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Dance break!

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s the 21st of September, kids

Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changin’ the minds of pretenders
While chasin’ the clouds away

Our hearts were ringin’
In the key that our souls were singin’
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh, yeah


Sen. Jones resigns committee chair, vice chair and leadership positions

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you check Sen. Jones’ page, you’ll see that he’s also no longer a member of leadership…

Jones resigned his vice chair position because the Public Safety Committee could take up red light cam matters related to his bribery charge.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Chicago Tribune’s state legislative candidate questionnaire

State budget figures put Illinois’ unfunded pension liabilities at roughly $130 billion earlier this year. That’s a massive deficit that wreaks havoc on the state’s long-term financial stability, and discourages employers from bringing jobs to Illinois. What should Illinois do to fix this problem? […]

Illinois has the second highest real estate property taxes in the country. Please lay out two ways that the state can provide a measure of relief to Illinois homeowners and citizens, and please be specific with your answer.

* Retiring Rep. Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield) has come up with a plan which addresses both of these topics. First, Batinick points out, the pension problem isn’t as bad going forward as the Tribune editorial board and others make it out to be

I’ve identified three reasons why we’ve turned the corner on pensions. The first reason: Tier 2. There is no doubt the switch to Tier 2 roughly a decade ago is producing savings. We are near the point where 50% of employees in one of the five state systems are under the Tier 2 program.

The second reason is our payment schedule. Usually referred to as the “ramp,” which requires our pensions systems to be 90% funded by 2045. We are reaching the point of the schedule where we are no longer in a negative amortization situation where we continue to make larger payments while the unfunded liabilities continue to grow.

The third reason is inflation. This is the least recognized item that has helped reduce our pension liability in real dollars. Inflation is generally bad, but if you’re a debtor, it can actually help your financial situation.

* More to the point, as we’ve discussed before, the percentage of the state budget going to pensions is dropping

If you reference Appendix R at this link, in Fiscal Year 2017, our pension payment peaked at 29.4% of our budget. It has been decreasing since, getting as low as 20% in FY21. There is a bump in the current budget (FY23) resulting from an additional pension payment that was made. Next year, it is scheduled to drop to 22.9%. It then continues to drop until 2045, where it will be 18.5% of the budget. Then the ramp ends and we reach the point where we only pay normal costs, which is about 5% of the budget.

* This is how Batinick brings things together

My plan would designate that 25% of the general revenue fund budget toward the traditional pension payment and a new property tax relief component. If the pension payment in any given fiscal year is less than 25% (as it is projected to be) then the dollar difference would go directly to property tax relief. The result would be a flat percentage payment, which lawmakers have already grown accustomed to, that will target direct relief to property taxpayers. In short, as the pension payment drops, so would the overall property tax burden.

The savings would be distributed to local school districts on a per-pupil basis, which would then be used to reset the levy to account for the relief on a dollar for dollar basis. Plainly, this means that $1 in additional funding to a school district would, in turn, lower the base levy by $1. The additional money would add to what is referred to as “local capacity” (an ability to self-fund schools through property tax revenue under the current Evidence Based Funding (EBF) formula). The EBF formula would then be implemented on top of the new, lowered base levy in order to distribute the normal state funding for schools. In the end, areas with lower local capacity and high tax rates would win the most.

This plan would designate nearly $1 billion in property tax relief in the next fiscal year. Using the formula in my school district would roughly equate to a 4% reduction in Property Tax Year One. By 2046, we will be able to designate 20% of the budget to property tax relief. If we could do that now, that would equate to approximately $4,000 per student. Imagine how much that would lower property taxes! Obviously this would vary per district, but lower income areas should see the most relief.

There’s more, so click here if you want.

* The Question: Your initial thoughts on Batinick’s idea? No drive-by comments, please. Explain yourself.


Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Proft calls the Daily Herald a “paid vendor”…

But, you know, support local news media and all that.

* Speaking of supporting local news, Fox 32 has essentially helped candidate Bailey lay the groundwork to declare the election was stolen with its goofy clickbait push-poll stunt…

Smart move by Bailey to raise money off of 32’s news judgment.

