Thompson resigns
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Maybe now he’ll go to work full time for the Blagojevich campaign. Former Gov. James R. Thompson is resigning as chairman of law firm Winston & Strawn LLP. I was just kidding at the top of this post, of course.
On the bus
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up because the post was getting lonely underneath that mountain of budget stuff.] Unlike our last installment, this only looks like satire. Rutherford high-fived all the candidates, then, realizing he failed to introduce Tazewell County State’s Attorney Stu Umholtz, the candidate for attorney general, rushed back to the podium and startled Umholtz by saying, “On your feet. Stu Umholtz.” ![]()
This just in… Topinka to unveil budget plan - UPDATED x19 (Most intriguing update so far: Daley has kind words for JBT casino plan)
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Here’s a few highlights of Topinka’s budget proposal which will be unveiled soon. Check back for more updates. Chicago casino - 3,000 slots. [Full JBT press release is here… Blagojevich campaign official response is here - both are “pdf” files] UPDATE:Tribune: Topinka contended her plan would not be an expansion of gambling, largely opposed by her fellow Republicans, because it would use the state’s only unused casino license for Chicago. […] UPDATE 2: Topinka press release: Other highlights of the plan include: I’ll post the full release in a few minutes. There’s quite a bit more. UPDATE 3: I have posted the press release as a .pdf file UPDATE 4: Crain’s: One local civic leader, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce CEO Gerald Roper, said he is “very, very positive†on the proposal for a Chicago casino. The chamber for years has pushed for a Chicago casino as a boost to the city’s convention and tourism business. Shouldn’t the governor have a campaign person respond to a campaign proposal, or did Filan leave state employment for a campaign job without telling us? [Hat tip to a commenter.] UPDATE 5: The AP has a small placeholder story posted here. You can probably check that link in ten or fifteen minutes for the full story. UPDATE 6: The AP piece is slightly longer now: Topinka, currently the state treasurer, acknowledged that she has not been a proponent of gaming in the past. UPDATE 7: More from the AP: Topinka said she had discussed her proposal with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and he reacted “reasonably well,” but wanted to look at the plan further. UPDATE 8: I’ll be on WYLL Radio with Dan Proft starting at about 3:20 to talk about this and other developments. You can listen on the Internet here. UPDATE 9: Daily Herald: The level of detail in Topinka’s four-year budget proposal was unusual for a governor’s campaign, but also required her to flip-flop on her previous opposition to gambling as a panacea for the state’s financial woes. It was a change in position Topinka acknowledged she was “not excited about” making. UPDATE 10: Tier One targeted Republican state Sen. Cheryl Axley comes out in support, suggesting JBT may have done her homework with the leaders on at least the suburban races. From a press release: State Senator Cheryl Axley (R- Mt. Prospect) is applauding Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Judy Baar Topinka’s newly unveiled education and budget plan that would freeze suburban property taxes for two years, while providing more funds for school construction and classrooms. UPDATE 11: Topinka’s response to an anti-gambling group shows this was probably in the works for some time. There are no explicit mentions of a Chicago casino. UPDATE 12: This excerpt from an e-mail I just received from a Blagojevich person likely gives us a preview of Filan’s statement. …her proposals would do nothing more than gut health care, expand the size of government and add billions in unfunded new spending to our budget. We’re talking in the neighborhood of a 5 billion annual deficit — and maybe more. UPDATE 13: The Blagojevich campaign already has an Internet ad up on the issue. Click the image to go straight to the .mov format ad. [Hat tip to a commenter.] ![]()
UPDATE 14: Hizzoner is staying neutral on the two competing plans. That’s hugely good news for Topinka. If he had rejected it out of hand, she would’ve been sunk before she got out of the harbor. Apparently, the meeting between Topinka and Daley went better than she has admitted. More later. CBS2: Daley is not taking a position on Topinka’s proposal to put a land-based casino in the city. UPDATE 15: I asked the governor’s campaign spokesperson, Sheila Nix, whether the governor still opposes a Chicago casino. Her answer? “Yes.” UPDATE 16: Statement from Illinois Republican Party Executive Director John Tsarpalas: “It’s troubling that Governor Blagojevich’s Budget Director, who is paid with taxpayer dollars, is standing up to react to the campaign announcement of Republican candidate for Governor Judy Baar Topinka. If the Blagojevich campaign wants to react to Judy’s plan, they should use the millions in ‘pay-to-play’ money collected in their campaign fund to pay for it. John Filan should tell taxpayers whether he is on leave from the Governor’s office or being paid with taxpayer dollars.” UPDATE 17: E-mail from the Blagojevich campaign: Filan told everyone there that he was taking a vacation day so JBT’s campaign knows that — there is no question about taxpayer dollars. Also, since JBT’s announcement was about the budget, it makes sense to have someone who really understands the numbers and process give an opinion on its credibility. UPDATE 18: CBS2 has posted a viewer poll UPDATE 19: Blagojevich press release (Or download a pdf file here): …State Budget Director John Filan, detailed why her numbers didn’t add up.
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Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Is rhetoric like this too over the top or is it fine for August when Topinka can provide a little red meat for the base? “This man has driven this state into such hole and we have to dig it out now,” Topinka said Tuesday from the Double Tree Hotel. “We haven’t had hurricanes or tsunamis like some states. We’ve had our own disaster. We had Rod Blagojevich, and that’s just finished us.” […]
Send in the clowns
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The former patronage honcho for Cook County government didn’t exactly get the boot this week. In fact, nobody seems to know what his new job is. Monday, new county board president Bobbie Steele was at a loss to explain what Gerald Nichols does other than act as the godfather of good jobs, so she gave him the boot. It turns out he went from one unexplainable county job to another.
Alternate universe
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller You know how you hear the complaint from voters that the Republicans and the Democrats are basically alike? Well, here’s some evidence from our neighboring state of Indiana. House and Senate Democrats have been calling for immediate relief from high gasoline prices as an addition to energy proposals. Sound familiar? The Illinois Republicans are demanding the same thing. The party in power won’t cut the tax because they don’t want to give up the revenues. The minority parties in both Illinois and Indiana know this but continue with the harangue because it sounds good to voters, who are fed up with incumbents. Still, it does sometimes feel like we live in an alternate universe here in Illinois. For instance, I chuckle every time I read a comment from an obviously partisan Republican blasting Gov. Blagojevich for allowing the budget situation to get out of hand. Not a word has been uttered by those same people about the national budget situation. And, by the way, I have yet to see any Republican plan here in Illinois (or Democratic plan in Indiana) to either replace the lost tax revenue from a reduction in the sales tax on gasoline or provide for budget cuts to offset the impact. UPDATE: Topinka has now proposed funding for her idea.
Morning shorts
Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Here’s a way to kill some time: Try to find the word “Republican” on Congressman Mark Kirk’s campaign website. Mentions of the word in news stories posted on the site don’t count. · Mayor Daley mocks an ordinance that he didn’t veto · Dueling reports on charter schools suggest that Chicago’s are outperforming neighborhood schools, while charter-elementary-school students nationally are lagging behind their peers in traditional public schools. · While Topinka and her ticket tour the state, the governor’s office has been running a statewide All Kids tour · Daley sees no problem with Sorich’s fundraiser · Alexi Giannoulias wants to auction unclaimed property on eBay. From a press release: Instead of conducting an annual live auction that lasts only a few hours and attracts a limited number of people, Illinois can hold several online auctions during the year that will attract a worldwide audience. · Contract talks resume in Sheridan prison strike