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Question of the day

Thursday, Dec 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller

Combine the poll numbers of Ron Gidwitz and Steve Rauschenberger and you get about 9.5 percent. Hardcore pro-life Rauschenberger supporters may have a tough time voting for the pro-choice Gidwitz for governor. Quite a few people may find it difficult to vote for Rauschenberger knowing that he will resign the ticket if Topinka wins the nomination.

But like I wrote in yesterday’s Capitol Fax, the two men are hoping that the synergy created by their new “all reform, all the time” team will result in a sum greater than its parts.

Is “reform” enough of an issue to win a Republican primary in Illinois? Are these the guys to do it, even if Gidwitz spends millions on TV ads?


  1. - SouthernILRepub - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 2:09 am:

    Simply put NO! How can you preach reform when Mr. Gidwitz is a member of the former Ryan Admin. At the same time Rauschy looks like he has just sold out to the old guard; which Gidiwtz is a member of. The more and more that I wonder about this race; makes me wish that the Illinois Republican Party had not spent the past two elections cycles circling the wagons to fire on ourselves. What can we learn from this? Illinois Republicans are the laughing stock of the RNC. At the same time where is the leadership of our Speaker of the House and other Repub. Congressmen/women? Simply put not there. Shame on them for not being a bigger voice in Illinois politics. This election will mark another 4 years of one-party rule in Illinois. It is a very difficult time to be a proud Young Republican!

  2. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:11 am:

    The word reform is as tired as Gidwitz’s french cuffed shirts. I’m sick and tired of hearing this word. Anyone can throw out the word reform, it’s such a poor mans buzz word that nobody even pays attention to it. The person using the word “reform” is a person who has NOTHING to run on.

  3. - The Colonel - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:01 am:

    Neither of these two knuckleheads, nor Carrot-top.

    Is that the Milkman I hear at the door?

  4. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:09 am:

    Rauschy’s promise not to run with anyone else turns this from a smart move for him into a colossal blunder. A reform platform won’t be enough to even make Gidwitz competitive, much less get him over the top. The wingers will go for Oberweiss or Brady and the moderates will vote Topinka. Gidwitz will wind up with an embarrasingly small percentage of the vote. If Rauschy loses, it will be an embarrassment for him. If he wins and steps down, it will be an embarrassment for the party.

  5. - downstate - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:32 am:

    A lot of people are trying to reach back and tie everyone that runs to Ryan.First of all Ryan was not indicted as Governor but as Sec. of State.Second our current GOVERNOR has several investigations going on involving him.Why don’t we let these people put together thier platform and tell us what they can do or are willing to attemp to help the people of Illinois.To shoot someone done before you hear and undestand them is rude,crude and uneducated.Sort of what we have running the state now.Hey you never know they might say something you agree with.

  6. - The Conservative - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:39 am:


    I am a leader in the Christian Conservative Pro-Life arena. I will be easly voting Brady for Governor and Rauschenberger for Lt. Governor. I applaud what the Senator has said that he would give the winner the option of his staying on. This is a principled decision and I support it.Isn’t that what we say we want our elected officials to be. Should Topinka win, I also will make a principled decision and will encourage my friends to consider the same.

    We need bold leadership, we tend to pick apart every word a candidate says and some times the press just misquotes or dosen’t ask if that is what the candidate means. It grabs a larger headline and sells more papers than the truth.

    With corruption and doubt on the voters mind we need leadership that will speak out and dare to be bold. We need leadership with backbone Honesty, morals and yes dare I say principles. Thank you Senator Rauschenberger for giving the voters a real ticket.

  7. - Not Liking Politics - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:44 am:

    I agree with 6:09. I’m a registered Dem but will vote Rep. Oberweiss is nuts, Brady has said he won’t raise taxes (can’t happen for another 4 years unless you are going to up fees or raise something else). Like most about Rausch except his anti-woman’s choice views (which totally rules him out, and therefore, Gidwitz). That leaves only JBT. As long as she doesn’t screw up big in the next year, I will vote for her.

    Didn’t Blago run on the reform ticket- he WAS going to cease “business as usual”? All he did was add his administration to the business as usual politicians.

  8. - Oy - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:08 am:

    If you think insulting every single, and married, voter is called reform then Raunchenberger is your guy. It’s truly stunning to see how clueless politicians are when they mare required to speak to the press. They absolutely believe their backroom disfunctionality is normal and they can treat everyone like dirt.