* Sun-Times

Cook County Clerk Karen Yarbrough on Tuesday issued a clarion call for military veterans to step back into service as poll workers this election year, as the region faces a “critical shortage” of the election judges they need to make the ballot-casting process run efficiently.

With seven weeks to go before Election Day, Yarbrough said her office has about 4,350 people lined up to work at suburban polling places on Nov. 8, but she needs at least 7,000 “to adequately cover” all of them.

That “potential crisis” is why the county is urging veterans to “step up one more time for democracy, because that’s what’s on the ballot,” Yarbrough said at her Loop office. […]

More than 130,000 poll workers have dropped out across the country since 2018, according to Vet the Vote, which says about two-thirds of election authorities that year reported trouble finding enough workers.

* Big bucks for Budzinski…

WOMEN VOTE! Invests $732K Supporting Nikki Budzinski in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, EMILY’s List WOMEN VOTE! announced its first expenditure in support of Nikki Budzinski in her race to represent Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. The ads, “Control” and “Keeps,” will air for three weeks in the St. Louis media markets on broadcast and cable starting today. EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler remarked on the importance of this investment with the following statement:

“Abortion is on the ballot, and pro-choice champion Nikki Budzinski is the only candidate in the race to represent Illinois’ 13th Congressional District committed to protecting our fundamental freedoms. Her extremist, anti-choice opponent, Regan Deering, celebrated the fall of Roe v. Wade. Voters will not stand for her out-of-touch attempts to ‘control’ their bodily autonomy and make their most personal medical decisions for them. EMILY’s List is proud to stand with Budzinski in this critical race as she endeavors to advance opportunity and justice for every member of her district.”

* Budzinksi’s opponent issued a press release on the 2020 Fair Tax failure…

As Gov. Pritzker’s senior advisor, Nikki Budzinski was instrumental in his flagship policy point - changing the Illinois Constitution to allow politicians to increase taxes on Illinois families and businesses with a new tax structure.

If adopted, the amendment would have changed the constitution to allow for a progressive income tax structure with brackets determined by Illinois statehouse politicians. Besides increasing taxes, the amendment language made it easier for politicians to also add new taxes such as service taxes or the retirement tax suggested by Treasurer Frerichs.

Despite spending $56 million of his personal wealth to advertise the tax increase to voters, the amendment was overwhelmingly rejected by Illinoisans. It was especially unpopular in the 13th Congressional District where it was shot down in Madison, St. Clair, Macoupin, Sangamon, Macon, and Piatt counties.

“The votes show that Nikki Budzinski is clearly out of touch with the needs of our district,” said Regan Deering, candidate for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. “I am strongly opposed to increasing taxes, especially during the disastrous Biden Administration when Illinois families are feeling the effects of record inflation costing the average household $769 a month. In Congress, you can count on me to fight every day to keep more money in Americans’ pocketbooks.”

* Casten has a new video…

Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL) released his second digital ad of the cycle. The ad highlights Keith Pekau’s extreme anti-choice stance on reproductive rights. The ad will run on Facebook, Google, and Hulu through Election Day as part of a six-figure digital buy.

You can watch the ad, “Susan”, here.


The Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA), the non-partisan political and advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood of Illinois, proudly announces its final endorsements for the November general election. Candidates were selected based on their reproductive health care policies and their commitment to protecting the health and rights of all Illinoisans. The full list of endorsements and more information is available at

“All freedoms are on the ballot this November. With a right-wing activist federal court in power, we are supporting these candidates who are champions of reproductive freedom and will protect people’s right to decide what is best for themselves and their families,” said Kelley Foxx, PPIA Board Chair. “As more and more legislatures strip away abortion rights in surrounding states, it is critical to vote for candidates who will uphold Illinois’ position as a haven state for abortion in the Midwest.”

All Democratic statewide officeholders were endorsed, including Sen. Tammy Duckworth, as well as the two Democrats running for the Illinois Supreme Court. The endorsed legislator list was long, so click here.

