti-Rushmore” monument in Illinois? Explain if necessary.


The headlines, not the substance, are the real problems here

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve discussed many times before, Rod Blagojevich’s subpoenas of prominent Illinois politicos is most likely much ado about little to nothing.

These subpoenas are partly Blagojevich’s way of exacting revenge on the Democratic establishment. It’s supremely embarrassing, of course, to be dragged into the trial by way of a defense subpoena, and that’s undoubtedly a prime motivation behind these filings.

But what is so often missed by reporters and pundits covering the trial is that if the defense actually follows through on these subpoenas, they will ask the witnesses to say that Blagojevich did nothing illegal in their dealings with him and his staff. That’ll also be quite embarrassing, but the defense isn’t gonna drag in Dick Durbin or the others on their long list to say they saw Blagojevich do something untoward.

Keep that in mind when reading news stories about the latest subpoena target: Alexi Giannoulias. But also keep something else in mind. Headlines like “Blagojevich subpoenas Giannoulias” are quite damaging and will look horrible when placed into TV ads, despite the reality

Giannoulias and Blagojevich were not close; Blagojevich backed a rival in the Democratic primary when Giannoulious ran for treasurer. Giannoulias also called Blagojevich the “anti-Obama” after his 2008 budget address.

And for a guy who has been repeatedly accused of exaggerations and embellishments, this is statement by Mark Kirk’s spokesperson is a bit over the top…

“Today’s news developments further emphasize the troubling pattern that has emerged concerning Alexi Giannoulias. As state treasurer, Giannoulias lost more than $70 million in Bright Start college savings funds and his family’s bank cost the FDIC nearly $400 million in losses. Now we’ve learned Giannoulias’ name has come up on federal wire taps talking about the Illinois Senate seat and he has been subpoenaed in former and disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich’s public corruption trial. This revelation raises additional questions about Alexi Giannoulias that he needs to answer.”

* Meanwhile, Mark Kirk is MIA these days

Last Monday, a group of Chicago reporters chased Illinois GOP Senate nominee Rep. Mark Kirk through a hotel kitchen. They never caught up with him after he left the stage at a public policy Senate forum sponsored by the Metropolitan Planning Council. He did not want to stop to take questions because most of them would probably have been about why he embellished his record as a Navy reserve officer.

The first of several stories about Kirk’s exaggerations on his military and teaching careers broke May 29; Kirk made a few comments at a Memorial Day parade in Arlington Heights. He met on June 3 with the editorial boards of the Sun-Times and Tribune as his campaign was dealing with its first crisis, and that’s been pretty much it. But the issue of Kirk avoiding the press goes deeper than the last few weeks.

Kirk has been ducking routine press coverage since he jumped into the Senate race. He refuses to release, when asked, his government or his political schedules. He also declines to volunteer where he is going to raise campaign cash and who hosts the events.

Kirk has the most stringent and stubborn non-disclosure policy when compared with the three other major Illinois statewide candidates.

Say what you will about Alexi Giannoulias - and you can say a lot - but the same day Broadway Bank was seized by the FDIC, he held a full-blown press conference and answered everybody’s questions. Kirk, on the other hand, has gone completely to ground.

* Related…

* Giannoulias subpoenaed by Blagojevich lawyers

* Senate candidate subpoenaed for Blagojevich trial

* Giannoulias wants no part of Blagojevich circus

* Giannoulias subpoenaed by Blagojevich lawyers

* Five Questions With…LeAlan Jones, Illinois Green Party U.S. Senate Candidate


Another day, another mistrial motion

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here we go again

The fourth full week of Rod Blagojevich’s corruption trial has gotten under way with the former governor’s attorneys asking the judge to declare a mistrial.

Former Blagojevich chief of staff John Harris was on the witness stand Monday as the trial resumed.

The defense attorneys filed their request for a mistrial citing last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision placing limits on the use of the federal honest services fraud statute.

Expect a speedy denial.

* And brother Rob wants access to the money

Attorneys kicked off Monday morning with discussion of a motion by Robert Blagojevich.

Robert filed a motion recently asking to reserve $350,000 of the campaign fund that’s paying for the ex-governor’s legal fees.

Prosecutor Reid Schar said he thought the request was “at odds” with Judge James Zagel’s previous restraining order, which the judge ordered over the governor’s $2.3 million campaign fund after Rod Blagojevich was indicted.

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column is about why Lon Monk went bad

To many Illinois politics insiders, one of the more surprising aspects of this Rod Blagojevich saga is not that the former governor was arrested. Most of them knew for years that he was heading for big trouble.

The late Chris Kelly’s alleged misdeeds as one of Blagojevich’s top fundraisers didn’t stir all that much surprise. He was a high-pressure fundraiser who wouldn’t take “No” for an answer. The conviction of wheeler, dealer Antoin “Tony” Rezko also wasn’t that far from expectations. The man was obviously up to his eyeballs in corruption.

But the name of the fourth person who prosecutors say was in on the alleged schemes to skim as much money as possible during the Blagojevich era has taken quite a few insiders aback.

Alonzo “Lon” Monk pled guilty last year to a host of crimes. He admitted that he helped shake down a racetrack official for a $100,000 contribution in exchange for a bill signing (the money was never paid). He said he met with Blagojevich, Rezko and Kelly as far back as 2002 to discuss illegally divvying up the spoils of public office, and admittemed that he accepted several $10,000 “gifts” from Rezko.

Monk comes from a well-off family, which most of his former friends and associates say they believed should have insulated him from money temptations. He didn’t need the cash, so why take it? They don’t have many answers to that question.

Monk was also a peacemaker while he worked as Blagojevich’s chief of staff. He was one of the few people who could calm the governor down and convince him to see reality, say former insiders.

The bottom line is that quite a few of the people around Blagojevich thought Monk was doing his best to keep the governor on the straight and narrow. And many are shocked that he has now admitted to being so deep into Blagojevich’s corrupt ways.

I had several conversations with Monk over the years, including a few long, informal ones. Monk abandoned the high life in California as a sports agent to come to Illinois and work for his former law school roommate. He did it out of a sense of duty to an old friend and for a new adventure in life. He seemed to work hard and keep a low profile, and he never made phony excuses for Blagojevich, like so many others on his staff.

Many of Monk’s former friends and colleagues that I’ve spoken with over the past several weeks say they just don’t believe the stories Monk told Blagojevich’s jury about how he was in on it from the get-go. They claim that Monk must’ve been severely pressured by the government into telling lies, or at least embellishments.

Monk’s plea deal knocked two years off a possible four-year prison term. He certainly had a motive to cooperate as fully as possible and tell a version of the truth approved by prosecutors.

Other former administration insiders paint a different scenario. In their way of thinking, Monk may have thought that he would go along with the schemes in order to help steer his friend Blagojevich away from the worst abuses. In fact, his testimony indicated that he did do that on more than one occasion. Monk testified that he didn’t tell Blagojevich the whole truth when the governor was pressuring him to strong-arm that racetrack owner, for instance. He said he was applying maximum effort, but in reality did not.

There is, however, a third possibility which one very high-level former Blagojevich insider offered up, and which I happen to believe is probably the case. Monk may have had good intentions when he arrived in Illinois, but Blagojevich constantly played off his inner circle members against each other and Monk’s insecurity about his position in that circle may have led him to finally say he was going to get his own piece of the action.

