Lisa Madigan says guv can’t sell student loan portfolio
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Attorney General Madigan really needs to break her habit of releasing controversial opinions on Friday afternoons. Anyway, Governor Blagojevich was hoping to sell the state’s student loan portfolio to generate millions for the MAP scholarship program. Madigan said today that the Illinois Student Assistance Commission has no authority to sell the portfolio without express premission from the General Assembly, effectively halting the sale. She also decreed that unless the legislature changes the law, the money from an asset sale must be placed in the student loan operating fund. This isn’t the first time that Madigan has halted the governor’s planned sale of a state asset. She stopped the governor from selling the Thompson Center in the early days of his administration. I haven’t seen any news articles yet, but you can read her entire opinion here. [pdf file]
Roskam, Bean both leading
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller New numbers. The best news for Duckworth is the number of undecided voters. Bean has pretty much fallen off the national radar, but 50 percent is not enough. The candidates for the west suburban congressional seat being vacated by retiring Republican Rep. Henry Hyde are locked in a tight contest while first-term Rep. Melissa Bean holds a sizable advantage over her main rival in the northwest suburbs, a new Tribune/WGN-TV poll shows. […] As usual, the high and mighty Chicago Tribune won’t share its crosstabs with the little people.
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Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
“The Rumor” *** Updated x3 ***
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller [Updated, bumped to the top and comments opened.] [This story was originally published Thursday.] I heard “The Rumor” early yesterday. The calls and e-mails started slow but quickly picked up throughout the day. “The Rumor” had it that a certain Illinois Republican congressman was about to be busted for having sexual relations with an underage female page. I contacted a friend of mine in DC who’s pretty high up the US House food chain (Republican side) and asked what he knew about the congressman and a page. My friend said that all he had heard was that a page whom the congressman had previously sponsored may have had a problem or an issue with Rep. Kolbe, who is under fire for taking a camping trip with some pages. Since then, “The Rumor” has exploded far and wide among political blogs, many of them Democratic-leaning publications that would love to defeat the 6-term GOP incumbent. Around noon today, I called the congressman’s campaign office because I was tired of waiting and, frankly, didn’t want to spend the rest of the day monitoring Google News for updates. His spokesman told me that he had received a call from the Chicago Tribune on Sunday asking about The Rumor. The New York Times called sometime later. According to the spokesman, the NY Times reporter admitted that he had had no luck proving the claims and came to the conclusion that it was false. The press calls intensified in the last 24 hours and the spokesman claimed none of the reporters had any solid evidence. They just claimed they had some congressional sources who claimed it was true, the spokesman said. I asked the spokesman if he had talked to Congressman Weller (I decided to go ahead and mention his name here to avoid tarring any other members of the delegation) about this and he said he had. Weller, he said, flatly denied any such thing had ever happened, couldn’t understand why the rumors were flying around and insisted that nothing would ever come of it. The spokesman called back a half hour later or so and said the office now believes that the rumor began when reports surfaced that “one of our pages or interns was hit on by another congressman,” and then morphed from there. So, the rumors that Weller is holed up somewhere and is “about to resign any minute” don’t appear to be true. The rumors that he is being pressed to resign by House GOP leadership also don’t appear to be true. The page rumor itself seems unsubstantiated at best and malicious at worst. There was even a rumor posted on some blogs that Weller had pulled his campaign website offline this week. Not true. Now, I can’t guarantee you one way or another if The Rumor is true or not, of course, but I do have more than just serious doubts about it. What I am sure of is that some high-up Democrats have been pushing the heck out of this story and they ought to stop it or produce some real evidence. It may have begun as a well-meaning leak, but it certainly isn’t that now. Weller’s spokesman, Steve Shearer, described the rumor as a “political nuclear bomb” that opponents could throw and then “retreat into anonymity” without providing any real evidence. The Democrats, Shearer said, may be hoping to use The Rumor to “put a race into play for no money at all.” He could very well be right. No reader comments on this one. If something else happens, I’ll open up a thread. And if Weller is lying, we’ll all go nuclear on him together. I just don’t think that’s the case. Also, if your immediate reaction is that I’m shilling for Weller, I’d suggest you read this, this and this before making up your mind. I’m not exactly a huge Weller fan. *** UPDATE *** The story has now crossed over to the mainstream media with this buried mention in Friday’s Sun-Times: Rep. Jerry Weller (R-Ill.), hit with rumors that he was somehow involved in the page scandal, issued a statement Thursday saying he was not a factor — but a former page or intern he sponsored was subject to some questionable behavior by another lawmaker. *** UPDATE 2 *** The ArchPundit, who helped break the story on the Web, has now walked it all the way back. What Do Blagojevich, Davlin, and Weller Have In Common Larry is a good guy and he did the right thing. Carl Nyberg, who comments quite often here and has his own blog, got a lot of exposure with his Weller diary at Daily Kos (over 300 comments at last count). So far, he has yet to issue a retraction or an apology or even an update. I wouldn’t count on “Wonkette,” who probably did more to push this story than anyone else - even though there was not a shred of real evidence - to follow ArchPundit’s suit. Meanwhile, the Kankakee Daily Journal also got into the act today.
