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“Topinka Watch” launched

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

UPDATE: The Topinka people say that when she was in the state Senate Topinka “voted one time to move a bill on the temp increase to the House because the House was playing games with them. All Senate Repubs did. She voted against all the tax increase bills that became law.”


Let the negative campaign begin. From a Blagojevich press release.

The Blagojevich for Governor campaign released its first “Topinka Watch” today, the beginning of an ongoing series that will highlight State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka’s record of misleading attacks, distortions, and policy failures.

“It’s hard for voters to keep up with Judy Baar Topinka’s attacks and distortions, but we will work to set the record straight. She is hiding from her record of failures and inaction and is resorting to silly personal attacks. We believe voters deserve better and we will hold her accountable for her actions,” Blagojevich spokesperson Sheila Nix said.

The first Topinka Watch sheds light on a false claim on Topinka’s campaign website. As a State Senator in 1991, Topinka voted to make a 20 percent increase in the state income tax permanent. Yet, her campaign website claims that she “voted against all income tax increases.”

“Judy Baar Topinka does not want voters to see the clear contrast with Governor Blagojevich when it comes to taxes. She voted for a 20 percent increase in the state income tax while Governor Blagojevich held the line on taxes despite inheriting the worst budget deficit in our state’s history,” Nix said.

Topinka Watch will regularly detail the false claims and distortions of the Topinka campaign. In recent weeks, Topinka has flip-flopped on whether she wants President Bush to secretly raise money for her, has criticized Governor Blagojevich for late Medicaid payments while she personally delays the release of millions in Medicaid dollars and has failed to explain her record of votes against seat belts and child safety seats.

“With Judy Baar Topinka, the gap between her rhetoric and reality is as big as the budget deficit her friends and allies left for Governor Blagojevich. We hope Topinka Watch will help voters keep an eye on the facts,” Nix said.

They even have a nifty new logo:

The only problem is, their e-mail announcing Topinka Watch had this in the subject line: Rob Blagojevich Press Release

I didn’t know Gary Forby was working for the campaign.

UPDATE: It appears the photo in the guv’s new logo was taken from Jake Parillo’s website. Wonder if there’s a copyright problem? Here’s the original.


  1. - Illinois Deserves Better - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 3:27 pm:

    The Blagojevich guys are again telling only partial truths - the fund transfers she’s holding up won’t affect end-of-year Medicaid pay cycles because the problem is there are virtually no appropriations left to spend. The General Assembly and the Governor would have to approve supplemental appropriations in order to affect payment cycles.

  2. - THE Hankster - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 3:32 pm:

    Illinois Deserves Better…
    Its politics, whats true for one side is not for the other.

  3. - scoot - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 3:46 pm:

    Dig up a vote from 15 years ago….and then basically lie about. This “Topinka Watch” thing…is prolly going to back fire on Blago….is this all they got??
    If were going to sit here and dig up old voting records…JBT’s camp will have a field day.

  4. - Sound Reasoning - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 3:48 pm:

    Let the games begin. The first salvo in the negative campaigning has been launched and this from a campaign staff backing a sitting Governor who has numerous ongoing federal investigations into his conduct and others for which he is responsible.

    Topinka has been open in her refusal to take a no tax pledge. Most economist admit that there are only two ways out of the financial mess that Illinois is in, either severely cut programs or raise taxes. Our current Governor on the other hand has taken a pledge to never raise taxes (but he must mean only income taxes because he has raised numerous other taxes err… that’s right he calls them fees so they’re not really taxes) while at the same time he has consistently raised spending with more and more new programs. Let’s not forget that he’s not paying the bills that the state already has either. It doesn’t take much thought to see where this all leads. No new revenue sources but increased spending on new programs only leads to further debt.

    But hey wait Topinka voted against requiring seat belts 20 years ago. Funny thing is 20 years ago many people were against the government telling them they had to wear seat belts so put into the appropriate time perspective that vote isn’t odd at all.

    Just more campaign spin, half-truths and fabrications.

  5. - HA1865 - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:02 pm:

    While Rod has the “Topinka Watch” maybe Topinka can launch the “Where is Rod?” site. That way, we can keep track of where is he, or more importantly, where he isn’t when it comes to leading this State.

  6. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:07 pm:

    Either these guys are spooked about something{ their turn with the feds} or they think the election is in July.By time the election gets here this will not even register with the voters.JBT needs to get a corruption watch going and they could write everyday until election on this Gov.Truth squad with records will show what a bunch of idiots are running this state.What they are trying to do is keep from talking about how bad of shape this state is in.

  7. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:12 pm:

    This seems like a fairly straightforward, legitimate campaign tactic and JBT’s refusal to make a no tax pledge is a legitimate concern which resonates with me and, I would bet, with a lot of Illinoisians.

    Given the abandon with which the current governor and Legislature are planning next year’s budget excesses, including, no doubt, lots of pork for individual legislators, one is hard pressed to see the state as lacking money.
    Tax revenues are going up substantially, in Illinois as across the country, despite the lack of a tax increase. Soaking the citizens for more is unnecessary and exploitative.

