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Bridgeport neighbors allegedly harass Daley informant

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Years ago, I briefly considered buying a teardown house in Bridgeport because of its easy proximity to the Loop. Not a good idea, I was warned by several people. They don’t cotton to outsiders, particularly those with a trouble-making bent. That memory came to mind as I read this piece in today’s Tribune:

A federal judge on Wednesday blasted neighborhood residents who harassed a Bridgeport man and vandalized his home after he cooperated with the government and testified for prosecutors in this year’s City Hall hiring fraud trial. […]

“When his cooperation surfaced, it was not received with the grace and warmth in his neighborhood that one would hope,” attorney Jeff Steinback told Coar Wednesday at the sentencing of Katalinic, a former deputy commissioner in the Streets and Sanitation Department, who spent more than 30 years there.

There were harassing phone calls and slashed car tires, Steinback said. There was also graffiti on Katalinic’s house. And finally, last Easter morning, there was a large bottle tossed through the glass front door of the home he shares with his wife and three young children, Steinback said.

Katalic helped send Robert Sorich to prison. Sorich is a local Bridgeport hero for keeping his yap shut during his ordeal. The locals even held a fundraiser for him.

The Beachwood Reporter has a good question for Mayor Daley:

“Following their sentencing, Daley defended Sorich and the others, saying they were all men of good character,” the Tribune notes.

I wonder what Daley thinks of Sorich’s other friends and defenders - the ones harassing Katalinic.

And this one would be a great question to ask at Daley’s next press conference:

“I know what I did was wrong,” Katalinic told a federal judge yesterday, when he was sentenced to a year and a day in prison for his own role in the massive hiring fraud the city has engaged in under Daley.

Does the mayor think what Katalinic did was wrong?



Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz takes a look at the Chicago media’s coverage of the Rezko-Obama matter and concludes:

This seems like a minor-league issue. But as Bill Clinton learned about his money-losing Arkansas land deal, when you run for president, everything in your past gets magnified.

* A Washington Times editorial today takes a look at Obama’s pre US Senate record and concludes:

In short, Mr. Obama’s record as an Illinois state senator was down-the-line liberal. For someone representing a liberal district in Chicago, that’s not very surprising. What is surprising is how Mr. Obama’s liberal label has been effectively wiped clean since he entered the U.S. Senate.

* CNN’s Jeanne Moos asks people on the street about Barack Hussein Obama’s name:

* The Draft Obama organization is reportedly planning to run this TV ad in New Hampshire.

* Joe Novak jabs again at Obama’s wife, Michelle, for her position on a corporate board of directors involved in massive layoffs.

Hispanic union workers like Santiago Vasquez lose jobs because Michelle Obama wants to improve efficiency? She defends layoffs telling Chicago Crains Business that her firm “hopes to expand and hire more workers, many minorities, once it boosts its efficiency.”

* New York Daily News columnist/blogger notes that Obama has picked up the support of a bigtime money guy.

Lou Susman, John Kerry’s national finance chairman in 2004 and, reportedly, a supporter of Tom Vilsack in 2008, told me yesterday that if Barack Obama runs for president, he’ll support Obama.

Susman’s comment is another mark of the entree Obama has to the very top tier of Democratic moneymen, one I wrote about in this week’s column.

* Here’s an excerpt from his column:

There were only about a dozen people in George Soros’ midtown conference room to meet Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who is getting used to crowds of thousands at bookstore readings and public speeches.

But the men meeting Obama last Monday still matter more in Democratic presidential politics than your average bookstore crowd. They were some of New York’s elite political donors, including John Kerry’s top New York fund-raiser from 2004, Hassan Nemazee, and the former chief of staff at Bill Clinton’s Treasury Department, Michael Froman.

Also there were financiers Blair Effron, Mark Gallogly and Orin Kramer, each of whom donates tens of thousands of dollars to Democrats and can raise tens of thousands more from friends. (Soros himself had met alone with Obama earlier in the day; that evening, he was reading from his own new book at a Barnes & Noble store.)