This is exactly what I figured had happened not long after I heard the rumor and talked to my DC guy (see above). Rumors have a tendency to morph. “Page. Weller. Ethics Committee. Testimony,” becomes, “Hey, didja hear that Weller was doing a page?” As Larry noted in his retraction, we saw the same exact thing happen with those idiotic but universal Blagojevich rumors and the Springfield cocaine rumors. People hear rumors from vastly different and usually reliable sources and assume it must be true. Every reporter in town is chasing the rumor so we figure there’s something there. And everybody is repeating the same name over and over again (or names, in the case of the coke goofiness), so my goodness it’s gotta be right. Plus, people who despise the target of the rumors want to believe it’s true and gin it up even further. It’s another lesson for all of us. Comments are now open on this topic. But use some common sense or I’ll close the comments right away and permanently ban you. *** UPDATE 3 *** Nyberg has now published a retraction.
Late morning shorts
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * SurveyUSA’s latest monthly tracker has Gov. Blagojevich’s job approval rating at 38, with his disapproval at 59. Those are the worst job approval numbers of all Democratic governors in America and the fifth worst for all governors in the USA. Yet, he’s still leading in the polls. Go figure. * The Tribune has cranked up their bloggy type thingy “Trail Mix” again. And the Daily Herald’s bloggy type thingy “Animal Farm” has gotten a wee bit bloggier lately with the addition of permalinks, but still no comments and no blogroll. I should point out, though, that they did link to me this week. Thanks, boys. * Sun-Times: Outsider vs. insider in 6th Dist. - But tall odds don’t faze Duckworth * Hey, Wumpus and Animous. You’re famous. Kinda. If you consider being buried at the bottom of a Tribune bullet-point piece without an actual hyperlink to your comments or this blog even though the story is on the Internet famous. Also, I didn’t even know the item existed until I ran into a subscriber at the local Chinese restaurant last night. So, OK, not really famous. But props to you both anyway. * Neil Steinberg says the Cook County Forest Preserves are going to hell: “To be blunt, the preserves are returning to nature — the paths overgrown, choked with buckthorn, that invasive species of trash tree that pushes out native vegetation and looks like hell. There’s uncollected garbage and a general sense of neglect and decay. And that’s in a hoity-toity suburb — I’m sure it’s worse elsewhere.” * Sun-Times: Black aldermen repeat fury over 9% of contracts - Portion of city construction deals even lower
Question of the day
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller St. Louis is not in Illinois, of course, but there are a ton of Cardinals fans here and more than a few who visit this blog. So… World Series predictions, please.
The other guys
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Quinn and Birkett are profiled. Yet for all of his history of seeking publicity for government reforms, Quinn has been quiet about the myriad investigations swirling around Blagojevich’s administration. * And the Green Party gets a piece. As the “other guy” in the race for governor, Green Party candidate Rich Whitney said he is often asked what makes him qualified to hold the state’s highest office.
Rezko updates
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sun-Times: A federal judge did add a new accessory to the natty, gray pinstriped suit Rezko wore on Thursday — an electronic ankle bracelet. * Tribune: Levine is cooperating with the government, and Niewoehner said there are recordings of Rezko discussing his activities. [Emphasis added.] * Copley: Rezko “has a negative cash flow” and may have less than $5,000 in the bank, Duffy said.
Sun-Times endorses Blagojevich *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Oct 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller This was not unexpected. They endorsed him in the primary four years ago. While it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, it does provide a boost. Endorsing a candidate with more than 2½ weeks left in the campaign is a little like calling a horse race in the last lap — anything could happen before the finish line. Each day can bring a revelation affecting a campaign. But in the final analysis, you have to go with a candidate based on where he stands on the issues important to you. For that reason, the Sun-Times endorses Gov. Rod Blagojevich for re-election because of his record of expanding health care and educational opportunity. Thoughts? *** UPDATE *** The AP has a story up: Chicago Sun-Times endorses Blagojevich
Late afternoon radio blogging
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve been so busy today that I didn’t even notice that Chicago Public Radio’s 848 program hosted a debate today between Tammy Duckworth and Peter Roskam. You can listen by hitting the “play” button or download it here. The Daily Herald’s story is here. * From IIS: More than 500 religious groups around the state will help sign families up for All Kids * Also from IIS: State jobless rate hits lowest level in six years
Will he show? *** Updated x 5 ***
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller [Updated and bumped to the top.] The press reports that Tony Rezko is expected to show up today for his arraignment. Sun-Times: A close adviser and top fund-raiser for Gov. Blagojevich is scheduled to show up at the first of two court hearings today on fraud and corruption charges. Sneed has some more clues. Sneed hears Rezko, who was months behind on his mortgage payments, made good on those overdue payments last week. “It’s an indication he planned on returning to this country and never expected to stay away,” said a source close to Rezko. The arraignment is scheduled for 10:30. Check the blog for updates as we get ‘em. *** UPDATE *** The hearing has been postponed until 3 o’clock and Rezko will supposedly be there. *** UPDATE 2 *** He’s back and in federal custody. AP: A fundraiser and political confidant for Gov. Rod Blagojevich was taken into custody without incident Thursday on charges of fraud and extortion, federal officials said. *** UPDATE 3 *** From a reporter inside: $1.5 million bond on the pizza case. The [other] arraignment is at 5 o’clock. Apparently, Rezko hasn’t said anything to reporters yet. *** UPDATE 4 *** Another dispatch from within the room from our same friend: Friends and relatives (three rows worth) say they have 2 million to put up in property for bond. *** UPDATE 5 *** The Tribune catches up: An indicted fundraiser and political confidant for Gov. Rod Blagojevich entered a not-guilty plea today in federal court in Chicago.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (Part 2) - Lots and lots of TV ads (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Stroger-Peraica. Final result. Explain. Bonus question: Hey, Cardinal fans, what happened to your guys last night?
