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Legislator who voted against funding road and bridge projects “excited to announce major road and bridge projects”

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, State Representative Lindsay Parkhurst (R – Kankakee) is excited to announce major road and bridge projects for the 79th District stemming from the Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan.

“I voted against raising taxes for the capital bill because Illinois families are already overtaxed. The people deserve more than two days to consider and vote on such an astronomical spending plan with money the state did not have to spend, but wanted to generate through a myriad of tax increases. However, this vote did not stop me from fighting to get capital projects for the taxpayers of the 79th District in the Rebuild Illinois Plan. I have, and will continue, to advocate strongly for local infrastructure projects to improve the safety of our roads and bridges, and to accommodate for growth in the area. I am happy to report many of these projects are included in IDOT’s Multiyear Plan,” Rep. Parkhurst stated.

The $8.5 million project to improve the efficiency at the intersection of Route 50 and Armour Road has been included in the Capital Plan. The project will span from the Bridge at I-57, down Armour Road, through Route 50, to the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge. The project includes adding turn lanes, removing the 4-way stop sign at CSL Behring and replacing it with a stoplight, and coordinating stoplights on Armour Road and Route 50 to increase the efficiency of the flow of traffic. The first part of this project is slated for 2020.

There is also an $11.5 million project to reconstruct the bridge and improve the geometrics including changing the alignment of the ramps to improve safety at the I-57 Exit 308 interchange. The first part of this project is slated for 2020.

In Grundy County, there will be a $22 million project on I-55 to improve the road and bridges from Gardner Road to the Will County Line. The first part of this project is slated for 2020. […]

The MYP for District 79 includes $447,195,000 for 77 state highway projects in the 79th District covering 113.59 miles.

Well, that’s one way of doing it.



IDOT ups the ante on Peotone airport

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Tucked into the $23.5 billion five-year transportation program Pritzker unveiled yesterday (see pages 10-11) was a whopping $205.5 million for road construction work on Eagle Lake Road and Interstate 57. The proposed airport site is just to the east, and even though not one spade of dirt had been turned for runways or one airline has signed up, the road work is slated to go ahead.

Included: $150 million for a new interchange on I-57 at Eagle Lake Road, between 2021 and 2025; $19.5 million for construction engineering, and $10 million for land acquisition. Add it all up and it comes to $205.5 million, enough to build a couple of new high schools on the South Side of Chicago or speed western access to O’Hare International Airport, enough to begin work on extending the Chicago Transit Authority’s Red Line to the south city limits, or to fund the state’s annual hike in payments to its pension funds. […]

A spokesman for the Illinois Department of Transportation confirmed the road plan increases that figure but deferred other questions to Pritzker’s media office, which said in a statement: “This funding represents an investment to promote critical economic development in the south suburbs, and the administration looks forward to continuing to discuss next steps with stakeholders.”

Maybe so. But how about guaranteeing that someone actually is going to use the proposed airfield before spending more than $200 million on roads through what now are just farm fields? As the Environmental Law & Policy Center’s Howard Learner put it in an email: “Illinois has a huge backlog of vital transit, rail, highway and bridge projects that improve community mobility. . . .Unfortunately, IDOT is allocating even more public funds than the Legislature appropriated in order to support the Peotone airport project that is opposed by the leading commercial airlines and doesn’t have a viable financial plan. Illinois has higher priorities.”

The state cannot constitutionally use Motor Fuel Tax revenues to build schools or fund the pension systems. But the caution urged here is legit. There is literally nothing at that proposed Eagle Lake Road interchange. If the airport is never built, it’ll be an exit to nowhere. And our other transportation needs are, indeed, very large.

Your thoughts?


Question of the day

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


Jose Alvarez, the tollway’s executive director, withdrew from his [Tuesday] speaking role at a planned City Club luncheon late Monday. That’s after WBEZ first reported on the City Club raid, and that federal investigators subpoenaed the organization for records about Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago.

