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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He won’t be playing it like this next week, but I’m still looking forward to the show

You’re all I’ve got, take care of me

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A quick note from Isabel Miller

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Though my first week of official employment was delayed after contracting COVID, I’ve finally started as a reporter for Capitol Fax. Maybe you’ve noticed some of my blog posts, or even commented on one. My favorite post on the blog so far was the coverage surrounding the Annual Redneck Fishing Tournament. Check it out if you have a chance.

Every time I would get a new comment on something I put together, it would hit me that people were enjoying and discussing something which had my name attached to it.

I’m looking forward to my future reporting - especially next week because I have an awesome job that has me covering the Illinois State Fair in Springfield (I grew up attending the other state fair in Du Quoin). A big thank you to Rich for being patient with me and helping me get rolling.

I hope you follow along as I cover Illinois politics and grow as a political reporter.

If you ever have any suggestions or just want to introduce yourself, feel free to DM me on Twitter: @IsabelMMiller!


Campaign notebook

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Darren Bailey lashed out on Facebook this morning at reporters who are reading his Facebook posts

Political pundits, and all this other nonsense of digging back in our Facebook posts of 5, 6, 7 years ago. It’s absolute nonsense. And that’s the problem with government here in Illinois. They want to deal with the way things always have been and they don’t want to move forward and do something new and try to figure out our problems, trying to get crime under control, try to ease your burden of taxes so you can stay and flourish and raise a family here in Illinois. And guess what schools getting ready to start. No one wants to talk about making sure our schools are in proper order. The only thing they want to talk about is CRT and sex education and that’s absolute nonsense. Friends, that new day is coming to Illinois, and I know that people all across this state get that we’re fighting for you. You’re fighting with us, and we’re going to change Illinois.

Notice how he never disavows those posts or says he now believes something very different. He simply chafes at a little bit of scrutiny.

* Darren Bailey talks about how he got into politics

I served 17 years on our local school board of education from 1995 to 2012. Cindy and I have been very instrumental in our community. We’re Rotary members. We’re very, very active in our church We’ve always focused on the youth. And when it came to a back to that to 2017 date, many people might remember that, you know, the Illinois General Assembly came into session. Over the July 4 weekend, we were celebrating Cindy’s birthday that weekend. And yeah, I believe it was a total God thing that I was totally checked out of politics, because politicians are corrupt. Politicians are lazy. Politicians, you know, just make life harder for us by by doing what they do, and, and I wanted nothing to do with it. And I found it a little easier, especially when I discovered that, you know, the General Assembly had checked in under the guise of the Fourth of July weekend, I began exposing what I was discovering, within my Facebook group, and it exponentially grew. And I just kept complaining, I really liked that it’s easy to complain, you know, on social media, but in our area the day came when our friends and our family began to come and say you need to represent us and I knew I was in trouble. And I said absolutely not. But Cindy understood the the bigger plan. And again, we laid that down to our church in our community, prayed, fasted, and it just became evident that this is the new mission field that God wanted us to approach. And we’re very blessed that our three sons were able to manage to take over my role on the farm, and that our daughter was able to accomplish the co-administration of Full Armor. So that alleviated us because they knew we’re in this full time, we’re putting 150% of our energy into getting the state under control. We believe it is that important.

TL/DR: The end of the Rauner impasse is what set him off and his spouse was instrumental in getting him into the race.

* Also, it turns out that Bailey’s running mate agrees that comparing things to the Holocaust is a no-no…

* Meanwhile, the Pritzker campaign found a couple of Democratic sheriffs…

As Darren Bailey attempts to bolster his flimsy voting record and feign support for law enforcement, he once again finds himself in hot water for protecting the disgraced former president instead of police officers. When asked for comment on the FBI’s raid of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home following months of investigations into the former president’s role in the January 6th Capitol attacks, Bailey joined scores of other Republicans in casting doubt on the FBI’s legitimacy and demanding that the FBI “immediately explain their actions.”

Bailey has consistently refused to denounce the deadly insurrection on January 6th, where numerous Capitol police officers were brutally attacked.

He’s also spent the last four years voting against bipartisan legislation that supports law enforcement. Bailey voted against the single largest investment to expand cadet classes in Illinois history, $10 million for a local law enforcement retention grant program, and $8 million for a multi-year equipment replacement program at the Illinois State Police.

