Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** This just in… Senate redistricting proposal released
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*** UPDATED x1 *** This just in… Senate redistricting proposal released

Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 8:56 am - Click here for access to the new maps. More in a bit.

* You’re going to need Google Earth to access the detailed version. Click here to get it.

* The Google Earth file is here. You can also download pdf files…

* City of Chicago districts

* Cook and collar county districts

* Statewide districts

* The big rumor yesterday was that Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno was put into the same Senate district as Republican Sen. Ron Sandack. That does, indeed, appear to be the case. They appear to both be mapped into the 41st Senate District.

* Republican Sens. Tim Bivins and Christine Johnson also appear to be in the same district, the 45th.

* The Democrats wanted to create a map that ran from the predominantly black East Side of Springfield to Decatur. They did. The 50th and the 48th.

* Rockford Republican Dave Syverson was stripped of much of his turf and put into the 35th Senate District. His Democratic opponent from last year, Marla Wilson, has lots of Rockford territory and is in a different district, the 34th.

* As expected, Speaker Madigan is in the same Senate district as Sen. Martin Sandoval, the 11th.

* Freshman Sen. Sam McCann (R-Carllinville) has been moved into the 48th District, which stretches from the East Side of Springfield to Decatur. Not looking good for him.

* Republican Sens. Kyle McCarter and Dave Luechtefeld are in the same district, the 54th.

* Sen. Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields) has one of the odder shaped districts, which is in blue…

Her southern boundary is the Kankakee County line.

* Sun-Times

Cullerton’s office announced hearings on the map at noon Saturday at the Michael A. Bilandic Building in Chicago and at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Capitol in Springfield.

Phelon could not immediately say whether there was an increase or decrease in majority-minority districts to reflect large population gains among Latinos nor indicate whether any of the 24 Republican senators had been drawn into the same districts. […]

There was no immediate announcement on when House Democrats would make their district boundaries known. A spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) could not be reached early Thursday.

* Sen. Larry Bomke’s (R-Springfield) district, the 50th, heads straight west through Jacksonville all the way to the Mississippi River and then way, way down south to Grafton. Lots of very new turf for him.

* Check out Sen. Donne Trotter’s (D-Chicago) new district. The turf (the long yellow one on the right side) runs from 73rd St. all the way down to Momence, which is east of Kankakee…

* Mike Fourcher

The new map would move Illinois State Senate President John Cullerton (D-6) district further south and east, while bringing current State Senator Heather Steans’ (D-7) district further west to the river. [A Google Earth file of the new districts can be found here.]

Pres. Cullerton lives in Ravenswood Manor. Sen. Steans lives in Andersonville’s Lakewood Balmoral neighborhood. Both districts have been drawn so they are not overlapping any other sitting state senators’ homes.

* SJ-R

Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, will face thousands of new voters and Sen. Sam McCann, R-Carlinville, will be in hostile political territory if they run for re-election from their current residences next year under a proposed legislative map released by Senate Democrats on Thursday. […]

Bomke’s house is in the proposed 50th Senate District, which stretches from Springfield’s west and southwest sides to seven southwest Illinois counties all the way to the Mississippi River. Bomke’s current district is centered in Springfield and Sangamon County and encompasses parts of Logan and Menard counties.

The home of McCann, who is in his first Senate term, is in the proposed 44th Senate District, which includes downtown Springfield, Springfield’s east side, Decatur, Christian County, Montgomery County, much of Macoupin County. The district stretches south and includes a chunk of northeast Madison County in the Metro East.

Overall, Sangamon County will have three senators if the map becomes law. The north end of Springfield is in the 44th Senate District, where veteran state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, lives.

* Chicago News Cooperative

On the state map, the Chicago area resembles bicycle spokes with districts snaking from the city’s Democratic boundaries into the suburbs. Due to population losses in Chicago, most districts shifted south and west, or north and northwest. Some districts were nearly eliminated.

State Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-Orland Park) loses much of his southwest suburban base under the new map. So does Democrat Lisa Dugan (D-Bradley) who is pushed into Central Illinois.