When Obama - considered Hillary Clinton’s most serious threat - meets with the biggest of the big-money donors, it sends a clear message.

* Speaking of money, he’s also picking up a lot of small donations.

A political action committee that Obama has formed already has taken in more than $1 million this year in the kind of low-dollar donations that reflect excitement among ordinary voters. More than $165,000 flowed in during a six-week period this fall that coincided with the Democratic senator’s highly publicized book tour, according to federal disclosure documents.

* Alan Greenblatt of Governing Magazine’s blog notices some pushback [eg: this sort of stuff] from the DC punditry about Obama and offers this analysis:

Finally, I think the resistance to Obama is rooted in this — he’s popular with the public way before a newcomer to the national scene should be. By which I mean that only political reporters and the people who work the system for a living are supposed to be paying attention and making their judgments.

“The Gang of 500,” as ABC’s newsletter The Note calls the political insider class, is supposed to weigh and pass judgment on candidates long before voters even in Iowa or New Hampshire have started paying serious attention. At this point, the only stories are supposed to be about which candidate is hiring which adviser, and what that signals about what the smart money thinks about his (or now her) chances.

Obama circumvents all that. He’s a star winning the hearts and minds of the people regardless of whatever skepticism the chattering class in Washington may harbor about him. No wonder that class is starting to hate him.

* George Will, of all people, says: “Run Now, Obama”

* I think Rush Limbaugh played this snippet that “Libertarian Reason” blog wrote about today.

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote a piece last week in which she teased 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama about his big ears. Well it seems he can’t quite handle that. Microphones picked up a conversation he had with Dowd after a speech of his in New Hampshire last Sunday:

“You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I’m very sensitive about - what I told them was - I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.” Dowd replies comradely, “Oh, we’re just trying to toughen you up!” The rest of the conversation is unclear.

He’s “sensitive” about his ears? The cartoonists and blogggers are gonna have a field day with this one. Perhaps he could adjust his hair style or consider ear reduction surgery. And, just to be clear, I’m joking here, as I believe Obama was.

* Old poll conducted in Iowa for special interest group passed off as new development.


Question of the day

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Oops. Forgot to post the QOTD. You’d think I would remember to do it out of habit, if nothing else. The good news is my hangover from last night’s outstanding holiday party is finally starting to subside. Thanks once again to everyone who showed up. We even had a few bigshots there, which was nice.

One of those bigshots was Daniel White, the executive director of the Illinois State Board of Elections. Director White told me the Board is in the process of completely revamping its website. I use the site almost every day, often many times a day, so I had some pointed criticisms (probably made a little too pointed by the Miller Lites I was drinking - oops, another trade name) and some suggestions.

Today’s question: What would you do to improve the State Board of Elections website? They read the blog over there, so it’s certain that your suggestions will be seen.


Peter Francis Geraci strong-arms Illinois political website

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Peter Francis Geraci’s ubiquitous advertising about its bankruptcy tapes has made the firm a success. That success appears to have gone to the firm’s head.

Illinois Review, a conservative website, posted a tongue in cheek headline over a story last week about Illinois’ massive state debt. “Peter Francis Geraci, the Governor is on Line 1.”

Yesterday, the site’s administrator received an e-mail from Scott Stoolmaker, Peter Francis Geraci’s director of operations.

You [sic] site is engaging in the unauthorized use of out [sic] trade name ‘Peter Francis Geraci’. Remove the content immediately.

Despite the illiterate nature of the e-mail, IR immediately pulled the name off the post, but others have stepped into the fray. Greg Blankenship pointed out the ridiculousness of the firm’s claim in a post entitled “Peter Francis Geraci, Call a 1st Amendment Lawyer.”

…We can also say, Nike, Proctor & Gamble, Exxon and any other number trade names all damn day and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Mr. Stoolmaker, with the number hits on blogs and their power to shape news, break stories you do your brand identity no good by threatening political activists engaged in political speech. It’s the kind of thing that can make you infamous in a hurry.

