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Split decision - and misc. weekend political stuff

Saturday, Mar 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

No links yet, but the Sunday edition of the Tribune has a Gidwitz endorsemnt and the Sunday Sun-Times endorses Topinka.

Steve Rauschenberger was endorsed by both papers.

Neither paper apparently endorsed in the Democratic guv primary.

I’ll put the links up tomorrow. (The AP now has a story.)


· More to come on the Eisendrath TV buy. Stay tuned.

· Bill Brady just took out a bank loan for $250,000.

· Post-Dispatch story points out that a verdict decision for George Ryan could happen right before primary day, and wonders how that might impact the race.

· Blagojevich defends ethics record.

· rips Oberweis a new one for his anti-JBT ads. On the charge that JBT is “under investigation,” the Annenberg Center writes:

That falsely implies that she is currently under investigation on the old document-destruction matter, which is false. In fact, it is doubtful that any investigation is still open.

And on the hotel deal allegations, they write:

The deal may be viewed as “bad,” as Ryan concluded at the time, but there were no indications or serious allegations of any foul play.

· Claypool takes early voting to court.

· Joe Birkett STILL hasn’t returned all the money he received from an alleged anti-Semite in the 2002 campaign. Birkett vowed to return all the money before election day, but didn’t pay off a loan until months later and still hasn’t given back the direct contribution.

UPDATE 2: My great pal Jerry Clarke was just profiled by the AP.

Nineteen months in Iraq spread over two tours of duty. Two Bronze Stars. The commander of 15 pilots who himself flew some 600 hours in a combat theater in a single year.

“We were shelled quite frequently,” Maj. Jerome “Jerry” Clarke recalled of his most recent time in Iraq, stationed about 40 miles northwest of Baghdad. “Some days we wouldn’t be shot at, at all. Some days we’d get shelled three or four times a day.”


Can Eisendrath take advantage of this crazy mess?

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I heard a few hours ago that Edwin Eisendrath’s campaign was calling around to TV stations today asking about broadcast ad rates. With everything else going on, I couldn’t follow up.

Now comes word that Eisendrath was talking earlier this week about spending a million dollars on a late buy.

If EE had run even a halfway decent campaign, he’d easily be able to take advantage of the governor’s massive problems right now. And even without that, if he knew how to put a TV ad together I’d give him a much better shot.

We’ll see if (and how) he pulls the trigger, but a million bucks over two weeks ain’t nothing to sneeze at…

UPDATE: Pretty sure Almost positive this is going to happen. Can’t say much more yet, but stay tuned.


This just in… Lou Lang resigns from commission

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Rep. Lou Lang has resigned from the Governor’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes just one day after he was appointed.

Howard Kaplan has also resigned. He is the immediate past chairman of the commission.

More later.

UPDATE: From Lang’s resignation letter:

I had hoped to use my appointment to overcome the dispute over individuals. Unfortunately, my own appointment is now suddenly drawing unnecessary controversy which risks further undermining the Commission’s larger purpose.

Since the individual commissioners are not more important than the principles and purpose the Commission was designed to serve, I regrettably submit my resignation to free the Commission from any further distraction in its important work, including standing up aggressivley against hate speech from any source.

Kaplan’s letter is supposedly on the way. More later.

UPDATE 2: Governor’s office response to Lang’s resignation:

We accept his resignation and feel the board can and must continue to do its work because its mission of promoting understanding is important.

UPDATE 3: Howard Kaplan’s resignation letter:

Though I am currently out of the country, I have been able to follow recent developments back home. As the first and immediate past Chairperson of the Governor’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes (”Commission”) and as the current Chairperson of the Cook County Hate Crimes Prosecution Council, it is with particularly deep regret that I write to you to tender my resignation from the Commission.

The Commission has been tasked with the laudable goals of promoting understanding, fighting intolerance and bridging divides. I fear it is painfully obvious that the Commission as currently constituted is not serving those goals. I cannot serve on a commission that, by implication, accepts divisive and bigoted standards.

