I can’t believe he did this
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Obviously he’s a great sport, but, wow.
Governor Rod Blagojevich could have been snippy. He could have been terse. Instead, he had some fun with a group of College Republicans who came out to his appearance at the University of Illinois yesterday.
The group wore blue T-shirts emblazoned with an anti-Blagojevich slogan (”Blagojevich sucks”) to protest a decision that could put some of the Illinois Student Assistance Commission’s student loan portfolio up for sale.
The governor announced the program and touted its potential to provide student aid to more students. Then he looked at the College Republicans and said he wanted a T-shirt. In Blagojevich’s words, “I promise you if I get a blue one like that, I’ll wear it when I go out jogging.”
The College Republicans quickly handed up a blue T-shirt and posed for pictures with the governor.
This could be what people mean when they talk about Blagojevich as a great campaigner.
UPDATE: The Next Frontier has a lot more. Keep scrolling.
- Stavros Popodopolis - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:06 pm:
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:22 pm:
As much as it pains me to do it, I gotta give him props. Well handled, indeed.
- WP - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:23 pm:
if they put the shirts up for sale on the web, I’d bet they sell out.
JBT, got a great fundraising idea for you…
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:32 pm:
Wow, that’s nice. Anyone out there know where I can get one of those? I don’t want to make my own, I want an authentic one. Man, why would he even address these guys. I hope this makes the front page of every newspaper in the state…. yeah…
- Justin Randall - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:37 pm:
I am the person in the picture. We have about 200 of the shirts in stock in the reverse colors (Blago got one of the older ones). If you are interested in purchasing them, please contact me at jrandal2@uiuc.edu
- Establishment Republican - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:39 pm:
Is Rich being serious or sarcastic about the great campaigner thing?
It can be looked at two ways. He probably thought he was being very clever to be so self-effacing, etc, but I think it just makes him look like a doofus.
Maybe the campaign wishes he would not have bothered.
- DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:55 pm:
See Governor the truth never hurt anyone.
- Walking Wounded - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:56 pm:
Makes me wonder if he read the front of the shirt before holding it up.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:58 pm:
He probably thought it was a joke… you know… like comedy central… ha ha… isn’t it a funny joke, governor???….
- BIG R.PH - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:30 pm:
For all you Dems out there. See the Republicans are right. Even the Gov agrees!!!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:40 pm:
My question is why would an organization w/ a legitimate concern attack him in such a childish way? Your adults now, you should practice politics in a manner that represents the Republican Party and yourselves better.
- Bluefish - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:41 pm:
Caption contest???
- Vial - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:04 pm:
Anonymous- Those weren’t all College Republicans wearing the shirts. There were plenty of Democrats and Student Senators wearing the shirts out of protest for the Governor’s terrible higher education policy. The media just saw the photo-op and ran with it. Without the shirts I don’t think he every would have stayed after his announcement to answer questions(I mean skirt around the answers).
- Randall Sherman - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:06 pm:
The only caption that photo needs is simply, “The most truthful message in a photograph of the present governor of Illinois since he assumed office.”
- NIEVA - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:48 pm:
Just add “The life out of Illinois”
- Gregor - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 6:06 pm:
There’s being a good sport, being able to take a joke, and there is… this. I think he really can’t distinguish good publicity from bad. The ONLY thing that matters is getting the name spelled right, and seeing it as often as possible, on as many things as possible. It is a disease.
They didn’t mention the additional caption on the backs of the shirts. Ask the U of I kid what that said.
Also, what about this use of the last-minute press conference to make it an “official” trip, just so he could go to a fundraiser that night and use the state aircraft without having the campaign fund pay for it?
- Reddbyrd - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 6:25 pm:
“Here Guys try these on shirts. AccordiOnGal has no $$$ and no ideas(remember the ads are ‘dumb’). At least this slogan will get us in the paper. You parents will be so proud.”
- B Hicks - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 6:36 pm:
Handled like a true statesman.
JBT would have called them a few names, given them the one-finger wave, and then sent Nancy out to kick their asses.
- 'The Gay Governor' - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 6:47 pm:
How much you wanna bet this becomes a national news story just like claiming he didn’t know the Daily Show?
- Nickname - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 7:17 pm:
While it is understandable why people are critical of the shirts when there are legit issues to criticize this gov it seems that because of the shirt the issue (sale of ISAC loans) is getting the attention of many in the media and blogosphere like Kiyoshi Martinez who posted on the subject at http://thenextfrontier.net/2006/05/08/blagojevichs-isac-loan-portfolio-sale-details/. Hopefully, there is some more concrete investigation into the gov’s proposed sale.
That being said the last gov in Illinois that had a public prank pulled on them (pie in the face) ended up in jail. Can we only hope the same happens before the election?
Selling those shirts or similar shirts would be a great idea to raise money and spread blago’s record. Some suggested slogans:
My guv agrees with 6 out of 10 Illinoisans that he is doing a bad job
This guv has the testicular virility of a neutered tit mouse
I voted for Blago and all I got was a state in more debt and with no assets
- Kiyoshi Martinez - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 7:44 pm:
Glad to see people are getting wind of this. Yes, it begs for a caption contest.
