This just in… Watson out
Thursday, Dec 8, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller
From WLDS Radio:
State Representative Jim Watson cleared up any confusion about his immediate political plans by formally announcing he will run for another term in the Illinois House. Watson said in October that State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka approached him about possibly running for lieutenant governor.
Hat tip to a commenter.
What do you think Topinka does now?
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:09 pm:
Do nothing, and concentrate on winning the primary.
Let Steve win the LG race, and save the money that would have to be spent on a running mate’s primary campaign to beat him, which might fail anyway.
Watch Steve commit political suicide in March 2006 by resigning.
Then select who you want, and have the GOP State Committee act to appoint. There will be no shortage of suitors by late March, and Steve’s stunt will be forgotten by November.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:13 pm:
She is going with Birkett–its a done deal, thus inheriting $500k in debt and the open hostility of the Tribune editorial board.
- toldyaso - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:15 pm:
The breaking story on Watson was posted on the 5th. Representative Poe will be next. It’s unfortunate that such a fine man was treated so badly by the powers that be.
The only offer that Rauschenberger may not accept if he wins the Lt. Gov primary is one from JBT.
KJ would never allow a Topinka/Rauschenberger ticket.
- fearless freep - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:17 pm:
Either do nothing at all or else go with Raymond Poe because he’s already done his own petitions.
- Rolando Cruz - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:18 pm:
She is going to pick one of my favorite Republicans, Joe Birkett.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:22 pm:
The story was posted today. Look at the date on the piece. Sheesh.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:24 pm:
Well, that’s a shock — it took a full 10 minutes or so for a witty Birkett basher to bring up Cruz. You must have caught them sleeping Rich — they usually are a lot faster with their clever comments. It’s hard to be that creative that often though.
Judy and Birkett were the top two Republican vote getters in the 2002 General Election. It’s a good move for JBT.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:33 pm:
This is from Birkett’s political website. Unless he cut a plea deal with Brian Dugan today, he still has a very big problem to overcome.
“I have decided not to be a candidate for governor or any other statewide office next year. There are few things in life that are as all-consuming as politics – especially a campaign for Governor. While I fully intend to explore another run for statewide office in the future, I have found that it would be very difficult to simultaneously run and still perform my duties as State’s Attorney; especially at a time when my office is facing a number of significant challenges.”
- Aaron's Grandmother - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:36 pm:
JBT is picking Aaron Schock for Lt Gov, just ask Tom Roeser
- Brian Dugan - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:38 pm:
Hey Rolando, long time no talk. Birkett ain’t running for nothin.
- SangamoGOP - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 4:54 pm:
The same day the Illinois Times has a great piece on the connections of the Redpath family, the word goes out that Raymond Poe will be seeking re-election to the 99th and not running for Lt. Gov.
Not a good day for Chuck Redpath’s campaign…
- Bill - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:01 pm:
Judy should play Love Me Tender on the accordian.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:07 pm:
Poe is dropping out of the LG race as well. Rich- my email is down so think of Southern View if you want to know who this is.
- anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:09 pm:
Topinka/Ditka the Reform Team in ‘06
- zatoichi - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:09 pm:
Not really concerned about what Topinka does. Watson does a great job for Morgan County. I would hate to see him not be the local rep even though that time will eventually come. He is fiscally conservative and works hard at understanding/supporting local issues. As this blog shows everyday, politics can be a dirty business that thrives on slinging mud and “what’s in it for me” mentality. Hope, Jim can stay above that. Glad he is running again for his Rep position.
- reddbyrd - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:17 pm:
Amazed the BrickheadJoe crybabys did not try to foist their bozo on AccordianGal sooner. Some of us had to get the DuPage salt trucks loaded for the night shift
AccordianGal go with Marcia’sBrother that would lim the field down for ChopperJim even more.
We look forward to the Brickhead’s next career move.
- muletown - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:23 pm:
I hope Raymond Poe stays in the race for Lt. Governor. He caters great food to Republican Fund Raisers.