“Executive Director Alvarez cancelled his appearance at the City Club while there are questions about the federal investigation involving the organization,” tollway spokesman Dan Rozek said in a statement released Tuesday. […]

In response to Alvarez’s sudden cancellation, the City Club issued a short statement Tuesday that said it “looks forward to welcoming Executive Director Jose Alvarez in the near future” and that it regretted any inconvenience associated with the cancelled program.

I give an annual speech for the City Club called “Christmas with Rich Miller.” It’s a fun event and we raise money for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. People also bring toys for kids under LSSI’s care. Tickets always sell out very fast. Last year, the City Club was kind enough to donate a table and we raised even more money for LSSI by auctioning off the seats.

The City Club and I usually set a date in the summer and then they sell tickets well in advance. I never heard from them this summer and made some travel plans for December. They reached out to me several days ago and I put them off while I tried to figure out logistics and whether to even do it. And then WBEZ reported that Jay Doherty’s office at the City Club had been raided and the City Club itself had been subpoenaed.

Attorney General Kwame Raoul didn’t cancel his City Club address yesterday, but he also didn’t take any customary questions from the media, saying he had an early afternoon meeting with other attorneys general.

My speech has become something of a tradition, and even though it’ll be a little bit of a hassle I could still make it to the venue. Or I could just hold an online fundraiser here for LSSI.

So, I’m gonna put it to a non-binding, advisory referendum. I reserve the right to make the final decision.

* The Question: Do the City Club speech or hold an online fundraiser? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

survey tool


Pick a lane, please

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It looks like the CTU may have been “pulling a Madigan” at the bargaining table. Whenever the House Speaker wants to slow talks down or sabotage them, he sends lots of people into the room

Lightfoot also complained that a 40-person CTU bargaining team is “unwieldy” and means CTU cannot “get back to us more quickly” on city proposals.

“I applaud them for their democracy, but that’s coming at a real cost, and the pace of this thing has to be accelerated,” Lightfoot said.

The mayor may have received her wish, because the union said Monday night that it wouldn’t have its whole bargaining team show up Tuesday if no progress would be made. Instead, the union said only its four officers would be at the table until things started moving in the right direction again.

That could be a positive sign.

* But then the mayor said this today

She was also critical of CTU’s decision to not bring their full bargaining team to the table Tuesday.

“It’s unfortunate that the larger bargaining team has decided that they’re going to take the day off,” said Lightfoot. “There should be a sense of urgency all the way around.”


Also, no mention in the piece that this was a complete flip-flop from yesterday.

One thing’s for sure, I do not believe Mayor Lightfoot wants this strike to spill over into the veto session. The Democratic super-majority generally favors teachers unions and she has some big asks.

* Related…

* What are CPS and the CTU fighting over?


Homeless advocates bash Lightfoot budget proposal

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Lori Lightfoot campaign press release from November 2, 2018

Lightfoot will seek referendum approval to replace the regressive real estate transfer tax with a graduated real estate transfer tax. This change is estimated to generate between $80 million and $150 million in additional revenue that can be used to address homelessness and support housing that is affordable. Under the new graduated rate structure, nearly 95% of property transactions citywide would receive a tax cut on the sale of properties. For example, a transaction for a $250,000 home would result in $1,000 savings.

Once elected, all talk of a referendum disappeared and she has instead asked the General Assembly to pass a bill to implement the tax change (which is why I’m doing a post about it). And she decided she needed to use the vast majority of that revenue to help balance the city’s budget.

* Mayor Lightfoot press release

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced today that the City of Chicago will increase funding for homelessness prevention by 36 percent, along with a commitment to increase the number of affordable units for Chicago’s lowest-income renters by 19 percent. This new package of investments and supports includes an increase in funding for the Flexible Housing Pool by $5 million to house more than 200 youth experiencing housing instability or homelessness, along with a commitment of $5 million from the corporate fund to the Low-Income Housing Trust Fund (LIHTF) for 520 new affordable housing units.

