Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sorry about that disappearing post. Luckily, Paul still had a copy on his browser and we were able to reconstruct it. Let’s start afresh, shall we? * First, remember to tune into CBS 2 Live Election Coverage by clicking right here: * 9:33 pm - Daley won, obviously, but getting more than 70 percent was key. He showed his critics he can still rack up a landslide. The over-under for Dock Walls was 10 percent, and he didn’t make it. At least his delusion is over, for now. * 9:40 pm - Lots and lots of runoffs, some more unexpected than others and a few that weren’t on very many radar screens: 2 (Fioretti-Haithcock); 3 (Tillman-Dowell); 15 (Foulkes- Simmons-Stovall); 16 (Thompson-Coleman); 18 is a possible (Lane-Stewart); 21 (Brookins-Jones); 24 (Chandler-Dixon); 32 looks like a runoff (Matlak-Waguespack); 35 also looks very likely (Colon-Colom); as does 43 (Vi Daley-Smith); and 49 is right on the brink (Moore-Gordon). * 9:44 pm - Almost nobody had Brendan Reilly on their possible win lists. Maybe he was at the bottom, but almost no one saw this coming except those of us who bothered to look and get past the notion that Natarus was unbeatable. Why did Brendan win? Simple. Reilly ran a great campaign. Nearly perfect, even. Ald. Natarus ran a terrible campaign. Right until the end, he was too arrogant to believe he was ever in any real danger. I may have more on this race in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax, or it will be at the blog, depending on space. It’s a heckuva story. Bye-bye, Burt. * 9:50 pm - How is it possible that broken-down warhorse Bernie Stone may manage to hold on without a runoff against two very strong challengers? Stone’s organization is vastly underrated. A couple of years ago, Stone ran a candidate against Rep. Lou Lang in the Dem primary. That candidate carried Stone’s ward against the veteran legislator. I always figured that if they could drag that guy across the finish line they could certainly do the same for the big boss. LATE UPDATE: Stone is just barely heading for a runoff with Naisy Dolar. She has a lot of ground to make up, but the unions could play a major role here if they choose to intervene. * 9:53 pm - Sandi Jackson’s big win over Darcel Beavers was extra special for Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s organization today. The Shaw brothers brought troops in for Beavers. The Jackson’s and the Shaw’s are old and bitter rivals. * 10:00 pm - Every Machine goon in town will be in the 32nd Ward for the runoff between incumbent Ted Matlak and Scott Waguespack. This is an old-time Machine ward, but Matlak ran a horrendous campaign. Daley had to bail him out today with 75 paid “volunteers,” but it wasn’t enough to avoid the runoff. * 10:08 pm - Needless to say, it’s a huge night for organized labor. “I think we did OK,” Chicago Federation of Labor chief Dennis Gannon said tonight. “It was a big night.” That’s an understatement. All but one of the runoffs forced tonight were the result of organized labor’s support for the challenger. Victors Brendan Reilly and Sandi Jackson were also labor-backed candidates. Like I said… huge. * 10:15 pm - That’s all I have for now, except to say I’m floored at how poorly Shirley Coleman and Dorothy Tillman did. And I’m amazed that Aurenda Troutman got just 32 percent (with 88 percent reporting). Discuss away if you’re still awake. Check the results here. * 10:25 pm - OK, one more thing. According to Aldertrack, Natarus refused to concede tonight. He got thumped and he doesn’t have the stones to admit defeat. He said it, not me… the man is a buffoon. Here’s an automated news feed for AlderTrack, which has some interesting stuff…
Election Results Open Thread
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson CBS 2 Live Election Coverage * 7:55pm
* 8:01pm
* 8:08pm
* 8:12pm
* 8:14pm
* 8:34pm
* 8:38pm
* 8:43pm
* 8:55pm
[Comments now closed. We’ve got a fresh thread above]
Ameren offers to pay up
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Ameren IL CEO Scot Cissel just offered $35 million in rate relief and conservation programs. The offer came during testimony at the House’s Committee of the Whole meeting today. But Speaker Madigan’s office immediately rejected the plan as insufficient. More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.
Election predictions open thread *** Updated x3 ***
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller [Comments are now closed. Use the thread above.] *** IMPORTANT UPDATE *** A few items of note… * I’ve added a list of results pages, live media and continuous coverage links in a new pull-down menu to the right. Lots of stuff there, so don’t miss it. It looks like the first radio station to go up with continual election coverage will be WBBM at 7 pm. * We’ll have CBS-2’s live feed here at 10 pm. * I forgot to link this earlier, but Crain’s has a new interactive feature that allows you to track Mayor Daley’s contributions in several different ways. Also, Naisy Dolar’s campaign is blogging all day today. * The Reader’s Clout City blog is going gangbusters today with reports from citizen journalists. I’ve created a continuously updating, automated news feed so you can keep track throughout the day and into the evening. Earlier stories that aren’t showing in the feed can be found here… *** UPDATE 2 *** AlderTrack has this report from the 42nd Ward…
Typical. *** UPDATE 3 *** For those of you keeping track of Sheila Simon’s bid for Carbondale mayor, here’s a news feed just for you… I belatedly added a request for Chicago election predictions at the end of Paul’s local roundup this morning, but I thought I’d close out those comments and move everything to the top so we can consolidate it all here. Use the comment section to predict results in local elections. Also, file any precinct reports, observations, etc. you may have. Meanwhile, Irish Pirate, a regular commenter here, has produced a ton of YouTube videos blasting Ald. Helen Shiller. The pirate is backing challenger James Cappleman, the former president of Dignity/Chicago, which his website describes as “a Catholic organization for the GLBT community.” A couple of things. First, some might find this video too harsh. I can understand and empathize, but it was too funny to pass up, particularly the Daley robocall schtick. Second, there are references to the League of Women Voters and Lincoln Park in the video. Shiller upset the LWV by breaking a promise to the group. And Shiller has been quoted as saying that if people don’t like her ward they should “move to Lincoln Park.” “Because as I always said, there is nothing more wholesome than a fish.” ![]() [Comments are now closed. Use the thread above.]