I thank you for the opportunity to serve the people of the State of Illinois.

UPDATE 4: I’m told that ABC7 is doing a lengthy live report on this right now.

UPDATE 5: AP now has a story. Nothing much new there, but thought I’d give you the link.

UPDATE 6: Father Pfleger lays the smack-down:

The Rev. Michael Pfleger, the white pastor of a mostly black Chicago church and a friend of Muhammad’s, said Blagojevich would generate enormous anger if he removed Muhammad from the commission.

“If you are not willing to stand up in difficult times, don’t pretend to be a supporter of black issues, of the black community,” Pfleger said. “Now is a test for him.”


Sandy Wegman’s ad

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Remember Sandy Wegman?

She’s running for lieutenant governor.

She’s also running a couple of radio ads in limited rotation.

This is the, um, “better” of the two (link is to mp3 file).


UPDATE: For more longshot lite guv fun, go check out Lawrence Bruckner’s blog. He must be a busy guy.

UPDATE 2: Sorry, but I needed to take that photo down.

UPDATE 3: The Tribune has a story posted about today’s LG debate.

The four candidates mixed it up during the wide-ranging debate that included skirmishes over potential conflicts of interest in campaign contributions, jabs at the Republican candidates running for governor and talk about how to unite the party after a bruising primary campaign season.

If elected, each of the candidates promised to focus on different aspects of government.

Bruckner wants to focus on helping veterans, Wegman on fighting waste and fraud, Birkett on public safety and rooting out corruption, and Rauschenberger on growing the economy and creating jobs.


Shameless plug for an old pal

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Jim Nowlan has a new book, “The Editor’s Wife.” From an e-mail he sent me:

The Editor’s Wife can be ordered from or for $26.49. Better, order from Stark County Communications for $19.95 and $2.95 handling: Make checks to Stark County Communications, 101 W. Main, Toulon IL 61483.

And here are some nice blurbs from readers:

· “A well-spun yarn about lust and lawmaking in the Land of Lincoln.”

(Don Cooper, publisher, Galesburg Register-Mail, Galesburg, Illinois)

· “In politics and thus government things often happen not because of party or principal but rather because of relationship. Nowlan’s book does a great job through his story telling of illustrating how relationships can cross party lines, regional interest and even time. Relationships born of a simple act of kindness a shared experience, a cruel snub or an outright betrayal can manifest themselves in ways little understood by the public and not covered in the civic books but they are all at the heart of the Editor’s Wife.”

(Zack Stamp, Zack Stamp Ltd., Springfield, Illinois)

· “Editor’s Wife is one of the best reads I have had in years. It takes me back to the 60’s and the years my husband, Abner, spent in Springfield. It all rings true—the horse trading, the hijinks, the combination of doing good and doing well that infects the legislative body. Ab and I enjoyed the trip back to the “good old days”.

(Zoe Mikva, Chicago, Illinois)

I just got my own copy. Get yours today.


This just in… Dick Kay to retire

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve been watching WMAQ political reporter Dick Kay for as long as I can remember. He just announced his retirement, effective June 1.

From Lynn Sweet’s blog:

I thought I would let my friends and family know I have formally applied for retirement. I asked H&R to draw up papers for a June 1 out date..and have fomally notified my News Vice President I will retire then. February marked my 46th year in broadcasting and May 8 will mark 38 years at NBC5. I will stop and smell the roses as they say. I have made no plans so don'’t ask what I plan to do. The quickest answer is “nothing.”

I hope to take some time off to wind down and then consider any new opportunities. And if there are no new opportunities thats ok too.

Imagine doing nothing after a lifetime of work which began with a shoeshine stand at Daniel Boone’s restaurant in Evansville, Indiana.

I can’t imagine it.

There will be time for sentimentality later. Right now I just wanted all of you to know that after considering this for 8 years I have set the date.