    More stunning is Giddyup thinking that kind of behavior is an ingredient in a formual for winning.


  9. - Cook County Gop'er - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:16 am:

    Ron is no reformer. His association with sub standard housing in Joliet to today’s editorial in the Trib - Ron can talk about reform, but he just can’t pull it off.

    He has made his bones GOP politics by moving cash around campaigns. If he had no money, he wouldn’t be in this race.

    I hope that those that went before him will make room at the table. Misters Jack Ryan, Blair Hull,& Ron Gidwitz - your table is ready.

  10. - Your Neighbor - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:38 am:

    It’s good to see the republican operatives out here tearing the other’s candidates up. This will be a brutal primary, no matter how you look at it. The fact that Gidenberger has come out claiming to be the agent of change, the Reformer, it’s obvious that they will tear Judy to shreds for her alleged corruption and her ties to the old guard. Call it GRyan, Kjellander, or Cellini. You can even call it Rove. She is the establishment candidate and Gidwitz (and Obie, for that matter) will spend millions to make sure that voters know this.

    By the way, as for the current governor, in America people are innocent until proven guilty. Trying to put him in the same sentence with GRyan, a man who has been criminally charged and is currently on trial, is just wrong. While there are accusations of some hiring issues, these are simply investigations. In case you haven’t noticed, many sitting elected officials are under investigation including Topinka, the state republican party, and the President of the United States. Even the newspapers who write about all of thius stuff are under federal investigation.

    Investigations are good. Wrongdoers are convicted, and those falsely accused are exonerated. While there may be some in this administration who have done wrong, I am confident that Blagojevich will be exonerated.

  11. - Sane Conservative - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:40 am:

    The primary will now be between Topinka and Brady with Brady getting the bulk of the conservative vote because even us old right wingers aren’t stupid enough to put Oberweis in a position where he can embarrass us all.

    If Topinka wins the primary over Brady then we conservatives will be for her of the current governor.

    Until then its all the awy with Brady.

  12. - Old Elephant - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:45 am:

    To get back to your original question: Yes, reform may be enough to win both the primary and the general. But, unfortunately, not the reform that Gidwitz and Rauschenberger are talking about.

    They have become fixated on a small, subset that no one cares about. Who cares about reforming the State Central Committee or the National Committeeman or even the political party itself? Let’s face it, party structures and platforms are pretty much irrelevant. So, when they talk about reform and Bob Kjellander, most voters are going to just end up scratching their heads and wondering what the heck these guys are talking about.

    The candidate that wins is the candidate that convinces the voters they will be an honest, straightforward manager of state government. The mere fact that JBT has spent years managing a constitutional office doesn’t disqualify her from being able to fix the abuses of Ryan-Blagojevich. In fact, if she handles it well, it can be a positive. This idea that all elected officials are contanimated is silly. People don’t think Hynes, Jesse or Lisa are corrupt, they are focused on one guy who has given them ample reason to believe he’s a corrupt. In the end, voters want a known quantity that they like and trust. It’s still Judy’s race to lose.

  13. - downstate - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:46 am:

    Your Neighbor in politics your guilty until you can prove otherwise.Your guy Blago has such a Chicago machine smell about him that the people of Springfield wouldn’t let him move to Springfield.Now the whole state smells it.That’s why a lot of Dems are looking at other people for the Gov. race.

  14. - Bill - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:02 am:

    Don’t be so bitter. We like that smell. Its too bad for you that all of the voters in Springfield and all of the readers of this blog make up such a small percentage of the voters that it really doesn’t matter what you think.

    Health care for kids
    raised the minimum wage
    Didn’t raise sales or income taxes
    Was smart enough not to move to Springfield
    Is not a slum lord or a right wing fanatic

    Bingo…. 4 more years for Rod

  15. - Anon47 - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:03 am:

    As a Dem, I am embarrassed with Blago and would eagerly hold my nose and vote for a decent Repub–IF there was one. JBT is simply not the answer (although if Whitley was on the ticket, I would do it, but he tells me he’s out). Judy is hardly a reformer and with Blago’s money he can paint a pretty ugly picture of her. By the way, wanna guess who besides Ryan endorsed Phil Gramm? You’re right, she did.