“Talking about supporting law enforcement and actually supporting law enforcement are two different things,” said Rick Watson, St. Clair County Sheriff. “When the going gets tough, Darren Bailey has failed first responders and proved that he treats support for the men and women who put others before themselves only as a political convenience.”

“Darren Bailey’s hypocrisy puts the public at risk. He talks about supporting law enforcement, yet in the same breath suggests nefarious motives simply because holding his favorite president accountable is an inconvenience to his campaign,” said John Idlenburg, Lake County Sheriff. “Meanwhile, he votes again and again against public safety measures and resources for our first responders.”

To date, Bailey has voted against:

    • Strengthening the Illinois State Police Division of Forensic Services
    • Strengthening safety for first responders on state highways
    • Installing hundreds of highway cameras and doubling state police presence on Chicago-area interstates in response to on-road violence
    • Providing tens of millions of dollars for police body cameras, retention grants, and mental health screenings
    • Building new, state-of-the-art forensics labs to provide law enforcement with the resources to solve crimes
    • Delivering millions of dollars to local fire departments to purchase firefighting and ambulance equipment
    • Requiring municipalities to coordinate 911 and 988 services in order to respond to mental and behavioral health emergencies with proper emergency care, reduce danger to those in crisis, and lessen the burden on local police

* CD3 leans pretty heavily Democratic. The only Republican to win the district was Comptroller Leslie Munger in 2016. The Fair Tax lost in the district by 6 points Some commenters were right. I was accidentally using old numbers. No Republican won this district, and I don’t have Fair Tax numbers for the new districts…

Today, Giffords PAC, the gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced its endorsement of nine candidates running for the US House of Representatives to challenge the influence of the gun lobby in Washington. Each of these candidates will play a crucial role in ensuring that the issue of gun safety remains at the forefront of our policy decisions.

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords:

“The candidates we are endorsing today are the kind of fearless champions we need to end gun violence in America. Each one has proven to be a leader with the courage to act. At the state and local level around the country, they’ve stood with communities rocked by gun violence and pushed for legislation that will make all Americans safer.

“As we know all too well, the current House majority is one of the slimmest in decades. If we want to enact lifesaving reforms to stem America’s epidemic of gun violence—like universal background checks and strong extreme risk protection order laws—we must work to expand our gun safety majority this fall. Giffords is proud to help this group of challengers get to Washington DC so they can stand up to the gun lobby and deliver clear victories on gun safety legislation for the American people.” […]

Delia Ramirez (IL-03): State Representative Delia Ramirez is an accomplished legislator, community leader, and coalition builder who has dedicated her life and career to advocating for working families. Having grown up in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood—where gun violence is all too common—Representative Ramirez is acutely aware of the need to solve the root causes of crime and violence. She knows that building safe communities requires a comprehensive plan that includes funding community-based youth programs and mental health services, investing in domestic violence prevention, and reinvesting in communities that have long been neglected. As a state legislator, she fought to do just that—and secured $250 million for community-based violence prevention in neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence. Representative Ramirez also supported the Illinois General Assembly’s critical “Fix the FOID” legislation, which expanded background checks for firearm purchases across the state of Illinois. In Congress, we know she will be a strong proponent of passing universal background checks, banning assault-style weapons, reducing the flow of illegal guns across state lines, and adequately funding street outreach and intervention programs.

* Austin Talks

Marlon Watson, leader of the Freedmen Descendants of Chicago, and Pastor Anthony Williams of King International Ministry are calling on Chicagoans to draft state Rep La Shawn Ford to join a growing field of candidates challenging Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Thursday night, they expect a group of about 100 Chicago residents to gather at The Quarry Art & Cultural Center, 2423 E. 75th St., to garner support to launch Ford’s run for mayor.

Pastor Williams ran for US Senate as a Republican this year, receiving just 7.4 percent of the vote. He’s also run in Democratic, Libertarian and Green Party primaries, according to the Tribune. His main issue is anti-violence and he pushed hard for the passage of a bill that declared violence as a public health crisis.