Monk has, after all, admitted to taking cash payments from Rezko, so he may have just been a very good crook - able to deceive just about anybody with his good looks and soft-spoken charms. In fact, that insider says Monk’s charm and good looks are “how he got away with it for so long.”

“He’s rotten to the core,” the former insider said about Monk. “He makes (Chris) Kelly look like Bambi.” Monk may very well have been the perfect front man for the loud and crass Blagojevich.

* Related…

* Fraud ruling? Experts say minimal impact on Blago

* Marin: Code of silence alive and well here; Floor by floor, case by case, it’s fair to ask why the feds — rather than state or local leaders — have had to man the front lines of the fight against corruption or police misconduct or corporate greed.

* Harris to Face Blagojevich’s Lawyers Monday

* Blagojevich defense gets to question key witness

* Statehouse Insider: Blagojevich might have to get over distaste for uniforms

* Erickson: Funny how being under oath changes the tune: In a news release announcing his departure, here’s what Tusk said: “The great thing about Governor Blagojevich is that he has the vision and courage to try to do big things, and time after time, he turns that vision into programs that have helped millions of people. It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of that team and part of that effort.”


Morning Shorts

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Roosevelt U. study finds Chicago area worst in nation for heroin abuse

Huge increases in heroin use among whites, suburbanites and teenagers are a major factor in why the Chicago area suffers what might be the nation’s worst heroin problem, according to a new study released today.

“It’s cheaper than a six-pack of beer and it’s easier to get. Drug dealers don’t ask for I.D.,” says Kathleen Kane-Willis, one of the authors of the Roosevelt University report on heroin use in Illinois from 1998 to 2008.

* 3 Killed, At Least 29 Wounded By Weekend Gunfire

* In Chicago, at least 3 dead in weekend shootings

* 10 wounded in 8 overnight shootings

* Home sales, prices rise in May

* 100% of S. Side school’s first class college-bound

About 85 percent of the Class of 2010 came from low-income families, the overwhelming majority single mother households. The students would face problems far beyond poor academics.

Safety, for example. Some kids had to alter their bus routes so they wouldn’t face gangs who might see their blazers and ties as inviting targets.[…]

At Urban Prep, every student has at least one mentor — maybe a coach or a teacher. About 60 percent of teachers at the Englewood campus (Urban Prep has another school and plans to open a third this fall) are black men. They serve as confidantes and role models to students, many of whom have no fathers in their lives.

All staff members have school-assigned cell phones so students (and parents) can phone day or night. And they do.

* Lesson in schools out for profit won’t be forgotten

* Tribune: Dancing lemons

Huberman says the state school code gives him authority to fire the bad teachers first. Karen Lewis, president-elect of the Chicago Teachers Union, says its contract calls for layoffs to be done according to tenure, “unless another method is established.”

Our guess is the teachers union will challenge the board’s decision in court.

Here’s a plea to the CTU’s president-elect: Don’t do that.

* Watchdog says Chicago school officials aren’t evaluating special education students

Equip for Equality, the state’s federally mandated watchdog for people with disabilities, said in its complaint that “hundreds of children between the ages of 3 and 5, who have been referred for evaluations, wait many months to receive a response to their request for an evaluation, or worse, never receive one.”

* Rothert: Old Navistar plant Canton’s equivalent of BP spill

* Burge Deliberations Continue

* Chicago sales tax still highest in the United States

Cook County’s portion of the sales tax is a fraction of the overall state, city and regional transportation sales tax pie. Sitting at 1.75 percent, the county’s share will be reduced to 1.25 percent on Thursday for items such as clothing, appliances or dining out.

* Another deal goes sour for Daley nephew

For the last three years, Mayor Daley’s nephew Robert G. Vanecko has been a frequent figure in the news.

First, when the Chicago Sun-Times revealed that five city pension funds gave him $68 million to investment in risky real estate deals.

Later, when a federal grand jury began investigating.

Now, Vanecko’s real estate deals are falling apart, records show, potentially jeopardizing the money he got from the pension funds representing Chicago’s police officers, teachers, city employees and CTA workers.

* Consultant sues to make Vanecko deal public

* Alderman’s son returning to city job after DUI bust

* Man accused of threatening Daley remains jailed

* Man Accused Of Threatening Daley Appears in Court

* Calumet Township trustee drowns at pool party

The body of Carlos Salgado, 26, who had dreams of a career in politics, wasn’t found at the bottom of Memorial Park Pool until Saturday morning.

Salgado was one of about 20 Park District and Calumet Township officials who attended the after-hours pool party, said Blue Island Police Chief Douglas Hoglund.

* Calumet Township trustee drowns at Blue Island Park District facility

* ShoreBank bailout probe kicked out of Wall Street reform bill

* ShoreBank probe killed

* CTA’s ad agency has track record of going off the rails

* Metra forces out its chief lawyer in new Pagano fallout

* Weis makes change at Deputy Supt. of Patrol Division

* Wrongfully convicted veteran could get $6.3 million from city

A man who spent 25 years behind bars for a brutal rape he did not commit stands to get $6.3 million from the city of Chicago under a legal settlement the City Council Finance Committee recommended today.

* [Springfield] to pay $225,000 over noose incident

* [Palatine] Officials say budget woes may put vehicle stipends on chopping block

* Some suburban officials say car allowances necessary to perform job duties

* Residents say report on future airport is absurd

The Illinois Department of Transportation last week publicly announced the results of a report it compiled and released in mid-May, which forecast population growth and demand for air cargo, passenger and general aviation services at a yet-to-be-built airport near Peotone.

It updates IDOT’s forecasts from 2004, which also found strong demand for a third Illinois airport. According to Susan Shea, IDOT’s Director of Aeronautics, the updated data demonstrates “strong future demand.”

Opponents of the state’s plans to build the airport maintain IDOT’s data are skewed to show demand and growth, when in reality demand is low and the airport is not needed.

* Drop in state revenue leaves Rock River Valley budgets in limbo

* Rockford City Council OK not needed to close 2 fire stations

* Quincy crime index shows 3 percent overall drop in 2009 compared with 2008

* Pekin inmate died in agony while pleading for help

* Job losses slow in Decatur area; construction takes harder hit

* DeWitt County Board turns down hiring of zoning administrator applicant

* Sun-Times Media chief Tyree gets ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award

* Chicago Reader’s longtime Editor Alison True is out

* Baughman family recovering after accident


*** UPDATED x2 *** This just in… SCOTUS rules against Chicago gun ban

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 9:43 am - The divided US Supreme Court ruled against Chicago’s gun laws today. An excellent source of information is the SCOTUS Blog. The full opinion can be read by clicking here.

Here are a few stories, but we’ll be updating as the day goes along. The Hill

The Supreme Court struck down a Chicago ban on handguns, ruling that the Second Amendment applies to states.

A 5-4 decision by Justice Samuel Alito ruled that the Constitution’s guarantee on the right to “keep and bear arms” prohibited Chicago from banning the possession of handguns.

“We have previously held that most of the provisions of the Bill of Rights apply with full force to both the Federal Government and the States,” Alito wrote. “Applying the standard that is well established in our case law, we hold that the Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States.”

The high court two years ago struck down Washington, D.C.’s handgun ban in District of Columbia v. Heller. But the city of Chicago contended its ban was still legal because the Second Amendment, which addresses gun rights, applied only to the federal government.

* Bloomberg

The ruling broadens the sweep of the court’s 2008 ruling interpreting the Constitution’s Second Amendment as protecting the rights of individuals, rather than just those of state-run militias. It’s a victory for the National Rifle Association, which joined a group of Chicago residents in challenging the city’s laws.