* ILGOP goes after MKO on crime…

Judge Mary Kay O’Brien’s deep ties to the Madigan Machine are well known. O’Brien was appointed as an Appellate Court Justice during her final year in the Illinois General Assembly after voting with Madigan 93.6% of the time. O’Brien also “Helped Madigan Regain The Speakership,” and received over $200,000 in political contributions from political groups led by Madigan over the course of her career. In addition to her ties to the indicted former party boss, O’Brien’s record on the bench is even more concerning.

As an Appellate Justice, O’Brien has overturned the convictions of some of Illinois’ most heinous and violent criminals and has a history of coddling criminals while turning her back on local law enforcement.

For example, in 2013, Jesus Zambrano was convicted of murder for his role in the Joliet murder where the “victim was shot in the head inside a third-floor apartment at the Larkin Village apartment complex during an apparent lover’s triangle”. Zambrano was arrested while attempting to flee to Mexico, and would later appeal his conviction on the grounds that he received “ineffective assistance of counsel”. In 2016 O’Brien’s court granted his appeal and ordered a retrial for Zambrano. He was later found not-guilty and released. In 2021, Zambrano was once again arrested, this time for shooting a man in the groin during an altercation.

All told, O’Brien has overturned many serious criminal convictions, including murder convictions and numerous robbery, drug, and sexual assault convictions.

“Madigan Machine Judge Mary K. O’Brien has a history of using the courtroom to coddle criminals. As Illinois grapples with the impending elimination of cash bail on January 1st, 2023, the last thing Illinois families need is a soft-on-crime judge on our state’s highest court. O’Brien might say nice things on television, but she has been a card-carrying member of the Madigan Machine who’s spent her judicial career putting criminals before crime victims and the safety of our communities,” said Illinois Republican Party Executive Director Shaun McCabe.

Click here to see a story on why Zambrano’s conviction was overturned. Click here for a news report on how Zambrano was found not guilty by a jury in his retrial.

* Supreme Court justice’s spouse co-chairs “bipartisan coalition of women” to boost said justice’s campaign…

Today, Citizens to Elect Justice Michael J Burke announced a bipartisan coalition of women who publicly support and endorse Justice Burke for election to the Illinois Supreme Court. The coalition is being led by Mary Ann Burke, the proud wife of Justice Burke, and State Senator Sue Rezin of Morris.

The coalition is made up of more than 200 notable women throughout the counties of DuPage, Will, LaSalle, Kankakee, Grundy, Bureau, and Iroquois. You can find a list of coalition members below. This group represents various backgrounds and walks of life across the 3rd Illinois Supreme Court district, from those in small business, education, law, elected office, and other fields.

This bipartisan women’s coalition is endorsing Justice Burke because he is a community leader who has a proven record of prioritizing public safety, upholding the rule of law, and promoting judicial independence.

The full list is here.

* Dan Brady has a new online spot on organ and tissue donation…

Dan Brady today pledged to continue his lifelong passion to increase organ and tissue donation, and as the next Illinois Secretary of State has set a goal to make Illinois the top state in the nation for this lifesaving program.

“I am the only candidate who has worked to reduce the number of people who die every day waiting for a donation,” Brady said. “Since the Secretary of State’s office administers the organ and tissue donor program in Illinois, I will actively put this state on a path to save more lives than any other by enrolling more people as donors in the program.”

Friends of Dan Brady have released a new fifteen second online ad spotlighting Brady’s work with the Organ and Tissue Donation Registry. The video may be seen at or on Brady’s website,

* Demmer again whacks Frerichs on retirement taxes…

A recent study from Wallethub places Illinois 45th out of 50 for best states to retire, and ranks Illinois dead last in their “taxpayer ranking”.

“The cost of living is high, so when you are living on a fixed income, that is not helpful,” Jill Gonzales of Wallethub explained to Center Square . “It is also not very friendly to taxpayers, specifically not friendly to retired taxpayers.”

Illinois State Representative and candidate for State Treasurer Tom Demmer said the statistics were disappointing but not surprising.