* Doug T. Graham at the Daily Herald

As recently as March, Adam Shores and Laura Faver Dias were colleagues on the Grayslake village board. But in November, the duo will face off as voters choose which one will represent the 62nd state House District in Springfield. […]

The two started working together in 2019, when Dias was selected to serve as a resident member of the village’s Economic Development Commission, chaired by Shores. […]

“She was just elected last year, and we’ve had a respectful working relationship,” Shores said of Dias. “I’m proud of my leadership style where I work to find commonality even in the face of opposing opinions.”

When discussing how she and Shores differed, Dias cited the vote she cast in February against the plan to build a Casey’s General Store and gas station at Lake Street and Belvidere Road near the town’s namesake lake.

Dias said more than 500 residents expressed concerns about the project and she chose to take that into account.

“I’m looking forward to a robust campaign and debates when we have them,” Dias said. “Ultimately, it comes down to two people who want to serve in the state legislature and not about my relationship with Adam.”

I doubt the race will remain this cordial, but that’s a really nice piece.

…Adding… CD6…

…Adding… Republican SoS candidate poses with incumbent Democrat during State Fair parade


AFSCME forces Pritzker administration to back down on Vandalia prison consolidation

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Labor Tribune

Union workers at Vandalia Correctional Center in Illinois will not be facing reduced capacity or layoffs in the near future, following protests from AFSCME and local officials.

AFSCME members had mobilized in recent weeks with petitions and appeals to elected officials after an announcement that the state was considering consolidation of populations within the prison that the union felt would lead to a reduction in employees and possibly closure of the prison in the future.

Council 31 pressed the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) and the governor’s office to reconsider while invoking the union’s right to bargain over the impact of the changes.

“This is the culmination of months of work,” said Eddie Caumiant, regional director of AFSCME Council 31 and the union liaison to IDOC.

IDOC’s statement insisted that closing Vandalia was not the intent of the consolidation and conversion review, but that the department was only seeking ways to more efficiently operate the facility as the prison population has declined under recent sentencing reforms in the criminal justice system. Vandalia’s population has dropped from 525 on June 1 to 458 this week, while in February it was as low as 301, according to IDOC.

“At this time we have decided to hold off on the consolidation/conversion at Vandalia,” read the statement from IDOC. “If it is decided in the future to revisit this plan, we will notify AFSCME Council 31 and continue discussions.”

That last part is key, according to Caumiant, as union leaders had made it clear to IDOC that they could not make unilateral changes in the workers’ jobs and working conditions without negotiating.

…Adding… The Pritzker administration insists that no layoffs were ever planned at Vandalia. IDOC was simply trying to move prisoners out of a very old section into a newer section to comply with a consent decree.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to today’s edition

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Annual Redneck Fishing Tournament reels in 20,000 pounds of invasive species

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller


This year’s Redneck Fishing Tournament was quite the catch. Over the two days of the tournament, the participants netted over 3,300 of the invasive copi. All the fish together ended up weighing a whopping 20,000 pounds.

Aside from removing invasive species, the tournament also brought more good into the community. Over $6,700 was raised for veterans’ charities with the help of the local VFW chapter in Havana.

The tournament is unique from others, because fishing poles aren’t used. The fish shoot up from underwater whenever a boat goes by, and the participants try to grab the fish out of the air with nets. The first place team alone were able to catch 346 fish in just two hours. […]

Tournament founder Berry DeFord was excited to have a fun way to help with a good cause. DeFord said “We’ve educated thousands of people about the very real dangers of these fish getting in your waterways, raised money to help veterans and had a blast doing it. Can’t wait for next year.”

* Reuters…

* Taste some Copi for yourself at the Illinois State Fair. Press release

This year, IDNR will offer free samples of a Copi dish from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. the first weekend of the fair, Aug. 12-14. Copi is the new brand name for invasive carp launched by IDNR in June.

“We invite families and children to ‘grow with us’ at Conservation World, where they can learn about everything from archery, fishing and pollinators, to mining, forestry and habitat management. There truly is something for everyone to enjoy at Conservation World,” said IDNR Director Colleen Callahan. “Families are our focus, with free activities and entertainment that will provide a great day at the fair for visitors of all ages.”