It will open a new front in the fight over gun rights, setting the stage for courtroom battles over the constitutionality of weapons restrictions around the country.

The high court’s 2008 decision said the right to bear arms “is not unlimited.” The majority said the ruling didn’t cast doubt on laws barring handgun possession by convicted felons and the mentally ill or restrictions on bringing guns into schools or government buildings.

* Time Magazine

The court was split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative-moderate justices in favor of gun rights and the four liberals, opposed.

Two years ago, the court declared that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess guns, at least for purposes of self-defense in the home.

That ruling applied only to federal laws. It struck down a ban on handguns and a trigger lock requirement for other guns in the District of Columbia, a federal city with a unique legal standing. At the same time, the court was careful not to cast doubt on other regulations of firearms here.

Gun rights proponents almost immediately filed a federal lawsuit challenging gun control laws in Chicago and its suburb of Oak Park, Ill, where handguns have been banned for nearly 30 years. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence says those laws appear to be the last two remaining outright bans.

* Tribune

The City Council could consider new gun-control measures as soon as Wednesday, Mayor Richard Daley said last week.

City Hall has been drawing up plans after the justices heard arguments in McDonald v. Chicago in early March and appeared to indicate they would rule against the city.

In an interview with the Tribune, the mayor said his primary goal would be to protect police officers, paramedics and emergency workers from being shot when responding to an incident at a home. He said he also wants to save taxpayers from the financial cost of lawsuits if police shoot someone in the house because the officer felt threatened.

“If the ban is overturned, we will see a lot of common-sense approaches in the city aimed at protecting first responders,” Daley said. “We have to have some type of registry. If a first responder goes to an apartment, they need to know if that individual has a gun.”

* Sun-Times

Washington requires gun owners to get five hours of safety training, register their firearms every three years and face criminal background checks every six years.

Gun owners there are further required to submit fingerprints and allow police to perform ballistic tests. They must keep revolvers unloaded and either disassembled or secured with trigger locks unless they have reason to fear a home intruder.

As sweeping as those provisions are, they apparently don’t go far enough for Daley, who hinted strongly at an insurance component to protect police officers and paramedics.

“You have to think about the first-responders. You’re putting them in a difficult position to make decisions. What happens if they don’t make the right decision? A person has a gun, but is [it] the person in the house? Does he have a right to carry a gun or is he the person [who] broke in?” the mayor told reporters last month.

“I’m not laying it out, but there are gonna be many topics we’re gonna talk about and who pays for it. And [the city may require] authorized people like the Chicago Police Department to train you.”

*** UPDATE 1 - 10:35 am *** From the Illinois State Rifle Association…

The following is a statement by Richard A. Pearson, Executive Director, Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the McDonald v. Chicago case:

“On behalf of the officers, directors, and members of the Illinois State Rifle Association, and law-abiding citizens across Illinois, I would like to express my utter delight over the Supreme Court’s decision in the McDonald case. Today is certainly a great day for anyone who believes in the timeless wisdom the founding fathers set as the foundation of our Bill of Rights. As happy as we are with the Court’s decision in McDonald v. Chicago, we must all keep in mind that our work is not finished. The McDonald decision, along with the Court’s 2008 decision in the D.C. v. Heller case, serve merely as cornerstones to a much larger effort to fully restore the law-abiding citizen’s rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution.”

“In the weeks and months ahead, our legal staff will be thoroughly analyzing Illinois gun control statutes along with the myriad of local firearm restrictions to assess their compliance with the McDonald and Heller decisions. Law-abiding Illinois citizens may rest assured that the ISRA will employ whatever political or legal means are necessary to ensure that no element of government persists in infringing upon their constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.”

“In closing, I would like to recognize the tireless efforts of all of those who helped make this day possible. Among those are the named plaintiffs, the Second Amendment Foundation, the National Rifle Association of America, and the many dozens of support elements who contributed greatly to the success of this challenge to the egregious infringement on individual rights. But, most of all, I would like to recognize the 80 million or so law-abiding American firearm owners whose patience and determination have served as such great inspiration during this 40-year fight to restore honor to, and recognition of, the Second Amendment.”

*** UPDATE 2 - 11:23 am *** From the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Center and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement:

“We can expect two things as a result of today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. Chicago: the gun lobby and gun criminals will use it to try to strike down gun laws, and those legal challenges will continue to fail.

“We are pleased that the Court reaffirmed its language in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment individual right to possess guns in the home for self-defense does not prevent our elected representatives from enacting common-sense gun laws to protect our communities from gun violence. We are reassured that the Court has rejected, once again, the gun lobby argument that its ‘any gun, for anybody, anywhere’ agenda is protected by the Constitution. The Court again recognized that the Second Amendment allows for reasonable restrictions on firearms, including who can have them and under what conditions, where they can be taken, and what types of firearms are available.

“Chicago can amend its gun laws to comply with this ruling while continuing to have strong, comprehensive and Constitutional gun laws, just as Washington D.C. has done. After the Heller decision, at least 240 legal challenges have been brought to existing gun laws, nearly all of which have been summarily dismissed. There is nothing in today’s decision that should prevent any state or local government from successfully defending, maintaining, or passing, sensible, strong gun laws.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Kankakee Daily Journal’s managing editor was upset with yesterday’s piece slamming the paper’s coverage of how a prominent local businessman was indicted on five counts by a federal grand jury.

You’ll recall that Michael J. Pinski, a bigtime Kankakee developer and owner of a major title company, was indicted for his alleged direction of a scheme to strip one of his buildings of asbestos and then dump it in an open field in Hopkins Park, a nearly all-black, totally poor town in Kankakee County.

One of the things I chided the paper for was publishing just four paragraphs on the story. They actually published a few more than that in theIR dead tree edition, but in none of those grafs is it made clear that Pinski is a major K3 wheel. The paper also provided no context at all about the dumping site’s long, sad history. The additional paragraphs are, in reality, just background material and filler. Here’s the rest of the article…

Pinski hired O’Malley in August 2009 to remove the building’s pipe insulation, which contains asbestos.

For years, asbestos was used in insulation and in fire-retardant products. However, it was discovered that inhaling the fibers is not only dangerous but can be fatal –resulting in lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis.

But O’Malley wasn’t trained in asbestos removal, according to their indictments. O’Malley then hired Mikrut to recruit and oversee the five workers who removed the asbestos between Aug. 15 and Aug. 20, according to their indictment.

Mikrut and another person, who is not named in the indictment, drove a dump truck Aug. 23 to a field in Hopkins Park and dumped about 127 large garbage bags of the asbestos insulation into a field, according to the indictment. Soil in that field became contaminated with asbestos, prosecutors contend. Mikrut and Pinski also are accused of telling a state EPA inspector in September 2009 that they didn’t know anything about the removal.

Pinski and Mikrut will be arraigned July 15. O’Malley pleaded not guilty June 11 after he was arrested, according to court records. His next hearing is July 29 in Urbana, with a trial set for Aug. 16.

Each of the seven charges is punishable by up to five years in prison and fines totaling up to $250,000.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office did not disclose the indictments until Monday, although U.S. Magistrate Judge David G. Bernthal on June 11 ordered the indictments unsealed, court records show.

Like I said, not much there. No context about Pinski or Hopkins Park. Not even a sidebar. And, since Wednesday, no follow up story, either.

