Lately at Illinoize
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Yellow Dog Democrat looks at the smoking debate in Chicago and how it impacts the Quigley-Claypool match. Jim Muir has this to say about Rauschenberger:
Fran Eaton and One Man also weigh in on Gidwitz/Rauschenberger. John Ruberry writes about Pat Quinn’s proposal to ban picketing near veterans’ funerals. The Illinois Shadow has hilarious poll results. The Dude writes about the Bears. David Morrison of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform talks about (what else?) reform. And much, much more. Find it all here.
Rauschenberger won’t run with anyone else
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller People have been mentioning this in comments, so I thought it deserved its own post.
UPDATE: He apparently left a little wiggle room during the Chicago press conference, however, saying he would resign if Topinka won, but not expressly saying that he would get off the ticket if Brady or Oberweis won. In Springfield, he said he would allow the nominee to choose his/her own candidate. UPDATE 2: I should have also included this quote from John Kass’ column this morning:
Plus, I think people are making too much of what I wrote above. I’m not accusing SR of flip-flopping. Semantics arguments are a little boring here. Anyway, back to the question, what do you think of this?
Question of the day
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Now that Steve Rauschenberger has dropped down from the governor’s race, do you think that either Jim Oberweis or Bill Brady will drop out, or will they end up splitting the conservative core?
More on Gidwitz/Rauschenberger
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller Here are some more links to follow-ups to the Gidwitz Rauschenberger story that I broke yesterday afternoon. AP:
And the best of this particular bunch is from the Daily Herald:
They’re missing the all-important reform angle, which is what I focused on in today’s Capitol Fax.
CUB fights back
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller The Citizens Utility Board fights back against ComEd’s media blitz in a Daily Southtown column penned by Cub director Dave Kolata.
SEIU and CUB have also teamed up to begin running TV ads. (Hat tip: Yellow Dog Democrat at Illinoize)
The other side of tenure
Wednesday, Dec 7, 2005 - Posted by Rich Miller I offered Dave Comerford of the Illinois Federation of Teachers an opportunity to respond to the Small Newspaper series on teacher tenure that I wrote about earlier this week. It seemed only fair, since the series is pretty hard-hitting.
Your turn.