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The “secret plot” to raise taxes

Friday, Jan 23, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Considering what the governor said today about a secret plot to oust him in order to raise taxes, I’ll bet that Sen. Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) kinda regrets the timing of this remark

Representatives from some social service agencies raised concerns about getting state payments they’re owed.

Even if it requires a one-time tax increase, Koehler said the state will pay its bills.

“We’ve got to catch up and then we’ve got to be disciplined not to get sloppy again. The whole system is broken at this point and we’re going to fix it,” he said. [emphasis added]

Now, there is, indeed, talk of raising taxes. The budget is horribly in the red and the state is facing a very real fiscal meltdown in March. Pat Quinn talked to me about “sacrifice,” and indicated that some new revenues could be needed.

But for the governor to claim that his impeachment was, by design, a deliberate plot to increase taxes is just plain insane. Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s the way I see it.

“They want to get me out fast so they could put a huge income-tax increase on the people of Illinois… And they want to raise the sales tax on gas. . . . If I’m out of the way, they can quietly push this through.”


The guy is arrested for allegedly attempting to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat and impeachment is about tax hikes? What, is US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in on the plot, too?


And it’s almost as bad that Don & Roma didn’t challenge the governor about this insane allegation on their program today. They had him right there, and they let him spout this crud without either of them saying, “Governor, you’re nuts, man.”

* Also, the governor talked today about the $3 billion in special state funds that could be used to balance the budget. He said the General Assembly refused to touch that money because of pressure from the special interests which control the funds.

First, the governor has never once presented a bill to sweep all $3 billion from those special funds. Never.

Second, those special funds are not funded with tax dollars, but with special fees imposed on those “special interests” and are designated for certain purposes. Some of the funds can’t be touched due to federal law, as the governor himself pointed out last year. Some have excess funds, but some of those funds were swept last year.

The bottom line is the governor continues to lie and twist the truth about the budget deficit. He continues to believe that he can drastically expand government spending without cost.

He is, in short, delusional.

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  1. - Lurker - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    What’s really getting offensive is the fact that he believes “THE PEOPLE OF IL” are all stupid enough to believe any of his weekly conspiracy theories. It’s aggravating.

  2. - Lurker - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    “Governor, you’re nuts, man.”

    THIS on a t-shirt + Rich Miller’s sig: Priceless

  3. - And I Approved This Message - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:28 am:

    To call him delusional almost seems like an insult to people who are truly delusional. He keeps saying he’s fighting because the people of Illinois elected him twice. Isn’t his approval rating in single digits? What’s he smoking?

  4. - dupage dan - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:30 am:

    I listened to part of the Don Wade/Roma interview and was disappointed that they were so soft on him. Rod was in good form with the same delusional stuff. The “PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS”, indeed.

  5. - Willie Stark - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:30 am:

    Rich, what about a QOTD for commenters to offer serious suggestions about what Don & Roma should have asked the governor? If he’s going to embark on a big media blitz, a compilation of questions might come in handy for harried news producers and the production staff at shows like “The View” who might not be so up on the situation and not even know how best to respond to the re-emerged razzle dazzle machine. Whatever emerges here could be circulated around easily via email and linked to other blogs. This could be a genuine public service. One thing that Roma got right was her comment after he left is that Rod’s “slick as snot on a pump handle.”

  6. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:33 am:

    Wow, a secret plot to put the state on a sound financial footing. Will they stop at nothing?

  7. - Suzanne - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:34 am:

    I enjoyed the bit when the Governor’s characterized the GRT as a small tax on his contributors.

  8. - Cassandra - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:35 am:

    He’s obviously grasping at straws and has convinced himself that this is a political conspiracy, but so what. He’s almost gone from office and will almost certainly continue to snipe away from the sidelines and even run for office again. The Chicago Machine Dems (and, to be fair, African American voters and Lakefront Libs) made a huge mistake when they pushed this guy. Helloooo Dick Mell.

    On to important things like our money. Why are our political leaders acting like there is no cash tsunami coming from the feds. $50 billion is
    an awful lot of money…almost as much as a one year state budget in its entirety. Not all of it
    is going to build roads and bridges. One plan has $87 billion slated to beef up Medicaid nationally,
    meaning Illinois is likely to get at least of couple billion of that. And since we already have
    expanded Medicaid (gotta give our Blago credit for that) perhaps we will be able to use more of the money to defray exiting coats.

    What would be disastrous would be if our proposed
    $500 per person federal tax cuts go out the door in more Illinois taxes. Surely, with $50 billion coming,our Democratic political leaders could suspend their greed during this recession.