I’ll be in Hopkins Park this weekend to check things out for myself. In the meantime, this one is for the K3 Daily Journal folks and all their fine, upstanding townie friends…

And it’s up against the wall, redneck mother

Too much? OK, maybe, but whatever. They are what they are.

And go Sox.

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Report: Lisa Madigan investigating Lollapalooza sponsors

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* According to Jim DeRogatis, the Illinois attorney general is issuing subpoenas and investigating the festival’s sponsors to see if they are violating anti-trust laws. The probe stems from Lolla’s “radius clauses” in musicians’ contracts. Some of those clauses prohibit the acts from playing within a 300-mile radius of Chicago for six months before and after their Lollapalooza shows…

Many local Chicago club owners and independent concert promoters have said that these radius clauses are decimating the local music community and significantly hurting their business for much of the year, and that they constitute unfair, anti-competitive practices. Lollapalooza promoters respond that the clauses are standard practice in the concert industry, and that they waive them for any artist who asks to be excused from their requirements. […]

The difference with Lollapalooza’s radius clauses is that they are some of the longest and most extensive in the business, and they affect a huge number of acts, since there are more than 120 bands performing at the mega-concert. And, unlike a concert with two or three bands on the bill, Lollapalooza does not rely on any one headliner to sell tickets. In fact, promoters consistently trumpet the sheer volume of acts and wealth of different experiences offered in Grant Park as the main draw.

NBC5’s blogger makes a good point

That means if you love a little band like The Dodos and want to see them in Chicago, you can’t pay $20 for a night at the Double Door — you have to buy a $90 one-day pass to Lollapalooza. […]

“During the summers now, you’re lucky if you have a couple of shows, and you’re just picking up the leftovers that couldn’t get into any of the festivals,” one club booker told DeRogatis.

* As always in Chicago, Lolla obtained a foothold through political connections

With a handful of notable exceptions, such as a performance by Radiohead in Grant Park’s Hutchinson Field promoted by Chicago-based Jam Productions in 2001, city officials were reluctant to allow for-profit rock concerts in the lakefront park. The Park District notoriously blocked performances by the Smashing Pumpkins, the survivors of the Grateful Dead, and other bands throughout the ’90s.

The Park District’s attitude changed in 2005 when it was presented with a proposal by C3 to reinvent Lollapalooza as a Chicago-based “destination festival” generating more than $1 million a year for parks improvements. All licenses and permits for Lollapalooza are taken out not in the name of C3, but by the non-profit Parkways Foundation, an organization headquartered inside the Park District’s offices.

In 2006, Lollapalooza signed a contract with the city to continue bringing Lollapalooza to Grant Park for five years. For that deal, C3 was represented by attorney Mark Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Richard Daley.


Question of the day

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup, from WSIL TV

With just a week before the new budget year begins, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is calling on the state Senate to “complete their work.”

Senators left Springfield almost a month ago without making a decision about to how cover a $4 billion payment to the state pension fund. […]

Quinn is already faced with having to cut billions of dollars from the budget.

“I think [senators] have a responsibility to return to Springfield and get the job done. If they don’t, I think they’re hurting education, they’re hurting public safety, they’re hurting health care and I don’t think that’s right,” Quinn said.

* The Question: The pension borrowing bill is currently short of passage by anywhere between one to three votes. Should Gov. Quinn call a special session to try and force the Senate to pass the pension borrowing legislation? Explain.


*** UPDATED x1 *** The scandal that won’t ever be washed away

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bill Brady stood with his former primary opponent yesterday to demand an investigation into why the Dept. of Corrections has lost track of some parolees who were part of the secret, botched MGT Push release program

A group of Illinois legislators that includes Gov. Pat Quinn’s Republican opponent want a joint committee of the Illinois House and Senate to investigate parolees who disappeared after being released early from prison.

Senators Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard and Rep. Dennis Reboletti said Thursday that they’ll seek information from Quinn’s office. Brady is running against Quinn for governor.

The legislators’ move comes after The Associated Press reported that dozens of parolees disappeared after being set free as part of a secret early release program.

This issue won’t ever go away. But Gov. Quinn tried to blame the General Assembly and, by extension, Brady for the problem.

Gov. Pat Quinn blamed an outdated computer system Thursday for his Corrections Department’s failure to keep track of all the prison inmates who were granted parole under a secret early release program.

The outdated technology makes it harder to keep track of the thousands of inmates in Illinois prisons, he said, a day after The Associated Press reported that officials don’t know the location of dozens of inmates who were released early.

The Democratic governor did not provide details of how the computer system supposedly hampers tracking parolees. The Corrections Department has not mentioned computer problems in explaining the missing parolees or what’s being done to track them.

Quinn said he asked for money to update the computer system earlier this year but legislators said no.

“I inherited this. I didn’t create it,” he said during a news conference. “I’m trying to solve a problem.”

*** UPDATE *** Brady responds to Quinn’s response

Republican candidate for governor Bill Brady says Gov. Pat Quinn should have fixed Illinois’ prison computer system before releasing criminals early.

Brady on Friday said Quinn should have used $3 billion in discretionary money last year to upgrade the Corrections Department computer system. He says then maybe dozens of parolees let out of prison early wouldn’t be missing.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Meanwhile, this is highly unusual, to say the least

Gov. Pat Quinn’s new chief spokesman is taking an indefinite leave of absence to pursue a spot in the General Assembly, according to an administration source familiar with the decision.

Bill Cunningham, who joined the governor’s office earlier this month, is seeking to be named the replacement on the November ballot for the Southwest Side House seat that opened up when Democratic Rep. Kevin Joyce announced he will not seek re-election.

Cunningham went on unpaid leave [yesterday] in order to avoid any conflicts of interest as he tries to get the House seat, the source said.

Kristen McQueary wrote a few days ago that Cunningham is the frontrunner to replace Rep. Joyce

Joyce’s announcement has spawned intrigue about a few possible contenders: Maureen Kelly, who ran for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board; Fran Hurley, a trusted Rugai aide; Bill Cunningham, who worked for Sheriffs Michael Sheahan and Tom Dart and recently accepted a post with Gov. Pat Quinn; Frank Bilecki, local government liaison for Comptroller Dan Hynes; Mike Cullen, legislative liaison for the Illinois Commerce Commission; and John O’Sullivan, Worth Township Democratic committeeman.

The front-runner? Cunningham, although the timing is miserable. He accepted a job as Quinn’s chief spokesman days before Joyce announced his decision to withdraw. […]

Cunningham would be Joyce’s top recommendation, and O’Shea likes him, too. He is campaign-ready, having worked for years within the sphere of government, politics and media.

O’Shea said he will wait until June 28, the last day to apply online for the 35th District seat, before interviewing candidates. The decision will be wrenching. He carries the heaviest weighted vote based on the makeup of the district, followed by O’Sullivan and Palos Township Democratic Committeeman Sam Simone. Orland and Lyons township Committeemen Dan McLaughlin and Steve Landek represent a small piece of the district as well.

* In other campaign, um, news, SLC got himself a new iPhone yesterday

Illinois gubernatorial candidate Scott Lee Cohen was among the masses waiting in line at Northbrook Court.

“There’s no special treatment here,” said Cohen grabbing some fresh air while his two sons held their place in line. “I’m waiting my turn just like everybody else.”

The Cohens, still hours away from iPhone pay dirt, had already waited for three hours.

“I’m very fortunate to have great kids and they wanted the new phone,” said Cohen while campaigning over his old iPhone.