During the fair, visitors to Conservation World will be able to purchase hunting and fishing licenses, pick up state park guides, purchase collectible lapel pins, and talk to IDNR staff and conservation officers about wildlife, laws and other topics.

* John Patterson, the spokesperson for Senate President Don Harmon, got some fishing in…


Bally’s files application with state to open first Chicago casino

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Chicago Tribune

The clock is now running for the publicly traded Rhode Island-based company to win license approval from the state, finalize its proposal with the city’s planning department and get its casino opened on an ambitious timeline.

If all goes well, Chicago gamblers could be splitting aces and pulling slot levers in temporary quarters by next summer, but several hurdles remain.

The Bally’s proposal to build a $1.74 billion casino complex in River West is expected to generate $200 million in annual tax revenue for the city, transform a 30-acre industrial site into a bustling entertainment destination and send the Chicago Tribune packing from its Freedom Center printing plant along the Chicago River.

While the permanent casino is not expected to open before 2026, Bally’s plans to launch a temporary casino at Medinah Temple by June 2023. That may require an accelerated process at the gaming board.

* Block Club Chicago reports neighborhood opposition

A public park is just one in a 42-item wish list the group submitted to Bally’s. Brian Israel, president of the River North Residents Association, said residents across the river don’t want to be bothered by the loud noise a riverfront music venue would bring. […]

Ald. Walter Burnett Jr. (27th), whose ward includes the River West casino site, said the River North Residents Association hasn’t met with him to discuss its concerns. But if Bally’s agrees to eliminate the outdoor music venue for a public park, he said he’d be “open” to the idea.

“I don’t know how that would affect the deal that was voted on and if that that legally can happen, because I’m sure it’s a part of the financial package in the agreement,” Burnett said.

The West Central Association, the chamber of commerce for the West Loop, hasn’t met with casino officials yet but will in the near future, said President Armando Chacon.

* River North Residents Association met with Bally’s representatives in July

On July 7, 2022, RNRA leaders met with Bally’s representatives to review our initial 42 project improvement recommendations set forth below, which were published on June 14, based on input from many association members and partners. While RNRA believes that they address essential issues involving this project, the organization remains open to other suggestions as well. […]

Replace the outdoor music venue with a well-appointed and accessible public park, including an onsite Dog Friendly Area and river walk connection. Involve Friends of the Parks in this process.

-Bally’s originally assumed that the outdoor performance venue would be a welcome amenity for the neighborhood, but now understands the significant concerns of nearby residents about associated noise, light, and traffic disruption near their homes. Will consider this request, pending input from other groups.

* Crain’s Chicago Business

The Rhode Island-based firm anticipates that 65% of its workers will be minorities and 45% women, with ownership at least 25% minority.

It also predicted “significant” economic impacts, with local taxes eventually reaching $200 million a year, annual gaming receipts of more than $800 million and four million people a year visiting the facility. […]

Under state law, the application itself is confidential, according to the gaming board’s spokesman. […]

The board gave no timetable as to when it will vote on the application. Construction work can’t begin, even at the temporary location, until Bally’s license is approved.

* Chicago Sun Times

The 2019 state law that created the Chicago casino license and five others across Illinois gives the Gaming Board up to a year to review Bally’s application, with the possibility of an extension beyond that.

State regulators typically have taken at least that long to vet Illinois’ other new casino applicants. More than two years elapsed from the time partners in the Hard Rock Casino Rockford applied for Gaming Board approval until they launched a temporary casino last fall. […]

Bally’s has already made an upfront payment of $40 million to the city, one of the cards the gambling firm put down to beat out two other finalists in Lightfoot’s casino developer selection process. The company also has to pay the state a $250,000 application fee. […]

Potentially easing the process for Bally’s is the fact that it already operates a state-licensed casino in Rock Island, a known entity for the Gaming Board.


Caption contest!

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* That’s quite the outfit today, governor…

I haven’t seen a mishmash like that since the last time I ate at Golden Corral. /s

[Photo credit: Hannah Meisel.]


Pritzker unveils six-year transportation plan

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker joined the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) today to announce a $34.6 billion program to improve roads, bridges, transit, rail, airports, and ports over the next six years. This funding represents a robust commitment to invest in people and communities backed by the historic Rebuild Illinois capital program.