Together these investments will provide affordable housing to more than 700 new households through corporate fund contributions geared toward reducing homelessness and stably housing Chicago’s most vulnerable residents.

There’s no mention in the release about how that small increase would be funded.

* Bring Chicago Home Coalition…

Despite campaigning on a promise to dramatically increase funding for Chicagoans experiencing homelessness, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s inaugural budget proposal would perpetuate a severe shortage of aid for the more than 86,000 city residents who lack housing.

Chicago’s current spending to reduce homelessness ranks near the bottom of major U.S. cities, and Mayor Lightfoot’s budget proposal would do nothing to alter that dismal status, even though she promised revolutionary change through a dedicated new revenue stream. As Chicago’s massive homeless population braces for another winter, this is no time to leave them out in the cold financially.

Lightfoot would assign only an additional $5 million to programs specifically dedicated to relieving homelessness. The new funding would represent only a small fraction of the revenue that the city would generate from the proposed increase in Chicago’s Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT), breaking Lightfoot’s campaign promise to make support for the homeless a principal beneficiary of the tax increase.

Fortunately, she still has an opportunity to uphold her word by asking state lawmakers to approve a RETT increase that dedicates a much larger portion of the proceeds to alleviating homelessness.

A 2018 poll conducted on behalf of CCH found that 66 percent of Chicago voters approved a RETT increase on property sales worth more than $1 million to fund programs that mitigate homelessness, and the BCH coalition introduced legislation in City Council that would authorize a referendum on this proposal on the March, 2020 ballot.

Lightfoot has said she plans to ask the Illinois Legislature for permission to institute a RETT increase without direct voter approval through a referendum – but her proposal excludes money for homelessness.

* Related…

* As hope for new source of city money fades, Chicago youth homeless programs at risk of losing federal funding too


Anti-abortion group challenges RHA in federal complaint

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Thomas More Society press release…

On October 21, 2019 the Thomas More Society filed a complaint against Illinois’ Reproductive Health Act with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights. The new Illinois law requires health insurance policies to cover elective chemical and surgical abortions. According to the complaint, this mandate — which compels businesses and individuals to pay for even late term abortion coverage and offers no religious exemptions — violates the federal Weldon Amendment and Affordable Care Act

“This abortion-coverage mandate is a blatant violation of the religious and conscience rights of many who live or work in Illinois,” explained Thomas More Society attorney Michael McHale. “While the secular forces behind this mandate often erroneously object to any influence of religion on the state, here they had no hesitation in wielding state power against our sincerely held, common-sense religious beliefs to avoid paying for health insurance coverage of abortion.

The law, now known as Illinois Public Act 101-13, mandates every health insurance policy in Illinois that provides pregnancy-related benefits to provide coverage of elective abortions, and to do so without cost-sharing beyond that required for pregnancy-related benefits. It does not include any exemptions for religious individuals, religious organizations, or even churches.

The Thomas More Society, a national nonprofit public interest law firm and major force in the Constitutional defense of religious liberty, filed the complaint on its own behalf and on behalf of Flossmoor dentist, Dr. Richard Mantoan and his dental practice, Southland Smiles, Ltd. Both companies sponsor small group health insurance plans for their employees and offer a number of policy options purchased through BlueCross Blue Shield of Illinois. The new mandate requires both businesses to purchase health insurance policies that cover abortions.

The complaint details how the Illinois abortion-coverage mandate violates the federal Weldon Amendment, putting Illinois in jeopardy of losing billions of dollars of federal funding. The Weldon Amendment ensures that federal appropriations to the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education may not be issued to any government that discriminates against a “health care entity,” including an insurance plan sponsor, on the basis that it does not provide health insurance coverage of abortion.

“This is exactly what the Weldon Amendment prohibits,” McHale said. “Illinois cannot force those of us who do not believe in paying for abortions to either pay for abortion coverage or drop our insurance. Doing so will require Illinois to forfeit federal funding for essential programs such as Medicaid.”