  9. - Cassandra - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    Sorry, typing too fast, I mean existing costs. I always get excited when I read about tax increases.

  10. - Hair today, gone tomorrow - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:39 am:

    I also heard part of the interview and was disapointed they didn’t challenge Rod.
    I would like someone to ask him about the THOUSANDS of dollars he wasted on all those airline trips from Chicago to Springfield and back.
    I wanted to hurl when he kept spewing the megar means from which he came…the 5 bedroom apartment blah blah blah.
    Somehow I think the gals on the view won’t go as easy on him IF their producers do their work.

  11. - ChampaignDweller - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:40 am:

    Cassandra, I’m no fan of taxes, but the State is in such a bind there isn’t much choice–how will it continue to provide services at this rate? Staff cuts just won’t do it. Yesterday on the local news there was a story about the Logan Correctional facility–the DOC has cut staff so low that it’s becoming dangerous. They’ve had multiple inmate fights break out, and at least one staff member injured. We should just bite the bullet and pay now–the lawsuits coming out of this won’t be any cheaper.

  12. - Concerned Observer - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:40 am:

    Unfortunately, while the governor did NOT hear any tough questions, he did define what today’s storyline will be. Because there’s really no way Cullerton, Quinn, et al can now avoid addressing the “raise taxes” issue head-on, and so that becomes the story in our now-centric media.

    The Governor is finally playing chess. The problem is, he’s picking off all the white pawns without realizing that he’s four moves away from being checkmated. The legislature, et al is quite happy to trade material for time, because all that matters is the endgame.

  13. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:40 am:


    This nearly $1 trillion is not free money. Just like the Iraq war, somebody’s gonna pay the bill sooner or later. Will the Middle East and China own your grandkids?

  14. - SpfldJimbo - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:42 am:

    …and the longer that he is around spewing this junk, the more that the populace of Illinois whose hat size rivals that of their IQ, will begin to buy-in to it. He knows it…and so do we.

  15. - Amuzing Myself - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:42 am:

    While it may be an opportune time for Quinn to try to “do the right thing” and raise taxes, I have a difficult time believing Mike Madigan wants to add to the already heavy burden of Blagojevich/Burris heading into 2010 by piling an income or gas tax increase on top of that. I don’t recall him standing up to “do the right thing” in the past if it meant putting his majority in jeopardy. Of course, the map favors him, but it seems he is not likely to temp fate in such an uncertain political environment.

    I also find Blago’s notion that Dems can “quietly” institute a huge tax increase with him out of the way rather moronic, too. Republicans are already salivating at the opportunities 2010 could afford their party, and there’s no way they’re going to cast all of that aside to jump on board a tax increase wagon with Quinn and the Democrats.

    There’s no doubt Democrats could pass the tax increase without Republican votes. I just seriously doubt there’s the will to do it in this state.

  16. - D.O.I.N.K. - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:42 am:

    There is a very technical term regarding this type of behavior. Rod Blagoyevich has D.O.I.N.K. syndrome:

    Official in

  17. - Cinho - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    A scary side effect of all of this drama is that the financial crisis is indeed taking a back seat to dealing with Blago and his drama. Social service programs are closing everywhere, leaving recipients and employees of these programs without benefits. Maybe the real plot here is to use this drama to distract from the fact that no one has a good idea of how to get out from under our bills and get re-elected. Maybe Blago is a robot (albeit with fabulous hair) created by the plotters to distract citizens from the financial problems of the state.

  18. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:44 am:

    Why wouldn’t Rod believe the people of IL are stupid enough to believe his conspiracy theories? After all, we elected him to office more times than I care to remember.

    Rod’s problem is he keeps running into 3 pesky Irishmen named Fitzgerald, Madigan and Quinn who don’t seem to be to care what he is selling.

  19. - A Citizen - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    Did we ever get a definitive answer to the SNL question as to whether he is indeed the gay guv of Illinois?

  20. - Cassandra - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Six Degrees…

    That’s a valid concern. But from what I’m reading, the train has left the station on the stimulus including massive disbursements to the states. So, my point is, let’s use our money to relieve the tax burden on ordinary citizens, or, at least, not increase the burden.

  21. - tc - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Rich, now, you know this is a little outside reality:

    ” He continues to believe that he can drastically expand government spending without cost.”

    I think the Governor is crazy to think this is all about taxes.

    But, you have to remember the past 2 years…

    The Governor got in trouble because he has been the only one who has proposed any revenue for all the new spending. Grt? Etc?

    And the general assembly DID, as we all acknowledge, pass a budget with 2 billion in spending more than revenue.