Other districts, however, strengthen or maintain re-election prospects for incumbents. Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan’s district stays mostly intact under the new map with Midway Airport as an anchor. His Southwest Side neighbor, state Rep. Dan Burke (D-Chicago), loses suburban precincts in Berwyn but picks up more swaths of the city.

“It’s significantly different, but the demographics are not changing,”Burke said.

* Daily Herald

“I think that DuPage County will continue to have excellent representation and we continue to be a force and Senator (Don) Harmon from Oak Park has always had a little bit of DuPage,” said Hinsdale Republican Sen. Kirk Dillard. “It looks like that may continue in the far northeast part of the county.”

* Quad City Times

The proposed new district keeps Rock Island County intact. But it carves off the southern part of the district, in Mercer County, trading it for more of Whiteside County to the east.

The new lines also pare a part of Carroll County from the district.

In an interview today, Jacobs said the maps aren’t final.

“We’ve still got a long way to go,” he said. “This is the first blush.”

* Greg Hinz

Because the African-American population of Chicago has dropped so much — down 200,000 in the past decade –there will be only four districts that are at least 50% black, down from five now, according to Mr. Cullerton’s office. But the Hispanic population has grown, so the number of majority-Latino districts would rise from seven to eight.

The most striking thing about the map is how city-anchored districts have been stretched miles out into the suburbs, sort of like fingers pointing out from a hand.

As a result, districts occupied by Chicago incumbents including John Mulroe (10th), Kimberly Lightford (4th) and Emil Jones III (14th) — plus Bridgeview’s Steven Landek (11th) — would be much longer than they were, in some cases stretching almost to the Cook County line.

Landek’s district currently goes right up to the county line.

*** UPDATE *** The above info about minority Senate districts is being disputed by the SDems. There are actually 8 Senate districts now with majority black population. There will be 7 districts with majority black voting age population (which is what counts in these things) and 1 district with just under 50 percent VAP.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Aurora Beacon-News

Illinois Democrats released their proposed State Senate districts today, the first look at how Illinois’ legislative boundaries might be re-shaped. The map would appear to create and new district in the Aurora area.

The surge in population in State Sens. A.J. Wilhemli, Chris Lauzen and Linda Holmes was expected to add one new district with about 200,000 residents.

Rough views of the map appear to show Wilhelmi in the 43rd District and Lauzen barely in the 25th District. Linda Holmes, an Aurora Democrat, will be in either the 42nd or 49th District. Depending on where the line is drawn in relation to her house, the remaining district will be a new, open seat. […]

Lauzen said he was not worried about the new lines. He believes the map released Thursday morning is a diversion.

“They’ll rush out this weekend, have some meetings and then they’ll bring out the real map,” he said.


  1. - dave - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:17 am:

    So is the Senate map different than the House map?

  2. - anon - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:17 am:

    rut roh, republicans.

  3. - Jo - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:18 am:

    dave, they are nested. 2 house seats per senate district.

    So you can read between the lines on some of these, too.

  4. - dave - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:25 am:

    dave, they are nested. 2 house seats per senate district.

    I am aware of that. That wasn’t my question.

    Is the Senate map proposal different than the House map proposal? I have been hearing conflicting things on this.

  5. - Emanuel Collective - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:26 am:

    Dave-The House will release their own proposal.

  6. - Meanderthal - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:26 am:

    Do Rutherford and Topinka have enough open staff positions to take in all the refugees created by this map?

  7. - Been There - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:26 am:

    Does anyone know how to get the download to work on an iPad? I have google earth but it keeps giving me the message that safari can’t download.

  8. - Bob - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:27 am:

    The Map puts Senator Syverson in a bit of a pinch . . .

  9. - bored now - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:27 am:

    it appears that this map would force al riley (olympia fields) and anthony deluca (chicago heights) into the same house district. riley is said to be looking at a run for recorder of deeds, so i suppose that doesn’t matter…

  10. - Old Shepherd - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:30 am:

    Scratch that about Luechtefeld and Jones…it appears that I am wrong.

  11. - Trump2012 - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:36 am:

    Will the House districts be nested in the Senate districts?

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:38 am:

    Amateurs go away, please.