“Additional provisions of this radical abortion policy will force Illinois taxpayers to foot the bill,” added McHale, referring to the federal Affordable Care Act’s provision requiring a separation of abortion costs from other health care expenses. “It’s a direct violation of federal law. We should expect better from our lawmakers.”

“We are confident that the Office for Civil Rights will take our complaint seriously,” declared McHale. “Federal law clearly prohibits this brazen attempt to encroach upon our rights conscience. We urge immediate intervention to halt this illegal mandate.”

The complaint is here.

* React from Brigid Leahy, Senior Director of Public Policy, Planned Parenthood of Illinois…

The Thomas More Society’s complaint against the Reproductive Health Act is the latest tactic in an ongoing campaign to end access to safe and legal abortion. The Thomas Moore Society couldn’t stop the Reproductive Health Act in the state legislature, so they are desperately turning to the Trump Administration for help in cutting off access to abortion in Illinois.

The Reproductive Health Act ensures that everyone can make a personal decision when it comes to reproductive health care, including birth control, pregnancy-related care, and abortion. Having adequate coverage for care means people have the ability to make the decision that is best for them. Everyone should have coverage for a full range of reproductive health care, including abortion with access to safe medical care. Providing insurance coverage helps ensure that they will be able to see a licensed, quality health provider. Ten years ago, insurance plans routinely covered abortion just like other health care services. But, in recent years, it has become harder for Illinoisans to get insurance that covers abortion. The Reproductive Health Act addresses this issue by requiring state regulated insurance plans that cover pregnancy-related care to include coverage for abortion. This requirement is similar to a Maine law that passed earlier this year. In addition, California, New York, Oregon, and Washington require all state-regulated private health plans to include coverage for abortion.

* Personal PAC’s Terry Cosgrove…

It’s no surprise that extremists aligned with President Trump, such as Peter Breen and the Thomas More Society, who want to make abortion and birth control illegal for all women, are doing everything imaginable to enforce their right-wing religious views on everyone in Illinois.

* The RHA’s chief House sponsor, Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago)…

Once again exhibiting their complete disconnect from reality and the truth, the Thomas More Society has found a special ally in their efforts to limit access to reproductive health care in Illinois – the Trump Administration. Having been soundly defeated in the legislature – even after engaging in misrepresentations and exaggerations about the impact of the RHA, it was inevitable that they would turn to their friends in the Trump-Pence Administration, still using the tired lies we rejected this session. While we advanced access to care in Illinois, Trump appointees in Washington have attempted block people from accessing the reproductive health care, including abortion care, they need. This is just a speed bump. It will not succeed.

I asked for some examples of the group recycling “tired lies” and she sent me these two…

- The health care right of conscience act remains intact and religious objections are respected.

- The preposterous fear-mongering over abortion late in pregnancy. This is the biggest red herring of all and completely disrespects both pregnant people and health care professionals in their suggestions that it is anything but a medical tragedy when there is no other option but to end the pregnancy. Nobody does this on a whim. No doctor and no parent. It’s infuriating.

…Adding… Sen. Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake)…

This complaint is just one more ineffective attempt to deprive women of their right to quality health care.

Illinois expanded access to care with the Reproductive Health Act despite opposition from anti-women groups like the Thomas More Society, who seek to force their extremist politics onto others and limit access to safe and legal abortion.

As we proved when we passed the RHA, Illinois will not let the Thomas More Society or the Trump Administration get in the way of women’s health. Reproductive care is health care.


“I run a couple of newspapers. What do you do?”

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Lansing State Journal

Dozens of websites branded as local news outlets launched throughout Michigan this fall, with monikers like Lansing Sun, Ann Arbor Times, Thumb Reporter and UP Gazette, promising local news but also offering political messaging. […]

[Metric Media CEO Bradley Cameron’s] biography also says he has worked for pharmaceutical manufacturers, technology companies, and is retained by national conservative leaders to respond to “government targeting of their operations and initiatives.”

