State of the State
Thursday, Jan 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
This wrap-up is as good as any.
Democratic and Republican candidates for governor on Wednesday characterized Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s fourth State of the State address as typical of the first-term Democratic governor: short on details, long on blame and full of election-year, unfunded promises.
And what was up with Blagojevich’s constant criticism of Washington, D.C.?
“The governor is blaming now Washington, after having blamed the Legislature one year, the prior administrations at least one year, the state superintendent one year - and this year’s fall guy is Washington,” said Republican candidate and Chicago businessman Ron Gidwitz.
Read the whole thing.
This is good, too.
Blagojevich provided a glimpse into the strategy the first-term Democratic governor will employ this election year, repeatedly railing at social policies emanating from Republican-led Washington while portraying himself as a leader willing to stand against them.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 6:53 am:
He just doesn’t get it that when you have as many scandals and failed policies as he has then you are the bad guy.As far as Washington is concerned he wants to do what they are doing total fiscal responsibility so he doesn’t need to point his finger east.Most of the things he bragged about is in court or will be in court.As far as the morning after pill when he said he would drop any bill the GA sends him he looked like a little dictator up there.This guy has to go or this stae will end up in bankrupcy.
- Bill - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 7:34 am:
It was a great speech by Governor Blagojevich. He showed that he is a leader who is willing stand up for his constituents regardless of pressure from special interest groups and the reactionaries in Washington. As far as scandals are concerned, most of that stuff is sensationalism on the part of the media who all seem to have a strong anti-rod bias.
Where are the indictments? Oh, that’s right there aren’t any! And there won’t be because the Governor is a man of integrity who tries, at all times, to do the right thing.
Bring it on!
- Paul Powell - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 8:03 am:
It took the feds several years to indict George Ryan-they are coming sooner than you might think. Pension fund raiders have already been indicted and two of them name “government official A” Sound familiar? As I always say “where there is smoke, there is fire” and there is plenty of smoke with this guy.
- B'ville - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 8:29 am:
It’s not that hard to figure out why the Governor went off on Washington. There’s a few reasons, and they are all low-hanging fruit:
His time in DC: Percieved as a back-bencher, he now can say that he had nothing to do with the culture of corruption, and stand ont he backs of Congresspeople whoactually have achievements in the Capitol.
B) His position in DGA: Guarantee that when you hear of other State of the State addresses by Democratic Governors, their message will be the same. The Governors want to be seen as the DC alternative for 2008. Smart move, just three years too late.
C) President is a lame duck: Rod never went on the offensive against George Bush. He barely lifted a finger for Kerry, and now seeing that the President could care less about IL politics, is taking shots at the administration. Which really amounts to next to nothing. Think Bush or Congress cares what GRod has to say?
Interesting that Senator Obama is the ethics poster-child for the Senate…with a Governor and a Mayor is hot water, Obama gets his chance to really make himself the top D in the state. Way to blow all your goodwill Rod.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 9:16 am:
Maybe Blago is hoping Hillary will notice him and consider him for a VP candidacy. Didn’t Hillary just start critizing Bush more directly her speeches.
Of course, she’ll ask Obama first, and that must rankle.
Of course, that plantation remark shows what a tin ear she really has, so Obama may decide that signing on even if asked is a bad risk.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:27 am:
B’ville missed reason #1 — George Bush’s poll numbers. And #2 — this is a Blue State.
The fact of the matter is, Blago should have been attacking Washington, D.C. since Day One. George Bush’s failed economic policies are the reason our state is lagging on job creation and revenue. George Bush’s failed economic policies are the reason our pension funds lost $14 billion in value.
Ron Gidwitz is half-right: Blagojevich’s only mistake was trying to cozy up to the GOP and appear bipartisan — in a gimmicky way — by complimenting Arnold Schwarzenegger, declaring he voted for Reagan twice, and making his first official act as Governor in Springfield a running date with Tom Cross.
By the way, Republicans can cry all they want, but in juxtaposing himself with Washington, Governor Blagojevich is pursuing a tried and true strategy. Ask George Bush.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:37 am:
The Governor did not juxtapose the culture of corruption in D.C. with the ethical nirvana known as Illinois. I wonder why? The Governor seemed to use every other Democratic criticism of D.C. in his speech. I am sure it was an unintentional oversight which he will correct on the campaign trail.
- ONEMANCANMAKEADIFFERENCE - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 10:45 am:
Rich, I think what the Governor doesn’t realize is that when he blame others especially “Washington” for everthing, it reflects either what type of leader he is or what type of leadership is managing the Office of the Governor.
As we know he didn’t write that speech that he delivered yesterday, Bradley and Cheryle probably had a lot of input.
In addition, when the Governor critizes and blames Washington, in essence what he is doing is criticizing U.S Senators Richard Durbin and Barack Obama. Who would not realize this? These two U.S Senator are the State of Illinois Representatives and mostly all that comes from Washington relavent to the State of Illinois, these two Senators are involved.