“The iPhone allows me to be in constant contact with my staff, with my calendar and it makes me more accessible to the people of the state.”

There’s your quote of the day.

* Related…

* Panel interviewing candidates for 60th state House seat: Link would confirm the identity of only one of the applicants: Angelo Kyle, a Lake County Board member from Waukegan who had twice unsuccessfully challenged Washington for the seat in Democratic primaries, most recently this past February.

* Questions Linger About Planned Southern Illinois Development: Leaders in Southern Illinois say a new destination development is the key to thousands of new jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment. But one leader from Metro East isn’t so sure.

* Cavaletto Reacts to Signing of “Star Bonds” Legislation: Critics say it’s nothing more than corporate welfare - using taxpayer dollars to support a private developer. State Representative John Cavaletto in Salem says while Star Bonds will benefit southern Illinois - his district has their own priorities which could have benefitted from the legislation. “We’re going to keep working for our district and the 600 acres in Mt. Vernon just sitting there,” he says. “We want to promote that area and bring jobs and businesses to our area, so we’re going to be working on that in the next legislative session.”

* Quinn Signs STAR Bonds Bill in Marion: The bill may be signed, but there’s no official list of businesses that plan to build. Holland said prospective users for the site include Great Wolf Lodge, a hotel and water park, and outdoor retailers like Cabela’s or Bass Pro. He expects to break ground in about a year.

* Quinn inks STAR bond legislation: “We have a long way to go,” Quinn said. “We were dealt a blow with the Great Recession. A lot of wheelers and dealers on Wall Street … will never put us down. We’ll never give up.”

* Jobs to ‘last a lifetime”: A jubilant crowd gathered in Marion to watch as the governor signed the bill sponsored by state Rep. John Bradley and state Sen. Gary Forby into law, the first of its kind in the state.

* Holland says Cabela’s now interested

* Boosters: There’s infinite potential for entire region

* Sherman pops up at STAR bond signing: Self-described atheist Rob Sherman surprised the Benton Democrat by showing up at the gathering and asking Forby about the $20,000 grant he helped secure for Friends of the Cross, the group raising funds for the restoration of Bald Knob Cross of Peace. “Sen. Forby had declined to respond to my numerous requests to speak to him about the $20,000 grant,” Sherman said.

* Press Release: Economic Recovery Commission Presents Final Report to Governor Quinn: The Economic Recovery Commission today presented its final report to Governor Pat Quinn detailing recommendations to improve upon Illinois’ 21st-century business model and help rebuild the state’s position as a strong, expanding economic power. “I appreciate the hard work of the Economic Recovery Commission,” said Governor Quinn. “Its insights will help us work together to build on our existing assets and position our state for strong, lasting recovery as we move out of this historic recession.”

* The Chicago Politician, the Discredited Non-Profit and a Mystery Earmark

* Time for Crotty to stand on her own feet

* Illinois AG Madigan inspects E. St. Louis nursing home, finds wanted man


He isn’t much of a thinker

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Sun-Times column

If you’ve been keeping up with the Rod Blagojevich trial and skimmed through the transcripts of the federal surveillance recordings released so far, it’s pretty obvious that the defendant is a crook.

But it’s also clear that the guy isn’t very bright. Incredibly persistent, but not bright.

Many of us who have followed him closely already knew that, of course. The same couldn’t be said for those who jumped into the game late, particularly those silly cable news talking heads and some unmentionable talk radio morons. They were agog at his ability to recite poetry from memory, duly impressed when he dinged the establishment by appointing Roland Burris to the Senate, and delighted at how he held his own while they tossed the same, empty softball questions at him time and time again.

Typical cable TV doofus: “Why do you want all the tapes released?”

Blagojevich: “Because I absolutely, positively believe they’ll prove my innocence.”

Doofus reporter: “Fantastic! OK, now, please tell us how difficult this terrible ordeal has been on your family.”

It was like watching a hurricane victim endlessly describe how his house was destroyed and how he was forced to endure the additional indignity of fighting with the big, bad insurance company. Ridiculous.

Put him up against a real adversary, and Blagojevich was exposed for what he was.

For years, Gov. Blagojevich tried to outwit House Speaker Michael Madigan. Blagojevich came into office believing that Madigan was the root of all evil, so he was bound and determined to destroy the man.

But the competition was way too much for the governor. Time and time again, Blagojevich played checkers while Madigan played chess. He’d occasionally win a short-term victory, but he was always undone in the end.

Listen to the surveillance tapes and you’ll hear a frantic Blagojevich finally admitting that he’d painted himself into a hopeless corner. He was desperate to use the vacant U.S. Senate seat created when Barack Obama won the president’s race to extricate himself from the mess that he had made for himself with his unwinnable war against Madigan.

“I’d like to get the f— out of here,” a clearly defeated Blagojevich says at one point.

He was so frantic at times that he sounded like an about-to-be overthrown Third World dictator. And he proceeded accordingly.

The true high comedy on the tapes comes during the long, involved “strategy sessions” featuring Blagojevich and his top staff. Blagojevich tried to “war game” ways he could maneuver Barack Obama into providing him with a golden parachute.

Blagojevich exhaustively debated which specific words to say at various meetings, what concepts to bring up, whom they could trust and when he could spring this or that idea about what he wanted in exchange for filling that vacant seat.

But he was outwitted at every turn. Blagojevich initially wanted to use the president’s apparent desire that Valerie Jarrett get the Senate seat to his own advantage. But his long days of scheming were for naught. The president-elect’s people quickly figured out what he was up to and announced that Jarrett would be joining the administration. So much for that plan.

On and on it goes. Every scheme fails. Every idea crumbles. But he always forges ahead, never realizing he just wasn’t up to the task, or that the idea itself was morally wrong and even illegal.

He has been exposed as a willing, corrupt, inept Sisyphus. But the next time he is hurtled back down the mountain, it’ll be to a federal prison cell.

* Related…

* Zorn: Three little words reveal a big truth about Blagojevich

* Tribune: Corruption gets a break

* Illinois corruption defendants see opening as court narrows “honest services” law

* Witness: Blago given list of Obama favorites

* President Obama’s “B.S. list” for Senate seat: Hynes, Duckworth, Jackson and Schakowsky

* Blagojevich on Obama camp: “F— them.”; John Wyma in talks with Obama, Blago while cooperating with feds

* Blagojevich on tape: Get Obama to fund-raise from Warren Buffett, Bill Gates

* Tape: Blago, Harris talk Louanner Peters, floating rumors

* Blagojevich ponders political alliance with Jarrett but asks: “What does that do for me?”

* Blagojevich on Jesse Jackson Jr.: “He’s a bad guy.”

* Qualifications for next U.S. Senator: solve Rod Blagojevich’s legal, personal and political problems

* Prosecutors say Harris to finish Monday. Up next: Balanoff, Scofield

* Blagojevich sought Science and Technology grant for … the Cubs

* Blagojevich aide lies to then-governor about editorial board firing demand

* Rod Blagojevich wanted Senate President’s warchest: witness

* Tape: Brother Robert tries to talk some sense into Rod

* Blagojevich heard on secret recording talking about — being recorded

* Blagojevich on trial: Ex-governor has surreal moment in courtroom

* Blagojevich a Grinch when it comes to Christmas party

* Blagojevich’s honest services charges could get tossed — but trial will go on

* High-court ruling leaves Blagojevich on hook for bribery, kickbacks

* Blagojevich Trial: ‘I Got to Fix This’


Morning Shorts

Friday, Jun 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daley has new plan to outsource some city hiring

The latest example of Daley’s privatization frenzy will start with a request-for-proposals from firms interested in recruiting and hiring tradespeople in five city departments: Streets and Sanitation, Transportation, Water Management, Aviation and General Services.