If Governor Blagojevich can win with Pat Quinn why couldn’t Judy Barr win with whoever wins the primary? How could any running mate be worse than Pat Quinn?
Is Dick Mell doing anything? I think Judy and Dick would do well together. If nothing else as Lt. Governor, Mr. Mell, could make sure the daughters flowers get watered in the next term.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:27 pm:
Excuse me, but was redbyrd speaking in toungues?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 5:31 pm:
reddbyrd is the ronnie woo of Illinois politics
- Jenny Kustra - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:01 pm:
Judy is speaking with Corrine Wood, but I’m not sure if this is going anywhere.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:03 pm:
Rumor is that Judy is picking Dominic Longo as her running mate.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:04 pm:
I heard it was redbyrd
- Old Elephant - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:09 pm:
Let’s get serious for a minute here, please.
Did I miss an announcement that Whitley is NOT running for Lt. Gov.? My sources told me earlier this week that Whitley was the guy. But, things can change by the minute. If Whitley has not taken himself out, then I’m betting Watson dropped to clear the way for Whitley.
- Lovie's Leather - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:17 pm:
No one cares, no one cares, no one cares. Steve will win Lt gov and when he askes Judy if she wants him to drop out, she will grit her teeth and force a smile and say, “of course not Steve. You won the primary, so you are my running mate.”
- Doug The Greek - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:21 pm:
One of my Chicago sources just told me that Judy announced Joe Birkett as her choice. Any truth to that, Mr. Miller?
- respectful - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:23 pm:
If it were a Judy-Steve ticket, both candidate would be asked about Steve’s recent attacks on her as lacking credibility on ethics, being part of the discredited old guard among other things. It wouldn’t work. BTW, Whitley is out. Is Birkett in?
- George Dickel - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:34 pm:
Jim Watson doesn’t quite know what the future holds in his district. Tab Turke, who ran unsuccessfully against State Representative Rich Meyer several years back is now running for Morgan County Sheriff on the Democrat ticket. He is very organized and has a lot of supporters. If he wins, and he has a very good chance of doing so, it might catch the attention of Mr. Madigan. If Mike thinks that a Democrat can win Jim’s district, Morgan County being a large part of his district, he might pony-up a ton of cash to the right Democrat candidate. That could spell trouble for the Honorable James Watson.
However, this is only my opinion.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:43 pm:
George - Tab Turke will not win sheriff let alone State Rep..
- Planet X - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:49 pm:
Two hits in two days for Topinka. I dont blame Watson for not wanting to run with her. I said the right things publicly, but we all know that he did not want to be connected to her due to the hits she is going to take on being corrupt and her pro-homosexual stance. That doesnt play well in central IL.
I am sure the Topinka people will try to spin this in a good light for them… She reminds me more and more of Blago everday.
- ILPundit - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 6:54 pm:
Topinka/Poe. The time has come.
- fearless freep - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:17 pm:
Let’s clear up a few things: Birkett is running because he said last week that he would not run ona statewide ticket. Citing too much work, etc. Y’all read his statement.
Poe is not dropping out because he has already been all over the state with his 18-wheeler, holding barbecues.
Just because Rauschenberger makes impulsive decisions doesn’t mean they all do.
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:24 pm:
Wait, I just heard it is gonna be Simon’s daughter.
- fearless freep - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 7:28 pm:
Correction: Birkett is NOT running for Lt. Gov. because he said last week that he would not run on a statewide ticket. That is what I meant to say. Also, there’s no time for someone to do petitions at the last minute like this.
Topinka picks anybody, it’s gotta be Poe. I just can’t see her teaming up with Lawrence Bruckner.
- MBaresdCmser - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:08 pm:
Topinka/Birkett is the best ticket. The race is for North of I-80. South of I-80 has already been decided.
Reddbyrd continues to raise name-calling to an art form. Time to grow up!