  16. - A young whippersnapper - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:09 am:

    This question probably says more about my ignorance than anything else, but why is the abortion issue such a big deal on the state level when any meaningful decisions on the subject are locked up by the Supreme Court? Are we all THAT confident that Roe v. Wade will be overturned this next legislative cycle, or that a Human Life Amendment will finally get proposed, or that the 17th Amendment will get repealed?

    I’m as pro-life as anyone, but at least the argument coming from Washington is that there isn’t much to do on abortion until the Supreme Court decides there is.

    Please tell me what I’m missing.

  17. - The Conservative - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:16 am:

    To young whipper snapper:

    The reason is that if you lay down with dogs you get fleas. Better to know if they have fleas early sou you can fumegate them before there is an infestation later.

  18. - RealityCheck - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:20 am:

    I agree with the overuse of the word “reform.” Let’s be honest…a governor cannot turn the system around in one term…anyone who says they’re going to come in, clean up state government, and initiate real reform isn’t being realistic…just ask A-Rod how tough this is.

  19. - Ghost of Bob Kustra - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:21 am:

    A couple of observations:

    1) Topinka cannot make it through the primary

    - She is not a concensus builder and will have a tough time with the hard right wingers.

    2) Brady looks the part and acts the part and, based upon Rod’s standards, thinks the part as well. Unfortunately, He doesn’t have enough money to make this happen. Thus, he can’t win the primary because he cannot get his message out.

    Do what Rauschy wouldn’t do, run for treasurer.

    3) Obie is, well, Obie. I have got to believe he peaked in his Senate Race. He pulls another soldier’s field ad, and he morphs into Keyes.

    4) Want to find a winner in Illinois Politics, find the one with lots of $$$$. That’s Gidwitz. The fact that he is polling so low is that it is December 2005. Nobody, but us, is paying attention to this race. That will change come January and February. Once he starts buying all of that air time, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to get their message out.

    Does Rauschy help Gidwitz, maybe a little, Rauschy supporters are more likely to fold into Gidwitz’s organization, which will be a huge plus.

  20. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:34 am:

    I see what the Brady campaign is doing with no money it is making sure his 3% of support is on the Blogs. Even if Rauschy’s voters all go to brady he will be at 9%. This primary is going to cost millions now that Gidwitz has decided to take on JBT full force.
    The Brady people are trying to say that he can just run a “grassroots” campaign and win? Peter Fitzgerald ran a grassroots campaign to perfection but it cost him 13 million!
    Senator Brady will flounder in the single digits and might cause the election to go to Judy, but maybe thats what his friend shilander wants

  21. - DefensorPacis - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:46 am:

    To Reagan Democrat and the Ghost of Bob Kustra:

    It is undeniable that money is a huge factor in elections (which is why some of us are committed, at least in theory, to campaign finance reform).

    That said, given the culture of corruption in Illinois politics that so many people have alluded to, it seems that money (whether over or under the table) plays far too much of a role here.

    So Brady doesn’t have any money. That sounds like a plus in this political climate. If the people of Illinois want genuine reform–and I think it’s obvious they do–then why don’t we take to the streets and do something about it?

    ‘Tis not too late to build our young land right,
    Cleaner than Holland, courtlier than Japan,
    Devout like early Rome, with hearths like hers,
    Hearths that will recreate the breed called man.

    — Vachel Lindsay, “To Reformers in Despair”

  22. - DefensorPacis - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:49 am:

    Continuation of last post: This state needs a campaign to watch (and join) where idealism replaces cynicism and hard-working volunteers replace well-oiled machines.

    Not saying it’s easy, but saying it’s what has to happen…and could well do so.

  23. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:53 am:

    Reform is the edge of the blade, but there has to be something more behind it. To campaign solely on reform would be to assume – quite incorrectly – that the only problem Republicans or Independents might have with the current administration is that it is corrupt….it is essentially a de-facto forfeiture of the important policy debates that need to take place as well.

  24. - Little Ghost - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:54 am:

    None of the Republican candidates can talk about reform and I agree with the previous poster… I am sick of hearing it.

    As a moderate Repub, I dont know who to vote for. Topinka acts like a reformer yet her office is under federal investigation for campaigning on state time, she is the queen of the insider deals (most notably trying to erase millions in a state loan for Celllini), and tries to distance herself from Geroge Ryan when we all know good and well that they were fashioned out of the same mold.

    We will never have reform in this state!