“Two years ago our Illinois State Treasurer Mike Frerichs publicly floated the idea of taxing Illinois retirement income, stripping retirees of one of the few tax benefits left in this state,” said Rep. Demmer. “That doesn’t just send a negative message to people entering their golden years, but it discourages people for all stages in life from planting their roots and growing their families in Illinois at all.”

The study also shows that out of 182 Cities across the U.S. measured for best places to retire, Illinois puts forth only two cities, Aurora at 171st and Chicago at 154th, while other surrounding states had better rankings.

“There are some midwestern cities that did all right on this list, Minneapolis ranked 12th, Madison ranked 22nd, Fargo ranked 25th,” Gonzales said. “So it is not like this is a midwestern problem.”

Demmer said he is running for Treasurer to be a fiscal watchdog for all Illinoisans and combat Treasurer Frerichs’ recurring attempts to raise taxes.

This year, he introduced H.R. 753, which petitions the Illinois General Assembly to reaffirm Illinois residents’ overwhelming rejection of Gov. Pritzker’s failed attempt to change the Illinois constitution to allow politicians to raise taxes indefinitely with a progressive tax, and, according to Frerichs, make it easier to begin taxing retirement income. Additionally, he has launched a new online petition for Illinosans to formally register their opposition to Frerichs’ tax on retirement income.

“We will continue to struggle to attract new families to our state until we elect fiscal leaders who will act as a check and balance in Springfield,” Demmer said. “That’s why I’m running for Treasurer, to be a fiscal watchdog who will fight for the future of our state.”

* Background is here if you need it. Press release from Terrell Barnes, Democratic Party of Dupage County Vice Chair of Outreach and Engagement…

A story was revealed on the Capitol Fax Political Blog 2 days ago that is disturbing. It was revealed that Illinois Republican candidate for State Representative District 48, Jennifer Sanalitro, attended the Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021. The main aim of this rally was to stop the certification of the 2020 US Presidential election.

Wyoming Congresswoman Lynne Cheney famously sums that day up best with the following: “President Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack.”

On this day, President Trump summoned now candidate Jennifer Sanalitro, assembled the mob around her and she struck a match and walked away, as she now claims she went back to her hotel room. She struck that match when she ignored court case after court case that clearly showed Trump lost the election. She got on that plane to DC anyway showing bad judgement.

Along with her fellow travelers, she propagated the big lie detailed in her picture holding the sign ‘Save America’ begging the question from what? This sentiment contributed to the violence that day.

She was proud of this day, posting it on her cover page for a social media account, until she wasn’t proud and deleted it. She was proud of a clear and present danger to our democracy until she wasn’t. Think about that.

Her explanation raises more questions than it answers. Our community has concerns. We have a candidate running for Illinois State Representative (48), the same legislative body Abraham Lincoln served in, who is a democracy denier.

This is unfortunately a dangerous trend. I call on Jennifer Sanalitro to affirm the results of the 2020 Presidential Election and state clearly Joe Biden got more total votes nationally than Donald Trump. I call on her to say Joe Biden got more electoral votes than Donald Trump and Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election.

Additionally I call on Evelyn Sanguinetti, Republican candidate for Dupage County Clerk, to do the same. In this important upcoming election our community needs to know a candidate running to administer our elections isn’t a democracy denier.

Our community needs answers and we need those answers in 48 hours. The silence on the issue of our very Democracy would speak volumes. The good news, Dupage County voters get to speak volumes on November 8, 2022.

The county party chair, Ken Mejia-Beal, called on Sanalitro to “step down as a candidate for Illinois State Representative.”

* Republican DuPage County Board chair candidate runs first cable TV ad…

Greg Hart, candidate for DuPage County Board Chairman, today released his first campaign ad in which he proposes “a different kind of politics in DuPage County.”

Hart’s ad rejects the pointless partisan bickering like the kind we see in Washington. Hart suggests this kind of politics has no place in DuPage County, and even goes so far as to say he’s “disgusted” with the partisanship that keeps us from getting down to the real issues.