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:46 pm:
NBC-5 is reporting that Judy asked and Birkett agreed. Done deal.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:48 pm:
what do you people think of Topinka - Schillerstrom or Brady dropping down to run as Lt. Guv with Topinka
- Cassandra - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 8:49 pm:
Not totally on subject (but not totally off)…per Transparency International tomorrow is Global Anti-Corruption Day. Transparency
International has a new survey out on global corruption.
Any chance any of our noble Illinois pols will comment on this observance.
- fearless freep - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:02 pm:
You were right. I am all for JBT, but how can Birkett do this after he just said 2 weeks ago that he would not run for a statewide office this year and he couldn’t do it in addition to being DuPage Co. State’s Attorney “while his office faces significant challenges”? Do you think he would resign? And why would he give it up, for a post that has less power and prestige?
Don’t get me wrong - I am all for JBT, and I was all for Birkett for AG…but can someone tell me how this makes any sense?!
- ExileOnMainStreet - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:35 pm:
If anyone from the Brady camp is reading any of this, PLEASE tell your guy to not pick anyone for LtG. If called by Lawrence Bruckner don’t answer! If called by John Cox move your headquarters! Brady should just tell the people of Illinois that he will serve with whomever they select in the primary and that all of the candidates for LtG have admirable qualities. Brady is the candidate that unites his party and does not divide it.
With JBT’s announcement of Birkett and Gidwitz’ selection of Rauschie, every downstate Republican should begin to consider geography in his/her decision of support. Must every statewide office holder (sans Durbin) come from Cook or the collar counties?
- George Dickel - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:42 pm:
Hey 6:43, George Dickel here. I know that this thread isn’t about Jim Watson or Morgan County, but I have to respond to your last post.
Rod Blagojevich lost Morgan County to Jim Ryan by approximately 700 votes. Not a huge margin in Morgan for a good ol’ Catholic boy against a virtual unknown.
Tab Turke has name recognition (remember, the thing that JBT has going for her) going for him in Morgan. He will win, mark my word.
Henry Jackson, A DEMOCRAT, held the post for 20 years.
- Old Elephant - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:45 pm:
It makes sense because
a) Nobody but us junkies are paying attention now anyway. By the time the campaigns get underway, most voters won’t have any idea or care that Birkett first said he wasn’t going to be a candidate. Just as most voters won’t have any idea that Steve Rauschenberger dropped down from Gov. to Lt. Gov. Birkett can say something about being convinced that things are so bad in the state that he feels an obligation to his children and future generations to help bring responsibility and integrity back to Illinois government.
b)Another commenter made the astute observation that in the General Election the key will be voters north of I-80. The race has already been decided downstate and the best Blago can hope for is to cut his losses. He needs to win big in Chicago and hold his own in the suburbs. This decision could motivate the DuPage regulars, who are feeling without any influence now that Pate and Lee are gone.
c) Birkett is credible and did well last time out. He may have some baggage, but if they use him in the areas where he won, he can boost the ticket. I think I’d be tempted to tell him that once the primary is over, all he has to do is walk every precinct possible in DuPage and let Judy worry about every other county.
d) For Birkett it’s a big plus regardless of what happens. It positions him for either Governor or Attorney General depending on what happens this cycle and where Lisa is four years from now.
Finally, there is the very real problem of finding someone with enough of an organization to get enough signatures by the filing deadline. Between the DuPage organization and whatever remains of his own statewide organization, he should at least be able to do that. It would have been a much bigger problem for either Whitley or Watson.
My guess is that Poe drops. Raymond may run for re-election or he may decide to hit the campaign trail downstate, stumping for the ticket after the primary — He’s motivated by complete disgust for Blagojevich and will do whatever he can to defeat the guy, regardless of whether or not he is officially on the ticket.
- Doug The Greek - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:46 pm:
Judy + Joe sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
She has know organization, come on Nancy.
- Barney Fife - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:53 pm:
Do you think that when Joe looks around the conference table in Riverside during lunch and sees people who are all on the government payroll (including himself)he will start giving his speech about how he prosecuted Kotlarz and Hickman. What a hypocrite.