  13. - Lady GaGa - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:44 am:

    you tell em Rich

  14. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:44 am:

    It looks to me that Kotowski gets all the way from North Side to Schaumburg, running around the northern edge of O’Hare

  15. - Team Sleep - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:46 am:

    It’s tough to tell who has the largest district. Dale Righter, John Sullivan and Gary Forby all have massive new districts but Gary’s is actually smaller than the current district. Darin LaHood’s district is also pretty gaudy. One thing’s for sure: screw contiguousness of counties!

  16. - I don't want to know, I already gave up - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:47 am:

    Old Shepard,

    I think that would be McCarter versus Luecthefeld.

    If this map holds up, that would be a very interesting primary.

  17. - Team Sleep - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:47 am:

    K3 - those numbers stay the same (118 House and 59 Senate).

  18. - Team Sleep - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:48 am:

    I think Coach Luechtefeld may retire. I started hearing that rumor in 2006 and well into Brad Cole’s reelection campaign. I don’t know if he would want to go through a bruising primary.

  19. - Cassiopeia - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:48 am:

    With two maps and two budgets the only thing that will make everything even more comical will be when Quinn tries to use some creative amendatory vetoing.

    Its going to be a long 44 months.

  20. - Unreliable Sources - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:51 am:

    Looks like McCarter and Luechtefeld in a heavily GOP district. Jones cut out of his territory and thrown into a Democratic 58th where’s represented only a small portion.

  21. - Frost - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:52 am:

    Rich, your comment there cracked me up. thanks for the AM chuckle.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:53 am:

    People, use Google Earth before you post something about who is in which district.

  23. - I don't want to know, I already gave up - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:58 am:

    Team Sleep,

    You have got to be correct about coach. It would be tough for him. McCarter has got better name recognition in the northern part of the district and, I doubt Coach would want to spend the next 10 months camped out in Edwardsville and that part of madison county in an attempt to win.

    So, if this map passes, I could see retirement happening.

  24. - MadCowDisease - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:58 am:

    I wonder how many Christmas cards big Jerry Clark and his pal Bill Brady will be receiving from fellow R’s this year?

  25. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:01 am:

    The 42nd looks interesting, since I don’t think Linda Holmes lives within those boundaries (I think she is in 49) not sure about that.

    Not sure what

    The 25th looks like it will have Lauzen with him getting more north than the west he had in the past.

    Also depending on how they split the 42nd, it might end up having a GOP rep for part of it (a decent amount of DuPage and Will)

  26. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:02 am:

    One day, every 10 years, you can count on every GA members undivided attention.

  27. - Been There - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:03 am:

    I can’t open the google earth map on my iPad. Does anyone know which district Toi Hutchinson is in. I can’t tell if is 40, 15, or 17

  28. - David Lawson aka Federal Farmer - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:06 am:

    Wordslinger wins the thread, for once.

  29. - Hi - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:06 am:

    The 11th is Landek - not Sandoval.

  30. - Realist - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:08 am:

    What I’m assuming would be Rep Dugan’s district 79th, lower 40th senate, looks like it would be a toss-up, but I don’t know that I’d say 60% with her picking up heavy union dem towns like gardner, coal city, etc. out of the 38th senate, 75th rep, district.

  31. - I don't want to know, I already gave up - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:08 am:


    yeah, this is kind of like the day after the ncaa pairing are announced in march, except multiplied by 100. Nothing will get done today. Instead of working, everyone will spend the day completing their brackets and breaking down the match-ups. Employee productivity will be little today.

  32. - Loop Lady - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:13 am:

    word said it right…the big dog Dems protect their turf…see Cullerton, Raoul, Harmon districts…they may have made Sen. Radogno’s career a bit more interesting than she may have anticipated…can’t say I wouldn’t be pleased to see her “influence” on the wane…

  33. - Jake From Elwood - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:14 am:

    Tom Cross’s house appears to be in the 49th Senate district instead of the 42nd Senate District. Oswego is split among four Senate districts, where’s Oswego Willy?

  34. - Chitown HV - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:17 am:

    Radogno anticipated this. Her Wu Tang Clan recitation was an early appeal to young voters in her new district. Smart lady!

