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“The headlines are great”

Friday, Jul 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The governor continues with the Junior G-Man schtick.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has said he is investigating Blagojevich’s hiring practices, including whether the system was fixed to favor those with political clout. Recent news reports have also raised questions about the administration’s hiring.

But Blagojevich, speaking to reporters after the ribbon-cutting of a recreational shooting complex, argued that reports of hiring irregularities indicate his administration is rooting out “bad apples.”

“The headlines are great,” Blagojevich said. “They suggest this is an administration that doesn’t tolerate wrongdoing.”

I truly doubt that anyone except hardcore partisans are buying this line. But it could make a great TV ad, the governor’s quote followed by a scroll of headlines. Oops. I forgot. Topinka doesn’t have the money for TV ads yet.

And Krol senses a change in the conventional wisdom.

Suddenly, the conventional political wisdom is leaning more toward the notion that Topinka has momentum on her side without really doing much of anything herself. It’s not tough to see why. She’s running against a guy who promised four years ago to “end business as usual” but who now, if Fitzgerald’s letter is any indication, could soon see major federal indictments befall his administration. Given that Blagojevich follows the soon-to-be-sentenced-for-corruption George Ryan as governor, federal indictments are about as “business as usual” as it gets.

All that remains, the thinking goes, is for Topinka to hammer Blagojevich on that federal probe until the proverbial cows come home. She’s yet to really do that, however, the idea being it’s more prudent to not step on the series of hugely unflattering Blagojevich stories and also perhaps to alleviate the impression she may have left lately that she’s too negative. But the scandal card is one Topinka can play again and again at news conferences, during debates and in TV ads leading up to Nov. 7.

The ads, it would seem, write themselves: video clips of Blagojevich’s pledges to clean up Springfield four years ago contrasted with shots today of Fitzgerald’s letter or maybe even an indictment-announcing news conference, should one take place before decision day.


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:18 am:

    He is going to be singing quite a different tune when the ‘bad apples’ are found to be people very close to him. While George had people that, rightfully or wrongfully, felt bad for him when everything went down, there will be no pity party when Rod implodes. You reap what you sow, and he hasn’t cared about anybody else, and they are going to be more than happy to return the favor.

  2. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    When they start handing out time on these Rico sentences there is going to be so many convicted buddies pointing fingers at him that the feds will have to use those ribbon cutting scissors to get to him.Only an idiot would believe what he is hanging out.

  3. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:31 am:

    There is no reason to start believing that Blagojevich will begin addressing questions honestly, or he will admit to problems. This guy could be on fire but claim he couldn’t be more comfortable.

  4. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:36 am:

    As to Krol’s comments - he is right, but let’s just cover our bases today for the Blagojevich supporters who blog here.

    “Topinka has no plans!” “AccordianGal can’t win because she has no money!” “Topinka refuses to give any details on how she can solve our problems!”

    Krol is right. When you find your ship sinking, you swim to another, whether it is operated by Democrats or Republicans.

  5. - Denby - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    I’d add this — especially after reading the quote Rich references — that Blagojevich’s enthusiam for corruption has begun to take a pitiful turn.

    It’s clear that Blagojevich really believes that his administration — with the exception of the people currently under the bus — is clean as a whistle.

    I’ve never seen anything like this — someone so eager for *more* corruption to expose itself.

  6. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:49 am:

    I can only imagine that Judy is just standing by watching ARod’s administration crashing like a train wreck. It seems every day a new piece of information comes out regarding the corruption in the Governor’s office. Why should she say anything until the wreck comes to a halt?

  7. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    It’s one thing to lie but when you start believing those lies your self.I think they call that self destruct.Thank you VN.

  8. - schroedk - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:57 am:

    As a health-care provider married to another health-care provider and (former) rural health care clinic owner (we had to sell due to extremely late and under-payments by the state), I’ve gone back and forth on basically three options for Blago’s attitude over the last 3 1/2 years. Someone please correct me if I’m somehow mistaken: 1) He believes that every citizen in this state is a complete moron who will buy anything he tells them;
    2) He is completely delusional, and not only does he believe every citizen will believe him, but he truly believes everything he says, too; or
    3) He’s just a complete idiot.

    Which one I believe changes at least weekly.

  9. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:04 am:

    schroedk, you forgot one other 4) It was all George Ryan’s fault.

  10. - Time Wake Up - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    These so-called bad apples are from Blago’s administration.
    Not Ryan’s, Not Edgar’s, Not Thompson’s

  11. - Garp - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:23 am:

    My own mother said that Blago gets a lot of heat because he is so adorable and sometimes good looking people have a hard time because others are jealous.

    After I finished vomiting-I realized what JBT is up against.

  12. - Plainfield - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:27 am:

    Governor Blagojevich and his spin machine consider the media a bunch trained monkeys only there to do as they are told. By them and only them.
    This love affair the media has had with this so-called “reformer” is about to be over !

  13. - pike - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    Gov rod knows he is falling, his view of whats happening doesn’t hold water or pass the smell test. The departments within the state are falling apart. people are singing like birds. law suits are comming out of the woodwork. His only option is to play it up with the hopes that the people of Illinois will buy it.It is the only option that he has at this point. I was at a ballgame in Payson last winter and overheard two guys talking about blago, they both said that they supported blago in the last election and even walked parades for him but would through rocks at him this time. I believe that it’s this simple and this is an indicator that the people of illinois go by, does it hold water, does it pass the smell test, and the answer from the begenning is no, no.
    Judy is holding back for two good reasons, she has no money and every news paper and blog in the state is doing her bidding every day. but she better get ready for the 7th inning stretch.

  14. - Wumpus - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:31 am:

    What’s he thinking?

  15. - One Bad Apple Don't Spoil The Whole Bunch, Girl - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    Blago is all about the 10-second sound bite. He figures the great unwashed and unread only see and hear what’s on the 6PM news, and retain only a portion of that. So if he just sticks to “deny,deny,deny, blame the Other Guy”, he wins.

    But he’s living in a dreamworld. There are too many apples turning up with his wormholes in them. Too many to be coincidence.

    The administration looks more like an apple that is having many little bites taken out of it. Every new headline is another bite, exposing the rotten core within.

  16. - Downstater - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 11:03 am:

    I might have missed it on this blog, but the parallel of the hiring scandal in Chicago and under the Blago administration is obvious. Reducing state employee head count to save money was for the most part a ruse so that he could fill as many positions with political hacks as possible while flying under the radar even if it meant breaking the rules. This is simply old time Chicago politics at the state level. As witnessed in the Daley administration the Feds are on to this big time and the clock is ticking. Blago either knows he is in a lot trouble or is in denial. Attacking Topinka is not going to play out. He and his people will be playing CYA all the way to the election in November.

  17. - B Hicks - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 11:21 am:

    I truly doubt that anyone except hardcore partisans are buying this line.

    In Illinois, does he need anyone other than the hardcore partisans to buy it? It’s not like Illinois is lacking in the area of hardcore Democrats.

  18. - Bubs - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 11:25 am:

    Blago reminds me of the typical guest-star murderer on the old “Columbo” detective shows. In those shows, the killer always started out as fully cooperative with Columbo, and appeared earnestly interested in solving the case. Of course, the real intent was to keep tabs on Columbo and manipulate the case away from the real killer by playing Junior G-Man.

    It won’t work, Rod. Columbo always got them.

  19. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    “They suggest this is an administration that doesn’t tolerate wrongdoing”, said Blagojevich.

    We know for a fact that that line is not true. Mr. Blagojevich should schedule a meeting with Patrick Fitzgerald and tell him everything he knows.

  20. - Anon - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 12:12 pm:

    Where is public outrage that Mr. Cini and others should be fired immediately. How much clearer could it be that Mr. Cini and others have engaged in illegal acts in the performance of their official duties.

    The election and prosecutions be damed, where are the firings Mr. Blagojevich? Oh I forgot, you are too busy hunting down Ryan cronies to find the real Blago bad apples.

  21. - illrino - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    Walking Wounded has it right. Judy is spending the summer laying low; raising what money she can; ignoring the “experts” who want her to lay out all her plans and campaign this summer. Instead, she seeks cash while Rod is skewered daily. In Sept., she takes what little money she has and trots out her ‘platform” which could be “I know Illinois government. I can run it like a grown up. And I’m not Rod.”

  22. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 1:49 pm:

    Don’t hang this on Cini, you’ll find out why soon enough.

  23. - Bluefish - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 2:00 pm:

    BHicks - A lot of lifelong Dems such as myself had had enough of Blago’s BS and will vote for JBT. This state is “blue” but most voters are not completely stupid. I doubt that any independents will go his way either. And despite the claims of rightwing nuts like Roeser, the GOP will turn out for her. The Stroger fiasco in Cook will get enough of the GOP base out there to help swing things her way.

    Anon 1:49 - please give us more…

  24. - FredByrd - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    Rod is saying his office is clean because that is what he believes….and why does he believe that? Because he’s never there….he’s an absentee governor who has put people in charge of this state who are carrying on with business as usual. Rod isn’t smart enough to pull these schemes off…and when he’s in the office, everything his peachy-keen.

  25. - aidanquinn - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 3:17 pm:

    I hope we’re all not happy with the thought of JBT being the next GUV! This possibility and Rod for the last 4 years makes me glad MJM is still the Speaker.

  26. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:03 pm:

    WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS GUY DOING? (and no, I’m not shouting - I’m screaming). He just absolutely amazes me every time he opens his mouth. The BIG problem with Blogo is that this is a new century and he is apparently still living in the 90’s. EVERYTHING he does can be traced electronically. And there are plenty of reporters who have nothing else to do on a slow day but to peruse the State Board of Elections campaign disclosures from the politicians and match them up with jobs that have been paid for. I would give George Ryan a partial bye because of his age and not being of the computer generation but this governor is so out to lunch it is not even worth commenting on. I agree that Judy has the momentum. All she has to do is let Blogo sit back and destroy himself. And there is nothing that Blogo’s “kiddie cabinet” can do to help him. He’s hell bent on doing himself in.