  25. - takethehighroad - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:06 am:

    Call me crazy, but people vote for who they like. On the charisma scale, Gidwitz and Rauchy are far behind every other candidate. No amount of money is going to change that. The reform theme may take some votes away from Judy, but not anywhere near enough to win. They may just be able to get enough allow the milk man to win

  26. - right of right - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:12 am:

    The only one who can bring reform, and who represents the true conservative values of the republican party is Jim Oberweis! He has no connections to the old guard, and his personal wealth ensures that he will not be beholden ot anybody. If Brady stays in, he will split the conservative vote and allow the gay loving, gun hating, tax raising insider Judy Baar Topinka, who is being investigated by the feds to steal this election. She cannot beat Blago in the general — only Obie can. Brady needs to step aside and leave this to a man who can get the job done — Oberweis!

  27. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:20 am:

    You cannot win solely as a “reform” candidate unless you actually have a track record of reform, and even then it is tough.

    People *act* suprised when elected officials get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but the truth is, they’re not. Polling consistently shows voters don’t trust politicians. Trying to convince voters you’re the exception is tough.

    Gidberger should be running on education, health care and jobs, the three issues that consistently poll at the top for voters. Rauschie kind of shot himself in the foot by opposing AllKids, but otherwise he’s pretty knowledgable on health care. Gidwitz is well-credentialed on jobs and education — and if he had the stones to pick up the education funding reform issue, he could find himself the frontrunner in a crowded primary.

    The problem with this field is we haven’t really heard them promote one single new idea of substance. Pretty tough to make the argument that you’re an agent of change.

  28. - Cassandra - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:26 am:

    I agree with takethehighroad. The vast majority of voters make choices based on emotion. The issue is not who might do the best job (I strongly agree that somebody like Oberweis would shake up state government the way it needs to be shook–but he is unelectable in the general…comes across as too far out of mainstream). And I’ve heard Gidwitz and Rauschenberger speak and neither is able to
    appeal to people’s emotions.

    So it’s back to JBT.

  29. - Merry Christmas - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:29 am:

    I agree with a lot of what’s being said here today. In 2002, all voters heard from Rod was “reform, reform and reform.” Now, as he gears up for re-election, it’s clear reform is the last thing he brought to the office.

    Therefore, voters aren’t going to be swayed by any candidate this season who claims to be running on the issue of “reform.” They got enough of that already, and are not dumb, they know reform rings hollow…so candidates should be talking about the issues…like was stated above, education, taxes, health care…which, Rod had the advantage on.

  30. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:30 am:

    JBT or bust!

  31. - Nodody - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:35 am:

    JBT Busted…. by the feds.

  32. - I could care less - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:42 am:

    - Robbed pension system
    - Washergate at IDOT
    - Huge waste of money for overtime legislative session because he couldn’t pull his own party together.
    - Money wasted traveling to Springfield. Hairdo chooses not to live in Springfield and thinks the Capitol should be in Chicago so why even bother coming to Springfield at all. We could do without him.
    - DCFS
    - Feds sniffing around in many areas.
    - Many fee hikes which = tax increases, whether you want to admit it or not. Ask a trucker if he’s paying more taxes or more fees (splitting hairs is what Hairdo does best - how appropriate).

    Bottom line for this election, unfortunately, will be money. Money will talk and money will buy votes IF WE LET IT HAPPEN. I can’t be bought but I’m sure a large number of voters can be. Look out folks. We will get Hairdo for another 4 years if we aren’t careful. He talks a good talk but just can’t walk the walk.

  33. - Macbeth - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:48 am:

    I’m tired of “reform.” Enough. Anybody who consistently harps on “reform” won’t get my vote. I need something more substantial — especially since whoever wins the mansion next year will be as corrupt as ever.

    Reform the “reform the reformers?” That’s gonna be the battle cry four years from now.


  34. - Blugil - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:01 am:

    Hey Yellow Dog - what about a “Contract with Illinois” - seems to me this hit a cord somewhere before and its author was hardly known as a reformer.

  35. - DefensorPacis - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:09 am:

    Macbeth’s comments notwithstanding, I really do think the “reform” (in substance, if not in name) angle is necessary for whatever Republican candidate wins the primaries–since the DNC looks like it’s bound and determined to turn the whole 2006 election into another referendum on Iraq and the Bush administration’s own scandals.