“Since I signed our historic, bipartisan infrastructure program into law, Rebuild Illinois has undertaken a massive transformation of our state’s transportation systems,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “And today, I am proud to announce IDOT’s new Multi-Year Program for the next six years — with $20 billion going towards transportation investments including 2,500 miles of roads and nearly 10 million square feet of bridge deck and $10 billion going towards our state’s rail and transit systems, airports, and ports. At its very core, Rebuild Illinois and this MYP are an investment in our future — one that leads to economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.”

Of the major elements in the program released today, $6.36 billion will go toward highway reconstruction and preservation, $6.4 billion for bridge improvements, $2.03 billion for strategic expansion, $2.48 billion for system support such as engineering and land acquisition, and $1.55 billion for safety and system modernizations.

For the first time, road projects that add capacity were evaluated by a new Data-Driven Decisions Tool supported by Gov. Pritzker for selecting critical projects to ensure greater equity and transparency in transportation planning and programming. The FY2023-28 Proposed Highway Improvement Program aims to improve 2,562 miles of roads and nearly 10 million square feet of bridge deck. Of the $24.6 billion over the six years of the highway portion of program, $3.7 billion is identified for the current fiscal year. Included in the program are scores of projects in each of IDOT’s nine highway districts.

Thanks to last year’s passage of the federal Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, IDOT increased the investment in Illinois roads and bridges in the six-year program by $4 billion, further advancing Gov. Pritzker’s goals to create economic opportunity and jobs, promote quality of life, and improve safety on both state and local transportation systems throughout Illinois. The 2019 Rebuild Illinois capital plan’s framework and investments ideally positioned Illinois, the country’s transportation hub, to take advantage of the increased federal commitment and leverage additional funding which will help rebuild the state’s infrastructure more quickly and efficiently. The new federal transportation package is expected to contribute almost $16 billion across all modes of Illinois transportation, with the state eligible to compete for billions more in discretionary programs.

In addition to the six-year program for roads and bridges, Gov. Pritzker also released the FY2023-28 Proposed Multimodal Multi-Year Improvement Program further demonstrating the commitment through Rebuild Illinois to build connections across the modes of transportation and strengthen the state’s entire transportation network, resulting in even more economic activity and job creation. The program identifies a combined federal, state, and local investment of $6.5 billion for transit, $2.5 billion for passenger and freight rail, $817 million for aviation, and $150 million for ports. […]

Passed in 2019, Rebuild Illinois is investing a total $33.2 billion into the state’s transportation system over six years, creating jobs and promoting economic growth. Rebuild Illinois is not only the largest capital program in state history, but also the first plan that touches all modes of Illinois transportation: roads and bridges, transit, waterways, freight and passenger rail, aviation, and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

Entering year four of Rebuild Illinois, IDOT has made approximately $8.6 billion in improvements statewide on 4,422 miles of highway, 412 bridges, and 621 additional safety improvements.

They need to pick up the pace.

The six-year plan is here.

…Adding… Maybe IDOT could start addressing these mounting complaints…


Labor-backed group’s report claims Workers’ Rights Amendment would boost incomes and improve working conditions

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller


Researchers from the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign say the Illinois Right to Collective Bargaining Amendment, better known as the Workers’ Rights Amendment — which will be put to voters in the November 2022 election — would boost incomes and improve working conditions for workers, as well as better the state’s economy. […]

“The data shows that the Workers’ Rights Amendment would protect Illinois’ competitive advantage for essential workers,” said Frank Manzo IV, executive director for the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and one of the report’s authors. “Construction workers, police officers, first responders, teachers, registered nurses all earn between 5% and 35% more in Illinois, and they’re also more likely to have health insurance and to own their homes in Illinois.”

The report also says union workers are less likely to live in poverty and rely on public aid than their non-union counterparts. Union workers also contribute 8% more to state income taxes, according to the report.

An amendment that gives workers the right to unionize, researchers said, would also secure the state’s labor force in a time where the U.S. is experiencing worker shortages in many sectors.

The IEPI board of directors is here.

* From the report

The Workers’ Rights Amendment would prevent the passage of a state law or local ordinance “that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety.”