According to the sites’ privacy policy pages, they are operated by Locality Labs LLC, a Delaware company that similarly affiliated with a network of local sites in Illinois and Maryland, and business sites in nearly every U.S. state.

The publications Locality Labs operates in Illinois, which include both websites and printed papers, provide different descriptions of their editorial direction.

West Cook News, for example, says its “core belief” is in “limited government, in the constructive role of the free market and in the rights of citizens to choose the size and scope of their government and the role it should play in their society.” It is funded in part by advocacy groups who believe the same.

Messages left with Locality Labs’ various Illinois publications were not returned. Locality Labs CEO, Brian Timpone, could not be reached for comment.

* I’ve been calling these publications “Dan Proft papers,” but Timpone runs the show. He’s a former Statehouse reporter and House Republican spokesperson. I’ve reached out to Brian for comment and will post it if/when I get it.

Check out this list of business publications operated by Locality Labs

Again, that’s only the business publications. From the West Cook News page, here’s a list of their community publications in Illinois

They also run several legal news sites, including the Madison-St. Clair Record in the Metro East

Dude’s got some reach. (Headline explained here.)


The redlight cam issue needs to be addressed ASAP

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not certain I follow this argument. Which specific freedoms are being encroached upon by a camera that is programmed to snap a pic of your car if you run a red light?

Illinois state Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) argues that the use of red-light cameras to enforce speeding and other driving infractions sends the wrong message to the public.

“They need to go because they’re the epitome of a police state,” Bailey told the SE Illinois News. “If you gotta have law enforcement from cameras, there’s a real problem. Think about it, if you have an officer out there doing the job, he’s doing much more than just standing around to write tickets. By sticking a red-light camera someplace, it’s our freedoms that are being encroached upon.”

But this is a good point

Chicago has 309 red-light cameras spread out across the city, compared to an average of just under 69 in New York, Philadelphia and Phoenix, the three cities with the next highest amount of cameras.

“All that money with no accountability for it just breeds a culture of corruption,” Bailey said. “With this system, you’ve got the ability to choose who and what company you’re going to work with and no one knows nothing about that process.” […]

“It seems there’s very little oversight,” he said.

Yep. Their business model involves recruiting politically connected sales persons to convince mayors to install cameras and then those sales persons make a commission every time the cams ding a motorist.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong?


“We have neglected the roads and bridges for so many years, something like this had to be done”

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here. Let’s take a look at the new IDOT plan

Acting IDOT Secretary Omer Osman, a Pritzker appointee, said slightly more than $9 billion of the $23.5 billion that will be spent from fiscal years 2020-2025 will come from the federal government, about 39 percent of the total funding. He said the passage of the so-called horizontal infrastructure bill — dealing with roads and bridges rather than buildings —this May upped the state’s contribution to the multi-year plan from 12 percent to 58 percent.

The money will go toward maintaining 4,212 miles of roadways and 9.2 million square feet of bridges, according to the governor’s office. The projects on the list were identified “based on the principles of asset management” to “maximize system performance and minimize lifecycle costs.” […]

According to the governor’s office, 75 percent of the funds are allocated to reconstructing and preserving roadways and bridges, while 16 percent is dedicated “to strategically expanding the system in areas where data have shown the investment will be highly effective.” The rest will go to “necessary traffic and safety improvements.”

In total, $7.58 billion will go toward roadway reconstruction and preservation, $4.99 billion to bridge replacements and repairs, $1.59 billion to “safety and system modernizations,” $3.08 billion to strategic expansion of the system and $2.11 billion for system support such as engineering and land acquisition, according to the governor’s office.

* Tribune

Republican Sen. Don DeWitte, of St. Charles, said for years state leaders have allowed “critical infrastructure to crumble.”

“This capital plan is going to do exactly what its name promises to do — it will rebuild Illinois,” DeWitte said.