“Our challenges can be solved by working together,” says Hart.

Hart, a sitting county board member who is known for being a strong and unifying leader, has already received a tremendous amount of support from the community, including from over 200 leaders across the county and state who have endorsed his campaign.

The spot is here.

* I laughed out loud when I opened this email today…

* More…

* Politics and Facebook: How local candidates are using social media ads to advance campaigns: The Regan4Congress campaign had five ads last month, sharing details on upcoming events and photos from previous meetings. In total, the campaign is estimated to have spent no more than $800 which secured approximately 153,000 impressions. Alternatively, Budzinski’s campaign has invested heavily in its Facebook presence – estimates between $30,000 and $37,000 on three ads this month. This strategy has netted the Democrat more impressions than voters in the newly formed congressional district.

* Sen. Darren Bailey stops in Quincy during tour across the state: Around 100 people attended the rally at the Holiday Inn.

* Waukegan officials blast Darren Bailey’s campaign for photo posted from non-political event; ‘I do not support … his radical ideas’: Shortly after learning she was pictured with Bailey on social media, she contacted his campaign and asked the picture be removed, writing, “The event was not a political event. The photo is posted on your website. I am requesting you remove it.” Shortly after sending the email, the picture was no longer posted on Bailey’s Facebook page with the words, “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now” and a graphic of a worker holding a wrench above the words.


Pritzker campaign says new Proft ad is “a lie”

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

People Who Play By The Rules PAC has launched a new ad, “Pritzker Must Go!” featuring retired Major in the U.S. Army, nurse, and lifelong Democrat Beverly Miles, who ran against Pritzker in the 2022 primary election for governor.

Miles claimed Pritzker tried to get her fired from her job as a nurse for daring to run against him saying she was told to quit her job or drop out of the campaign.

Miles said in a recent Joliet Patch article, “I’m tired of Black people dying and my community being a food desert. The West and South Sides remind me of a war zone and some days like a large psych facility with no walls. And it appears, JB is only concerned about checking the boxes to run for president, as opposed to the issues we’re dealing with in the state of Illinois.” […]

The new ad is available on YouTube, the PBR PAC Facebook Page and directly on a new website called which just went live Wednesday.

:30 YouTube:
TV Script:

Miles: “As retired military, the words ‘duty and honor’ mean everything to me. Those values mean nothing to Governor Pritzker, who tried to get me fired from my job as a nurse. People like me and you need to STAND UP to J.B. Pritzker’s mafia politics. I’m a lifelong Democrat. I believe in serving others. We are less safe in our neighborhoods. Our tax burdens are up. Our job opportunities are down. WE put Pritzker in office. HE FAILED US.”

* The spot

Proft’s spokesperson says the ad is going up on TV. Miles is a nurse at Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital.

* I asked the governor’s campaign for a response to the claim that Pritzker tried to get his opponent fired. Here’s Natalie Edelstein…

The claims being asserted in Dan Proft’s latest ad are a lie. Full stop. Like nearly everything else his propaganda network produces, Proft relies on ill-informed smears to make whatever half-baked point he is pushing at the moment. Illinoisans shouldn’t trust him or anything that has his name near it

* Miles addressed the issue on her most recent Facebook post

The ghost whispers informed me, Jay Robert took the three million dollars away from Chuy Garcia and allegedly he is no longer using black men/women in Chicago to further is campaign for Governor and his upcoming bid for president. We all know Jay Robert is not Governor’s material and no would he be a candidate for the presidency. I really feel sorry for those who fight hard against me to include putting a video in Jay Roberts hand to create a narrative to suite him. However, I combat crime from the street oppose to sitting beside a desk and or black biding his dirty work

Chuy Garcia and the Hispanic community and black leaders and the black community you all do not need Jay Robert Pritzker, Jay Robert needs you! Know your power when you stand together. It was also mentioned Jay Robert hired a team of Caucasian’s from another state to lead up his Governor’s campaign, that should tell each of you something…… “He does not trust you and he does not trust your abilities outside of doing grimy work. with this said, stop allowing him to use his money as leverage! He needs to black and Hispanic votes because white people are not thinking about him. All the evil things ya’ll did He did, still I rise in-spite of the legal challenges I still face to include the office of special counsel seeking to have me remove as a nurse for the veteran’s administration. It is of my personal belief Robert grubby phat fingers is all over! Black leaders on all levels it is time you stop this man from exploiting you!

