* If you read this morning’s roundup, you already know that a Democratic group called Alliance of Illinois Taxpayers NFP has sent out a mailer tying Rep. Michael McAuliffe to Donald Trump.
Here’s another mail piece from the same group which was apparently mailed to Republicans…
* The Democrats are shifting financial and human resources into this race, so keep an eye on it…
The 45th House District race between Wood Dale Republican Christine Winger and Democratic challenger Cynthia Borbas of Carol Stream has brought in $2.2 million. The district in northern DuPage County roughly runs from Route 59 in Bartlett east to Route 83 in Wood Dale.
“Put it this way,” a buddy told me today, “If there is a Hillary wave, this is where we’ll know it.”
* And speaking of hot races, Personal PAC is mailing this into Rep. Dwight Kay’s district…
* No mobile phones at some polling places? Yep, it’s a thing…
While there is no state law against bringing your cellphone in the booth, local authorities can establish rules to preserve decorum, according to Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois State Board of Elections.
In Kane County, that means no cellphones in the polling place, a voter was told Sunday in Carpentersville. Even election judges are not to have phones, Kindles, tablets or other electronic devices, according to the judges’ manual. […]
They’re trying to keep the noise level down. “It’s just disruptive,” Lake County Clerk Carla Wyckoff said. […]
State law does prohibit taking photos of ballots.
* As if the Chicago airwaves aren’t crowded enough already…
Wealthy former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg again is investing a chunk of his fortune in a hot Chicago-area issue—this time, a proposed tax on soda pop and other sugary drinks in Cook County.
Bloomberg today is launching a $1 million TV ad blitz in the Chicago media market on behalf of the tax, which Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle says is needed to avoid layoffs of law enforcement personnel and others in county government.
Political insiders believe Preckwinkle has the board votes to pass the measure as part of her proposed 2017 budget, but Bloomberg, who’s paying for the spots personally, is taking no chances.
“Big soda is spending money, too,” with ads opposing the tax, Bloomberg senior adviser Howard Wolfson told me in a phone call. “We tend to follow closely what they do.”
* Things are getting ugly in Kankakee County. From a press release…
Ed Glazar, Republican Candidate for Kankakee County State’s Attorney, has uncovered a disturbing fact involving Bradley village attorney and Kankakee County State’s Attorney opponent Jim Rowe.
According to Bradley village records, a Bradley man was arrested for possession of child pornography. Rowe, as village attorney, refused to refer the case to the State’s Attorney, and instead prosecuted it as a violation of Bradley village ordinances, with a fine of just $100.
The judge in the case was noted to have said that the outcome “could have been much, much worse” for the man, had it not been classified as a village ordinance violation.
The defendant not only escaped the serious charges of possession of child pornography, but Jim Rowe allowed the defendant to keep the illegal materials on his phone, potentially allowing him to send them to others.
…Adding… From Rowe’s Facebook page…
I appreciate Mr. Glazar pulling his radio ads regarding his press release of yesterday; he realized his allegations against me were NOT TRUE and has voluntarily pulled the ads. This is the third time his radio ads have been pulled during the campaign for being untrue - but I am happy that in the end, he had the integrity to pull the false ads. He should now retract his press release.
I appreciate Ed recognizing his mistake and doing the right thing by pulling the ads and untrue statements. Now, let’s vote!
* Hmm…
* NY Times…
The largest bloc is whites who have no college degree, and the voting-age population of this group is as large as that of voting-age blacks, Hispanics and Asian-Americans combined. Mitt Romney won this group over Barack Obama by 26 percentage points, and Ronald Reagan by 31 points in 1984. But Bill Clinton won this bloc of voters both times he ran. In this year’s political polls, this group favors Mr. Trump by large margins over Hillary Clinton. […]
However, the voting electorate — the people who actually go to the polls — could look substantially different from the voting-age population. […]
This population is the heart of red-state America. It dominates the rural landscape of swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Wisconsin. But it is outnumbered in urban centers and in most suburban areas. A big unknown in this election is how many additional voters will turn out in these counties. On election night, watch for the votes from these areas
* The Illinois map: “Largest voter group by county based on the turnout in 2012 by race and education”…

* Other stuff…
* Kirk Urges Voters To Go To Polls, Regardless Of Choice For President
* As in Willis Tower climb, Kirk has uphill fight against Duckworth
- Team Sleep - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 1:27 pm:
Mitt Romney won Madison County in 2012. Not by much - but he won. I think Kay learned his lesson and from I understand he has been working his district even more than previous cycles. I could see Dan Beiser losing given that he has a decently-funded and hard-working opponent.
- A guy - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 2:01 pm:
Remarkably stupid ads. Really stupid. Depending on where you are; these won’t even get a cursory look. People are done being inundated. More than a few of this huge number of early voters are people who simply want the mail to stop.
- Whatever - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 2:07 pm:
Those right-wing Republicans are also against fossil fuels — making that poor woman try to cook on what is obviously a cold stove!
- Whatever - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 2:15 pm:
And wait - isn’t that housewife Avery Bourne?
- G'Kar - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 3:32 pm:
The largest voter bloc in Brown County was minorities? That doesn’t look right to me.
- Touré's Latte - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 3:52 pm:
1990 called and wants it’s War on Women meme back. Sheesh. The world has moved on and some high paid media guy thinks he needs an extra paycheck? Is that how this happens? I get the “He’s Rauner’s union hating stooge” or “She’s a Madigan tax and spender” stuff, but these? Ugh. Millions spent, and that’s my reaction. Ugh.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 3:59 pm:
===The world has moved on===
How so?
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 4:45 pm:
“1990 called and wants it’s War on Women meme back. Sheesh. The world has moved on”
– MrJM
- wordslinger - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 4:53 pm:
–“1990 called and wants it’s War on Women meme back. Sheesh. The world has moved on”
How so.–
Because that lady in the Proft spots who lives in every district in the state said so?
- wordslinger - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 4:58 pm:
As for Kay, when you equate the use of contraception with female “promiscuity,” you can probably expect a mailer like that.
- Amalia - Monday, Nov 7, 16 @ 5:15 pm:
phone call from the pals in NW land, short, unsigned letter from Hillary for Marwig. HRC would never do that. whichever campaign did that, that’s not how it would work, with any presidential candidate. low class.