Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x6 - Cosgrove confirmed *** Sparks fly as Cosgrove nomination advanced
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*** UPDATED x6 - Cosgrove confirmed *** Sparks fly as Cosgrove nomination advanced

Thursday, Apr 7, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Terry Cosgrove’s nomination to the Human Rights Commission is causing some trouble in the Senate. Cosgrove runs Personal PAC, a pro-choice group that provides tons of funding to candidates. Republicans are not too pleased with the nomination

Gov. Pat Quinn’s effort to place a political supporter on the Illinois Human Rights Commission is creating friction in the state Senate.

Two senators argued fiercely and had to be separated Thursday when a Senate committee considered the nomination of Terry Cosgrove. […]

GOP Sen. Dan Duffy strongly criticized some of Cosgrove’s political tactics in past campaigns. He and Democratic Sen. Antonio Munoz had to be kept apart when their argument grew heated.

The committee approved Cosgrove’s nomination 5-4. Now the full Senate will vote.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Gov. Pat Quinn defended his nomination of Cosgrove today…

*** UPDATE 2 - 2:55 pm *** The full Senate is now taking up the governor’s nominations. Listen or watch by clicking here.

From the Tribune

Sen. Dave Luechtefeld, a downstate Republican with a quiet demeanor, said he thought he would see a less political atmosphere under Quinn than his predecessor, impeached ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

“In many cases, Luechtefeld said, “it was very hard to deny that there had to be some connection to the support and the donations made by his appointments. That is extremely clear. If it isn’t clear to everybody, I don’t think you’re really looking.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** The Senate just confirmed Joe Costigan to run the Department of Labor 44-6-2. Costigan was a Quinn supporter last year. Nobody spoke on the floor against him. Cosgrove is next.

* Sen. Duffy just called the Cosgrove nomination “pure pay to play politics.”

* Duffy is now complaining about some direct mail that Personal PAC did against him in 2008, which he called “completely false.”

* Sen. Tim Bivins: “I think we have a duty and a requirement that we should avoid the appearance of impropriety.” He added that Costigan was giving up his job for the Dept. of Labor, and Cosgrove should do the same to avoid a conflict of interest.

* Sen. Dale Righter pointed out that former Rep. Careen Gordon was forced to withdraw after she flip-flopped and voted for a tax hike then got a state job. “This does not pass the smell test, either.”

* Sen. Schmidt pursued the “false statements” line, but was just cut off by the chair.

* Sen. Jacobs: Cosgrove “has the right to his point of view… But nobody’s really talked about him not being qualified for the position.”

* Sen. Delgado, who blocked a nominee for political reasons, is now speaking on behalf of Cosgrove.

*** UPDATE 4 *** 30-25-2. He’s confirmed.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Verification of the roll call has been requested.

*** UPDATE 6 *** Verified. He’s now officially confirmed.


  1. - Jasper - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 1:31 pm:

    Duffy seems like he could use a time out. Didn’t he recently get into a war with most media (including Miller if I recall) and then did a very angry note about the Chicago Tribune?

    The guy needs to learn to discuss matters without losing his temper.

  2. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 1:41 pm:

    Two words for Duffy: Irish temper…Terry would be an excellent addition to the HRC…he has helped women and their families to make informed decisions on reproductive health issues and demand funding for it for years…good choice Pat…

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 1:51 pm:

    PAY. TO. PLAY.

  4. - RightGirl - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 1:51 pm:

    Two words for Duffy: Thank You.

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 1:51 pm:

    pay to play? You’re nuts.

  6. - RightGirl - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:00 pm:

    Pay to play? No. Nuts? Cosgrove is, yes.

  7. - anon - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:03 pm:

    If this were a movie, Dan Duffy would be played by William H. Macy.

  8. - Spliff - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:12 pm:

    So Duffy is holier than now for everyone else but seems to care less about his own moral compass. Has he reclused himself from any votes dealing with the Chicago public schools? His company has a contract with them.

  9. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:15 pm:

    ===William H. Macy===

    I think one of the lesser Baldwins, maybe Stephen, would be a better choice to play Duffy.

  10. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:15 pm:

    It’s embarrassing what hypocrites the Repubs are in this state. Is there any GOP official in IL who wants to go down this road of political operatives/supporters getting gov’t jobs? Seriously? Really?

    Plus, add the fact that lots of Republicans, including Cross and Radogno, get Personal PAC and/or Planned Parenthood cash.

    Such incredible opportunities for the GOP in this state but they’re all wasted by awful management.

  11. - Kunu - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:15 pm:

    What baffles me is that since Rod Blagojevich abused contractors and shook them down for campaign contributions, it is widely argued that contractors should not be allowed to contribute to political campaigns. On the other side, Cosgrove runs an organization that is purely political and contributes far and away more than any state contractor. How could his nomination be ethical yet contractors contributing not be?