If it works to have an outside personnel firm recruit and hire carpenters, electricians, laborers and plumbers, City Hall will move to outsource all other hiring, the mayor said.

* Daley floats new approach to get rid of patronage hiring

After years of trying and failing to rid his administration of patronage scandals, Mayor Richard Daley floated another plan Thursday: bringing in an outside firm to hire many city workers.

The latest idea comes as one of Daley’s top former operatives faces criminal retrial for allegedly rigging city hiring to strengthen the mayor’s onetime political army and as Daley struggles to end federal court oversight of personnel decisions.

For his new test program, Daley singled out five major city departments, at least three of which have been repeatedly accused of considering politics when hiring, promoting and firing — practices banned by the courts in most cases.

* Former Chicago Alderman Sentenced to 28 Months

The former chairman of the Chicago City Council’s police and fire committee has been sentenced to 28 months in federal prison for taking $40,000 worth of home improvements in exchange for a zoning change. Before sentencing, Isaac Carothers told U.S. District Judge Robert Dow he understood “the terrible damage” he inflicted on his family and the city for his illegal conduct.

* Burge Defense: They’re rats and pieces of garbage

Some of the most compelling evidence against Burge are pictures of an injured Andrew Wilson after he confessed to murdering two Chicago Police officers in 1982. Burge’s defense attorney Richard Beuke started his closing arguments saying the now deceased Wilson was in the darkest dingiest corner of hell laughing about this case.

* Accusations of lying swapped as Burge trial comes to close

* Burge case goes to the jury

* Jury starts deliberations in Burge’s torture trial

* City committee OKs Wal-Mart for Pullman Park

* Wal-Mart, unions reach deal on second Chicago store

* Zoning panel clears Wrigleyville development

* Mayoral plan would allow corporate naming rights for bridge houses

* More excesses under former Metra CEO detailed

The audit noted in 2008 Pagano received $111,000 for unused vacation time that year and for 2009, against Metra policy. It also found Pagano approved agreements giving former Deputy Executive Director Rick Tidwell and former labor relations chief Mike Nielsen $89,000 and $42,000 respectively - comprised of unused vacation and sick days payouts - for staying past their retirement dates.

* Pagano pay hikes lifted pensions

* RTA may try to recoup Metra execs’ vacation pay

* DuPage residents fight against Lake Michigan water

Only a few hours remain for residents living in an unincorporated area of the county near Lombard to object to a plan to bring them Lake Michigan water. The objection period ends Saturday.

* Sun-TImes: Carp crisis requires thoughtful, fast action

* Fate of ShoreBank rests in unanswered questions


Question of the day

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Scott Lee Cohen’s Facebook page

* The Question: Caption?

* Related…

* Cohen May Face Court, Not Ballot Challenge

* Tea Party bags Brady

* Bill Brady Joins Sen. Meeks In Support Of Wal-Mart

* Chicago Walmart Plays on Governor’s Race

* Walsh’s ex-campaign manager files revised lawsuit

* Schoenburg: Davlin in the money, so mayoral race seems likely


Education cuts total $282 million

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Quinn assured many that he could hold education harmless this coming fiscal year by using his powers to move money around. But here come the cuts

The Illinois State Board of Education agreed to ax nearly $300 million from its budget on Wednesday, canceling financial support for everything from agricultural education to arts education to alternative schools that get high school dropouts back in class.

State Superintendent Christopher Koch called the reductions “an unraveling of the infrastructure for state education.” […]

The board initially faced $480 million in cuts to targeted programs based on the budget proposal passed by state lawmakers. But Gov. Pat Quinn averted deep reductions in early childhood and bilingual education by providing another $194 million, state education officials said.

Board members grappled Wednesday with where to squeeze $282 million from the spending plan for next year. They targeted after-school programs, school breakfast reimbursements as well as principal and teacher mentoring.

The advantage of being in the minority party (or the Tribune editorial board) in a situation like this is you can demand cuts and then attack the majority for the cuts they do make. Expect just such a react soon.

You can listen to today’s meeting of the state board live by clicking here (Real Media) or here (Windows Media).

* Related and a roundup…

* State’s outstanding bills dog DuPage county budget: In all, the state is behind $7.8 million in its payments to the county. Sales tax receipts also are lagging about 7.7 percent below the projected half-year figure of $39.3 million.

* Doctors group will chime in on medical claim denials

* State government wipes out expired leases, expects to save $20 million

* Quinn signs tax credits bill at Abbott ceremony

* Quinn signing of STAR bill delayed

* Legislators Flider, McCarter forego mailings: In order to save the state money, Rep. Bob Flider, D-Mount Zion, and Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, are foregoing the brochures that commonly explain what they accomplished during the spring legislative session in Springfield.

* A look at proposed unified standards

* Springfield decisions will affect SIU borrowing


*** UPDATED x1 *** Giannoulias mentioned at Blagojevich trial, but not a big deal

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Republicans are actively trying to push this story into the bloodstream

Illinois state Treasurer and Democratic Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias’ name came up Wednesday at the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D).

There’s was no smoking gun — or anything close to it — but with Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) struggling mightily beneath his misrepresentations of his military record, Republicans’ hopes of tying Giannoulias to the trial and changing the subject could be buoyed.

That WaPo mention was prompted by this Sun-Times passage about Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias calling on behalf of Valerie Jarrett’s appointment to the US Senate after Barack Obama’s election win

In the same call, [chief of staff John Harris] is overheard talking about getting a message from Illinois state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

“So Alexi called me. He wanted to have a discussion about the Senate seat,” John Harris is heard telling Blagojevich. “I imagine he’ll tell me … Barack wants Valerie.”

Blagojevich: “Listen to me, don’t see him today. Just … let’s run the clock now.”

Back to the WaPo

The recording, which is from a phone call about a month before Blagojevich and Harris were arrested, suggests Giannoulias is serving as some kind of intermediary for Obama.

Not true, said Giannoulias spokeswoman Kathleen Strand. “Alexi did not call Harris at the behest of President Obama,” she said. “Alexi thinks very highly of Valerie Jarrett, and it was well known that he thought she would make a terrific senator. So naturally, he was an advocate for her appointment.”

For Republicans, the back and forth between Harris and Blagojevich gives them something with which to tie Giannoulias to the trial and the deeply unpopular former governor. But nothing in the brief tape suggests any wrongdoing on GIannoulias’ part.

I took a look at the surveillance transcript of that Harris/Blagojevich conversation. After the above exchange, the conversation moves on and then they come back to Giannoulias and Jarrett…

HARRIS Right. The question is if Alexi is coming in on her behalf, do we use Alexi to get the word back to her?

BLAGOJEVICH No, I don’t trust Alexi, I, no, under no circumstances.

HARRIS Mm-hmm.

BLAGOJEVICH No, no. Absolutely, not.

Seems like almost a vindication to me.

*** UPDATE *** From the IL GOP…

For more than a year and a half, Alexi Giannoulias failed to disclose this phone call. If Alexi tried to hide this phone call, what else might he be hiding about this case?

Key Questions for Alexi Giannoulias:

1) Why did you call Blagojevich Chief of Staff John Harris regarding Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat?