  27. - B Hicks - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:03 pm:

    Well, there you have it.

  28. - taxs man - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:25 pm:

    miss judy had better watch out. lee daniels boy just blew the whisle on him. oh sorry cant say anything bad about a republican cause they do no wrong. HA RIGHT george and lee mit be in the same cell together or maybe judy

  29. - schroedk - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:44 pm:

    taxs man @ 4:25, that has got to be one of the most incoherent posts I have ever read. I had to read it about 5 times to make even a little bit of sense of what your point is.

  30. - Bubs - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:49 pm:

    It will be such a relief when George starts his sentence. He will be unable to cause further corruption in the Blagojevich Administration.

    As a matter of fact, I heard George was causing corruption in the Blagojevich Administration by notes, cell phone calls, and even hand signals during his trial!

    I even heard that George was employing used dental x-ray equipment to send “mind control beams” at Blagojevich Administration employees to MAKE them engage in corruption!

    See? It’s ALL George! It will be such a relief to the Governor, I’m certain.

  31. - Ol' Dad - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 4:52 pm:

    Hang in there, B Hicks. We know Original Bill and Reddbyrd have left you by yourself, and “taxs man” needs to get back to the ward right away and won’t be able to lend you a hand. Quite a few of us once felt the same way you do about Blago; we just wised up a little sooner.

    There, you have it.

  32. - El Conquistador - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 5:18 pm:

    I can only hope they reveal the hundreds of “intern” positions filled that resulted in circumventing hiring rules, Vet pref for unqualified applicants, sequential promotion and raises, and ridiculous transfers to equivalent positions with raises for the annoited. Also, it would interesting to see travel expenses for all the people that refused to move to where the actual job is located so they could remain in Chicago.

  33. - Minion - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 5:20 pm:

    I am starting to wonder if the guy can honestly tell rhetoric from reality anymore. I don’t think he can.

  34. - Ty - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 5:29 pm:

    Its clear the spinners have nothing left to throw at the public…bring on Blagogate!

  35. - state worker #1 - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 7:11 pm:

    Comment #1
    “Flood said he doesn’t understand the “uproar” over the hiring….. “ Sam Flood GAVE his girlfriend a TM V job at IDOT in Land Acquisition. Within a couple of months, the Bureau Chief of Land Acquisition was fired. Todd was a very well liked, professional engineer with over 20 years with the Department. Sam Flood’s girlfriend was promoted to the position and the title was changed over to a TM VI. Did I forget to mention that his girlfriend only had a GED with no LA experience? Also, Sam Flood’s son has been GIVEN various state positions within the state without benefit of experience.

    Comment #2
    “The headlines are great,” Blagojevich said. “They suggest this is an administration that doesn’t tolerate wrongdoing.” What land is he living in? Is he smoking something or what? The headlines suggest they are closing in on you.

  36. - good ol' country boy - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 8:03 pm:

    It’s all smoke and mirrors state worker #1, he’s trying the old “say it enough, and people will believe it,” trick, but it will not work. I being a state employee, once in the big city, have seen enough, I could vomit. This administration is self distructing around itself, most are just doing what they are told,others are head hunting, old SPSA and PSA’s. They are trying to create room for their people, which is understandable to a certain degree, but you don’t have to mess with people’s lives, and their job. The old do more with less is sickening, nobody gets pay rasises, unless your on the in, then they sneak salary grade adjustments in. I am sure rear ends are puckering and will continue to do so, there is one safe bet “There is no honor amoung thieves, and they will get theirs.” I just hope they don’t try and push it off on the little guys again,like they have in the pass. Hey Feds and Reporters, keep digging, the crimes are out there.

  37. - S. Illinois - Friday, Jul 7, 06 @ 9:30 pm:

    Still giggling that someone is using the nick “El Conquistador.”

    You know, Mr. Conquistador, Gov. Blagojevich must be a marsupial. No wait…he scares me because he’s SLOW! :)

  38. - Jechislo - Saturday, Jul 8, 06 @ 12:01 am:

    Blago reminds me so much of Bill Clinton it’s just plain freaking scary.

  39. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 8, 06 @ 8:43 am:

    The people on this blog who hate Blago so much should just stop working for the state then, and go find a job in the private sector.

    All the whining and loathing on here is all coming from an angry state worker vacuum. Regular people out there have better things to do than listen to all the bitter attacks. One just doesn’t see this hatred for Blago among regular people with real jobs. I think most people are saying the state’s doing pretty well. Just like President Bush noted yesterday.

  40. - paper bag over my head - Saturday, Jul 8, 06 @ 12:01 pm:

    I am a regular person in the private sector and trust me anonymous, there are thousands of people in my area who hate Blago and none of them work for the state.

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