    Given the nationalization of media coverage, I’m more than a little worried that the average Illinoisan going to the polls will be more concerned about national issues and rivalries than with the issues particularly facing the state.

    It is crucial that Blagojevich not be allowed to ride Bush’s coattails into a second term.

  36. - downstate - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:21 am:

    “I could care less” you left out the small town rural Illinois car dealers that had to quit because of the fee hikes.The bread and butter of these small towns and some of you Blago bloggers tell me there isn’t going to be a get even mindset at election.

  37. - Nodody - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:30 am:

    Sympathy for car dealers? Puhleez!

    To me that is payback for all their “hideen fees” when buying a car!

  38. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:42 am:

    Yesterday, the babblers were all saying how Gidwitz/Rauschy will cripple JBT. Today we’re hearing a different tune? You bunch of silly people!

    2006 voters are tired of listening to dull white men. There is a trend away from these traditional office holders, toward female and non-white candidates representing change. Obama beat Hynes, JBT beats Dart, Mona Lisa Madigan beats Birkett, White beats them all. They are the most popular pols in our state for a reason - they ain’t WASP-hetero-married-men.

    What is saving Blago at this point is that he is already governor. But, if you look at his polls, voters have stopped listening to him too. He can’t even cough up a bump in his ratings after pledging to give everyone, everyone else’s money, and pledge 4% of invisible monies to state workers.

    2006 is shaping up to be the year of the outsider. After years of scandals, voters do not want dull white men in office, unless they are truly charismatic or break the mold in some way.

    JBT will win the primary, and win the general election as scandals continue to appear in the news and make a mockery of dull white men in elected office. Lisa Madigan, White, Obama and JBT all would have an inside track in the 2006 election if they ran against Blagojevich. Since JBT is the only one doing it, she looks like the eventual winner 11 months from now.

    Millions isn’t going to easily save Blagojevich any more than it has save Oberweis or Gidwitz. With each million spent, these dull white men remind voters why there needs to be a change. The last thing these guys want to remind voters is how filthy rich they are.

    Well, anyway, that’s been my tune for about a year since Rod’s testicular virility speech tipped his reelection bid from the win column into the lose column. The man is no longer at the point where he can buy his way into office, whether he uses his filthy lucre or our taxmoney in the AllKids scam.

    Have a great day!

  39. - Bluefish - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:44 am:

    I agree with those who think reform, in and of itself, will be a tough sell this year, especially in light of the current brnad of “reform” we are seeing. I’d rather have someone run on how they plan to get this state off the road to ruin.

  40. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:36 am:

    The only people who don’t want to hear reform anymore are with the combine Dem’s and GOPers. Why do you think an idiot like Blago is in there now? His promise of reform! The voters want it with the players in the combine going into court everyday people are tired of being lied to.

    How does Brady bring about reform when he can’t or won’t call for shelander to resign? Shelander is the poster child of the combine jim thompson. Edgar, Judy, Mayor Daley, bobby Rush, Lipinsky, Blago they all belong to the combine.

    It is time we found someone who has no ties and can’t be bought. This stuff that Oberweis can’t win in the November is just his opponents way of attacking without anything to attack about. Was he wrong about the Illegal situation? No. As a matter of fact his numbers were low. Are they saying the Illegal thing won’t play with the Democratic party? They are wrong there since Lou Dobs had Zogby on and he said the strongest supports of closing the borders and throwing Illegals out of the country are African Americans then Women then people making under $70,000 a year. Seems like Democratic voters to me.
    He is in the main stream of Republicans with his stand on abortion guns and taxes. I just got his gun mailer and he stands up for the 2nd amendment me and my friends in the trades care about our 2nd amendemnt rights and vote that way. Oberweis will win the primary and take out Blago in November then we will see real reform and change

  41. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:38 am:

    Reform may be a tired word but any challenger to an incumbent is a reformer. If you challenge an officeholder and have different ideas than that person, you are looking to reform that office and act in a different political manner than the current person in power. This is true of any office. Technically, Blago has reformed the governor’s office - to HIS standards which are different than the standards he promised in 2005. Nonetheless, he changed the office personnel and the way of doing business. True “reform” comes from people like Doug Whitley, John McCain and Russ Feingold, all politicians who advocate doing things in a completely different manner.