2) Did you make any other phone calls to John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or any other Blagojevich associate?

3) Did you, your staff or your family at anytime speak with John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or any other Blagojevich associates regarding Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat? If so, what was discussed each time?

4) Do you believe you are recorded on any federal wiretaps of John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or other individuals in connection with this criminal trial?

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* In other Senate campaign news, the AP has published a national story about the race. The lede pretty much says it all

Republican Mark Kirk has stepped on a political landmine of his own creation, leaving him as damaged as his Democratic opponent in the race for an Illinois Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama.

* Pat Gauen of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch looks at what he believes is political strategy

[Treasurer Giannoulias] announced June 13 that he will begin granting family medical leave to employees of his office who are in committed homosexual relationships, just as though they were married. It’s novel in Illinois state government and obviously timed for the election year. (He has had 3½ years in office to do it. And if it isn’t about politics, why not announce the same terms for committed but unmarried straight people?)

OK, a Democrat courting votes from gays and lesbians isn’t very deep strategy. But gently laying the subject on the voters’ table in this instance is subtle, potentially venomous, gamesmanship. […]

Giannoulias, you will remember, is running for Obama’s old Senate seat in what early polls say is a dead heat with an upstate Republican congressman named Mark Kirk. Here, too, Giannoulias is quietly using a homosexual-themed buzz to electoral advantage.

It serves as a small reminder that Kirk’s generally good marks from the gay-lesbian community have not endeared him to the political right and its hefty block of votes. Moreover, floating the subject reminds true homophobes that enemies in Kirk’s own party have garnered even mainstream news media attention by floating persistent rumors that he is gay. Kirk, who is divorced, denies it.

* Related…

* Green Party IL-SEN Candidate: I Could Win This Thing

* Carl Officer says he kept Senate campaign secret because of St. Clair County Dems: Asked what he thought the county Democrats might have done to hurt his campaign, Officer responded, “I am not going to speculate.”

* Illinois conservative independent doesn’t file to run in U.S. Senate race: llinois State University political scientist Robert Bradley said it’s questionable how many votes Niecestro would have drawn from Kirk’s total in November. “I have a sense that the tea party is not as organized (in Illinois) as it is in other places,” Bradley said.


*** UPDATED x3 *** Supremes limit “Honest Services” law - Zagel won’t halt trial

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not totally sure yet how this impacts the Rod Blagojevich case or the George Ryan conviction, but the US Supreme Court just handed down its ruling in the Skilling case. AP

The Supreme Court has sided with former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling in limiting the use of a federal fraud law that has been a favorite of white-collar crime prosecutors.

The court said Thursday that the “honest services” law could not be used in convicting Skilling for his role in the collapse of Enron. But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in her majority opinion that the ruling does not necessarily require Skilling’s conviction to be overturned.

Houston Chronicle

In an opinion written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg with varying support from other justices the court finds the honest services law only covers bribery and kickback schemes, and Skilling was not accused of either.

This means some of his charges could be retried or dismissed and his 24-year sentence could be further reduced.

At issue is the “honest services” law, a broad anti-fraud law that makes it a crime to “deprive another of the intangible right of honest service.” Skilling and others argued the law was too vague and was misused by prosecutors.


Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich is being tried on multiple charges of corruption, including depriving the public of honest services.

Over the past two decades, the law against “honest services” fraud has been used routinely in cases in which public officials or corporate executives were accused of secretly scheming to benefit themselves at the expense of the public or their stock holders.

From the ruling

The Government charged Skilling with conspiring to defraud Enron’s shareholders by misrepresenting the company’s fiscal health to his own profit, but the Government never alleged that he solicited or accepted side payments from a third party in exchange for making these misrepresentations. Because the indictment alleged three objects of the conspiracy—honest-services wire fraud, money–or-property wire fraud, and securities fraud—Skilling’s conviction is flawed. See Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298. This determination, however, does not necessarily require reversal of the conspiracy conviction, for errors of the Yates variety are subject to harmless-error analysis. The Court leaves the parties’ dispute about whether the error here was harmless for resolution on remand, along with the question whether reversal on the conspiracy count would touch any of Skilling’s other convictions. Pp. 49–50.

554 F. 3d 529, affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded.

* The Supremes also ruled that Conrad Black’s appeal was improperly denied. From the ruling

We decided in Skilling that §1346, properly confined, criminalizes only schemes to defraud that involve bribes or kickbacks. That holding renders the honest-services instructions given in this case incorrect, and brings squarely before us the question presented by the Seventh Circuit’s forfeiture ruling: Did Defendants, by failing to acquiesce in the Government’s request for special verdicts, forfeit their objection, timely made at trial, to the honest-services instructions? […]

We hold, in short, that, by properly objecting to the honest-services jury instructions at trial, Defendants secured their right to challenge those instructions on appeal. They did not forfeit that right by declining to acquiesce in the Government-proposed special-verdict forms. Our decision in Skilling makes it plain that the honest-services instructions in this case were indeed incorrect. As in Skilling, ante, at 40–41, we express no opinion on the question whether the error was ultimately harmless, but leave that matter for consideration on remand.

For the reasons stated, we vacate the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform

Here in Illinois, most will ask how the ruling may affect the case against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. We note that the indictment against the ex-governor was already revised to minimize its reliance on the Honest Services law. Even if the Honest Services law had been wiped out entirely, most of the charges against the ex-governor would survive.

Testimony in the trial to date certainly makes it appear that Rod Blagojevich saw public office as a tool for forcing payments to benefit himself. Whether the subject was the issuance of state grants, the signing of legislation, or even the filling of the US Senate seat, Rod Blagojevich approached his public duties with both eyes focused on what he could get for himself — a job, a campaign contribution, a personal benefit.

We hope the trial will continue, and that justice will be done. The people of Illinois have endured an impeachment and removal from office; we have seen our state’s reputation dragged through the mud. Politicians, like everyone else should be held accountable for their criminal actions. The trial must proceed. Justice is served by having the trial continue.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Judge Zagel won’t stop the trial

Lawyers for Rod Blagojevich were quick to pounce on the U.S. Supreme Court decision this morning weakening the so-called honest-services law on which some of the charges against the former governor are based.

Aaron Goldstein, one of Blagojevich’s many lawyers, filed a motion to suspend the trial until at least next week so the defense team could digest the high court’s 114-page decision.

It has been known for months that the Supreme Court ruling was coming, and Blagojevich’s lawyers sought to seize on that even before the trial began to get Zagel to postpone the proceedings. He consistently said no dice.

And Zagel did so again this morning, telling Blagojevich’s lawyer that “my preliminary reading (of the Supreme Court ruling) is it may not offer a lot of hope for you.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** I was gonna do a separate Blagojevich trial post, but here’s a roundup instead…

* Harris: Obama knew of Blagojevich plot

* Blago trial a distant, unwanted headache for Obama

* ‘Prince of Darkness’ plotted with Blagojevich to sell Obama Senate seat

* $190,000 not enough for Blagojevich: “I want to make money.”

* Blagojevich on Jarrett: “How bad does she want to be U.S. Senator?”

* Blago saw Obama’s rise as an obstacle

* Blagojevich frustrated by gridlock

* Blago calls Obama ‘hen-pecked’ by Michelle

* Blagojevich ‘depressed’ on re-election night

* In a clash of styles, judge favors reserve in Blagojevich trial

* Rod Blagojevich on foundation jobs: “Salvation Army… have to wear a uniform, forget that.”

