Lisa and neutrality
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
[Bumped up because it was posted so late yesterday]
I missed this story when it came out in early February, but the Lisa Madigan campaign insists it existed and sent me a copy of it today. From the Daily Southtown (no link yet).
To avoid a potential conflict of interest, Attorney General Lisa Madigan will not endorse Gov. Rod Blagojevich for re-election. […]
“I will be taking no position in the governor’s race because of the ongoing investigation. It’s really common sense,” she said Friday. “The decision has no relationship to the specifics of any investigation. As prosecutors, we shouldn’t make endorsements of elected officials under investigation by the same office.”
The Blagojevich campaign spokesman said he was not surprised by Madigan’s stance.
“We know as attorney general she has certain responsibilities and obligations that prevent her from endorsing, and we support it,” Blagojevich campaign spokesman Doug Scofield said. “We think it’s the right thing for her and her office, given her position” […]
“The issue to endorse or not endorse has not come up,” Gorman said when asked whether Devine would back Blagojevich’s re-election effort. “He’s taken no position thus far.”
- Concerned Voter - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:12 pm:
Decision to not endorse Blago, conflict of interest or she knows how much bad stuff awaits and she doesn’t want to be in any way associated with Blago, the man who hides behind his kids when the questions get tough. YOU MAKE THE CALL!
- Ashur Odishoo - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:13 pm:
This is like the Monty Python skit “Run Away”. I can see Lisa Madigan running away on a fake broomstick horse and her father hitting 2 coconut halves together to sound like a legit horse while shouting “run away, run away.”
Ashur Odishoo
State Representative 11th District
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:30 pm:
Dick Devine impugning Blagojevich’s integrity!? Isn’t that special?
Devine is one of the few Dems lower on the sleaze ladder than Blagojevich IMO.
Dick Devine doesn’t have the courage to investigate Blagojevich or any other corrupt pols with even a small amount of local clout. Devine is full of it to claim otherwise.
- reddbyrd - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:40 pm:
sounds like another reasoned decision to me.
- Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:58 pm:
Has she taken any public position on the other Democratic candidates for statewide office, particularly the candidate for Treasurer?
- Loop Lady - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 5:06 pm:
BIG mistake Rod with the kid shield at the fair, a really a low class thing to do…can’t wait until Dem Day to see who is on the stage with Blago, he’s becoming SO radioactive…Lisa is looking out for her future, don’t all polticos?
- Captain America - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 5:11 pm:
I had already heard through the grapevine that Lisa was not endorsing Rod’s reelection. I think that Lisa positioned herself perfectly by releasing the Fitzgerald letter.
Given all the grief that Democrats gave Jim Ryan for not acting more decisively on George Ryan’s corruption, and the general grief that Rod is giving to Topinka for her polka with George Ryan etc.., I think Lisa’s position is logical, prudent, and appropriate.
It’s common knowledge that Lisa and Rod haven’t liked each other since the 2002 campaign.
Personally,i believe that Lisa Madigan has been the best attorney general that Illinois has had in recent memory - a genuine people’s advocate.
Although I am a big Dan Hynes supporter, I am assuming that Lisa Madigan will become our next elected governor in 2011, and that Dan will become Secretary of State that same year.