  42. - Bill - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:39 am:

    There is really no such thing as reform and everybody knows it. In every election the non-incumbents promise to reform gov’t. If they really mean it, they lose, so it doesn’t matter anyway. I have heard no policy being discussed by anybody but Rod. The repubs are all too busy dirting themselves. I like the post about the gay loving, gun hating JBT. Way to be in the mainstream,dude!

  43. - Bill - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:51 am:

    I like this “combine” conspiracy stuff too. I can just picture Edgar, Bobby, KJ,Richie, and Blago at the same table plotting their next move in concert. They all get along so well. What a brain trust! No wonder the combine controls everybody’s daily life. Who could compete with talent like that?

  44. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 12:07 pm:

    What is the basis of the continuing talk (and I think it is just that, talk) about the feds and JBT? I am somewhat close to the scene, and the only people I hear that stuff from are conservative bloggers, and JBT’s political opponents. I know there was a subpoena, but that was something like three years ago. I haven’t seen a thing more in the press, or heard anything from sources I consider credible.

  45. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 12:15 pm:

    From Kass’s column today:

    “The other story–the Republican gubernatorial primary–was discussed in Wednesday’s column about state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger dropping out to run for lieutenant governor in support of businessman Ron Gidwitz.

    Another candidate, state Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) crashed Wednesday’s Gidwitz-Rauschenberger news conference to gush on about how he’s the real reform conservative in Illinois.

    So Brady was asked about Bob Kjellander–the Republican combine master who’s made more than $4 million in consulting deals approved by the Democratic Blagojevich administration.

    Should “Big” Bob step down from Republican leadership?

    “You know, that’s a decision for a different day,” said the brave reformer Brady, as beads of sweat appeared on his upper lip. “I think Bob Kjellander has a lot of pressure on him–uh, uh–and I’m not, uh, in a position to make a comment on that now.”

    It was clear he’d rather talk loudly about reform than softly about Big Bob.

    “Bob Kjellander knows that in my administration, he won’t make $4 million in consulting fees,” Brady insisted.

    How does he know that, Sen. Brady?

    “Well, you’ll have to ask him,” Brady said.

    Sen. Brady, if the Swede’s political theory is correct, everything becomes clear.

    Your tiny feet just said a big mouthful.”

    The combine dose not sit around and control everyones life. They work across party lines to keep them and their friends in power. Some want to stay in office and some want to get rich (Read what is going on in the George Ryan trial) and give campaign money to their friends.

  46. - Punley Deter Finn - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 12:26 pm:

    I think you need to brush up on your math skills, Rich, because the poll numbers don’t add up to 9.5%. The sum of the whole may be less than the parts… or something like that.

  47. - enuff - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 12:29 pm:

    Ok, reform isn’t overused, but “combine” sure is. It’s funny how not agreeing with Rauschenberger on anything makes you a member of the so called “combine.”

  48. - downstate - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 12:29 pm:

    You will never have true reform in state politics until you have laws without loopholes and enforced to the full extent of the law.Guess who passes those laws.

  49. - Right From The Start - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 1:26 pm:

    I’m a long-time resident of Sen. Steve’s district and have supported him over the years, BUT he lost me with the decision to run for Lt. Gov. No, reform is not enough of an issue to carry any campaign through to victory these days. It’s going to take a lot more than that, I think.

    I’ll be taking a closer look at Brady. There’s no way I can cast ballot for Topinka.

  50. - Kong - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 1:27 pm:

    Ok, John Kass isn’t a credible source on any of this GOP stuff, his fixation on Kjellander is bordering on pathetic. He’s the only one who cares about Bob, other than the right wing who have made him their boogey man. People need to move on already.

  51. - Charlie Murphy - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 1:45 pm:

    Why Brady has a chance to win the nomination: Topinka will not get much more than 30% of the vote, that’s the moderate block in the GOP. Gidwitz will probably get 10% or less. The milkman is a non factor (conservatives still are uneasy with him because of his Taliban comment from ‘02). That leaves Brady as the conservative alternative to Topinka.

  52. - Papa Legba - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 1:51 pm:

    To answer the question, NO, the “team” will not win the primary on a reform platform. They are both very simular. BORING! It’s rather like walking into a diner and having to select between lukewarm or lumpy oatmeal. Not inspiring are they? Besides, don’t you think that the reform issue will be beat to death this year without someone making it their platform? We will hear about it plenty.

    Oberweis will be pretty much a non-factor. Look at the vivid memories everybody still has about him. He is the boogey man nightmares are made of.