To Jay Roberts handing who watches my social media page, it is time you go work for someone with integrity because if I was a Caucasian woman, JB would have never put his foot on my neck! I hope this post put my non-working brothers back on the payroll…… Thank me later and Peace and blessing

…Adding… Ziff Sistrunk was described in a legal proceeding as the Miles campaign’s “lead organizer.” The Pritzker folks point out that Sistrunk is now a Bailey person…

…Adding… Since she’s a federal employee, Miles is likely barred for running for partisan office by the Hatch Act.


Champaign-Urbana, Bloomington-Normal prepare to help asylum seekers

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Theodora Koulouvaris at WCIA

Central Illinois immigration advocates are preparing to help hundreds of migrants bused from the southern border of the U.S. […]

Gloria Yen, Director of the New American Welcome Center at the University YMCA, told WCIA in an email that their organization expects that for the next 15 weeks, roughly 1,000 migrants will arrive each week. […]

“This [gubernatorial] declaration will free up the resources to really treat the situation, and the people here with the dignity that they need,” said Charlotte Alvarez, Esq., the executive director of the Immigration Project. […]

“They’re passing through our downstate communities, and bus drivers are just telling people, if you want to get off here you can,” Alvarez said. […]

[Gloria Yen, Director of the New American Welcome Center at the University YMCA] said some migrants arriving in Chicago are in great need of mental health and medical care.

“Some folks walked through the jungle,” Yen said. “Others threw their children and then themselves onto moving train cars and sustained injuries.”

* Charlie Schlenker at WGLT

The mayor of Normal, Chris Koos, said, at the most recent meeting of the Illinois Municipal League, city leaders from across the state discussed taking in migrants to ease the burden, in answer to Chicago’s appeal for help.

“Communities in Illinois will probably step up and help as much as they can,” said Koos.

The Town of Normal is exploring how it would cope if a bus of migrants arrived and whether there is room for them. Koos said the town needs to understand the logistics of what would happen.

“The first thing that comes to mind is housing,” said Koos. “Where would we put people? Housing is so tight in this market already. So, we have to have a clear understanding, and this was advice that we shared with each other in that meeting in Chicago. Going into this, be realistic about what you’re getting involved in and make sure you can actually do what you think you want to do.” […]

Bloomington Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe said, for example, the community also would need to mobilize service providers to deal with an influx.

“I would hope that prior to something like that happening, we would get a head’s up,” said Mwilambwe, adding the city would be hard pressed to quickly absorb any migrants.

“As you know, I am an immigrant myself and I have been welcomed in this area,” he said. “So, there is a culture and a tradition of being compassionate towards individuals who have needs. We’ll do the best we can.”

* Meanwhile, in Chicago

Catholic Charities is among the groups providing assistance to the migrants, who include asylum seekers. […]

“Treating children of God as political pawns is unbecoming of any elected official, especially when it involves marginalized, suffering people,” Cardinal Cupich said in a Sept. 2 statement. “The Archdiocese of Chicago stands with local municipal and religious leaders who have pledged to support these new arrivals seeking better, safer lives.”

Once the first buses arrived, the migrants were shuttled to a shelter where they could get a hot meal and shower and sleep for the night, and the next day they were brought to an intake center where they received health screenings and help figuring out their next steps. […]

[Marie Jochum, senior director of special projects for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago] said many parishes and individuals have contacted Catholic Charities to see how they can help. All donations and volunteers are being cleared through the city of Chicago, which has posted a list of needed items at […]

Jochum said that Catholic Charities and the other organizations that are involved, including the Salvation Army, the National Immigration Justice Center, the Resurrection Project, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, among others, and various government agencies, have a lot of experience providing this kind of help.