    Time for JBT’s campaign staff to earn their pay and come up with something to counter Topinka Watch.

  8. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:12 pm:

    Fascinating announcement from a campaign that has no respect for truth whatsoever. The Blagojevich Administration is the Illinois political embodiment of Mecken’s Law:

    “No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”

    H. L. Mencken

    Blago’s problem is that he is Bill Clinton without the brains.

  9. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:29 pm:

    WHAT! She did what? When? Whew! I thought Topinka Watch was creating news, not digging through history. So, when are they gonna claim some guy in Judy’s high school class claimed he felt her up on prom night?

    Freakin pathetic!

    Ask the Tribune Editorial staff what they think about Blago’s claim of happy days and cash flows. If you can read what they say, they’re sick of him too. We’re broke!

    To those buying Rod’s claims of financial mastery and tax-free living, he’s got a set of incredible Ginzu knives that come with a life time guarantee too!

    Topinka Watch! Ha! This from an administration of dunces.

  10. - taxs man - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:38 pm:

    no Rod is not Bill clinton amd never will be. But, one for sure when Clinton wasnt trying to be the ruler of thw world like George WWW Bush is and lets take a good look at today gas prices. because, we have a president who only cares about himself. and there judy babe, she needs to put on more make up to hide a little more of herself. So, no one will knew how close she was to George Ryan.

  11. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 4:41 pm:

    I think the AccordianGal counter ploy should include hiring some dwarfs to dress as kiddies and open a lemonade stand across from GRod’s bungalow. They could set up a webcam and uplink pictures of GRod not being in SPI. that will put her over the top for sure.

  12. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 5:18 pm:

    My oh my! Blago’s campaign children have found a new computer program to make a colorful new site. Too bad they can’t put any substance in it.

    Reddbyrd - It would be better for Blago to have little people working for him. At least most have overcome obstacles to get ahead and probably have a clue about life. They just didn’t get a $100,000 job handed to them because Daddy gave G$Rod a $5000 check unlike the pea brains Blago has spread through out Illinois government.

  13. - anon - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    Judy, na na na.. na na na.. hey hey hey… goodbye!

  14. - Barnaby - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 5:40 pm:

    I believe this will backfire against Blago. Topinka needs to stress she would become the first Female Governor of Illinois, which could swing votes from Moderate and Downstate women. Rod is walking a tightrope if one of his fundraisers, ala Chris Kelly, is Indicted by a now embloldened Peter Fitzgerald.

  15. - EmoKid21 - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 5:43 pm:

    Emo for JBT

  16. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 5:52 pm:

    EVERYTHING is going to backfire on Blagojevich.

    If Judy comes out with something, it’s as good as gold. If it’s Rod, he’s scared, it’s going to backfire, he’s so desperate.

    You guys are funny;-)

  17. - EmoKid21 - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:01 pm:

    B, you have a false sense of security.

  18. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:02 pm:

    P.S. That’s a beautiful picture of Judy.

  19. - Newshound - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:04 pm:

    Eeesh, that’s a horrible picture of all of them.

  20. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:06 pm:

    Emo, dude, that’s funny.

    Newshound, that’s even funnier.

  21. - EmoKid21 - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:07 pm:

    My sentiments about JBT and I welcome Topinka Watch!

  22. - EmoKid21 - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:18 pm:

    Hicks, you are as sophisticated as your name!

  23. - minion - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:27 pm:

    do they have a bill number, date etc. for that vote by JBT? I’d like to check it out for myself.

  24. - Gregor Samsa - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 6:38 pm:

    I see your Judy watch and raise you a Perhaps they or Rich can add a running counter on the page somewhere that tallies Rod’s number of days spent in Springfield.

    Also, the horrific spinning of calling her resistance to the fund sweeps a denying of Medicaid payments is a really low blow, and Rod’s kids need to be called out on that.

  25. - get to it - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 7:07 pm:

    Pointless as usual RedByrd

  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 7:20 pm:

    Hey, Redbyrd, since you are the epitome of manhood (no woman would stoop so low as to criticize children) why don’t you put a picture of yourself up for all of us to look at and have a good guffaw. After Rod’s video, I think I still have one left in me.

  27. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 8:02 pm:

    Emo, Shakespeare, Hamlet. Act III. sc. 4

    I must be cruel, only to be kind.

    Lighten up dude, it aint that serious.

  28. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 8:45 pm:

    Is this magic money she is holding the same magic money that Blago wants to steal from all the hundreds of dedicated funds? You know, that huge list of funds for veterans, healthcare, child programs, homeless programs, fire protection, etc. etc. etc.?

  29. - DuPage progressive - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 8:56 pm:

    Forget the Topinka stuff, what a funny picture!

    Does anyone else wonder with me why Tom Cross does not take better pictures?
    He’s a good-looking guy - why can’t he take a decent picture? And how did house republicans end up with a dead-head as their spokesperson? I love that these guys are on the topinka watch logo - what a riot! Who the other guy next to Cross?

  30. - These are our choices? - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 9:02 pm:

    So when is Topinka going to hire Carl Nyberg or someone else to catalog “Blago’s Blunders” for her campaign?

    She can use that old Blagojevich Spongebob picture.