Dick Kay Snodgrass

I didn’t think he’d ever do it. Good luck, Dick!

And, please, be nice in comments or I’ll be mean to you.


Question of the day - major inside baseball edition

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Yesterday, the House Republicans protested the fact that the House Democrats had scheduled appropriations committee meetings in Chicago next week. Not only were they upset that the meetings would be held at the Thompson Center instead of the Statehouse, they were seriously bummed about having to attend hearings during what was supposed to be a week away from legislative work.

The House Dems claimed that this was no big deal because the House held off-day approp meetings in Chicago when George Ryan was governor and nobody complained at all.

The House GOPs displayed this poster during the brouhaha:

QUESTION: Is this much ado about nothing? Or should people be concerned when hearings are not held in Springfield?


Oy, Part 102,946

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Governor Blagojevich can’t seem to get this mess off the front page, and he only seems to be making matters worse. From the Sun-Times (with the great headline: “No love on gov’s hate panel”)

Gov. Blagojevich’s anti-discrimination panel seethed with acrimony Thursday as two leading Jewish members resigned in protest, refusing to serve alongside a Nation of Islam official unwilling to condemn what critics call anti-Semitic and anti-gay statements by Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Lonnie Nasatir, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Richard Hirschhaut, director of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, stepped down from the governor’s Discrimination and Hate Crimes Commission after Blagojevich refused to oust his embattled appointee, Claudette Marie Johnson.

Appointing Rep. Lou Lang to the commission didn’t work, either.

“The notion that people would resign from the commission over the views of one member … it seems to me is an error,” Lang said. “The commission has an opportunity to do some valuable work.”The conflict has also prompted several lawmakers to take sides.

State Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) said Thursday that he has been disappointed so far in Blagojevich’s response.

“There are three groups here–the African-American community, the Jewish community and the gay and lesbian community–who are normally united,” Silverstein said. “We are being torn apart because of this.”

And then there’s this.

Rep. Larry McKeon, D-Chicago, a member of the commission, said the governor has “found himself in a very difficult situation.” […]

“On a personal level, I’m disappointed and discouraged,” said McKeon, an openly gay lawmaker who wrote the proposal to form such a panel eight years ago.

There’s been a lot of back and forth in comments about this issue, but I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to heal the rifts? Is it too late to do anything now? Should more commission members resign, or should another way be found?

UPDATE: I missed the Tribune’s editorial.

Blagojevich deplored Farrakhan’s comments but also said he didn’t believe in guilt by association. He said Muhammad had affirmed her commitment to tolerance and acceptance and therefore should remain.

That’s disingenuous of the governor. Muhammad isn’t just a rank-and-file member of Farrakhan’s Nation. She is one of his top aides and holds a high-ranking position in the group. She has not disavowed his ugly comments. The Nation of Islam does not broadly represent the African-American community and does not deserve representation on a panel whose mission is to combat discrimination and hate. Its leader still preaches hate.

UPDATE 2: From an ABC-7 story:

“Don’t be afraid to love and don’t be afraid to hate,” Minister Louis Farrakhan said Sunday.

UPDATE 3:Press release from Dan Rutherford:

“We have statewide elected officials who are sitting on the sidelines of this fundamental moral issue doing nothing,” said Rutherford. “I call on Lt. Governor Pat Quinn, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Secretary of State Jesse White and the other statewide officials to stand up and speak out unequivocally. As statewide elected leaders each of them has a high moral position from which to speak and a responsibility to do so without further delay.”

UPDATE 4: Ron Gidwitz has been way in front of this as far as statewide candidates go. Here’s his statement:

“The Governor’s logic is as lame as his appointment,” said Gidwitz. “This is not a question of guilt by association. Ms. Muhammad is in a leadership position of an organization headed by an individual whose comments about Jews and others even the Governor has described as ‘hateful’ and ‘divisive’.”

Gidwitz added, “It’s not enough for Ms. Muhammad to say she is committed to the goals of the commission. She should also be asked to renounce the very hateful comments of Mr. Farrakhan to which the Governor referred.”