Reform and Renewal, part 8,643
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor can’t really give this money back because it would set a precedent for Rezko’s millions. Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday that he would not return campaign contributions raised by an Arab-American organization even though an internal investigation determined the state employee who heads the group organized a Blagojevich fundraiser on state time. […] Like I said, if Blagojevich returned these tainted contributions the media and Topinka would demand that he return all the money raised by the indicted Tony Rezko. This situation [more info here] is a microcosm of much of what is wrong with the Blagojevich administration. Allegations of illegal fundraising, mixing campaign money and government, getting around veterans preference rules in the hiring of the guy in the first place. If he had gotten a state contract or put somebody on a state board it would just about complete the circle. Meanwhile, Esquire Magazine is endorsing candidates this year, but they don’t seem to know what they’re doing. From Bernie Schoenburg’s column: Perhaps indicating Esquire’s level of knowledge of Illinois politics, the magazine lists the Republican candidate as Jody Baar Topinka. […] Morons.
Bean picks up Trib nod
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Congresswoman Bean got a big boost today with the Tribune endorsement. In 2004 the Tribune endorsed Melissa Bean over the longest-serving Republican in the U.S. House, with the expectation that she would be a pro-growth, pro-trade congresswoman. She has delivered. Have you noticed how many times the Trib has refused to endorse either candidate this time around? Newspapers, particularly the Trib, regard “no endorsement” as shirking their duties. But today the Trib decided not to endorse anyone in the Weller-Pavich race and the Hare-Zinga contest. They’ve done the same thing in several other congressional and Cook County board races. Anyway, back to Bean. The Sun-Times profiled the race today. While we’re talking congressional stuff, a National Review writer took a look at the last three polls in the 10th Congressional District.
The conclusion:
Good point. If the Constituent Dynamics poll is anywhere near accurate, however, it could reflect two things: 1) Races with two good candidates tend to tighten up in the closing weeks; 2) The national GOP trend is way bad.
Wal-Mart to expand drug program to Illinois
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller This should shake up the Wal-Mart debate a bit. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is expected to announce today it is expanding a program offering $4 prescriptions for some generic drugs to 14 more states, including Illinois, two weeks after rolling out the low-cost program in Florida. […] What do you think?
Morning shorts
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller * Quote of the Week: Yes, our governor’s name really is Rod Blagojevich. Yes, he really likes to quote Elvis songs. And, yes, given current headlines, “Jailhouse Rock†might be on his iPod’s recently played list. * Brown: Illegal immigrants used as pawns in heated campaign rhetoric * Stroger would oust hundreds of workers - Says he’d request resignations of 500 county appointees * Health care key governor race issu * St. Louis-Chicago rail service improves * Gartel: Green gubernatorial candidate offers refreshing change for Illinois politics * Congressional race a hot topic in DuPage County * Only One Governor Earns Top Score on Cato’s Governors Report Card [Blagojevich got a D] * Stroger workers took signs: GOP * Bankruptcy fraud charges highlight ‘mortgage bailout’ scams * Quinn seeking hearing on ComEd exec compensation
Warning to all commenters
Thursday, Oct 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller No “page” rumors are allowed here. If you post one in comments you’re banned for life. No exceptions. Gone forever. Just give it a chance to come out on its own. You may be surprised and discover that it’s not at all what you thought it was. I’ve heard something completely different than the widespread scuttlebutt. Things have a tendency to morph in the rumor mill. “Everybody” was saying that it was gonna be in the NY Times or the Washington Post this morning. Nada. Bupkis. Hey, I know that it could also be true. The rumor is incredibly pervasive. But I have yet to see a totally credible, first person source on this. So until there’s absolute confirmation, go somewhere else for your “fun.” Also, from now on please don’t call or write me asking what the rumor is, no matter how well I know you. I won’t tell.