- Rod Doesn't Have A Worry - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:55 pm:
You Tompinka people are something. You actually think that we don’t have clue-1 about Illinois politics. Her campaign is in a tailspin. Joe Birkett, please. What platform are they going to run on?
- takethehighroad - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 9:57 pm:
If Birkett is running with JBT, that might be a tough ticket to beat…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:00 pm:
The petitions for Birkett are already out.
- Rod Doesn't Have A Worry - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:01 pm:
Mr. Takethehighroad,
Would you care to explain?
- melrose chamber - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:12 pm:
Doug whitley is a great guy and also a pretty good shot. However, I also think he is deep down a Dem. He has a really sweet job that pays him good bucks. Why would he want to dance with the looney tune?
- takethehighroad - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:19 pm:
well… Birkett has pretty good statewide name recognition, is from Dupage County. I was referring mostly to the primary.
However, Rod can be beaten by the Topinka/anyone ticket and everyone knows it. And I’m not a big Topinka fan
- 6 Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:27 pm:
I’ll try this one:
Cook: Blago 750,000 Topinka 450,000
Collar: Blago 300,000 Topinka 500,000
Rest of state: Blago 500,000 Topinka 700,000
total: Blago 1,550,000 Topinka 1,650,000
- Feeling Better - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:29 pm:
Yesterday I was feeling ill about this whole nightmare, but today I’m feeling better. If you look at the hard data from the last election, Birkett actually did fairly well considering he was going up against the Speaker’s daughter. He got more votes than JIM Ryan actually. He has an organization, he has name recognition, he has history. The crazy conservatives love him for his pro-life stance. I think this makes sense for Topinka.
Jim Watson will be fine. He’s young and still new to politics. If anything, running for Lt. Gov. was a bad thing for him. He only was doing it because Edgar and Topinka all but ordered him too.
Poe will be fine too. C’mon….did anyone ever really think he wanted to be Lt. Gov? He just liked causing people heart ache. He got what he wanted and with Redpath’s vote history and other problems, it should be a fairly easy win.
- Rod Doesn't Have A Worry - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:31 pm:
Judy’s done, you know it, and I know it.
- 6 Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:33 pm:
The battleground last time was downstate. In 2006, Cook is Blago’s, Downstate is now Topinka or whatever R if you look at the way the electorate is trending. The battleground this time around is the collars. Rod will have to do a better % than he did last time, not to win the collars but come reasonably close like 355,000 to 450,000. The area is trending more D, but the Gov has not shown a lot of initiative there lately. Look for a lot more suburb-oriented stuff in the next 6 months to boost his profile.
- Rod Doesn't Have A Worry - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:39 pm:
Are you kidding me, down state is Judy’s?
The D’s have a strong ticket, the ticket will support them all.
If one person falls, the whole ticket could fall. That won’t be allowed to happen.
But, who am I?
- Billy Mason - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:43 pm:
For all those that are making a big fuss about Birkett saying that he has too many obligations as DuPage State’s Attorney to run for statewide office, need to keep in mind that the Lt Gov’s race is only until March. Beyond the primary, if he wins, he won’t have to do much for the rest of the campaign other than show up on Republican day at the state fair.
- Bobby GOP - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 10:53 pm:
If it’s Birkett, it is a cunning move by JBT on so many levels and is long term helpful for the GOP in Illinois regardless of the outcome.
1. Complete in-your-face to Rauschenberger after dropping to LG. Now, SR will be proven incapable of even getting a LG nomination, thereby forever eliminating him from any future statewide ventures. What was a “sure thing” for him 2 days ago, now becomes almost a pipe-dream. He wanted to go back to the minors to get his swing back, and now going to strike out there too.
2. JBT gets someone with a name who most of us GOPers have voted for before. Gives her some more credibility and most importantly slaps back at SR for the Topinkavich stuff. It doesn’t help her a ton, but the satisfaction of making SR a non-issue has to bring a smile to her.