  31. - Save a Horse Ride a Harley - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 9:04 pm:

    Ask the Blago meatheads to explain how 4 people working 2 weeks deserved to get $500 k for power washing the IDOT HQ in Springfield. And I have a source that said that their hotels and per diem were also paid by IDOT. Did not Timmy Martin and G$Rod put Robert “Meathead” Millette in the position where he could manipulate this travesty. JBT needs to hammer away at this one, Blago cannot get away from the fact that the contractor was/is a contributor to his campaign and this was quid pro quo. Please, if this is how G$Rod is going to go after her, well we already know he is stupid. Then they wanted to wash the insides of saltdomes where salt is stored to keep it dry? More money was needed for the campaign coffers so just throw some water on that salt so we can get the warchest larger. I know the badges are being flashed and the evidence being gathered by the BIG INDIANS. It is just a matter of time until this joker and his mickey mouse ways are exposed. Pity his children and wife, they will be the ones who will be hurt by his stupidity.

  32. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    Long Time Reader; First Time Poster -

    NO! The funds you “question” is money you yourself have paid. Every oil change, every set of new tires, what you pay for garbage collection, your cable bill, gas bill and on and on and on. Those costs have gone up to feed special funds for things such as environmental clean-up, making sure the food you and your school aged children eat is safe and many, many other programs. And yes, even funds to help Veterans. He takes money from them all. Its money that has been taken from out of your pocket and set aside for specific uses. NOT pork.

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 9:16 pm:

    When all is said and done, the majority of Illinois voters are all going to Lift A Finger, actually one on each hand in “tribute” to Official “A”.

  34. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 9:24 pm:

    Oh one more thing. The special funds are created by law, most are anyway. I would hazard to guess that it would take a similar passage of legislation to eliminate the special funds and allow for the funds to be used as general revenue. That may be why Topinka is holding on to the money and questioning the constitutionality of Blagos grab. But then he has admitted he doesn’t have to worry about such things now that he is governor and that he barely passed his constitution law classes.

  35. - Zatoichi - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 10:09 pm:

    “With Judy Baar Topinka, the gap between her rhetoric and reality is as big as the budget deficit her friends and allies left for Governor Blagojevich.” Does this imply that Rod’s gap between rhetoric and reality is even bigger than JBT since his budget deficit has continued to grow?

  36. - todd - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 10:26 pm:

    “Dupage” The guy next to Cross is Jake Parrillo. He is an up and comer.

  37. - takethehighroad - Wednesday, Apr 19, 06 @ 11:28 pm:

    “How did the House Republicans end up with a Dead Head for a spokesman?” Classic…

    Can Parillo, the “up and comer”, sue the Blowhardavich gang?

  38. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 7:01 am:

    This is fun to watch.Like everyone has stated he has to run on his time in office which is a record of mistakes,misquotes,programs that never got off the ground or was defeated in court and massive debt.Just like this All Kids him or no one knows the cost or if it will even work.What a bunch of buffons.

  39. - The original Bill - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 7:53 am:

    This emo guy is a great spokesman for JBT. You should set up a Cap Fax video blog so we could argue that eloquently.

    soundreasoning-if you must start off every post referring to “on-going Investigations” you should , in all fairness, also post about Judy’s “on-going” federal investigation. In the meantime, hold your breadth waiting for Rod to get indicted.

    Bubs-Typical Repub attitude-Most citizens like the Governor because they are stupid and just not as insightful and intelligent as you are.

    With you guys around we really don’t need Topinka Watch although the photos are really funny and speak for themselves.

    Bring it on,Please!

  40. - Sound Reasoning - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 8:37 am:

    Original Bill – You must not have been faithfully reading all of the posts that I have made from time to time or you would know that I have mentioned Topinka’s one single investigation in comparison to the many federal investigations of the Blago administration.

    Once again for fair comparison: Topinka has a single investigation that began 3 years ago and since that time nothing more has come of it. This investigation was the result of a disgruntled ex-employee who made an accusation that the person did campaign work on state time.
    Blago has numerous investigations that are still ongoing and bearing new information continually. These numerous investigations are not the result of a single disgruntled ex-employee but due to the professional conduct of current state employees and directors under Blago’s control. The state own auditor general has documented numerous instances of fraud, mismanagement and abuse within agencies under Blago’s control and this information in turn has been handed over to the federal investigations.

    There I have now once again fully disclosed the investigation of Topinka as a comparison to the numerous ongoing investigations of our current Governor.

  41. - EmoKid21 - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 10:40 am:

  42. - David Dring - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    First time poster long time reader

    Just want to clarify for Takethehighroad.

    Not sure I can be considered a deadhead anymore. Those who have seen my IPOD or record collection recently know I have been closer a talking heads groupie and whitestripes head as of late. Just thought I would clarify. Love the courageous anon’s and nicknames as always.

  43. - The original Bill - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 1:19 pm:

    Hey Dave,
    Welcome to my nightmare.

  44. - On my Blackberry at a beer garden - Thursday, Apr 20, 06 @ 3:40 pm:

    In November, no matter who wins, Illinois will be the real loser.

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