Morning shorts
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · “Illinois has promised National Guard troops to border states fighting illegal immigration, Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s office said Monday.” · Ald. Coleman to switch big-box vote if Daley wants · First lady helps Roskam at $225,000 fundraiser · Quinn: State can help buy defibrillators · Phil Hare’s new website is finally up and, almost, running. Not a lot of content yet. · Topinka to lead a week-long caravan from Springfield to Wheaton. · Editorial: Foie gras follies · Oak Park protesters may rebuff taxes in buff
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 9:24 am:
Goose Liver rolls down hill - now Ald. Shirley Coleman announces that she will support Mayor Daley’s veto of the Joe Moore’s Goose II follies.
The Veto Proof Vote - Vote proof Veto? Fart smellers or Smart Fellers? Spooner in Chicago!
- Gregor - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 9:39 am:
I think it’s important the states retain command of their own Guards overall. This move looks like yet another overreaching attemp by the Bush administration to seize even more power in the name of holy ’security’. Instead of removing state controls, they could concentrate on better communication and coordination with the states, and get the same results without compromising state rights.
- Thom Yorke - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 2:35 pm:
Anyone else creeped out by the severed head look on Phil Hare’s website?
- Tom - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 4:18 pm:
Ald. Coleman has such weak convictions that she would switch her vote if Daley told her to. Several other aldermen (Matlak, Cardenas, Solis) would do the same. They would pant and beg for treats if Daley ordered them to. Pick a side and change your mind only based on principles. This weak-minded aldermanic mindset is what allows corruption to fester at City Hall.