  35. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:20 am:

    One would think the Dems would draw the safest district possible for Tom Cross.

  36. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:21 am:

    Looks like Tom Cross is getting a new district too.

  37. - Solomon - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:21 am:

    Luechtefeld will probably retire. He wanted to hang around for a Republican governor, but that chance was missed.

  38. - Louis Howe - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:22 am:

    Sen. Bromke and the Spfld GOP boys take a trip to the woodshed. Perhaps they should have cut a deal on a tax vote…..Especially, when taxeaters make up much of their consistency.

  39. - Shore - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:24 am:

    the garrett district looks like a toilet seat. nice.

  40. - Solomon - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:24 am:

    And Bomke doesn’t have much to worry about with that new turf. It’s mostly red.

  41. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:27 am:

    A little more confident Linda Holmes is not in 42, so if she is in 49 then no Aurora in her district.

  42. - Leatherneck - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    Can we have a quick zoom-in on the Springfield maps (similar to the Joliet map)?

  43. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    My first quick impression is that these lines aren’t half as screwy as what Republican Denny Hastert (with Democrat Lipinski’s help) drew for the IL congressmen in 2001.

  44. - Dozer - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    If i read this right, Kowtowski goes all the way up to Schaumberg. Which is formerly republican teritory. While it has been democratic in trending, I don’t think they are the same type of democrat in his current district.

    While a interesting move, it may open him up to a challenge from a slightly more conservitive dem.

    There look to be opportunities qith this map

  45. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:33 am:

    ===The 11th is Landek - not Sandoval. ===

    Use Google Earth. Landek is in the 12th.

  46. - anon - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:33 am:

    Dozer, i think the new dems in Kotowski’s district look like the dems in his current district. remember, he currently represents Park Ridge…not exactly a bastion of liberalism.

  47. - Louis Howe - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:37 am:

    Solomon….The difference for Bomke is time spent behind the wheel…Lots of travel time away from home…The new district doubles the number of county boards and his travel time goes from 20 minutes to a couple hours. Lots of territory to cover for a city boy.

  48. - chi - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:40 am:

    anyone else having trouble with the borders showing up in the wrong place when you open the map in google earth? (as in northern illinois district boundaries overlaid in southern illinois)

  49. - amalia - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:42 am:

    which dems in the Senate received the least benefit from this map?

  50. - reformer - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:52 am:

    Millner heads south in the 21st. Looks like Ramey doesn’t fare too well.

  51. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:53 am:

    That’s two deletions, dude. Wanna try for three? Lifetime banishment. No time for your petty goofiness.

  52. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:54 am:

    73rd to Momence, yeah that’s a logical grouping

  53. - Goat - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:57 am:

    When do we get congressional s

  54. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:00 am:

    Matt Murphy and Susan Garrett trade some interesting turf in this map, look around the Cook County portions of Buffalo Grove and Wheeling.

  55. - Great Caesar's Ghost! - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:06 am:

    Nobody should kid themselves into thinking there was not collaboration between the Senate and House. No time for working out conflicts not yet resolved. The House maps will no doubt show where the splits are in each Senate district.

  56. - QC - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:07 am:

    Big changes in the Quad Cities … the 36th District appears to now include Sterling-Rock Falls!

  57. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:09 am:

    How does this proposed map affect the budget and borrowing?

  58. - Gunga Dinner - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:14 am:

    @OneMan It makes perfect sense if you want your district to encompass at least part of the proposed south suburban airport location, east of Peotone.

  59. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:16 am:

    Gunga Dinner, didn’t even think about that. Very good point

  60. - Soill - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:16 am:

    Is there a list with the members’ home addresses?

  61. - MadCowDisease - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:19 am:

    It looks like Gov…err…Senator Bill Brady will be in Sangamon County after all!

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:24 am:

    ===Tom Cross’s house appears to be in the 49th Senate district instead of the 42nd Senate District. Oswego is split among four Senate districts, where’s Oswego Willy?===

    I am looking at Oswego Township in Kendall County and all of Kendall and I am so “pleased” by my township being torn 4 ways, and not because it has a hig density of population, but to delute, and to put “my guy” Tom Cross or Chapa La Vida as my State Representative.

