Don’t forget Illinoize
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ll keep comments open this weekend, but you really should head over to Illinoize. Bridget Dooley, one of my favorites, just signed on as our newest blogger.
Fresh Levine thread
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Here’s something to consider… Only in Illinois could a governor and his confederates claim that a guilty plea somehow exonerates him, even though the plea completely reinforces the notion that his administration was rife with corruption. Discuss. [Comments are now closed. Go here for an even fresher thread.]
Levine *** Updated x18 ***
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller *** Very Important Update: The US Attorney’s office has issued a “correction” to the Levine guilty plea. In “Update 11″ below, Individual B should read “Individual E.” So, it’s not Kelly. ***
No bombshells against the governor are expected in today’s plea. However, Blagojevich might show up as an unnamed official who wasn’t necessarily tied to a criminal act, sources said. […] Essentially a rehash of the Cari plea? * Check here for the press release. It’s not there yet, but will likely be posted on that page as soon as it’s distributed, or shortly thereafter. * Yes, I’m still alive. It shouldn’t be much longer now. *** UPDATE *** AP: Millionaire campaign contributor Stuart Levine pleads guilty to two counts of mail fraud and money laundering. *** UPDATE 2 *** Doesn’t appear to be much new in here yet, according to people who have read it. No names. $1.5 million to campaign fund mentioned (as with the Rezko indictment). *** UPDATE 3 *** The Tribune’s story is now up, but it appears to have been written before the hearing. *** UPDATE 4 *** From a reporter friend who has read the plea: “I can’t see anything new here…” But, Levine was originally “facing life and now he’s looking at 67 months.” In other words, he appears to be cooperating in a major way. *** UPDATE 5 *** Download the plea right here. [pdf file] *** UPDATE 6 *** “With respect to Count One, beginning no later than in and about the spring of 2003 and continuing through at least in or about July 2004, in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, and elsewhere, Defendant, Antoin “Tony†Rezko (“Rezkoâ€), Joseph Cari, Steven Loren, Jacob Kiferbaum, Individual A, and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, devised and intended to devise, and participated in, a scheme and artifice to defraud the beneficiaries of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois” *** UPDATE 7 *** If Individual A is Bill Cellini and Individual B is Chris Kelly (as they allegedly were in the Rezko indictment), then this next part shows Cellini either had some significant pull within the Blagojevich administration or some good sources:
*** UPDATE 8 *** Reading these things can be maddening sometimes, but this is interesting. A “local public official.”
*** UPDATE 9 *** As before:
*** UPDATE 10 ***
*** UPDATE 12 *** From the Daily Herald this week:
*** UPDATE 13*** WARNING: I don’t want to see any idle speculation in comments about who the “local official” might be. Go somewhere else if you can’t contain yourself. Let the reporters do their jobs. Be patient. And, please, don’t call me with this stuff either. I’m kinda busy at the moment. One last thing: A legislator is almost definitely not a “local official.” *** UPDATE 14 *** Statement from the governor’s campaign office:
*** UPDATE 15 *** From Tony Peraica’s campaign:
The Teachers Retirement System response is here. *** UPDATE 16 *** “Yellow Dog Democrat” made this point in comments: Those indicted and implicated are all friends, appointees, employees, major campaign contributors, or political allies of Governor Blagojevich. *** UPDATE 17 *** Archpundit: I’d say that pretty much puts the lights out on the Topinka campaign unless she has some magic tactic she hasn’t used yet. *** UPDATE 18 *** The Daily Herald published this handy guide after the Rezko indictment: Individual: Let’s close comments now and move it to another thread.
Dan Rutherford’s new TV ad
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Levine update
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The hearing is at one o’clock, so check back after lunch.
