Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Whew, what a week. Lots of comments, lots of debate - some more heated than others. All good things must come to an end, however, and this week is no different. Relax, take a deep breath, go shovel some snow, and if you still feel like tearing each other apart, head to Illinoize, where the meat’s always cookin’… *** UPDATE *** I was watching Channel 11’s Natarus-Reilly debate on YouTube and during the first few seconds of Part 2, Natarus flat-out lied… NATARUS: “I have not received from anybody a contribution of $7,000. Not one of my contributions is that high.” From the State Board of Elections’ site [click for a larger image] *** UPDATE 2 *** Check out this TV ad from 50th Ward candidate Greg Brewer entitled “Sleeping Bernie.” Ouch… All Chicago-related videos from my collection can be found at this link. Unfortunately, YouTube lists them in the order they were posted, so the newest ones are at the end. ![]()
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (Part 2) - New Senators
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Freshman phone numbers; Targets; Chicago money; Hospitals; Ameren; Female legislators; Murphy; Courts; Hoffman; Simon (Use all caps in password)
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Gone? *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** The Chief is gone.
Seriously, does this white boy in goofy makeup look dignified to you?
[Bumped to the top for discussion purposes] This rumor was floating around all day yesterday.
The Daily Illini has more…
But IlliniPundit had the scoop yesterday…
I know some of you will be upset, but, seriously, is a mascot that so many consider racist really worth supporting to the end just because it was there when you were in school?
Question of the day
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The House Republicans have a new website. One of the guys asked me what I thought of it yesterday, but I figured why not have readers here weigh in? They’ve also got a blog and a page called 102 Ideas, which encourages people from “all 102 counties” to send in their “new, innovative ideas.” IlliniPundit has already weighed in with his thoughts, some of which were postive, others not so, including the lack of an RSS feed. Still, he offered this praise:
By the way, it looks like Tom Cross won’t be cooperating much with Gov. Blagojevich in the coming months. A page on the new site is called Rod’s Rubberstamp Award.
Anyway, go check it out and then post your thoughts below.
Obamarama - Present and unaccounted for, and past-tense goofiness
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve heard that Jack Ryan’s 2004 opposition research report on Obama is floating around out there somewhere, and I’m wondering whether Nathan Gonzales got it because I highly doubt he pored over umpteen thousand Senate floor votes before he wrote this piece. Still, Gonzales’ column is an interesting read. [Corrected because I didn’t notice that Rothenberg was reprinting a column whole cloth]
Meanwhile, John Fritchey links to a column that has to be one of the most god-awful, over-thought, ridiculous thing ever written on this campaign which appeared in a supposedly mainstream publication. Entitled “Why Daleys Endorsed Obama,” it offers up absolutely nothing of substance. The New York Sun column gives us lots of cut and paste history: snow storms, labor negotiations, 1968 convention, Abner Mikva, Royko, Harold Washington, Lincoln, Walker and this…
First of all, why is it that the Baby Boomers have to run everything through the prism of their youth? Why does everything have to relate back to that convention, or McGovern, or Woodstock or whatever? The author of this goofy column never once mentions the fact that Daley is running for re-election and wants to show his critics he can still rack up huge numbers, and therefore needs to sew up as much black support as possible (see: Wal-Mart pandering, Olympics patronage) in a city where the black vote can ruin or make a white candidate. No mention that Obama has endorsed Daley over two black opponents, or that they both share the same media consultant (Axelrod). No consideration given to the fact that Obama’s statewide approval rating is in the 70s and his approval in Chicago is probably over 90. No ironic mentions of the fact that even though Obama endorsed Daley, his people are criticizing black leaders who endorse Hillary Clinton. Instead, we’re treated to pure, unadulterated Baby Boomer crapola. Ugh.
Local Elections Roundup
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Claypool endorses Reilly for Alderman [from a press release]:
* Tribune Aldermanic Endorsements: Wards 42 through 50
* Sun-Times Aldermanic Endorsements: Wards 10 through 19 * Taxing bodies bumped from ballot after signiture challenge * Former Gurnee mayor off ballot as trustee, but may be a write-in * Props to Daley for timely blizzard services * Daley says snow alert not linked to election:
* Candidate replaced in Lake Zurich * Old rivals and new toll way worker mix in 35th ward * Illinoize: Ald. Troutman blocks development of the 20th ward * Prospect Heights mayoral filings challenged * North Barrington challenger tries to get mayor off the ballot * Expanded voting a bust? 16% drop from last cycle * A run-in with Bernie Stone’s Chief of Staff Ilana Stone * Jackson Jr. fails to provide much monetary support to city races, except his wife’s * Wide pool scrambles to fill 15th and 18th council seats * Mayor Daley’s second TV ad of the season… ![]()
Morning Shorts
Friday, Feb 16, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Green Senatorial Campaign Committee recognized by FEC:
* The state’s export business is growing, up 17% in 2006 * Jesse Jackson Jr.: ALNAC’s plan should get the state’s nod * Stroger hospital police officer cuffs reporter who was covering protest * Daley aides says tainted petitions were never used * Commission approves Daley’s Olympic Village plans:
* Duckworth admits to anxiety about husband’s mission * Editorial: Awareness of Suburban poverty is a start * Report: Health Facilities Planning Board no long needed * Editorial:
* Last call for Metra bar cars * AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study finds laws can reduce teen crashes * Friday Beer Blogging: Drinking Studies Edition (This one hits home for me)