    The reality for me in Oswego is that my township will be deluted of service because 8 different members of the General Assembly will claim a part of my township, but no one will “own” it for protection.

    Thanks to Tom Cross, to Jerry Clarke, to Kirk Dillard, and Sen. Radogno, but I am thinking she is getting a very “special” thank you from John Cullerton already.

  63. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:25 am:

    @OneMan Holmes is in 42. 49 is a new district.

  64. - Tamale - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:31 am:

    17th & 40th CLEARLY = “compact and contiguous” :)

  65. - bmcosti - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:33 am:

    If there are at least 3 districts with 2 Senators in it now, then there are at least 3 districts with no senators in it.

    -November says 49 is a new district, what are the other 2?

  66. - Tamale - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:35 am:

    I’d add the 30th & maybe the 26th to that list as well… gotta love it. Any other nominees for “Mr./Mrs. Compact & Contiguous 2011″?

  67. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:36 am:

    @Oswego Willy -

    Kendall County was pretty carved up before, wasn’t it?

  68. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:37 am:

    @bmcosti- 51, 33 and 34 are new districts as well.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:40 am:


    True, but maybe I was hoping they would lump all of us together, make it one of the Super Majority Repub areas to shut us down, as opposed to carving, and scraping, and deluting all semblence. But … I guess when we lose the Mansion, and we don’t have the Gavels … we get what we get.

    Oswego didn’t get what we wanted, I just hope we get what we need ….

  70. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:43 am:

    ===I’d add the 30th & maybe the 26th to that list as well===

    30th is that way because of a minority district, so it escapes scrutiny. But the 30th also impacts the shape of the 29th and 26th.

    I would highly caution armchair redistricting attorneys to hold their fire unless they know whereof they speak. Shapes don’t really matter much when it comes to minority representation.

    It’s not about what you may think is a simple phrase, it’s about how the judges interpret the law.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:44 am:

    Maybe Tom Cross will “Take his talents to …” the IL Senate in that new 49th district … Maybe he won’t hurt us too much there.

  72. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:44 am:

    ===Oswego didn’t get what we wanted, I just hope we get what we need===

    Now I have a Rolling Stones song in my head. Thanks OW.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:48 am:

    I am here to help! Maybe in Oswego Township, we can get a few members to come visit from each chamber and Oswego Township could be THE meeting place for all Caucus Meetings. Whe you get 8 members in a township, it wouldn’t take too much.

    This is Snark…

  74. - Bill White - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:53 am:

    = Now I have a Rolling Stones song in my head.=

    As I study this map, a different Stones tune comes to mind:

    . . .

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game

    . . .

  75. - Tamale - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:55 am:

    Thanks, Rich. You gave me too much credit, though… no “armchair redistricting attorney”, etc. here.

    I fully appreciate the impact SB3976 & “crossover district(s)”, etc. may have had on this map.

    I also appreciate the interesting ways we have of drawing the map and interpreting “compact and contiguous” while doing so.

    Thanks as well for answering my question yesterday.

  76. - Tamale - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 11:56 am:

    In addition to the existing federal protections existing for minority districts, etc.

  77. - JN - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:05 pm:

    I like how O’Fallon is going from two senate districts to three.

  78. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:15 pm:

    @November, I think Linda Holmes lives in Plainfield now, so that would put her way outside the 42nd, don’t have a current address handy for her but fairly sure she moved out of Aurora and moved south if that is the case she is out of the 42nd. Unless I am missing something (which is quite possible)

  79. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:25 pm:

    @OneMan- I used the Aurora address from the 08 candidate profile on the State Board of of Election site so it very well could be old. If she is in 49, then 42 becomes the open district.

  80. - Frank D. - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:25 pm:

    Is it possible to cut two Dem House seats into that Quad Cities senate district, or is Morthland going to get a pass?

  81. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:30 pm:

    @November might be correct, if it is the same as the first time she ran, that I am almost positive it is not the same address she is at now.

  82. - Pink Girl - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:37 pm:

    Linda Holmes has moved to Will County Aurora, 9th Ward.