    VanillaMan has said it the best. I agree with his point. It is on the mark and he obviously has followed some politics in places other than Illinois.

    Bill. Are you feeling OK? Your Blago comments are a hoot. Don’t you give any credence to the poll numbers that have stayed low, low, low for many months now? Perhaps its a conspiracy. Right?

    The public has tired of the gov. They see him for what he is, or isn’t. It will be interesting to see what his $15 million will buy him. Maybe it will raise his popularity to 45% by the time the general rolls around.

  53. - Reagan Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 2:06 pm:

    Papa Legba
    Brady? Don’t you give any credence to the poll numbers that have stayed low, low, low for many months now? Perhaps its a conspiracy. Right?

  54. - Obama nominated for Grammy - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 2:28 pm:

    Obama nominated for Grammy

    By Jeff Zeleny
    Tribune national correspondent
    Published December 8, 2005, 1:25 PM CST

    WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was nominated Thursday for a Grammy Award, joining the ranks of Mariah Carey, Kanye West, Bruce Springsteen and a host of artists recognized for their musical genius.

    But when the Grammys are handed out early next year, Obama will not be competing against musicians or songwriters. His nomination comes under a different category: Best Spoken Word Album.

    The senator turned his autobiography, “Dreams From My Father,” into an audio book that was released earlier this year.

  55. - Planet X - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 2:39 pm:

    I think that if we have proven anything today it is that no one is a reformer. No one is clean.

    I dont care if we are talking about Blagojevich, Brady, Topinka, Rasuchy, Obie, or Gidwitz. For that matter, I would throw in Madigan, White, Watson… virtually any politician.

    This is reality. Anyone who believes that one candidate is more sincere or less corrupt than the other is delusional.

    This is a sad truth. We might as well look at where they stand on the issues because no one will be a reformer. The system does not allow it.

  56. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 3:05 pm:

    Obama is the Denzel Washington of the Senate.

  57. - Limerick - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 3:24 pm:

    Keep an eye on the gal named Topinka
    That Wingnuts consider a stinka.
    With Brady no stud,
    And Milkman a dud,
    She’ll do betta than most of you thinka.

  58. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 3:28 pm:

    When was the last time IL had a female governor? Especially one w/ nasty fake red-hair? One that has so much baggage that is easy to attack?

  59. - Bobby GOP - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 3:44 pm:

    Watson not running for LG…

    See if this link works

  60. - Tessa - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:56 pm:

    Anon 3:28 p.m. Wait, wait, wait. There’s nothing wrong with red hair that comes out of a bottle. Sometimes a woman has to have some fun. Just had to take exception to that point.

    Now moving on to the real question. I tend to agree with others that there is no true “reform” in Illinois politics, and when I relate it to the Republican party right now, I must do so with my fingers crossed behind my back. Just like I do for our Democratic Governor (okay Bill and whoever else wants to slam me for being a whiny dem, whatever).

    I don’t think Gidwitz/Rauschy are going to do it. I don’t thik Obie can do it. I kinda wish Brady could do something, even though I don’t agree with everything he has to say, and I’m thinking JBT, well we just need some new blood. I’m not sold on the Republican party being able to fix things. Sorry. And certainly I don’t think they have “reform” down. I don’t see Gidwitz and Rauschy as a good team working together suddenly when they, just a few days ago were running in opposition for the same thing. And why would we want Rauschy when he says if he won the primary and not Gidwitz he’d probably bow out. No, he’d not get my vote that way.

    To me, it looks like it’s going to take several more years for this party to get their act together. The Dems have their issues, but not nearly as big as this.

  61. - Curious - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:02 pm:

    Tessa -

    “I kinda wish Brady could do something”

    Does that mean that–even with ideological differences–you would back him if you thought he had a chance?

  62. - Common Sense in Illinois - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:07 pm:

    Is reforming the Republican Party enough? No. But reform is what brought these two together. They will have to remember that beating JBT in March is goal one, and Rod Blagojevich goal two. Without meeting those two goals, no reform in the Party is possible. However to be elected to the second floor takes far more, and both Gidwitz and Rauschenberger will need to define how they will bring trust back to state government and describe what they would do if elected. That, afterall, is Job 1!

  63. - Graydog - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:19 pm:

    If Oberweis wins, I want free ice cream for four years.