There’s more over at my blog, but you’d probably be more interested in this Hi-Quality photo:
- scoot - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:55 pm:
Caption contest: Blago releases his 2006 campaign slogan on these nice blue t-shirts. His word is as good as gold folks!!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:08 pm:
O for crying out loud. You anti Blago people can’t even find the time to see some humor in this. Maybe because all your candidates are boring, dry as dust and too busy telling people who they can sleep with, when they should have a baby, and who is worthy of health care. Grow up, live a little and get off your moral soap box and have some fun for a change. I think you all went to the Saints Edgar and Keys schools of humor.
- Papa Legba - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:13 pm:
Gregor is totally correct. Blagozo saw his name and became mesmerized and never saw the second word. He is really in love with himself.
- Anon 9:08 - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:32 pm:
You forget who made the shirts. It’s really funny.
- JohnR - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:37 pm:
Did any of you actually see the story on TV last night?
He held the shirt up at the podium and said something like… “They are talking about my brother… he’s a Republican”
- no sound with a photo - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:59 pm:
John R
Now, that’s funny. Problem is no one saw it, just the pic.
- Levois - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 12:28 am:
Now if only this translates to him actually being a good governor.
- T.J. - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 4:10 am:
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:40 pm:
“My question is why would an organization w/ a legitimate concern attack him in such a childish way?”
Good question, but no good answer.
- YNM - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 7:58 am:
Anon 4:40 and TJ … seriously? How is this a childish attack? Is it any more childish than 90 percent of the comments on here? It’s actually a clever play on words related to a topic that directly impacts the group that made the shirts …
And I do think it’s a great move to own it … avoidance doesn’t often win anyone over. He could have tried to ignore it and people would have been all over that. Instead he recognizes it, owns it, and in doing so takes most of the punch out of it.
And I don’t even like the guy. I think he sucks too. He sucking my pension dry as we speak.
- Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 8:24 am:
Gotta give him some points… He only had the options of being a good sport, or being cranky. OR I suppose there is the George Bush option, have the kid wrestled to the ground and drug out.
- anon - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 8:33 am:
I agree with the statement of this being a childish - more like teenage attack — the term “sucks” seems to bring on a tone of unprofessionalism. I have no doubt some voters were offended by this statement — no matter what truth there may be in it. The dictionary is a big book - surely they could have found a more tasteful word!
- Cassandra - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 9:29 am:
This incident probably displays confidence that is unfortunately based in reality.
And now some of those College Republicans, given a choice between Blago and an increasingly shrill and repetitive JBT will vote for Blago.
Charm gets votes.
I don’t think who runs the student loan program
is a major campaign issue long-term. And college students, by definition, are likely to have higher incomes from which to pay back the loans, assuming they become more expensive as a result of this change.
One hopes that as a result of selling the portfolio, we will have to pay for fewer state employees but I’m not opimistic. No doubt they’ll pop up in some other highly compensated state job where little actual performance is required.
- Daniel Darling - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 9:38 am:
It’s called magnanimity. I’m not a big Blag fan, but that was a classy, Bush/Reagan-like act. I wish more of my fellow conservatives could be as affable. Maybe we’d win more elections in this state.
- HoosierDaddy - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 10:57 am:
Caption: “Governor’s campaign staff finally finds a message that will resonate with voters.”
- UI College Republican - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 11:11 am:
The shirts were the best way that students at U of I could the Governor’s attention. It wasn’t just College Republicans wearing them…they started as shirts for a social event we had and turned into a big fundraising opportunity. Blago is the best fundraising chair we’ve had. If Blago had given any warning of his visit (his office wouldn’t confirm the visit three hours before the event) then we could have had “Save the ISAC Loans” shirts made. Instead, we ran with what we had.
We did get the attention we wanted. This morning I was on WROK, Rockford for almost an hour talking about the loans. Do the research and you’ll see the mistake he’s making. He lost Champaign County to Eisendrath in the primary by almost 20%. This screams bad higher educational policy and students (regardless of political affiliation) are upset.
- Decatur Republican - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 12:21 pm:
First thing the Guv. has done if office I admire. Good sport. Poor judgement on behalf of the College GOP. He is the Guv. of Illinois.
- Caption Winner - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 12:32 pm:
Republicans suck worse
- UI College Republican - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 12:33 pm:
He is the Governor…he needs to learn to address questions. He handled the situation very Reaganesque. I would have liked to had “Save ISAC” t-shirts, but we didn’t. Instead, he showed that he can only skirt important funding questions. I’m sorry if you view it in poor judgement (on a college campus it is not), but the shirts are nothing compared to what some political organizations have on their shirts. We got his attention and people are actually talking about his stance on higher education which is horrific. We spent about an hour this morning on WROK, Rockford. I wish other news affiliates would have covered the issue…the picture fell in our laps…the issue has been around as a concern of both sides of the aisle for a while.
- Yawn - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 1:06 pm:
Great comeback Caption Winner…some TV show better sign you up!
- Papa Legba - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 1:10 pm:
Decatur Republican: He may be the “Guv. of Illinois” but we the people elected him to serve the people. We didn’t elect him to worship HIM! Same goes for all the other over blown egos snorting around Springfield and DC.
As for the slogan, maybe there wasn’t enough room on the shirt, or enough money to pay for a slogan such as “Blagojevich is an idiot, and brags about being one!”.
- Grubnednarb - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 1:40 pm:
I think the governor handled it like a good sport with class and style. Completely unlike President Bush and his handlers who screen out opponents and naysayers from public events. I think the Governor took negative feedback and made it a positive.
Don’t know much about the plan to sell the state’s loan portfolio, but I do know that the Republican-controlled Congress is doing far worse things to the federal student loan programs.
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