Fresh end of session thread. *** Lottery bill dies in House committee *** House kills gaming bill with parliamentary maneuver ***
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 6:08 pm - Reports from inside that Speaker Madigan would run a different, scaled back capital plan and tell the Senate to take it or leave it were denied by Madigan’s spokesman. The Senate-passed version has language that requires all the funding and spending bills to pass or nothing takes effect. So some expect Madigan may choose the weakest part of the package, let it die and then declare all of it dead. The weakest link is most likely the gaming bill. The other option, of course, is to call no capital bills and adjourn. * 6:32 pm - Sen Hendon just announced that the Rules Committee would meet for the final time and then the Senate would run the bills and adjourn. * 7:00 pm - . Gov Blagojevich is reportedly coming to the House floor soon to make a last ditch push for the capital plan. The House GOP and Rep Jay Hoffman are angrily demanding that the capital plan be brought to the floor. The House Rules Comitye is meeting soon so we’ll know more soon. * 7:11 pm - Blagojevich just arrived on the House floor. * 7:18 pm - The guv has been on the floor for several minutes but has not yet been officially recognized. Never seen anything like that. * 7:28 pm - The Senate adjourned a while ago and the guv was finally introduced in the House. House will hear capital bills in committee soon. *** 8:10 pm *** The House Revenue Committee just killed the Lottery sale bill. Since all capital bills are tied together it appears the game is probably over except for much shouting. * 8:37 p.m.- The House Gaming Committee just approved the gaming expansion bill 17-11, not that it really matters. The next likely step will be for Capital Bill proponents to make a motion to discharge the lottery sale bill. If the motion fails, then there will likely be a motion to overrule the chair. That may lead to some interesting parliamentary procedure. * 9:02 p.m. - There is a motion to table the motion to concur on the Senate’s amendments to the gaming bill. If it prevails this would essentially kill the bill. * 9:40 p.m. - The motion to table was ruled passed with 59 votes. The motion to concur with the Senate’s gaming expansion amendments is now effectively dead. 14 House Republicans sided with Madigan on the motion to table. All are anti-gambling or are politically vulnerable.
End of session reports
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * We can’t be everywhere, and we can’t always get to the computer to blog, so follow along at home and help us live-blog the end of session in comments… * 2:50 pm - One piece of the capital projects package is approved…
The Senate also passed the gaming expansion bill and is working on the capital projects spending bill now. Listen or watch at this link. Also, the House unanimously sent the ethics bill to the governor. * 3:22 pm - The capital projects bill just passed the Senate with 51 “Yes” votes and just one “No” vote.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - End of session party details
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Let’s assume for argument’s sake that everything goes as planned and a new state budget is passed by both chambers today. Question: Do you think Gov. Blagojevich will veto the entire budget, which would necessitate an overtime session? Or, do you think he will just reduce and line item various parts of the budget, which wouldn’t have to dealt with until the November veto session? Explain.
Durbin slams Blagojevich
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * US Sen. Dick Durbin doesn’t have much good to say about Gov. Rod Blagojevich…
* He also touched on the governor’s legal problems…
Capital bill roundup
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Funding…
* Opposition from casinos…
* House Speaker Madigan ain’t happy, either…
* Another Lottery shell game?
Budget roundup
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * First up, Bethany Jaeger’s report…
* Spending…
* Schools…
* Revenues…
* Hole…
* Motivation?…
Bunker pics and Madigan audio
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Here are a couple of photos courtesy of Metro Networks‘ Ben Yount from the tunnel under the Capitol Complex during last night’s tornado evacuation… ![]() * Bethany Jaeger had this onsite report….
* Bethany’s photo…. * Listen to Amanda’s recording of the impromptu Speaker Madigan interview by clicking here. * The governor stayed in his office during the evacuation…
* And some complained…
* Related…
Morning shorts
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Tamms reforms on the way? * Chicago is choke point in overloaded U.S. rail system * The reality of oil prices * Roskam says his district’s No. 1 concern is gas prices * Foster, Durbin cry foul over gas prices
* Con Con Considerations: Presentation * Seeking office in DuPage may get easier * Lawmakers approve helping Lake in the Hills with runway land dispute * Many consumers spend early rebates on soaring cost of living * UI student’s candidacy validated by electoral board * Legislators: Act may retain IDOT jobs * IDOT spent on ice, snow; little left for roadkill * Lawmaker questions IDOT budget * Lawmakers push hospital plan to care for poor
* GPS for stalkers bill sent to governor * Veterans home becomes political battle ground * Potential softening of review board has prosecutors scared * Why does Lisa Madigan leave the heavy-lifting to Fitzgerald? * Why Lisa Madigan isn’t taking the lead in fighting political corruption in Illinois
* Feds raid union boss’ farm * Rezko’s Rubber Checks Drawn from Giannoulias Family Bank * Gambling with a crooked governor * Lawmakers urge EPA to block BP plans
* Martin Ozinga’s faith pulling him to congressional race * Hastert Joins Dickstein * FOX News Documentary Shows Congressmen Sent Millions in Earmarks to Their Own Families
* Clinton expects superdelegates to start deciding
* Friday Beer Blogging: AB (Possible) Buyout Edition
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Raw audio of postgame show after Friday night’s leaders meeting
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Saturday, May 31, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller