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Morning shorts

Friday, Jun 16, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· What do you do when you launch a new political TV show? Book Barack Obama as your first guest. That’s a lesson I’ll have to remember if I ever get one of those shows.

· “The four largest riverboat casinos in Illinois—two in Joliet and one each in Aurora and Elgin—obtained an injunction in Circuit Court of Will County on Wednesday, blocking establishment of a Horse Racing Equity Trust Fund that had been passed by the state legislature and signed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich last month.”

· The governor is sending a trade delegation to Israel today. But I’m sure it has nothing to do with the Hate Crimes Commission fiasco.

· Screaming headline: Witness feared being slain… Breathless lede: The former son-in-law of a prominent ex-alderman told federal investigators that he copied and saved city computer files “because he was scared that he may be killed,”… And later in the story the witness admits: “Did I ever think anyone would kill me? The thought may have crossed my mind, but that’s a little extreme.”

· They’re still trying to cut Amtrak. Meanwhile, Bean pushes auto mileage incentive

· WiFi may expand to Naperville, Fox Valley

· Lincoln museum misspells governor’s name, brochures destroyed, costs unknown.

· The Southtown finally goes bloggy. Whalen writes about the Sox

· Robaugh: “Pulling an Einhorn. From this day forward, that will be the term for mayors who do something dumb, lie to the press about it, then concoct a rationale for the stunt that’s even dumber.”


  1. - Tessa - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 6:17 am:

    Rich, you missed this in the Pantagraph. In response to the CMS audit. DHS is cutting over 200 beds in their DD centers within the next 6 months. Came out in the paper today.

    I found out yesterday. Don’t know where these people are going to go, considering there aren’t that many open beds, there’s no new money in the budget for community placements as far as I can tell and most of the persons served are people community agencies don’t want due to their levels of medical or behavioral issues.

    (Don Moss won’t address this except to say state ops are evil, evil places that shouldn’t exist.) That’s how DHS is going to fix the fact that the dd centers don’t have enough staff, which is why costs have gone up - overtime is costly and since the early retirement I’m not sure any one of them has recovered from it.

    Anyway, thought this was an interesting response from the department to the audit. Again, there wasn’t any money put into this years budget for new beds in the community for these people who are being moved to go to.

  2. - ColMcCormick - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:49 am:

    I don’t wanna be a “hey ya missed dis one” guy…BUT did anyone else notice the Tribune hoopla over an exhbit at the JRTC…key words are at the end of the item…
    “Legislator defends support of Scientology-linked exhibit

    By Bonnie Miller Rubin and Tom Rybarczyk
    Tribune staff reporters
    Published June 16, 2006

    An Illinois state representative who sponsored the return of a controversial Scientology-linked exhibit to the Thompson Center this month says he supported the display because it offered “an alternative perspective on psychotropic drugs.”

    In endorsing the exhibit, which describes psychiatry as a pseudoscience that pushes pills and is similar to Nazism, Rep. Kenneth Dunkin cited the brutal medical research performed by the Nazis as well as the inhumane Tuskegee Syphilis Study, which conducted testing on poor minority sharecroppers.

    “I am not a Scientologist but someone has to give an alternative perspective,” said Dunkin, a North Side Democrat.

    The exhibit, “Destroying Lives: Psychiatry Exposed,” was created by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, founded by the Church of Scientology. IT CLOSED LAST WEEK!….


  3. - Ken Dunkin - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    Thanks for calling out my article Kernel! Yeah, Rich, how come you didn’t mention this article in your morning shorts? Why don’t you like me? Why don’t nobody like me?! I do too get stuff done!

  4. - T. Cruise - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:34 am:

    You guys got a problem with Scientology?

  5. - Niles Township - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:09 am:

    What a waste of public space!

  6. - Phocion - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    Rich, maybe it’s time for a new topic on the Scientology issue - public support for Scientology’s position and the pyschiatric community’s stand on these issues.

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    Automakers and environmentalists actually agreed to support voluntary higher gas mileage incentives!

    But how is cutting Amtrak service going to reduce our addiction to foreign oil?

  8. - Maroon - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 10:30 am:

    When I went to the Lincoln museum back in FEBRUARY, I noticed that Blago’s name was misspelled. Strange that it took so long for someone to do something about it.

  9. - Maroon - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 10:32 am:

    In fact, I made a post about the Blago misspelling right here back on Feb. 14. Read it and weep. You had a story right under your eyes, Rich!

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