Roskam raises 380K in the 4th quarter
Thursday, Jan 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
The Hill has a brief roundup of the 6th Congressional District race. I’m told that the Roskam numbers are accurate.
Republican state Sen. Peter Roskam is expected to report later this month having raised more than $380,000 in the fourth quarter of 2005, ending the year with approximately $825,000 in the bank.
Roskam is seeking the seat being vacated by Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.).
Democrats in Washington were cheered last month by the entry into the race of former Black Hawk pilot Tammy Duckworth, who lost two limbs while serving in Iraq.
Contending that Hyde’s solidly GOP 6th District is trending Democratic — his Democratic challenger, Christine Cegelis, gave the Republican his most spirited race in years in 2004 — Democrats say the time is ripe, with the president’s sinking poll numbers, for a Democratic pickup.
Republicans scoff at that logic, noting that while Republicans have rallied around Roskam, Democrats are mired in a primary. Despite leading Democrats’ having thrown their support behind Duckworth, Cegelis, who launched her second House bid shortly after losing her first, remains popular among local Democrats.
Hiram has some info on Lindy Scott’s fundraising at Illinoize.
This is a 6th District open thread.
- Washington Money is Good - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 9:26 am:
>Democrats in Washington were cheered last month
Good. By controlling this seat from Washington, rather than locally, we won’t have to worry about the locals ‘having their own agenda’
Kind of like how Chicago is controlled by Daley, and Springfield is controlled by the four tops. Why should the Illinois delegation in Washington *not* be controlled be an elite few led by Rahm and his Washington money?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:17 am:
Tammy Duckworth was featured in an interview this week in Newsweek on veteran’s health care. She came across as candid and informed.
- insider - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:18 am:
Wow, Petey is the poster child for pay-to-play politics. Anyone doubt that he’s made promises to support a lot of pro-business, anti-consumer lobbyist-written legislation in return? The guy did learn at the knee of Tom DeLay, after all.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:28 am:
Tammy is the tool of Rahm, the man who became an instant millionaire upon leaving office and who used HDO thugs to get elected. The man who defends Daley and Blagojevich, who are so corrupt the FBI is landing new agents on the shores of Lake Michigan like the Allies at Normandy.
- bored now - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:51 am:
don’t make me defend yellow dog! rich said this was the open thread on the IL CD6, and ydd contributed something meaningful. just because someone says something nice about duckworth, that doesn’t mean it deserves a knee-jerk response about rahm. (plus, you can say she’s a pawn, but i don’t think she’s anybody’s “tool.”)
my response to roskam’s fund-raising numbers: HOLY COW! (we can say that here, right?)
i’ve lived in illinois too long…
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 11:57 am:
Running Iraq veterans as anti-Bush Democrats is as tasty as egg salad, but unfortunately has the same shelf life. By November with Iran heating up and US troops returning, no one will be able to stomach either of them.
- Slash - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 12:11 pm:
“Tammy Duckworth was featured in an interview this week in Newsweek on veteran’s health care..”
Give me Rahm’s money, and I’ll hire people to make me come off brilliantly in a magazine interview
How many other candidates that haven’t even made it past their first primary were interviewed in Newsweek? Would *anyone* know Duckworth’s name if it were not for Uncle Rahm’s corrupt Washington money?
I agree with the previous poster…Major Duckworth is a major tool of Rahm.
- bored now - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 2:19 pm:
somehow, slash, i’m afraid you’d come off as strident, no matter how much money you got!
- 6th Sense - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 3:24 pm:
Three signs of good Democratic vitality in the 6th District:
1) A healthy 3-way Dem Primary contest stimulating local voters, plus attracting lots of local, regional and national media coverage.
2) Sen. Barack Obama’s town hall meeting at College of DuPage on Tuesday morning literally packed the Arts Center theater to the rafters. An enthusiastic 800-1000 people attended and gave him a standing ovation when he walked onto the stage. They even required a TV feed in the lobby for the overflow crowd.
3) The Repubs are nervously funneling blocks of money K-Street style to Delay-disciple Roskam, who isn’t making any attempt to distance himself from Delay or the pay-to-play culture.
The Repubs may wish they, too, had a Primary contest - to have an alternative to Roskam, when he is the last kind of politician needed in Congress now.
Trackback ArchPundit - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 4:02 pm:
6th District Roundup
Via Rich Roskam raised $380,000. That’ll be a fun report to go through. Hiram says Lindy Scott is about to pull in $103,000 which is a good quarter with 20% spent at $80,000 on hand–good numbers assuming they are accurate…
- Stone Hack - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 8:15 pm:
Rahm, Rahm- blah blah . The Cegelis Kool -Aide crowd will never get it. Twenty years from now they will be passing around the Peter Roskam book at the Milton Twp Dem meeting talking about the 44%.
- Nick Name - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 8:54 pm:
Stone Hack, I’m starting to get the impression a lot of the negative Duckworth comments are coming from kooky conservatives just trying to stir a pot that’s settling down to a nice simmer, just as any primary should. All these “tool” comments sound a bit forced and repetitive — kind of like most right-wing talking points.
Wouldn’t be the first time, nor the last.
- Stone Hack - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 9:17 pm:
Nick Name- Forced and repetitve? It’s all about winning in November. Did you want orange or grape?
- bored now - Friday, Jan 20, 06 @ 8:02 am:
anybody know why duckworth didn’t show up at the previously scheduled congressional debate held at the elk grove township hall?
- TedBaxter - Thursday, Apr 6, 06 @ 11:32 pm:
Tammy needs to learn about the 6th. Maybe a few weeks at the Wheaton library? Rahm should suggest some study of the local area because the real goal here is for Tammy to get over 30%…..
- Tommy - Thursday, Apr 6, 06 @ 11:35 pm:
If Tammy can get over 30%, maybe Bean can win……..we need to draw resourses to Roskam, a sure winner, to give Bean a chance……….