He belongs to everyone, now *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Our old buddy Tim Nieukirk was interviewed by CBS2 today. Click the pic for the report. Meanwhile, Nieukirk’s recently energized campaign has posted two new videos. * “Your baby tastes horrible” * The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Join hands, y’all, let’s all Get Nieuked. See all of Nieukirk’s “campaign ads” here. His MySpace page is here. And you can buy Get Nieuked gear here. The nets or CNN need to step in and take this thing to the next level. *** UPDATE *** Well, that was fast. From comments: “Brit Hume just ran the clip ‘in bed with yer sister’ on FOX news.” The perfect fit here would be The Daily Show. ![]()
- North of I-80 - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 6:45 pm:
Brit Hume just ran the clip ‘in bed with yer sister’ on FOX news.
- sad - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 6:58 pm:
Although Mr. Blagojevich makes me sad, something about these videos… one part John Waters (someone to replace the late Edith Massey?) mized with just a smidge of Frank Capra (”Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” on crack) that just makes me giggle like a twelve-year-old school kid.
- Walking Wounded - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:06 pm:
Sad, dear….were you ever to wash all that Blagojevich off your hands?
I enjoy getting “Nieuked”, it makes me chuckle, too.
- Snark - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:21 pm:
These new ones aren’t as good. I think he climaxed with “your sister”.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:26 pm:
C’mon Snark, that new theme song is a classic along the lines of Stairway to Heaven.
- kimsch - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:39 pm:
I saw that on Brit Hume as well. You can catch it again at approximately 11:56 pm on the re broadcast that starts at 11:00.
- leigh - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:41 pm:
Finally, something to smile about this political season.
- sad - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 7:58 pm:
Thanks for asking WW…nope, I’m still washing my hands from the Blagojevich…Blagojevich is like ring around the collar. You try rubbing him out and scrubbing him out and he just runs more commercials…paid for with ill-gotten gains and keeping a comfy cushion in the polls.
I will tell a story though to keep you interested in my hand washing…the web banner Mr. Rich Miller runs (brass rail, third floor) it was my job to polish that rail a long time ago. I voted for Mr. Bagojevich four years ago because I thought he was going to be the kind of Governor who would make that brass rail shine, except maybe for the fingerprints of innocent school kids, but who would complain about that? Finally, an honest politician, almost a JFK type of guy, with guts enough to say, “Good-bye lobby-boys with your foul, no-good, filthy, greasy hands reaching for the brass rail. It is the dawn of a brand new day in the corruption-free State of Illinois.” Millions of dollars in campaign contributions and countless investigations reveal he is no JFK, he is closer to KFC, just another greasy Illinois politician. Mr. Blagojevich fooled me…once and only once.
Does that help explain my fixation with clean hands?
- Snark - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 8:14 pm:
Rich I gave the song another listen and I have to tell you, I still think he climaxed with … ah, nevermind, I’ve beaten this joke to death.
- In the Land of Silos and Cows - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 9:03 pm:
JFK? …JFK? …Is you head in the clouds about what is real and what is perceived is real … … JFK?
- Tessa - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 9:31 pm:
I’ve been sending links to Nieuks myspace page and youtube stuff to everyone I can think of. Partly for the humor he has given me the past few weeks and partly just to share him with the others that I know who are just fed up with this election and who we have to choose from.
Tim, we needed you sooner.
And Rich, how do we get him connected to the Daily Show?
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 10:09 pm:
Whatever… his stuff isn’t that good.
- Shelbyville - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 10:23 pm:
At least HE would know what the Daily Show is.
- Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 10:24 pm:
I didn’t realize Brad Tusk was “just observing.”
- anon - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 11:28 pm:
Tim is going to be a great gov. His campaign reminds me of our own great, south side hope for governor in 1998: Peter Dale (also known as Peter Krause and it might have been 1994). Pete ran a write in campaign similar to Tim’s but he was limited to taking out ads in local newspapers. Their resumes are strikingly similar and I bet they are the only ones to ever list paperboy as prominently in their resume as they have both done. I am digging through the crap that I never throw out now and hopefully will find one of his ads. I also knew Peter personally and professionally (he ran a moving business that he planned to expand internationally and started out by taking out over $10,000 in yellow page ads, on which he probably still owes Illinois Bell). Peter was older, married and had kids but his plan for Illinois carried the same message then as Tim Nieukirks does now. I will also try to track him down to see if he can offer any political advice to Tim the same as Jim Edgar is doing for JBT.
I bet Pat Hickey remebers Peter. But I believe he may have been a Mendel guy.
- Establishment Republican - Tuesday, Oct 31, 06 @ 11:33 pm:
I might consider writing him in for Attorney General.
- Squideshi - Wednesday, Nov 1, 06 @ 7:43 am:
This is outrageous. CBS2 Chicago excludes Rich Whitney, a ballot qualified candiate polling in the double digits, from their Straight 2 The Issues segment, airing between now and election day; but they interview Nieukirk? What bias.
- Nieukirkshi - Wednesday, Nov 1, 06 @ 9:14 am:
That’s true Squideshi, Whitney has just as much of a chance of winning as Nieukirk does. Those two should have equal time on CBS2.
- Diversity of Thought - Wednesday, Nov 1, 06 @ 9:57 am:
By your logic Topinka has just as much chance of winning as Nieukirk does.
His ads are funny. I’m in Chicago, and I see the negative TV ads non-stop. Some of them are worse than Nieukirks. Melissa Bean is a Nancy Pelosi wannabee? Someone was on a real bender when they came up with that one. Peter Roskam, the crying librarian, and banning Dr. Seuss? Just awful. I have thought to myself several times, I could pull a better TV commercial out of my a**. What I like about Niekirk is that he actually has. They might be amateurish and immature, but they’re great.
But Squideshi is right to be upset by the fact that they haven’t done a single piece on Whitney. It’s nice and satisfying to make fun of the system, but when a real alternative comes along, they black him out.