Edgar campaign ad roundup

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

UPDATE: The ad is now at JBT’s site (link is to mpeg file). Also, Bill Brady’s new ad is posted at his site (link is to wmv file).

The Tribune starts us off.

After enduring a spate of attack ads, Republican governor candidate Judy Baar Topinka turned to Jim Edgar on Thursday, using TV commercials featuring the former governor vouching for her truthfulness and criticizing her rivals.

“You’ve seen the negative ads attacking Judy Baar Topinka,” Edgar says in the ad. “They say more about her opponents than they do about her. I thought you’d rather hear the truth from me.” […]

The Oberweis campaign questioned whether Edgar had taped the ad long before the debut of its own ad critical of Topinka.

“When did Gov. Edgar film his portion of the advertisement?” asked Oberweis campaign manager Joe Wiegand. “It seems to me that given Judy Barr Topinka’s record in office and the record of pay to play, insider deals and investigations, that any reasonable individual would understand that that record would be under attack.”

Topinka campaign aide Nancy Kimme confirmed that Edgar taped the ad before the latest Oberweis spot aired. Noting that Oberweis had used controversial commercials in previous unsuccessful bids for office, Kimme said, “Gov. Edgar anticipated he would pull another stunt.”

The Sun-Times has this.

Using the popular two-term governor to directly answer Oberweis and Gidwitz is a clear sign that Topinka is concerned that her critics’ ads are working, but her campaign spokesman insisted that is not the case.

“Not at all,” spokesman Roger Germann said. “From all accounts, she is still the front-runner and the best candidate after the primary to take on [Gov.] Rod Blagojevich and win.”

But Gidwitz spokesman Dan Proft said Edgar’s ad won’t work.

“It’s not his record that’s up for debate,” Proft said. “It’s hers, and that’s what she doesn’t want to talk about. Judy Baar Topinka has amassed a record that is in large measure at odds with Jim Edgar’s record.

“Interestingly, I don’t ever remember in a Jim Edgar campaign him using Judy Baar Topinka for a third-party endorsement. Never was a big demand for that.”

And the Oberweis TV ad is still drawing controversy. The State Journal-Register ran an editorial today.

Oberweis, who likes to borrow one of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s favorite campaign phrases (”reform”), decided to re-form some newspaper headlines in making his television commercials. The TV spots use the masthead of The State Journal-Register and three other daily newspapers over faked headlines. […]

The fellow whose company produced the ads for Oberweis stressed to political columnist Bernard Schoenburg that the headlines “weren’t intended to be taken as true headlines.” Well, of course not - that would be unethical and just plain wrong. How odd then that the advertisement does such a nice job of making the headlines appear authentic.

HOWEVER, as stupid as faking newspaper headlines is (hint: if you’re going to fake something, consider faking something that wasn’t in print and can’t easily be looked up), it was certainly not nearly as crass as allowing a key Oberweis campaign worker to promote via a freelance column a hateful Web site that attacks Topinka for recognizing homosexuals as fellow human beings.

UPDATE: Now Bill Brady is stepping into the Oberweis controversy. From a press release:

Senator Bill Brady, Republican candidate for Governor, today urged Jim Oberweis to fix his misleading commercials or take them off the airwaves. Brady offered his thoughts on the commercials in response to numerous media inquiries.

“Creative commercials may work when you’re selling ice cream, but the people of Illinois expect more from a candidate for governor. To misrepresent the truth says more about his judgment than about the candidate he is attacking in these commercials,” Brady said.


Salvi claims lead

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

You can read the Salvi campaign poll summary here (pdf file), but the Northwest Herald also has the exclusive.

GOP candidate Kathy Salvi has opened up a double-digit lead over her opponents in the 8th Congressional District primary, according to poll numbers obtained by the Northwest Herald.

Her main rival, David McSweeney, challenged the accuracy of the poll, which was commissioned by the Salvi campaign.