The Workers’ Rights Amendment would support collective bargaining and the ability of workers to organize and join unions. Union workers in Illinois:

    • Earn 14 percent more and are 9 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage.
    • Are 3 percent less likely to be below poverty, 3 percent less likely to rely on Medicaid, and 2 percent less likely to rely on food stamp government assistance.
    • Contribute 8 percent more in state income taxes, after credits and deductions.

By protecting the right to collectively bargain, the Workers’ Rights Amendment would be good for the economy. By preventing Illinois’ labor market from deteriorating, the Amendment would:

    • Protect $43 billion in annual income for Illinois workers and ensure workers can negotiate pay raises that help deal with high inflation.
    • Ensure that 281,000 Illinois workers would not lose their health insurance coverage.
    • Prevent 135,000 Illinois workers from suffering pay cuts that cause them to lose their homes.
    • Keep 70,000 Illinois workers from falling below the federal poverty line.
    • Promote safe workplaces and save 900 lives over a decade, because Illinois experiences 32 percent fewer on-the-job fatalities than states that do not support collective bargaining.

The Workers’ Rights Amendment would protect essential workers. Compared to their counterparts in states that do not support collective bargaining, in Illinois:

    • Blue-collar construction workers earn 35 percent more, are 17 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage, and are 12 percent more likely to own their homes.
    • Police officers, firefighters, and first responders earn 31 percent more, are 1 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage, and are 7 percent more likely to own their homes.
    • Pre-K through high school teachers earn 22 percent more, are 2 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage, and are 4 percent more likely to own their homes.
    • Registered nurses earn 5 percent more, are 1 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage, and are 2 percent more likely to own their homes.
    • Manufacturing production workers earn 3 percent more, are 2 percent more likely to have health insurance coverage, and are 1 percent more likely to own their homes.

The Workers’ Rights Amendment would prevent laws from being passed that would interfere in private negotiations between businesses and workers or restrict their ability to bargain collectively. The Workers’ Rights Amendment would not only promote superior safety outcomes and a strong middle-class economy for Illinois workers and businesses, but it would also reduce burdens on state taxpayers while reducing turnover costs for employers and ensuring labor market competitiveness in the state’s most essential jobs.

* Opposition highlighted by The Center Square

Illinois Policy’s Ann Miller said the amendment would allow lawmakers to increase taxes if they choose.

“Illinois businesses are already dealing with a high tax environment, and this amendment would just exasperate that,” Miller told The Center Square. “It opens the door for any kind of policy or anything above and beyond salaries.”

Sam Toia, president of the Illinois Restaurant Association, told The Center Square that restaurants and other businesses have had difficulty hiring workers. Miller believes that problem could worsen.

“If we have increased property taxes, it is going to hurt their bottom lines which will hurt their funding,” Miller said. “They might have a harder time finding workers because the cost of business will go up, and employees have the option to strike any day.”

* Illinois Policy Institute

What Amendment 1 would do if passed Nov. 8 is guarantee a $2,149 property tax hike on each Illinois family during the next four years by giving union bosses the nationally unprecedented power to negotiate contract concessions that carry more weight than state law.

The measure would ensure future union strikes over a nearly limitless range of subjects unrelated to wages and benefits. It would allow government union bosses to negate over 350 state laws and give the union contracts dominance over state law. It would make government unions the only special interest with constitutional protection and make Illinois the only state seeing those protections as a good move. It would let government unions protect bad actors from proper discipline, including those who pose a threat to children.

The website is sponsored by Vote Yes for Workers’ Rights, a union-backed independent expenditure committee. It claims Amendment 1 would help voters “build an economy that works for every Illinoisan.”

In reality, the amendment would only benefit the 7% of residents working for state and local governments while the vast majority of voters would see their taxes go up to support greater government union demands that state lawmakers would be prohibited from curbing.

IPI attempts to explain its $2,149 projection here

Uses compound annual growth rates in home prices as reported by the All-Transactions House Price Index for Illinois from 2010-2021 to project future average home values through 2026. Uses compounded annual growth rate in average property taxes as calculated by U.S. Census Bureau for 2010-2019 to project property taxes through 2025.

* Workers’ Rights Amendment campaign embeds…


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Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller



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Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Aug 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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