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Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller First, the setup, which is from a press release. The bill wasn’t actually heard in committee this week for various reasons, but it will be heard next week. The issues broached in the press release are what we’re concerned with today…
Question: Do you support this concept? Explain. And, please, this is not a debate on gay marriage. Do your best to stick to the question at hand. Thanks much.
Bill advances to restrict spending on Chicago travel
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller A few things to remember before you read this story and comment: 1) The movement of state government to Chicago started long ago, way before Rod Blagojevich was elected to any office. 2) This is a feel-good “headline” bill that has little to no chance of ever becoming law. Just because a bill gets out of committee (especially in the House) doesn’t mean it’s gonna pass both chambers. 3) The capital is Springfield, but most of the state’s people live in the Chicago area.
Have at it.
Property tax relief has more legs
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I told subscribers earlier this week that Senate President Emil Jones had changed his mind about property tax relief. Jones met with reporters just after the governor’s budget address last Wednesday…
But that didn’t go over too well with many of his members. The Trib had this today…
And more from Copley…
Kenilworth is represented in the Senate by a Democrat.
Chambers nails it again
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller As is his habit, Aaron Chambers pens yet another important story. First, the Rockford Register-Star reporter accurately points out that the governor’s capital plan is no big deal…
Then he discloses that the governor is apparently holding a “real” capital plan hostage to his tax and health insurance plans…
In other words, give me my wish list and the pork will flow freely. Speaking of the capital budget, some transportation folks were in town yesterday asking for a whole lot of money…
Meanwhile, I had a brief bit on this in Capitol Fax today…
The full letter can be downloaded by clicking here [pdf file].
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Mar 15, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Kane County to retain its lobbyists in Springfield * Illinois budget: 2.3% more for higher ed? * ‘Scott’s Law’ put under the microscope
* ICC: Ameren must explain the effect of credit drop; copy of letter [.pdf] * Commerce Commission challenges Ameren’s cutback threat
* More stormy weather for Ameren * Electricity rates under siege * Editorial: Ameren’s credibility, consumers suffering
* Rate rollback gets through Senate panel:
* CTA audit urge with gripes of filthy trains and buses * Editorial: Don’t outlaw smoking in car with children
* Strict smoking ban begins in suburban Cook Co. * Michael Sneed: Jackson Jr., Giannoulias, Reilly * Sun-Times Editorial: Gap in city schools needs to close * Tinley Park Mental Health Center loses right to bill government for care * Ex jail directors in Lake County deny pension fraud * State Reps call for increase in blood donations * Stiffer fines proposed for parking cheats * Chicago city Council toughens measure on dog owners * Kristen McQueary: Gorman vs. Peraica: Who’s right? And where’s the pork? Editorial: Openness vow by governor gives way to self-interest
* AG Madigan: Board’s Chief vote ends legality question * Schoenberg: Davlin, Giannoulias * Group begins airing commercials against Rockford area sales tax increase * McLean County Clerk indicted