Archpundit, a Democratic blogger and no major fan of the conservative Republican Illinois Review, chimed in with: “Why Would You Hire The Law Firm of Peter Francis Geraci When They Don’t Understand Even Basic Law”

The ultimate outcome of this ridiculous claim is that anyone seeking to hire the Law Firm of Peter Francis Geraci now knows that they are incompetent lawyers.


I sent Stoolmaker an e-mail this morning.

Could you please explain to me exactly how Illinois Review violated your trade name by merely putting it in a headline?

He responded thusly:

The only issue I have with the use of our name is when other sites link to your site which they were doing when the site used the name Peter Francis Geraci.

Um, huh?

Stoolmaker sent a longer note of explanation to IR:

Please let your readers/posters know that the content itself was not the issue. The issue arises when others link to your site using our name as a keyword search picked up by Google, Yahoo and other similar search engines. Many websites “tag” our name to direct/redirect clients and prospective clients to websites that have little to do with our law firm or direct them our competitors and is a constant problem. Your site was being linked by the following company: [link]

Scott Stoolmaker, Director of Operations
Law Offices of Peter Francis Geraci

What a moronic explanation. So, according to this law firm, no blogger can ever mention the name Peter Francis Geraci because some search engine might somehow refer potential customers to their sites instead of the firm’s website?

I beg to differ, Peter Francis Geraci.


Little Lip lays out the game plan

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-Daddy) told Lynn Sweet this week how he snagged a seat on the Transportation Committee, which are usually reserved for team players.

As important as it was for him to pitch House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the speaker designate, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who will be majority leader in the new Congress, Lipinski had to get with the program. Lipinski told me he knew “it is also important to show I am a team player. That is part of that. I am a Democrat, and I am going to be supportive of the party.” That is “part of building up the relationship.”

At one point Lipinski, who likes to bike, took what he said was a 30-mile ride in Maryland with Oberstar. In September, he hosted a fund-raiser for Oberstar at Chicago’s Union League Club. “My father certainly helped on that,” Lipinski said.

He also had been talking to Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) about the appointment. Lipinski had to pay his dues to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which Emanuel chairs. Lipinski said he gave more than $50,000 to the committee; records I checked showed a few thousand less. “That’s part of showing I am a team player.”

The Nov. 7 election gave Democrats the House and vaulted Emanuel to leadership. Emanuel gave a green light to Pelosi about Lipinski. That was generous, because Lipinski’s dues invoice was for $100,000, and Lipinski did not donate to Emanuel’s highest priority candidates.

Lipinski’s father, former Congressman Bill Lipinski, lobbies for United Airlines.


Morning shorts

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hiring trial key gets year in prison - Ex-Streets, Sanitation official aided state

* Editorial: When everything’s relative, good government loses

* Schools weigh pay-to-play - Evanston parents fault past hefty pay raises

* Internet coming to interstates - IDOT plans Wi-Fi at rest stops

* State panels offer suggestions to help immigrants in Illinois

* Amtrak ridership up on state subsidized trains

* Luciano: Mount LaHood erupts


Lights out at Statehouse

Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The ice storm wrecked the Christmas lights on the Statehouse.

Some of the color went out of Springfield’s Christmas season on Wednesday. I was on the roof of the state Capitol to watch workers remove the colored lights from the dome. I am sorry to report that the lights will not be going back up this year.

Unlike most of what goes on at the Statehouse, there were no politics in this decision. The Nov. 30-Dec. 1 winter storm decided it.

We enjoyed the lights for a short time. They were turned on Nov. 27, so we saw them for about three days. But it wasn’t until Wednesday, almost two weeks after the storm hit, that the Capitol roof was safe enough for workers to get out and see just how bad the damage was.

Nine of the 12 strings of colored lights that annually hang from the dome snapped. There was maybe a bucketful of broken glass lying about. Jim Speis, electrical general foreman, says there is no way the lights could be replaced before the end of the year.

Bakke’s column is really quite good today. Go read the whole thing.



Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Thanks to all who came to the party last night. I had a great time.

Blogging to resume shortly.

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
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