  83. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:41 pm:

    Greg Hinz: there will be only four districts that are at least 50% black, down from five now, according to Mr. Cullerton’s office.

    Which one got pushed under 50%? Actually, it would be nice to see the numbers for all of the districts.

  84. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:42 pm:

    @OneMan @Pink Girl I found another address online and if that one is correct it still keeps in her the 42nd.

  85. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:44 pm:

    @Pink Girl, if she is still in the city than nevermind. If she is in the 9th ward that would be easy enough for me to check

  86. - Ghost - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 12:45 pm:


    This is Illinois….
    voter maps are more then just blood sport here

  87. - Son of a Centrist - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:10 pm:

    Chicago senators representing Will County? That will go over like a lead balloon down there. Sheesh.

  88. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:11 pm:

    @november — Does the finger that stretches down to Crone get her?

    Not sure if keeping her in the 42nd is doing her a big favor. Yeah it’s got a decent amount of the D part of Aurora, but also a good amount of the newer edge of Aurora that tends a little more R to middle of the road.

    Think she might be beatable in the 42nd, it will be interesting how the split the district. If they go South and East that could be GOP winnable.

  89. - Boone Logan Square - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:17 pm:

    Senator Radongo’s office released a statement on the remapping proposal:

    “Like to keep my head up to the sky
    And ask myself why it has to be this way
    I’d like to live my life in peace
    And have not to worry about all the dramas of the day

    As we strive for luxury and try to feed our families
    It always seems that someone’s in your way
    I’d like to live my life in peace
    And have not to worry about all the dramas of the day.”

  90. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:30 pm:

    @OneMan I’m not entirely sure where you are referring. I’m not very familiar with the area.

  91. - OneMan - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:32 pm:

    @November no problem, if I had the address I could tell (but don’t put it up here). No worries, at least I feel better the Beacon News isn’t even sure.

  92. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:35 pm:

    @OneMan Mike Riopell did a blog post about this. Maybe the screen shot of the Google Earth map will help you.

  93. - Dirty Red - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:37 pm:

    It looks like Brady might be drawn out of the 44th and now in the 53rd with Shane Cultra. Is that right? Even so, Cultra has most of Bloomington-Normal now.

  94. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:42 pm:

    ===Is that right?===


    Use Google Earth. Brady is on the edge, but he’s clearly in another district. Look up their addresses on the state board of elections’ site. It takes like five seconds.

  95. - Jon Zahm - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:44 pm:

    Mike Jacobs has cut Mercer, Henry, and central Carroll County out of his district as those areas have been electing local Republicans and are hubs of Tea Party activity. He picked up more of Whiteside which has a moribund Republican Party.

  96. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:48 pm:

    Great points, Jon. Thanks.

  97. - Peter - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 1:54 pm:

    Luechtefeld told me in an interview this afternoon he intends to run again in the 58th.

  98. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:04 pm:

    I assume GOPers are calling the waaaaaaaaaambulance.

  99. - Nikoli - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:10 pm:

    Do you mean the current 58th or the one on the new map? Because Luechtefeld is now in the new 54th district with McCarter. He’d have to move to live in the 58th and then he’d have to take on John O. Jones

  100. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:22 pm:

    Luechtefeld hopefully runs in the new 54th. I live in this “new” district and it looks pretty heavily Republican. He would be better than McCarter. McCarter happens to represent me now. Luechtefeld, from my conversations with him, is thoughtful and has a good grasp on the issues facing the state. I have been impressed with him and I dont say that about a lot of Republicans. It would be ashame to lose someone with his legislative experience to a newcomer.

  101. - I don't want to know, I already gave up - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:30 pm:

    Luchtefeld’s comments in the belleville newspaper

  102. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:31 pm:

    Thank you Mrs. Luechtefeld. ;)

  103. - Leatherneck - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 2:56 pm:

    Anyone know when the Senate will come up with the proposed congressional district maps?

  104. - Anon - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 3:06 pm:

    The clip from the SJ-R you have on this post has a few key errors on it that should be addressed… McCann is now in the 48th not the 44th and Bill Brady has been moved in with Sen. Cultra not into the new 44th that includes part of the northend of Springfield.