  64. - The Colonel - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:20 pm:

    Rauschy couldn’t take the heat,
    so he got outta the kitchen,
    Judy’s political PMS,
    just makes her too bitchin,
    And Brady is falsely hoping it’s the conservatives he gets,
    While talk of Ron Gidwitz just gives me the shi-s!
    So think real hard about who can sanitize this Land of Lincoln,
    And no more fat contracts,
    to the good-old-boys a’winkin,
    Clean up corruption, toss GHR in the can,
    stop spending and stealing,
    and feathering your nest,

    Elect Oberweis Governor, ’cause he’s just the best!

  65. - Graydog - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:20 pm:

    And if Gidwitz wins, I want free shampoo for four years.

  66. - Papa Legba - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:32 pm:

    Reagan Democrat.

    Brady? What you talkin about? I didn’t mention him. When I was talking about low poll numbers I was asking poster boy Bill if he takes any stock in them.

  67. - respectful - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:21 pm:

    The Conservative supports Rauschy’s offer to resign if he wins the nomination. The voters who consider supporting SR might not be so understanding to have their votes wasted and then have party leadership pick the candidate.

  68. - Tessa - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 5:46 am:

    Curious - I’m not sure, because I think my ideological differences, and I haven’t done enough research on this yet (my bad), probably mean I deep down couldn’t do it. But I have time before I have to make a decision, and since I’m a pretty staunch Dem, voting Republican would be very hard for me. But it’s kinda cold outside right now and the chill under my feet could be telling me something.

  69. - Limerick - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 1:39 pm:


    The soul of a milkman named Jim
    Was sold to a group that is grim.
    Jim will never bring back
    What he lost joining Jack,
    So his chances have started to dim.

  70. - Beowulf - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 8:05 pm:

    Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows. Gidwitz has the normal positives & negatives. The positives seem to be he is a reasonably smart businessman, is considered a moderate Republican, has a large financial war chest to promote himself and his views to the public and he is prepared to spend it, he has raised lots of money for other GOP politicians in the past few years so they owe him favors, and he seems to be driven by the desire to rid Illinois of the current governor who he considers inept at the very least. The negatives that Gidwitz drags with him are minimal name recognition (at least so far), minimal political experience (that may turn out to be a positive),and the albatross that he has hanging around his neck (at least in Joliet, Illinois) called the Evergreen Terrace Apartment Complex situation which is a crime ridden, low income housing project which he allegedly owns. It is tantamount to what Chicago has with the Cabrini Green area. Gidwitz should confront this festering sore and simply state “his side of the story” on this Joliet housing complex which he allegedly owns. Then, it would be over and behind him. Judy Barr Topinka will constantly hold this over his head otherwise and make Gidwitz out to be a slum landlord.
    Rauschenberger has the sweet smell of a reformer in government in a state that smells of the rotting carcass of corruption that Illinois politics has come to symbolize. Raushenberg has been acclaimed by the media and his fellow politicians in Springfield to be the individual who is probably the best versed and cognizant of the multitude of financial problems that Illinois will be facing for years to come.He has achieved more name recognition than Brady and Gidwitz have but still falls far short of the media notariety of Judy Barr Topinka. Rauschenberger has maintained a highly ethical profile in his political and personal life. He was one of the very few GOP politicians that very early on spoke out against George Ryan and brought down the wrath of the entrenched GOP old regime upon himself. He has not yet managed to get himself off of their “bad boys list” for this bold act of defiance. His major negatives are his lack of fiancial backing (prior to being aided by Gidwitz here lately), his lack of a flashy personna compared to JBT, and his propensity to simply speak the truth when asked even though he manages to politically harm himself and create political enemies when he does so. He is the man that everybody wishes they had for their neighbor but they don’t know him well enough quite yet to decide if they would also like him to be their governor.
    Poor Rauschenberger is caught in that deadly Illinois political dilemma of being the most qualified and having the greatest ability to lead the state out of it’s financial problems but yet, he has been lacking the money that is needed to convince people to “Take time to know me and you will love me”. Name recognition and entertainment prowess will trump ability and sincerity every time when it comes to politics with the public. Just ask The Terminator out in California. Hasta La Vista Baby.

  71. - The Colonel - Saturday, Dec 10, 05 @ 6:35 am:

    It’s all a mad dash to try and maintain “relevancy” in the crazy swirl of IL-GOP politics.

    First one on the ash heap: RAUSCHY.

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