    I would assign this particular delusion to Madigan and Jones, and their rank-and-file, who never showed the guts to push for ANY revenue to pay for their spending.

  22. - Been There - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:49 am:

    Rich, as South Side Mike and I said yesterday, this is all leading up to an insanity defense. He may not even know it. Gensen might. Let him keep throwing himself under the bus and I bet these odd behavioral theatrics show up in his federal case but used by the defense.

  23. - wordslinger - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    I think everyone understands kitchen table economics. You have to cut, and what you can’t cut, you have to raise revenues to pay for.

    We’re not the feds. We can’t borrow for operating expenses or crank up the printing press. And we can’t continue to be a deadbeat.

  24. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    Been There, you don’t know the half of it. lol

    ===The Governor got in trouble because he has been the only one who has proposed any revenue for all the new spending. Grt? Etc?===


    OK. Whatever.

    What happened after that?

    Think about it for a second.

  25. - How Ironic - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 10:14 am:

    I would have only belived it was a vast conspiracy had he been able to tie both Madigan, and Quin to the Iluminati.

    And, if they both ride Horses of the Apocolypse to the impeachment trial. That would be a clincher for me.

  26. - tc - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 10:15 am:

    If you are talking about familycare, you are talking about maybe $40 million.

    The 2007 and 2008 budgets did fifty times that - 2 billion in unfunded spending.
    And what were last fall and the past 6 months all about?

    The governor’s ridiculous budget cuts.

    The GA has long loved spending without having to find revenur for it. And these last 2 budgets that put us in the mess we are in now were done by them on their own.

    My point is - the crazy spending without revenuer isn’t going to disappear when rod is gone. It may just get worse, especially if they continue their denial about how bad things are right now.

  27. - neo state worker - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    ===The Governor got in trouble because he has been the only one who has proposed any revenue for all the new spending. Grt? Etc?===

    I’m thinking no one wanted to propose any new revenue streams because no one trusted Blago with spending it in the manner it was intended.

  28. - Levois - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    I posted these comments in the wrong post this is where it belongs.

    I wouldn’t doubt that someone might believe his lines about raising taxes on the people. This is a bad time to raise taxes yet there has to be revenue to get the state of the red somehow.

  29. - Doug Dobmeyer - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    So? The people of this state are in favor of a fair tax hike, rather than being part of the train wreck Blago’s Administration has run in Illinois.

    Doug Dobmeyer

  30. - skhicks - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    I reckon we’ll need to raise taxes to keep up with the Ronen and Granberg style pension plans. I know, “It’s legal”, and “You’d take the money too, if you could”. I’m sure the IDNR and HPA folks that were layed off would appreciate those kind of parting gifts.To paraphrase a wise man, “That’s why I hate Springfield.”

  31. - The Mad Hatter - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 12:20 pm:

    Rich, I’ve been telling you for years that Unindicted Official A-Rod is not only a crook, but a grandstanding lunatic as well. Glad to see you’ve finally come around to my way of thinking.

  32. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    This is the perfect cover for a tax increase: Crazy Rod dug us a deep hole and we need to raise taxes to dig ourselves out. We wish we didn’t have too, but Rod got us into a really bad spot.

    Any tax increase will be all Rod’s fault for mismanagement. Within a week or so of taking over the office, Gov. Quinn will probably come out with “It’s even worse than we thought…”

    In this case, they will probably be correct. While all the parties have had a hand in the current budget situation, Rod’s refusal to consider anything that would qualify as a serious revenue increase is the core of the state’s problems.

  33. - fedup dem - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    I see nothing wrong in legislators honestly stating that after the Blagojevich mess is concluded (most likely within the next two weeks), the state of Illinois has to take some additional actions to restore its good name and its credit-worthiness, even if the only option available is unpleasant to some (i.e., an increase in the state income tax).

    That, my fellow commenters, is the responsible thing to do. It is also neccessary in order to show the world that this state intends to mend its ways after six-plus years of being led by criminals.

  34. Pingback The Capitol Fax Blog » The governor’s media event - Friday, Jan 23, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    […] THE BLOG TODAY… * The governor’s media event * This just in… Gov to speak at 2 o’clock *** Daley calls him “cuckoo” again *** * Unclear on theconcept * This just in… Oberman out of 5th District race * Question of the day * More Blagojevich lies * The “secret plot” to raise taxes * This just in… Guv on the radio *** UPDATED xSEVERAL *** * Quinn on the White Sox, “sacrifice,” governing * Morning Shorts * SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax * Politico: Giannoulias puts out feelers for US Senate; AP: “Advisor B” identified ** Yesterday’s blog posts […]

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