  105. - GOP4EVER - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 3:32 pm:

    Unless Google Maps is giving me the wrong location for Bill Brady’s House, I dont have Brady mapped in with Cultra. Brady is right on the border, but is located in the new 44th.

  106. - Peter - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 3:44 pm:

    @Nikoli He mentioned moving and the time frame he would have to do that in, so the implication seemed to be that it would be the new 58 since that doesn’t include Okawville.

  107. - November - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 3:47 pm:

    Yes, Brady (44) and Cultra (53) are drawn in separate districts.

  108. - QC - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 3:59 pm:

    It’s very possible to cut two House districts into the Quad Cities — put the City of Rock Island plus Mercer County into the 72nd and put East Moline and Moline into the 71st (add a few voters in surrounding towns into both of those House districts) and you have two House districts Democrats can win (especially in a presidential year)

  109. - Louis Howe - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 4:02 pm:

    Looks like Bomke and Brady are the new central Illinois Boobsy Twins and will spend a lot of time making new friends. Mighty neighborly of Senate President Cullerton to arrange for the introductions.

  110. - Ahoy - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 4:12 pm:

    =How does this proposed map affect the budget and borrowing? =

    It probably kills the borrowing plan. They can pass the dubdget without R’s… if they can get it done in time.

  111. - Shore - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 4:16 pm:

    do we have to subscribe to get a member by member “how screwed/or happy are they” evaluation? is one of the springfield reporters doing a winners/losers by region?

  112. - k3 - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 5:08 pm:

    Realist-I agree. The fact that they lumped that Grundy County section into Dugan’s district makes it more of a toss up. You just need a good Democratic candidate like Dugan who is well-known in Bourbonnais.

    It certainly does make the 40th District pretty odd-shaped though.

  113. - Amuzing Myself - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 5:19 pm:


    At least state employees protected themselves by working against Brady and keeping Quinn. LOL!

  114. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 5:29 pm:

    Kwame’s district is really something. From Goethe on the North to around the 100’s on the south. Now thats diversity.

  115. - Soill - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 5:40 pm:

    With IL law, John O. could run against Forby b/c his current district has parts of Hamilton County. McCarter can run against Haine. And Luchtefeld could stay in the new 54 and take most of McCarter’s republican votes.

  116. - John P. - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 6:04 pm:

    Does anyone know when the house redistricting maps come out? All I will say is as a republican things are going to get interesting between the 20th (I doubt they’d even vote on it today) and the 31st with the Budget and this…. Get ready for popcorn and soda.

  117. - Macoupin Observer - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 9:30 pm:

    McCann will certainly have his work cut out for him; however, not sure how he would have fared the next election anyhow even without a new map. He probably won more based upon the success of Rep. Rosenthal the last election. Bomke moving more into a district that former Repub Rep. Tom Ryder did well in and there are some similarities in the two men and the way they handle constituents.

  118. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:05 pm:

    The new map splits Bloomington-Normal between Brady and Cultra with all of Normal and a chunk of Bloomington going from Brady to Cultra.

    Would be interesting to see if a Repub would emerge to contest Cultra. He has had no opposition since his first campaign.

  119. - Paul S. - Thursday, May 19, 11 @ 10:17 pm:

    @Oneman: Linda Holmes lives on Georgetown Circle in Aurora. She is maybe two blocks within the 42nd district; however, her Plainfield office is in the 49th. She will now have to actually have a presence in Aurora.

  120. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 20, 11 @ 6:33 am:

    ===From Goethe on the North to around the 100’s on the south. ===

    That’s longer, but not outrageously different from his current district.

  121. - Anon3 - Friday, May 20, 11 @ 7:21 am:

    This is really good news for Mike Jacobs, he gets rid of the Tea Party people in Mercer and picks up some D’s. Sterling/Rock Falls don’t keep track of QC media as close so he can craft his message for them. They are used to him as he already has the west end.
    With Jerry Mitchell set to retire Whiteside County me get its own D rep.
    Also, Tim Bivens seems to have done ok as he is very well liked in Lee County and well known in Ogle.

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