* Tape: Rod Blagojevich considers union foundation job for himself, his wife

* Blagojevich, Harris prep for job bargaining with Tom Balanoff

* Testy exchange between husband and wife

* Rod Blagojevich snaps at Patti on recording: “You’re just wasting f-ing time!”

* Judge Zagel says no gag order; Blagojevich can keep on claiming innocence

* Hinz: Blago shows true colors in court tapes

* Sneed: Grand plans on Blago’s Indian pad

* RR Star: Blago’s trial paints ugly portrait of indifference


Hopkins Park gets dumped on - literally

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If this story doesn’t disgust you, nothing will.

A very prominent Kankakee-area businessman was indicted by the US Attorney’s office this week on five felony counts. The businessman, Michael J. Pinski, allegedly hired people to strip asbestos out of one of his buildings. They then dumped the highly toxic material into a field in Hopkins Park.

Hopkins Park, you will remember, is an almost all-black, exceedingly poor town in Kankakee County. The last time we checked in with that community, the county board chairman hadn’t even bothered to ask that the town be declared a disaster area after a big tornado tore through. Gov. Quinn had to step in and unilaterally declare the county a disaster area or they never would’ve gotten any help.

* Pinski is a local real estate developer and owner of Kankakee County Title Co. Both are pretty major K3 concerns. My dad says Pinski’s father was my pediatrician brothers’ dermatologist when I was a child. He comes from a wealthy, successful and quite prominent Kankakee family.

According to the indictment, Pinski allegedly hired Duane O’Malley, who runs a fire protection company, at a price that was “substantially less than a trained asbestos abatement contractor would have charged to remove the asbestos insulation.” And then they allegedly stuffed the asbestos into 127 large plastic garbage bags and dumped them all in that Hopkins Park field.

* Huge news, eh? It’s not often that a bigtime Kankakee businessman is indicted by the feds on five felony charges that each carry 5-year prison terms. Throw in the racial and class angle, and it’s a truly hot item.

So, how was it covered? I give you the complete Kankakee Daily Journal story

Three Kankakee County men are scheduled to appear in an Urbana federal court later this summer, indicted for improperly removing asbestos from a Kankakee building and dumping about 127 bags of the hazardous material in a Hopkins Park field.

Charged with four counts each of illegal asbestos removal and handling were: Michael J. Pinski, 41, of 17 Marquette Lane, Kankakee; Duane L. “Butch” O’Malley, 57, of 5649 N. 5000E Road, Bourbonnais; and James A. Mikrut, 47, of 43 S. Poplar St., Manteno. The charges were in connection with the August 2009 removal of asbestos from 197 S. West Ave., in Kankakee.

The building, which was being renovated, is owned by Pinski’s company, Dearborn Management Inc., according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Illinois.

O’Malley, owner of Origin Fire Protection, and Mikrut also were indicted on one count each of illegal asbestos disposal, and Mikrut and Pinski also were indicted on one count each of making a false statement to an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency inspector, according to a copy of their indictments, obtained Monday by The Daily Journal.

That’s it. Nothing more.

A check of past issues shows the Daily Journal has interviewed Pinski several times. They talked to him about the Kankakee mayor’s race and how he’s surviving the economic downturn. They did a big puff piece on Pinski a few years back while he was developing the Dearborn Business Center downtown. But now that he’s under indictment? A little more than passing mention.

Pinksi and his cohorts allegedly endangered the health of who knows how many people by disgustingly dumping asbestos - of all things - in an open field, and it gets four grafs in the only paper in town.

Maybe now you’re getting a better idea of why Hopkins Park has always been on the short end of the stick. It’s a dumping ground for the area’s prejudices and, apparently, its dangerous pollutants. And nobody, including the newspaper, appears to care.

Frankly, I hope the feds throw the book at those clowns. And I hope that someday, somehow, the people who run the Kankakee Daily Journal will finally take just a wee bit of notice at what’s really going on around them. Shame on them. And shame on this entire state for letting it get this far.


Morning Shorts

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former state Rep. Mary Lou Cowlishaw dies

Cowlishaw grew up in Rockford, where she was valedictorian of her graduating class at West Rockford High School. She majored in journalism at the University of Illinois and did post-graduate work at Northwestern University. She also received several honorary degrees.

She came to Naperville in 1958. For more than five years she worked as a feature writer for the Naperville Sun, winning a first-place award from the Illinois Press Association for investigative reporting for a series about substandard conditions at a local nursing home.

Naperville Sun viewpoint editor Tim West said Cowlishaw was a valued employee and public servant.

“During the years Mary Lou worked with us, she was always hardworking and industrious, but approached her stories with a lot of good humor,” he said. “During her public career she was a very important person in town and she will be missed.”

* Longtime Naperville representative dies

Mrs. Cowlishaw was described as generous, perceptive and purposeful by District 203 Board member Suzyn Price, who knew her for more than 10 years.

“She was a distinguished woman of enormous gravitas,” Price said. “Besides being a wonderful human being — a warm and committed and compassionate human being — we lose a powerful voice for community and education.”

She said Mrs. Cowlishaw’s work in male-dominated fields — first as a reporter, then school board member and a state representative — was an inspiration to women in leadership and politics.

As she neared retirement as a legislator, a 2001 story in the Tribune noted that her most visible achievements in Springfield were her roles in Chicago public school reform and in legislation that ensured education for homeless children.

An elementary school in Naperville is named after her.

* CPS test scores up

Combined results in reading, math and science showed 69.5 percent of Chicago third- through eighth-graders passed Illinois Standards Achievement Tests taken in April, up 2 percentage points from 2009, according to preliminary results released by the district.

* CPS elementary students post modest gains on ISAT

Science scores rose the most sharply year over year with a 3.6-point increase, district officials said. Reading showed the smallest increase, lifting half a percentage point from 2009 levels.

* Union blasts Chicago Public Schools’ tenure attack

Experts called the system’s new layoff rules unusual but part of a “growing drumbeat'’ to allow districts to use something other than seniority and tenure in determining who should be laid off, especially in tough economic times.

* Flowers’ office still owes teachers, state police

While former Regional Supt. Charles Flowers is awaiting trial on felony charges of theft and official misconduct, his office in Broadview is housing a backlog of 2,500 teacher certifications that are supposed to be completed by July 1.

* CPS chief wants to lay off worst teachers first

* Daley selects Robert Hoff as new fire commissioner

* Daley appoints third-generation hero firefighter to lead department

* NBC-Comcast marriage gets Daley blessing, but many object

* Tribune: Say ‘yes’ to jobs

* Sun-Times: Say yes to Pullman Wal-Mart

* Hinz: Council ought to open its eyes, hold its nose and vote for Wal-Mart

* Daley proposes to Wal-Mart: Pay best workers more after 1 year

* Carp creeps into Lake Calumet

A commercial fisherman patrolling the calm waters of Lake Calumet netted a 19-pound Asian carp Tuesday, the first physical discovery of the feared invasive species in the Chicago waterway system north of the electric barriers.

Within minutes of the official announcement on Wednesday, lawmakers from Michigan and environmental advocacy groups were once more chastising Illinois’ response to the Asian carp crisis and threatening a new round of legal action aimed at permanently closing Chicago-area shipping locks.

* Asian carp netted beyond barrier

* Asian carp caught over barrier in Lake Calumet

* Elgin researching program to inspect foreclosed homes


* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
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