Bradley and Cherlye, the two of them should have known this, but I believe alot of the improprieties that come out of the Office of the Governor can be blamed on them. If this is true, the Governor is still accountable because he is the BOSS!
- REFORMCHILDSUPPORT - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 11:39 am:
I just finished reading the Gov’s State of the State as they have it outlined on his website.
He mentioned nothing about these two issues or initiative:
1. Child Support-In December of 2005, the Gov’s office sent out a press release praising Child Support and its collections and improvements.
Question: If this is true, don’t you think it would have been mentioned as an accomplishment or improvement to the state.
2. ETHICS-The accomplishments of the Offices of Executive Inspector General and the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act.
Questions: Why not mention these “accomplishments”. Have they not been successful? Why hasn’t the Executive Inspector General who was appointed on July 1. 2005 been confirmed? Why does the website of the Gov’s Office of Executive Inspector General remain the same?
To not mention these initiative in his State of the State is proof that the Gov and his office is aware that they don’t have an ethical reputation. But to blatantly ignore these initiatives in the State of the State tells me that the Gov’s Office has been getting alot of riff raff about the two isues above and they sought to stay away from them so as to not allow the media to elaborate on them.
Someone should elaborate on the fact that the two issues were intentional ommitted from the speech and ask about real reforms in Child Support and why his Office of Executive Inspector General is quiet at a time when corruption haunts the Office of the Governor.
Lastly, whomever wrote the speech with many notions to Washington D.C, should have left that part out. Washington D.C is right here in Chicago at 219 S. Dearborn, 5th floor, THE OFFICE OF UNITED STATES ATTORNEY PATRICK FITZGERALD.
- Anon. - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 12:18 pm:
“It was a pretty good speech,”
-Rich Miller, on Lawmakers
That kinda says it all, no? Others praising the speech are labeled as “Stooges.” Would anyone with a straight face call Miller a stooge, apologist or anything other than a steady critic of Blagojevich? Not likely.
Of course Blagojevich didn’t mention keno - it hasn’t exactly garnered critical praise. Of course he heaped scorn on DC. He IS still trying to get re-elected.
And for what it is worth - there were no terrible jokes. In mentioning the needed B average for the college tax credit, he avoided the usual “I was a poor student” jokes.
Wasn’t a bad speech.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 1:01 pm:
State of the State? Who cares?
Blagojevich could have addressed the General Assembly naked, and voters wouldn’t care right now. If the governor wanted to make news and make people listen, he needed to have tried out on “American Idol” last night.
Voters who tuned in to The News heard highlights of Blagojevich blathering and Eisendrath, Brady, and Oberweiss making snarky comments. When it comes to sound clips and this governor, snarky comments are more believable to voters right now.
Blagojevich - Keep your head down, keep showing us that you are doing the job.
- NumbersGuy - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 5:28 pm:
YDD, I think you’re off base on “George Bush’s failed economic policies” causing most of Illinois’ current economic woes. First of all, it’s well established that Illinois falls harder in and lags coming out of each economic downturn. The recession which created Illinois’ job losses and revenue shortfalls was caused just as much by Clinton era decisions as by Bush’s. The federal failures were aggravated by a bipartisan legislature and Uncle George Ryan that would not stop spending money until a multibillion dollar deficit had been created. Rod’s approach to deficit reduction was duct tape, bailing wire, and more debt, and not enough discipline on spending, regardless of the merit of the programs. A lack of substantive attention to economic development and the effect of the “Filan Fees” also adversely affected recent job growth.
Finally, the Illinois pension funds lost nowhere near $14 billion during the 01-02 downturn. I believe the actual number was less than $6 billion and was primarily caused by the tech wreck and 9/11 than by George W. Bush. Besides, the funds appear to be recovering nicely, but for the huge IOU from the State that will get another billion dollars larger for the next two years as we “reform” the funds. I’m told the downstate teachers’ fund has announced a new total asset mark of $36 billion, even after the budget cuts.
- donkeyrealist - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 7:29 pm:
For what it’s worth, Gov. Doyle took a very similar tack in his State of the State speech up here in Wisco — “The heartless GOP bastards in Washington can’t take care of the people, so us good-hearted midwestern Democrats will!”
I wonder if they collaborated.
- cynically anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 06 @ 7:47 pm:
A speech is just that…talk. And no one has ever suggested that our beloved governor isn’t a smooth talker. But are we talking style or substance? It’s easy to dream big and toss ideas out there. A little harder to follow through and pay for them. But that’s the devil in the details - and clearly the gov doesn’t worry about the details - he leaves that to the children staffing his office.
And speaking of children staffing his office,has anyone else noticed that Illinois doesn’t really have a governor’s office in DC? They used to - but now no one seems to know (or be able to keep track of how many)who the point person is. But maybe it doesn’t matter. We’re doing so well fiscally, we probably don’t need any stinkin’ federal money.