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Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller ![]()
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Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Third party survives, not voted off the island - UPDATED x1
Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Here’s an important story that I missed.
As I’ve said before, it’s time to take this Rich Whitney guy and the rest of the state slate seriously. If nothing else, pollsters need to find out what impact they could have on the race. And now that they’ve survived an intense ballot challenge, they ought to be included in the debates. UPDATE: From a Whitney press release about the governor’s energy proposal. “Rod Blagojevich promised in 2002 that he would push sustainable energy sources like bio-diesel and wind power - and yet only two-tenths of one percent of our State’s energy needs are now being provided by such sources. In fact, he raided the Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund for $9.5 million and the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund for $3 million, to put into the general fund, so that he can continue to brag that he (supposedly) balanced the budget without raising taxes. So I think Illinois voters are justified in being a bit skeptical over the latest round of grandiose promises.”
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I have to finish up some things, but I’ll blog a little more later this morning or early afternoon. Meanwhile, here’s the setup: Making voters produce a picture ID before they can cast a vote is not designed to pick on minorities, according to a veteran Illinois legislator. And the question: Do you agree or disagree with Rep. Stephens’ proposal? Why or why not?
Topinka plan round-up - UPDATED x3
Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller This is the sort of thing that I like most about Topinka. “Is it great? Probably not. Is it the very best in the world? Probably not,” Topinka said, describing her plan to the Sun-Times editorial board. “But it does the job. It’s practical.” And this is the sort of thing that I like least about Gov. Blagojevich: The Blagojevich campaign also immediately pointed out via an online ad that Topinka was flip-flopping on gambling, citing her previous comments that relying on more gambling to balance the state budget was a bad path to take. Sen. Link makes a good point: The plan does not contain new casinos, which allows Topinka to claim she’s not expanding gambling. But that absence also makes it tough to get the idea through the Senate. And the Tribune editorial board lays down the gauntlet. The initial response Wednesday from Team Blagojevich wasn’t encouraging. The governor’s campaign sharpshooters immediately issued pages of rhetoric intended to discredit this or that line item of Topinka’s four-year financial plan for resolving Illinois’ bleak plight. UPDATE: Something I forgot to mention today was that Sen. Steve Rauschenberger is handling the detailed budget questions for the Topinka campaign, which may seem a little odd considering Rauschenberger’s harsh comments about Topinka last year. I just talked to Steve and he has agreed to write a detailed response to Budget Director John Filan’s claim that the JBT proposal would produce a $5.7 billion annual deficit. Hopefully, I’ll be able to post it tomorrow morning. Director Filan will, of course, be offered the opportunity to respond. The resulting back and forth may bore some of you, but the idea is to move beyond the pimpy little digs and get to the heart of the matter. UPDATE 2: Bill Brady State Sen. Bill Brady, a conservative GOP member who ran against the moderate Topinka in the March primary, said he’s pleased that the proposal doesn’t raise taxes. UPDATE 3: Missed this one. Reaction among lawmakers who will have to vote for it if Topinka beats Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich in November was tepid.
Morning shorts
Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · “More questions than answers filled a Capitol hearing Wednesday on whether the state should sell or lease the tollway — and how exactly it might go about doing so.” · Roskam focuses on tax cuts · Duckworth gets backing of big education unions · ComEd employees air dirty laundry · ‘All Kids’ display gets snub at LCHS · Everyone, it seems, wants to jump on the downstate bandwagon · Republican bus tour stops in Olney · Richards: Pols focus on the frills, not the bills · The Illinois State Board of Education tapped Christopher Koch, the agency’s assistant superintendent for special education, as interim school superintendent to take over when Randy Dunn leaves in December. · Still more problems with the Museum of Broadcast Communications · Four debates slated in 8th District race