3. Birkett can’t lose in this (unless he actually loses…lol) Assuming he gets the nomination he is either the sitting LG, ready to run again for AG if Lisa tries for JBT in four… or, if JBT loses, it will be her loss, not his, and he will again be in position to be in play statewide in 4 years. Nice way to put yourself back in a position for future statewide office after having been beaten 4 years ago. Four years from now he won’t be the guy who lost to Madigan… he will be the sitting LG, or the guy who ran with JBT.
All in all… not bad on all fronts from the Topinka/Birkett side of things imo.
As for Watson (the actual topic of this thread) he gets about whatever he wants in a JBT admin and her full support in any endeavour for getting out of the way for Birkett, after the SR wrench got thrown into the mix.
- anon - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:07 pm:
Birket joining the ticket gives us reason to re-examine his race against Lisa Madigan in 2002. Joe got stomped in Cook County and essentially won the rest of the state. It didn’t matter, the Cook majority was so high that the rest of the state couldn’t make it up.
For those of you who might not remember English Lit class, this is called foreshadowing.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:19 pm:
A very telling day.
It will be very interesting to see how the Chicago Tribune reacts to Topinka’s new running mate. Brady must be looking better and better to them every day.
Picking a running mate was a foolish, reactionary move, but especially Birkett, a guy whose negatives are so bad, he managed to not get the Tribune endorsement. Against a Madigan. You’ve got to smell pretty funky for that to happen.
Mike Madigan is making multiple copies of his opposition research file on Birkett tomorrow morning and giving a copy to Quinn, Rauschenberger, and every editorial board with a circulation of more than 50,000.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 8, 05 @ 11:38 pm:
Why the obsession with the Tribune endorsement? Wood was endorsed last time, as was Vallas. Schmidt, too. Also Coleman. All losers. It just doesn’t matter. As far as Quinn, he’s the last person in the state to throw mud. He’s serving on the ticket of a guy who has so many federal investigations they had to open a new FBI branch here. What happened to the great reformer Quinn. He’s Illinois’ quiet man.
- Mongo - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 12:35 am:
Judy is picking a guy with a lot of baggage. Granted, almost all of them do. But a moderate like Whitley would have been interesting. That guy has really solid taxpayer credentials, if you don’t recall.
I abhor the thoiught of 4 more years of Rod so even though I don’t want to I’ll probably vote for JBT (did I just say that?).
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 12:47 am:
Hey George Dickel - You can not compare Tab Turke to Henry Jackson.. Henry is the only democrat I voted for when I lived in morgan county and he was more conservative than most republicans. Tab Turke does not hold the same respect that Henry did.. Henry eventually went on a power trip and lost. Blago will lose Morgan by 2,000+ votes this time around. So you cant mention 4 years ago.. you might not even find one person in jacksonville that would admit they will vote for Blago.
- 6 Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 9, 05 @ 1:11 am:
Are you kidding me, down state is Judy’s?
“He who has ears, let him hear.”
People will split their tickets. There are few true-blue straight ticket party loyalists downstate anymore (this ain’t Chicago), and I think half of them hang out here. The governor is Chicago-centric, socially liberal and a stranger to the governor’s mansion, which is not necessarily a weakness; he is who he is, and it helps him in Cook. Judy takes no less than 86 of the 96 downstate counties. There is not much traction to be gained by spending a lot of time and effort in areas not likely to turn much for the effort it would require. The 5 collars are where the opportunity is.
- Jax - Monday, Mar 20, 06 @ 8:18 pm:
Tab Turke is one of the most arrogant and conceded people I have even encountered in the Jacksonville area. He is a bully and a cry baby combined, which is a difficult task. He insists on getting his way and when anyone questions him, he throws a hissy fit like a 2 year old child!
He might have some name recognition but if you’ve ever had to directly work with this man, you soon learn his true personality.
- Jax - Wednesday, Mar 22, 06 @ 12:01 pm:
George Dickel - Well we all “marked your word” about Tab Turke being elected sheriff. HA! You are apparently just as clueless as Tab is.