Catholic Charities, which is providing case management services for individuals and families, has a longstanding refugee resettlement program, working with people who come to the U.S. with refugee status, she said. Those refugees have more resources from the federal government when they arrive, but they have similar needs.

The agency has also been fielding more requests from asylum seekers who come on their own to seek emergency assistance, she said. It also has reached out to sister Catholic Charities agencies in New York and Washington to learn from their experiences with busloads of migrants arriving from Texas.

* And this is just bad reporting from NBC 5

However, a western suburb received a bus of 64 migrants last week without prior notice from city officials, with the village of Burr Ridge accommodating the asylum-seekers on the fly.

What a crock. The asylum seekers weren’t dumped in Burr Ridge with no place to go or with no services the way Texas is dumping them in Chicago. The Burr Ridge government didn’t have to do anything, except complain, which they did.

* More…

* Immigrants bused to Chicago from Texas need emergency housing, healthcare: In just a month, more than 650 people seeking asylum have been bused from Texas to Chicago. Volunteers and nonprofits are meeting people as they arrive and helping to provide housing, healthcare and food. But these immigrants are in a precarious position because they can’t legally work in the country until six months after they submit their asylum application. Meanwhile, that application process requires money for legal fees, and many of the non-profits that help immigrants with this process are already at capacity.

* West Ridge’s Shuttered YMCA Being Used To House Migrants Bused In From Texas: The Red Cross and Salvation Army are providing meals and other basic needs for those staying in the YMCA building, according to Silverstein. The National Guard is helping to staff the makeshift shelter and the YMCA is providing around-the-clock security.


*** UPDATED x1 *** AG Raoul says SAFE-T Act needs changes

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Attorney General Raoul negotiated an agreement with local law enforcement to reform the police certification and de-certification process around the time of the SAFE-T Act’s passage and demanded that his legislation be kept separate from the broader SAFE-T Act bill. He’s a former county prosecutor and has supported several penalty enhancement bills in the past. So, this is not a huge surprise

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul on Tuesday acknowledged he has concerns about potential ambiguities in a sweeping criminal justice law that has become a major election year issue, and also spoke of the need to discuss clarifying some provisions, including one that eliminates cash bail, before they take effect Jan. 1. […]

Speaking at a campaign event on Chicago’s South Side, Raoul spoke of the need to have an “ongoing conversation” on what the threshold should be for determining what defendants are a threat to public safety, “whether it’s a specific threat to an individual or a community.”

“There are a number of issues that I think deserve discussion. I’m not going to have the debate about them here at a podium, but I think again like most legislation, we often revisit because we pass legislation that requires a lot of debate,” said Raoul, a former state senator who represented parts of Chicago’s South Side. “We are often clarifying ambiguity or uncertainty in … countless laws. Is the SAFE-T Act worthy of that discussion? It is.”

While opening the door to tweaking the law, Raoul also said he’s confident it leaves enough judicial discretion for lower level crime suspects and that he doesn’t think the bill is too confusing or contradictory.

*** UPDATE *** Two more supporters address potential changes, but that’s buried at the bottom of a story published by the same media company which prints and mails those Proft papers

State Sen. Elgie Sims, a Chicago Democrat who sponsored the SAFE-T Act, said those with concerns about the law should work with lawmakers to address them, rather than file lawsuits or start online petitions to repeal it. […]

Sims acknowledges there are some things — such as how some of the changes will be funded — that need to be addressed and is confident lawmakers will tackle those issues.

Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart said while he agrees there are some areas of the law that need to be tweaked, he is confident those concerns will be addressed and he continues to prepare for Jan. 1 and the implementation of cashless bail. He also believes the new law will accomplish the task of keeping violent defendants behind bars and protecting victims.

* Related…

* ‘Threat to public safety’: McHenry County state’s attorney sues Gov. JB Pritzker, Illinois attorney general over SAFE-T Act


Open thread

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hiya. What’s on your Illinois-centric mind today?


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Live coverage

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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* Pritzker traveling to Tokyo in two days to recruit businesses (Updated)
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