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Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m assuming we’re gonna get distracted later today if the Stu Levine hearing happens as planned, so let’s go for something light today while we wait. Just a small percentage of you watch the YouTube clips that I post. The same goes for most sites that have the clips. Reasons? *** UPDATE *** Speaking of YouTube, our buddy Tim Nieukirk has another new “campaign TV ad” posted. “Today, it’s Grant’s bathroom. Tomorrow, it’s the state of Illinois.” ![]()
Those negative ads…
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller My Sun-Times column runs today. Judy Baar Topinka’s campaign estimates that the average voter has seen Gov. Blagojevich’s TV ads at least 200 times. So, I don’t have to tell you that the vast majority of those ads have been negative. I was mildly surprised that they let that last line through. It shows they’re willing to take a joke. By the way, I apologize for what comes next in the column, but it was the best way to illustrate my point. You’ve been warned. Meanwhile, Sun-Times editorial page editor Steve Huntley’s column runs next to mine today and is entitled, “. . . and here’s what we can do to get back to the issues.” Huntley had to write the Blagojevich endorsement for the Sun-Times. But he appears to try to make up for it today.
Morning shorts
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Our buddy Tim Nieukirk is profiled by the Daily Herald’s Animal Farm today.
* Treasurer candidates accuse, defend, deny * Sun-Times: Adding fuel to an already heated immigration debate, congressional nominee Peter Roskam appeared Thursday with one of the most polarizing figures on the issue. * Republican big guns firing up for Roskam * Tribune: In a surprise move, city Treasurer Judy Rice announced her resignation on Thursday, and Mayor Richard Daley tapped the private sector, naming Stephanie Neely to replace her. * Sun-Times quoting Congressman Jackson on Neely’s choice: “Where has democracy gone? The mayor has now appointed the city clerk, the city treasurer and 29 of the 50 aldermen. Depending on the outcome of the county election in two weeks, he might soon also appoint new aldermen in the 7th, 8th and 18th wards. … Why not wait until the election and let the people decide through an open democratic process?” * Emanuel: Chicago’s other future star * Candidates shy away from school funding - Blagojevich, Topinka low-key on reform
Another coinkydink?
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve noted before that the governor seems to have a lot of fundraising ties to the Indian-American community. What I didn’t know was that his family was also profiting from it. The Tribune has the story. Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s wife earned more than $113,000 in real estate commissions this year through a woman who holds a longstanding, no-bid state contract and whose banker husband has business pending before state regulators. “Every client?” If those are the only commissions she’s earned this year she doesn’t have many clients.
Mrs. Blagojevich has also done a lot of deals with Rezko in the past. Go read the whole thing, but I love this part of the story. “I didn’t hire her,” Mahajan said in a brief interview from the balcony of her Chicago townhouse. “I didn’t even know who she was until closing. That’s when I heard she was the governor’s wife. I try not to get involved in politics.” Mahajan then referred the Tribune to her attorney, James Regas. “Why shouldn’t she hire Patricia Blagojevich?” Regas said. “They’ve been friends for a long time. He [the governor] is very close to the Indian community here.” I imagine Mrs. Mahajan’s denial is what spurred the story on. So far, this isn’t much to go on. But that denial hints that more may be there.
All eyes on Levine *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m told that WGN TV reported last night that more indictments will be handed down today. For now, here’s a look ahead at the Levine stuff. This was posted last night at the Tribune’s site: Political insider Stuart Levine is expected to plead guilty in federal court Friday to kickback schemes stemming from his activities on two state regulatory boards. I assume the Sun-Times will have more today. I’ll update as appropriate. *** UPDATE *** People, try not to get your expectations up too high, OK? I’m tired of deleting speculation about who could be indicted. It is Stu Levine’s guilty plea, after all. There could be some Republicans in big trouble, too. Just sit back and wait. We’ll know this afternoon. [Comments now closed. Go here instead.]
Another brick in the wall
Friday, Oct 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller We’re starting to approach Nixonian territory here. The attorney general demands that the governor stop breaking the law and grant requests for copies of federal subpoenas, the governor flatly refuses. Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration is violating state public-information law by refusing to release subpoenas it received in a federal corruption probe, the state attorney general said Thursday. Wait, there’s more…
Actually, if you read the letter from Madigan, she doesn’t just disagree with the governor’s “rationale,” she claims much of his rationale has no basis in reality and the rest of it is not backed up with any facts. You can read the letter by clicking here. [pdf file] Meanwhile, let’s all welcome Sauk Valley Newspapers to the club.
Hooray for open government!