In a survey of 300 likely Republican voters, 29 percent of respondents said they would vote for Salvi, while 19 percent said they’d vote for McSweeney. Thirty percent were undecided.

If the poll is accurate, it’s bad news for McSweeney, a Barrington Hills investment banker who has spent $1.5 million of his own money on the race, including a $500,000 loan made Thursday.

A December poll released by Salvi showed McSweeney at 20 percent, a point higher than this week’s poll.

“Obviously, his message is not resonating with voters, and Kathy’s positive message is,” said Jason Heffley, a Salvi spokesman.

Salvi has poured $739,000 of her own wealth into her campaign.

McSweeney’s campaign manager Jim Thacker called Salvi’s survey a “push poll,” one loaded with negative questions about a candidate to influence the outcome – a charge the pollster flatly denied.

McSweeney is going to dump another $500,000 of his own money into the race, a campaign source told me yesterday.

UPDATE: From McSweeney’s campaign:

“Further, the Salvi camp refuses to release the poll questions. We have two individuals who were polled by the Salvi camp who are willing to go on record. Both have said that the poll contained negative questions directed at Dave McSweeney. I think the Salvi camp is afraid that if the façade they have put up is revealed we will all see the real face of that campaign,” said Thacker.


Tribune finally runs Meeks story

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

It’s taken them a few days, but the Tribune finally got around to talking to Sen. James Meeks about his plans to run for governor as a third-party candidate, but they do manage to move the story ahead quite a bit.

Some Democrats said privately they think Meeks’ threat is little more than a short-term effort to leverage the governor on the education issue. With Blagojevich unlikely to get any Republican support for his budget in the legislature, the governor must try to avoid splintering Democratic constituencies to win approval of his spending plan. […]

Meeks, speaking at the Statehouse during a busy day of Senate business, said he’s “75 percent sure” he’s going to run and has been encouraged by people in all walks of life.

“We have Latino individuals who want to get on the ticket. African-American, white, it’s unbelievable,” Meeks said.



Morning shorts

Friday, Mar 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Lynn Sweet: “Freshman Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) has been paying his father, former Rep. William Lipinski (D-Ill.), for political advice, as the plot the senior Lipinski hatched to install his Tennessee son in his seat has become the major issue of his two March Democratic primary rivals.”

· Illinois treasurer candidate Paul Mangieri gets over 100 grand from Mike Madigan. But that pales in comparison to Alexi Giannoulias’ campaign kitty.

· Line of the day, by Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg: “Gov. Blagojevich did a Pete Townsend knee-slide into the limelight”

· Staffing increases mandated by Senate.

· Tax returns released by 3 GOP gubernatorial candidates. (fixed link, thanks to commenters)

· Tribune laments the loss of Mike Lawrence’s columns, and wonders why he was silenced.

· Supremes allow lawsuit to go forward, despite complaints that it was a case of venue shopping.

· Sun-Times legislative wrap-up.

· Self-extinguishing smokes mandated by state Senate.

· More in a few minutes.

· State Senate approves eminent domain bill. Steve Rhodes, our newest Illinoize blogger, has more here.

· “Stay off the Ryan.” Yeah, that’ll work.

· Archpundit heard the same “SEIU really upset with Stroger” rumors that I heard yesterday. The union officially played down the spat, but there is definitely trouble behind the scenes. Talks are underway.

· “The best congressman the 11th District ever had.”

· Pantagraph editorial: “Don’t believe figures in governor’s campaign

· Are corporate tax breaks illegal?

· Story on the winery-distributor legislative deal.

· What he said. Except for that last part, which I don’t get.

· Senate backs airport district. Congressman Jackson is not pleased.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Feds, Illinois partner to bring DARPA quantum-testing facility to the Chicago area
* Pritzker, Durbin talk about Trump, Vance
* Napo's campaign spending questioned
* Illinois react: Trump’s VP pick J.D. Vance
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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* Yesterday's stories

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