  12. - Obamarama - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:21 pm:

    ===How could his nomination be ethical yet contractors contributing not be?===

    Because Cosgrove’s nomination would in no way enrich himself personally or Personal PAC as an organization. Like it or not he is a pillar of human/civil/women’s rights in Illinois. I think it looked bad for Quinn to appoint him and I think Terry could avoid a lot of headaches by politely declining the offer… but, seriously, who better?

  13. - Jasper - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:22 pm:

    Because Cosgrove and his organization are not getting anything in return. Gov. Quinn likes what Cosgrove stood for. That is not in doubt. Quinn shares the views of Cosgrove on many issues. Again, not in doubt. So nothing was sold. There was no exchange. This is simply the Gov. doing what he should be doing: appointing high profile people to important positions.

    Now that is in direct contrast to what others did. To tell a contractor “you may not be low bidder or do the best work, but if you write this check to my campaign, you will get contracts” is pay to play.

    That wasn’t done here though. Cosgrove is the best person in the eyes of Quinn and many others.

  14. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:26 pm:

    The GOP hates reproductive rights, hates birth control, hates freedom of choice. You might conclude that they have a problem with women who have sex lives. Duffy is just one of many these days. Maybe he needs an ultrasound test to see where his self-control went.

  15. - been there - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:27 pm:

    I just looked at Duffy’s list of bills. He’s introduced five this year and they’re all still in the Senate Assignments committee. Probably makes him grouchy.

  16. - John Parnell - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    “Two words for Duffy: Irish temper…” thanks Loopy Lady for the ethnic stereotype while discussing the Human Rights Issue. I guess no other ethnic groups have tempers.

  17. - anon - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    Mr. Cosgrove will make an excellent commission member. He knows a great deal about discrimination and the political landscape. I look forward to his ability to further the fight for human rights for all.

  18. - dave - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:32 pm:

    **Because Cosgrove and his organization are not getting anything in return.**

    Doesn’t Cosgrove get a salary for his new role?

  19. - Kunu - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:35 pm:

    I think a better explanation is confirmation bias. If you are pro-choice, he is a better choice than Mother Theresa. If you are Pro-Life, this will make Illinois sink into the 7th layer of hell. Justify this however you like for whichever side, this was a poor decision.

    As for not benefiting, does this commission have any compensation or a per diem? I also wonder how many moderate legislators had their support earned through donations or had their opposition forced through donations to their opponents. I find it hard to believe that Personal PAC has seen no return on the millions invested.

    I would like to hear what supporters of Cosgrove would think if Bill Brady nominated Bob Gilligan to the Human Rights Commission, an equally awful choice.

  20. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:36 pm:

    Wow, it must have been at least 10 minutes that Duffy went without losing his temper and blowing up at someone.

  21. - Jasper - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:36 pm:

    Dave, are you claiming that Cosgrove and his organization directed time and money to Gov. Quinn’s re-elect with the goal of getting Cosgrove a job?

  22. - Track suit mama - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    Terry Cosgrove has been fighting for human rights his entire life. Thank you Governor Quinn for this appointment.

  23. - dave - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:40 pm:

    **Dave, are you claiming that Cosgrove and his organization directed time and money to Gov. Quinn’s re-elect with the goal of getting Cosgrove a job? **

    No… I am not saying that at all. And to be clear, I support Cosgrove’s nomination and don’t think it was pay to play.

    But I DO think that we should be honest - Cosgrove DOES benefit personally from this appointment, I believe to the tune of $47,000 a year.

  24. - Ronald McFirbank - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:42 pm:

    I’m sure the Illinois Human Rights Commission does lovely things for women and children and puppies, but boy, hearing that not only is there such a thing but that it’s occupying our legislature’s full attention at the moment is as good an explanation of why this state is broke as any.

  25. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:42 pm:

    ~2:31 anonTerry Cosgrove’s entire career with Personal PAC has been dedicated to fighting against human rights and equality for all people. ~

    So according to you, women don’t count as people.

  26. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:54 pm:

    ==The GOP hates reproductive rights, hates birth control, hates freedom of choice. You might conclude that they have a problem with women who have sex lives==

    LOL, DuPage Dave. Hyperbole much? I’ll check in with some Republicans I know this afternoon and ask them how they feel about women with sex lives. I’ll report back with the results of my research.

  27. - Jim - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:56 pm:

    I remember Terry from his days in Champaign. Can’t imagine putting a guy like him in a position of public responsibility — but since Illinois doesn’t aspire to responsible government, he’s obviously a perfect choice.

