Late afternoon funnies
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · “The Messiah” visits Metropolis and engages in a little “Do as I say, not as I do” schtick. [Emphasis added, “Messiah” reference explained here.] Illinois Senator Barack Obama warns citizens at his 50th Town Hall meeting about gas guzzling. It was among many points made to the standing room only audience at the Metropolis Community Center. Obama spoke on everything from DC politics to global warming. He says part of the blame for the world’s higher temperatures rests on gas guzzling vehicles. Obama says consumers can make the difference by switching to higher mileage hybrids. Today the Senator said, “It would save more energy, do more for the environment and create better world security than all the drilling we could do in Alaska.” · As I noted in Morning Shorts today, Phil Hare’s new website is up and running, if somewhat content-free. But a commenter pointed out that Phil’s photo on the front page is a bit bizarre. I really do like Phil, but he absolutely must get a new web consultant. Just look at this monstrosity of a graphic: ![]() · Birkett fundraising event features a skit with two (count ‘em) public displays of man-on-man affection. But a conservative commenter thought it was the funniest part of the show. I’m not sure which point amuses me more. [OK, she said most memorable, not funniest. That makes more sense.] · Flashback. This week, the governor compared himself to Abraham Lincoln. Last year, he compared his fight against violent video games to the push for child labor laws a century ago. · UPDATE: Oops. Almost forgot my favorite funny during the past couple of days. From The Daley Show:
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 3:40 pm:
Easy on Phil’s pic there, Rich. The photo was taken while he was 1/4 of the way through a decapitation. Don’t be jumping to ridiculous conclusions on your little jump-to-conclusions mat. The web consultant is just fine….
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 3:42 pm:
Rich, let’s start a fundraiser to:
“Buy Phil a Tie!”
“Buy Phil a Tie!”
“Buy Phil a Tie!”
“Buy Phil a Tie!”
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 3:43 pm:
Also, I guess the SUV is for Obama’s entourage, since he can levitate and all.
- Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 3:52 pm:
I love it when GRod compares himself to Lincoln. I will admit though, GRod appears to come up short in many aspects compared to Old Abe.
- Fran Eaton - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 3:59 pm:
Hey Rich,
Thanks for the attention, but I said the kiss was “memorable,” not the funniest. . .
- Tom - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 4:09 pm:
“Peasants, banish thine SUVs. You are ruining the planet. I, on the other hand, am a VIP so my exhaust doesn’t stink.”
- Lee - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 4:16 pm:
Obama the hypocrite. People want to like him, but slooowly they will see the real Obama. He did nothing of significance while in the State Senate and nothing of significance while in the US Senate. All show and no substance.
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 4:18 pm:
But Lee, how many average people really pay attention to Obama or any other politician for that matter? The people love him, and they will always love him until something big happens.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 4:56 pm:
I love the story of the National Guard. Perhaps Illinois residents will now understand that we have become the laughing stock of the country.
- HANKSTER - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 5:06 pm:
Obama has the exact opposite problem as Bush did in 2000. Noone expected anything from Bush and everyone expects everything from Obama. The hype that has been created about him is unfair for any senator, especially a freshman senator, to live up to.
I would also say to Lee to name things of “significance” that any Senator after 4 years has done. I would say the money he has brought back to Illinois is not insignificant.
- NoGiftsPlease - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 5:47 pm:
My daughter can do an excellent job with her telephone camera. She’s 11 years old….you should see her web page!
- values matter - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 5:51 pm:
Obama story reminds me of the recent press event with State Rep. Mike Boland and Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn. After touting the evils of gas-guzzling cars, Boland stepped back into big blue gas-guzzling Cadillac. QC media had a field day.
Better advance work is suggested in both cases.
- anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 5:59 pm:
I wonder which direction the wind was blowing on Senator O “I can’t make my own decisions” bama trip to the south.
The direction of the wind has more to do with his stance on alot of issues than Obama’s personal convictions.
- tubbfan - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 7:09 pm:
Check out this photo of the “Messiah” in today’s Southern Illinoisan:
Yikes! He’s definitely a lefty, but doesn’t know how to hold a bat.
- tubbfan - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 7:09 pm:
C’mon, Rich! That photo of the “Messiah” should be your next caption contest.