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Hoffman; ICC; Boland; Dillard; Shimkus; Rose; Reboletti; Madigan; GRT; Stem cells; Smith; Interesting bills (Use all caps in password)
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The fight to become the state’s “official” soft drink attracted just two bidders, Coke and Pepsi.
What, no RC? We could have a serious debate about whether this is a good idea, or even whether it’s hypocritical of the governor to force schools to stop selling soft drinks (which brings in big bucks) while encouraging their use statewide so the state could bring in big bucks. Instead, because I feel like something a little lighter today, here’s the question: Coke or Pepsi?
“Real ID” program causing legislative concern
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The Pantagraph has a good story today about the controversy over the federal Real ID program and a legislative resolution that expresses the state’s concerns over the issue.
Go read the whole thing. Secretary of State Jesse White is scheduled to testify on the resolution this week. The resolution’s text can be found here.
Reform and Renewal - The mess at DHS
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller OK, just what in the heck is going on over at DHS? Carlos Estes claims Department of Human Services chief of staff Teyonda Wertz sexually harrassed him, threatening to fire him if he didn’t have sex with her. Wertz denies the charge but a judge ordered that the case continue against her last week. Wertz is still the DHS chief of staff and has no intention of resigning, but Estes was fired about a month after the incident on what looks to be a trumped up charge of misusing a state vehicle. The governor’s office has completely backed up DHS Secretary Carol Adams’ decision to oust the accuser.
According to the original Sun-Times article, Director Adams and chief of staff Wertz are “close friends” and chief of staff Wertz allegedly became upset about the same time Estes was fired because Estes was in a relationship with another woman. Wertz has a history of misusing Estes…
Estes was paid $70,000 a year to basically chauffeur the chief of staff around. His “official” duties were to act as a “liaison to DHS administrators, conducting site visits, research and as a policy-making advisor,” according to a DHS spokesman. But Estes didn’t even have a high school diploma when he was hired. “Let’s put this in perspective,” Rep. Jack Franks told the Sun-Times of Estes. “He’s making more money than a member of the General Assembly for driving a staff person who has to report to the General Assembly.” And even Sen. Carol Ronen, who is the governor’s floor leader and top Senate supporter, is having her doubts.
When you lose Carol Ronen, you’ve lost all hope. Director Adams needs to do a clean sweep over there. If she won’t, the governor should.
Rate rage prompts Committee of the Whole
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Today’s House Committee of the Whole to discuss electric utility rates and deregulation will begin at 1 o’clock. You can listen live by clicking here. * I’m not sure how much I buy into this lede…
There’s no doubt that Jones is feeling heat from his downstate members in Ameren’s turf. But remember that Jones still wants to protect ComEd, and he moved legislation out of Rules Committee last week that would impose a six-month rate freeze on Ameren only. House Speaker Michael Madigan wants to extend the freeze to both Ameren and ComEd. As I told my subscribers last week, Madigan told me soon after Jones moved the Ameren-only bill that an amendment would be waiting for that legislation if it made to his chamber. * Meanwhile, ComEd is offering up some token assistance to help “ease” its rate hikes.
$8 per customer. Man, they really dug deep on that one. * Illinois House set to discuss electric rates:
* Editorial: Focus on real electric rate fix, not knee jerk response
* The jolt of electric rate increases
* And just remember this last point: February has been much colder than January, and Rep. Scully mentioned to me yesterday that usage is up over 100 percent. Those March bills are gonna cause yet another round of outrage.
Local Elections Roundup & predictions open thread *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson [Note from Rich Miller: Despite today’s Committee of the Whole meeting in the House, we do hope to have some updates for you tonight on Chicago election results. Check back around 8ish.] * Daley’s fundraising juggernaut * Voter guide to city and suburban elections * Daley confident, but not overly confident; poised to outdo his Dad * Summary of today’s key races * 2nd ward race heats up in final hours * Final countdown to Chicago election * Dist. 88 goes digital in plea for tax increase
* Late mailed postcards may be one of several factors to low turnout
* Illinois election involves few contests * Low voter turnout may decide Naperville mayoral election * Eric Zorn: Casting a vote against Daley
* Three will lose today’s Hoffman Estates primary * All eyes on 6 aldermanic races in Springfield *** UPDATE *** Use the comments to predict the outcome of your local races, and any others you know something about. Also, give us an update on your precinct observations. [Comments now closed so we can consolidate the posts. Go here instead.]
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Police office claims that Harvey Mayor forced him to return gun to suspect * Human Services Dept. Chief of Staff scandal infuriates legislators * Harassment charges dog Governor’s trade office chief * Republicans try to ensure that state won’t sell tollway
* Editorial: Stem cells not a state issue * Contractor wants $11 million for work done before being fired
* Stroger uses first veto on sulfer-dioxide tax * Editorial: Turn away the convicted corruptors in today’s election * Editorial: Crosstown plan ignores reality of current needs * Phil Luciano: Raise driving age to 18
* Critics say Springfield psychiatric hospital would harm downstate facilities * Neal Williamson: Now is the time to revamp state juvenile justics system