  28. - John A Logan - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:57 pm:

    Good for Dan Duffy. Of course if Rickey Henden had pulled the same stunt it would have been “just Rickey being Rickey golly darn he sure is something.” However since it is a Republican, and the issue is abortion, he is labeled a hot head. I wish we had 20 more Dan Duffys on the clock in Springfield.

  29. - dupage dan - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:05 pm:

    DuPage Dave @2:26pm,

    =The GOP hates reproductive rights, hates birth control, hates freedom of choice. You might conclude that they have a problem with women who have sex lives=

    Talk about generalities…sheesh. You claim to know all who are part of GOP but I strongly disagree with your statement. Speak facts here, sir. Keep you prejudices to yourself.

  30. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:06 pm:

    Illinois’s HRC had been nothing but an ongong source of embarressement. (Recall Claudette Marie Muhammad). Illinois would be far better off without it.

  31. - Obamarama - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:10 pm:

    The Speaker is in the Senate chambers. Sen. Righter has managed to say pay-to-play about 20 times before actually using the term. Then he kicked a puppy… still awaiting confirmation on that last part, but pretty sure.

  32. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:15 pm:

    Sheeesh. Amazing what whiny sore losers some of these Republicans are. Embarrassing to most Republicans who know darn good and well how dirty the IL GOP’s own hands remain on this same appointment/back-scratching stuff.

    And I shudder to think who would be getting some of these posts now if Brady had won.

    Just waiting for someone to rise now and demand Cosgrove’s birth certificate.

  33. - Bill - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:17 pm:

    Nobody is killed by abortion. Give it a rest. This isn’t the first Quinn appointment stalled by the Senate for purely political reasons and it won’t be the last. Cosgrove is as good as anyone, I suppose, but I like the idea of not having that Commission at all. They could use the money to fund some life saving drugs for the elderly or something.
    Let the Feds and the courts take care of human rights.

  34. - Knee Jerk - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:18 pm:

    Lauzen just called Cosgrove a liar. That’s character.

  35. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:19 pm:

    –I’m sure the Illinois Human Rights Commission does lovely things for women and children and puppies, but boy, hearing that not only is there such a thing but that it’s occupying our legislature’s full attention at the moment is as good an explanation of why this state is broke as any.–

    Women, children and puppies. All the same. Brilliant.

    The most advanced, wealthiest and freest societies on Earth are those that promote the emancipation of women and children. The most backward, poorest, and despotic are those that don’t. I don’t know what they all think about puppies.

    I’m always fascinated by the “attention” argument, that grownups are incapable of dealing with more than one issue at a time. If it’s too difficult for some, maybe they should stop chewing gum, rubbing their bellies and patting their heads at the same time.

    As far as the state budget goes, there’s never been a lack of time, or staff, or information, or ability to deal with it in a responsible way. There’s been either a lack of will, a lack of consensus of both.

  36. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:21 pm:

    ===there’s never been a lack of time, or staff, or information, or ability to deal with it in a responsible way. There’s been either a lack of will, a lack of consensus of both. ===

    Exactly, completely, totally right on the money. Knock it off with that goofy “time” argument. It’s a red herring. Grow up.

  37. - Montrose - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:23 pm:


    “Let the Feds and the courts take care of human rights.”

    You realize that would mean no means to enforce the IL Human Rights Act, right? Rendering protections we have - like GLBT discrimination - that don’t exist on the federal level null and void.

    To the matter at hand - they should make it an unpaid position. There is no reason members of this commission need a salary. Approve Cosgrove and move a bill to make it an uncompensated commission.

  38. - Ridiculous - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:26 pm:

    That is Illinois state government at it’s best, folks.

  39. - Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:26 pm:

    Appoint Cosgrove along with Micheal Pfleger. Then please televise the meetings.

  40. - reformer - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:31 pm:

    Personal PAC went after pro-life Democrats as well. Their attacks were just as vicious and misleading as anything put out by the two parties.

  41. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:31 pm:

    ===You realize that would mean no means to enforce the IL Human Rights Act, right?===

    Can’t the Attorney General handle the enforcement of Illinois laws? Does the Commission really enforce anything that Madigan’s office can’t handle? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to consolidate Illinois civil law enforcement in one constitutional office?

    I’m not opposed to the HRC, but I don’t buy the idea that without it, those protected under Illinois law will somehow lose these important protections. I think a lot of the Boards and Commissions in Illinois are wasteful and duplicative.

    And speaking of Terry Cosgrove, wasn’t Marci Love appointed to something or other by a Republican governor? I seem to recall that Jim Edgar appointed her at one point, and I must have forgotten the GOP outrage back then.

  42. - Ridiculous - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:37 pm:

    AND Today is yet one of many days, I am embarrassed to be a citizen of the State of Illinois.