- Greedo - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 7:17 pm:
How would you have prefered Obama leave the rally? By waiting for the bus? Get real people, Obama and his staff have practical needs.
- Still Anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 8:48 pm:
On the other hand, I seem to recall that there are photos of Hastert leaving the scene in an energy efficient vehicle and being driven around the corner to transfer into his Suburban. . .
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 8:50 pm:
It is fine, Greedo, if he wants to drive an SUV. But it is quite another to tell people to not drive SUVs and then leave the event in an SUV… quite hypocritical, don’t ya think?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 9:16 pm:
It’s about time Obama had a bad news day. He certainly was due.
I thought the picture in the Southern this morning was funny, but him standing in front of the Superman statue in Metropolis that’s on the Drudge Report tonight is hilarious.
Stare at the photo and hum the theme song to Superman. If that doesn’t bring a grin to your face then your funny bone’s been disconnected.
- JohnR - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 9:20 pm:
At least he was carpooling….
- Anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 9:48 pm:
Obama is right on target, but he needs to switch to a hybrid vehicle to help get the message across to Detroit. Many people want to drive fuel efficient vehicles, but U.S. automakers insists on building more muscle cars. Buying a SUV supports corrupt Middle Eastern countries that indirectly support terrorism. We need cars that run on batteries or fuel cells. Let’s getting working on the problem before Japan or Germany beat us to the punch.
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 10:45 pm:
Agreed, Anon 9:48, but he isn’t driving a hybrid!!! It would not have been hypocritical if he were!!! If he thinks he is so right on target, why isn’t he doing what he is saying?!
- Squideshi - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 10:49 pm:
Obama was in Southern Illinois AND talking about the environment? I guess Blagojevich’s baseball stadium didn’t do the trick. It looks like Rich Whitney is having an impact on this race after all.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 10:59 pm:
Why didn’t he just walk up the IL River back to Chicago?
- NW Burbs - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 1:08 am:
There’s no love lost between M-Madigan and Obama. Obama’s funding local state lege candidates with IOUs so Madigan doesn’t pull state party money out from under them before the election. Madigan doesn’t take too kindly to anyone touching “his money”; even by IOU.
- Donald - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 7:46 am:
I like Obama but there is hypocricy there
Natalie Portman drives a Prius
- Effingham - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 8:41 am:
It’s amazing to me that Obama and Durbin voted against the ANWR Drilling, and yet here in South Central Illinois we have oil wells that are within a quarter mile of hog operations, food processing plants, and even junior colleges.
I would think tht if the danger of drilling in Alaska were so horrible, our great Senators would be railing against the oil wells throughout their own great state.
It seems that they care more for the wildlife in the tundra of Alaska than the voters of Illinois.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 8:47 am:
Unsuprising about The Messiah telling folks to save energy while he gets whisked away in an SUV. One query-was Alexi the chauffeur?
- BuckTurgidson - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 9:39 am:
“I wonder which direction the wind was blowing on Senator O “I can’t make my own decisions†bama trip to the south.”
You obviously know absolutely nothing about him.
And Effingham, we have no idea how much or how little oil is in ANWR, but we certainly know there is no shortage of red herring. Republican politicians and their toadies have been mining it for years.
- Effingham - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 9:58 am:
You said “we have no idea how much or how little oil is in ANWR”. The same was said of Illinos, Texas and the Middle East before oil was discovered.
In fact, the desire to drill there is because of the studies that indicate an oil field which exceeds the current North Slope.
In any event, you’re missing my point. Obama won’t allow us to drill in ANWR (to save the environment) yet he’ll sit idly by while we are drilling new oil wells across Southern Illinois.
Did you know one of the most successful oil wells in recent years is drilled in one of Illinois’ State Parks. I wonder why we don’t here Obama and Durbin complaining about that. Talk about your red herrings.
- Squideshi - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 10:23 am:
Michael Madigan, and “his” money, are a threat to democracy in Illinois.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 17, 06 @ 10:28 am:
Why give Alaska a taxpayer boondoggle when Illinois farmers and oil drillers benefit from higher oil prices that discourage our foreign oil addiction?
Hopefully, Obama was driving a flex-fuel vehicle powered by E-85 ethanol. If he needs a hybrid SUV, Ford has one. Maybe the Envoy is made in Illinois?