The infrastructure spending plan is being fueled in part by gas and cigarette tax hikes, as well as increased license plate fees. The motor fuel tax doubled to 38 cents per gallon and will be indexed to future inflation increases. Municipalities in Cook County were authorized to levy a separate 3-cents-per-gallon motor fuel tax, while the collar counties were permitted to raise their taxes on motor fuel up to 8 cents per gallon.

Rather than using a “worst-first” approach, the plan aims to “determine interim repairs to extend the life cycles of the state’s key roads and bridges.” Among the factors IDOT used in evaluating the projects to be included in the plan are pavement condition, crash history, average daily traffic and bridge condition.

* SJ-R

“There is no acceptance in anyway whatsoever, in fact a full-throated rejection by my administration, by this IDOT, of any of the deception, the corruption that has been uncovered or has yet to be uncovered,” Pritzker said. “We are being extremely focused and careful to make sure that every dollar that gets spent in this capital plan is done completely above board and done the right way and with taxpayers in mind. Every bit of this is receiving an extra focus, an extra lens, to make sure it is done above board and everything is on the up and up.”

Comptroller Susana Mendoza attended the news conference and said her office “will aim to break out as many of these payments as possible so that we can confirm that normal state spending is occurring.”

Acting Transportation Secretary Omer Osman said the road plan is twice the size it would have been without the new capital plan passed last spring. The plan covers $23.5 billion of spending on road, bridges and other transportation projects over a six-year period. The total includes federal matching funds, but Osmon said the state will now be picking up a larger part of a project’s cost.

“That will give us the flexibility of matching any federal fund,” he said.

* Center Square

Pritzker said the state is also using a federal Transportation Asset Management Plan standard.

“Many other states have been working toward that standard, we are for the first time working toward that standard,” Pritzker said. “What does that mean? It means we’re saving a lot of money for taxpayers as we’re focusing on our roads and bridges.”

The U.S. Department of Transportation said TAMP is “a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, and improving physical assets, with a focus on engineering and economic analysis based upon quality information, to identify a structured sequence of maintenance, preservation, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement actions that will achieve and sustain a desired state of good repair over the lifecycle of the assets at minimum practicable cost.”

Illinois’ TAMP was accepted by the federal government in August.


Sangamon County will see seven projects, including adding new lanes on interstates, bridge replacements and a new pedestrian overpass. […]

“I wasn’t excited about the 19 cents, I was hoping for a little bit less than that,” Rep. Mike Murphy, R-Springfield, said. “But we have neglected the roads and bridges for so many years, something like this had to be done and I really do think it’s going to be a game changer for the state of Illinois.”


Watch the Dems dance

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

A new report reveals federal agents sought information about longtime Illinois House Speaker and Democratic Party of Illinois Chairman Michael Madigan as part of a broader probe into ComEd’s lobbying practices. […]

State Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, said the latest revelations seem to “continue a long-standing tradition in Illinois of what looks like public corruption.”

“This is disturbing especially when coming on the heels of the capital bill, which a lot of us supported, which we all think is a good thing for the state of Illinois, coming on negotiations when it comes out of the energy bill when we see the largest utility in the state of Illinois is named in this,” Butler said. “I think it’s troubling.” […]

“I hope my Democrat colleagues are asking some serious questions to the Speaker as to what’s going on,” Butler said. “We’re going to have an opportunity to see if there are any answers come veto session.”

State Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, said she doesn’t spend much time with party leadership.

“I don’t get into the fray with all that,” Scherer said. “I come here, I do my job, I go home and I don’t get into all those upper levels and I’m fine not being up there, quite frankly.”

Asked if she still has confidence in Madigan, she said “for right now, I’m just going with the flow and we’ll see how everything pans out.”

“I believe in following the law. I follow the law and I like to see that everyone does,” she said.

Watching the House and Senate Democrats dance around these questions could be a full-time job during veto session, which starts in six days.



Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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