  43. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:41 pm:

    Funny how we didn’t hear the same moral indignation from Duffy, Lauzen, Righter, etc. when Pat Brady and the State GOP were still doing eblasts last week falsely pushing the idea that CAT was leaving Illinois.

    So Dan Duffy ISN’T pro-Life? Is that what we should take away? I’m confused.

    25 no votes, and 2 present. So at least one D voted no. Anyone know who?

  44. - Obamarama - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===25 no votes, and 2 present. So at least one D voted no. Anyone know who?===

    I’m not going to sift through it for you, but here is the roll call:

  45. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:50 pm:

    Also have to add. So Lauzen actually calls Cosgrove a “liar” on the floor. Duffy and others maybe didn’t use that word, but all alluded to Cosgrove being dishonest. And they’re all quite concerned.

    Need we mention the new U.S. Senator I’m sure they all supported? Just too rich.

    There should be mandatory shower breaks in IL politics.

  46. - Obamarama - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:52 pm:

    Looks like Forby and Haine were Dem no’s.

  47. - just sayin' - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 3:55 pm:

    Thank you Obamarama.

    I also note that in another profile in courage, Pastor Meeks didn’t vote.

  48. - Bejeweled - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 4:07 pm:

    How about a confirmation hearing for Corrections…anyone hearing anything?

  49. - Montrose - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 4:47 pm:

    “I also note that in another profile in courage, Pastor Meeks didn’t vote.”

    Was he there today? I would not be surprised if he skipped this vote, but he may have just been absent.

  50. - Montrose - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 4:52 pm:

    47th wrote:

    “Can’t the Attorney General handle the enforcement of Illinois laws?”

    Yes. I am not saying the Human Rights Commission is the only way we can enforce the Human Rights Act. I have no problem with reviewing to figure out a better mechanism. I just have a hard time with the folks just throwing out “get rid of the human rights commission” without any acknowledgment of the other work that has to be done first before we go down that path.

  51. - anon. - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 5:19 pm:

    I know Cosgrove’s appointment is a lot more fun, but does anyone have any idea what the deal is with IDOR Director Brian Hamer’s reappointment? It’s AM0001, and it’s just been sitting there since February 10. Is the deficit the result of him not collecting taxes or is he maybe trying to collect taxes owed by somebody’s best friend?

  52. - Joe Ourth - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 5:48 pm:

    ==I would like to hear what supporters of Cosgrove would think if Bill Brady nominated Bob Gilligan to the Human Rights Commission, an equally awful choice.== - Kunu - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 2:35 pm:

    I recognize that reasonable people can disagree on the abortion issue and hope that your reference related only policy positions. If it was regarding him personally, I would hope that you have the opportunity to get to know him as I have. He is one of the people in the Springfield process that I truly respect personally.

  53. - Park - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 5:57 pm:

    Sen. Luechtefeld: Don’t forget who Blago’s running mate was. No ‘hope and change’ in this crowd.

    I really can understand the number of R senators who have just called it quits. Can’t be fun to watch.

  54. - Indeedy - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 6:03 pm:

    I am pro-choice Dem, a wild blue liberal and no fan of Terry Cosgrove. I think his tactics are deplorable and do a disservice to the cause he purportedly serves. Having dissected Personal PACs finances as reported to the state, I’m less than impressed with that aspect of his leadership, too.

  55. - amalia - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 6:07 pm:

    Terry Cosgrove is very good at what he does for a living. And as a prochoice person, I appreciate his efforts and the work of Personal PAC. However, I think the governor could have made a different choice, one which have avoided a particular kind of contentious debate. Also, had another equally pro choice partisan, but one who was not doing mail pieces against anti choicers, been appointed, the talk from the anti choicers may have been strident. And then, they would have been exposed for who they are. This vote has provided cover for them since they can paint Terry as a political creature. Terry should donate the salary from this appointment. To another cause. He is paid by Personal PAC.

  56. - Saul Alinsky's spirit - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 6:12 pm:

    Terry is a brutally effective organizer, so he is loved and hated, and ALWAYS feared and respected!!!

  57. - amalia - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 7:04 pm:

    speaking of equality, Gov. Quinn, next time you do a presser with the construction industry, ask them if they have just ONE woman who works in their industry and who can be in that tv coverage I just saw. all men, seriously?

  58. - The dem was dare - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 10:17 pm:

    Meeks was there- just didn’t vote. Probably with his pro-life stance didn’t want to vote

  59. - Ela Observer - Thursday, Apr 7, 11 @ 11:54 pm:

    “I’m not down there to make friends,” Duffy said.

  60. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 8, 11 @ 7:36 am:

    Ela, he’s succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. lol

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