Madigan’s impeachment memo
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Click here to download the memo. [I’ve pulled the password protection off because it’s now available elsewhere.]
Madigan advises candidates on impeachment talk *** UPDATED x3 ***
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ll have more on this tomorrow…
*** UPDATE *** Reaction from the governor’s press office…
*** UPDATE 2 *** The AP now has a longer story online…
* Klunk-McAsey’s statement was only covered in one paper yesterday…
*** UPDATE 3 *** Statement from Senate President Emil Jones…
This just in… *** Legislator blasts state response *** Editor defends *** Righter: Worst is yet to come *** Disaster finally declared ***
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 10:23 am - Uh-oh…
Track the events at the Lawrenceville Daily Record and at the local TV news outlet. * 10:46 am - Tomorrow’s leaders meeting is scheduled for 10:30 at the Thompson Center. Kevin will be covering this one, so we won’t have to wait around for updates. * 11:19 am - From a press release…
* 11:29 am - More serious flooding on the way…
Oy. *** 11:52 am *** State Rep. Roger Eddy (R-Hutsonville) is not usually one to pop off, and he mostly kept his cool when we talked a few minutes ago. But he’s becoming ever more frustrated that the flooded areas of his southeastern Illinois House district are not getting the same attention from the state that the folks across the border in Indiana have received. Flooded areas of Indiana have already obtained a federal disaster declaration. In contrast, Illinois has yet to declare its side of the border a disaster - a step that has to be completed before the feds can step in. Also, Indiana’s governor has personally toured the impacted areas on his side of the border. But when Eddy talked to an official with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency he was told that it “doesn’t make any sense for the governor to be down here at this time.” “The people down here are going to perceive that he just isn’t engaged,” Eddy said of Gov. Blagojevich. Eddy did say that some localities were getting some much-needed help with immediate concerns, and he said he was very grateful for that. But he added that the paperwork process needs a thorough review. Too much emphasis was being placed on getting local officials to sign off on documents when they were out on the front lines battling the flooding, Eddy said. “We have a flash flood,” the legislator said, “We need flash paperwork.” “I don’t know why Indiana can have a declaration in less than a day and now we’re three or four days ino this and we’re just seeing this paperwork.” *** 12:36 pm *** Rep. David Reis sent in this photo of a levy break just beyond his back yard… ![]() *** 2:12 pm *** For some perspective, I phoned Mike Van Dorn, the editor of the Lawrenceville Daily Record. Van Dorn wasn’t much impressed with Rep. Eddy’s comments about Blagojevich, claiming that’s his usual schtick back in the district - to blame the guv for everything. The editor said that about 200 families have been evacuated from their homes, adding, “As far as i know the state response has been excellent.” Van Dorn hasn’t been out and about himelf, but has been getting reports from his reporter on the beat. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency “is on top of it,” Van Dorn said, claiming, “They’re doing everything they can.” However, he did say that IEMA is “short of manpower.” *** 3:07 pm *** Sen. Dale Righter has been out all day dealing with the flooding in his district, but from what I gather the worst is yet to come. A couple of rivers in the area could flood over each other and cover an area of around 50 square miles, Righter said. Yikes. Now, much of that is agricultural land, but that’s still pretty darned huge. The local airport is expected to be underwater this week, and one town’s water treatment plant is already totally submerged. Sen. Righter credited local agencies and the local IEMA people for working very hard. But, Righter said, the further up the ladder you get, the less contact and involvement there is. He said there was a problem getting answers out of Springfield, and that the response out of IEMA headquarters “could be more prompt.” With flood warnings along the Mississippi River and the deteriorating situation in Southeastern Illinois [and elsewhere], IEMA and the rest of the Blagojevich administration certainly has a lot of work ahead. I hope they’re up to it. * Also, we’re working on figuring out how people can donate to flood victims or lend a hand in other ways. *** 3:55 pm *** A state disaster has finally been declared…
Question of the day
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Please ignore the national political ramifications in this setup. From a press release…
* Question: Should Illinois ban campaign contributions from all registered lobbyists? Explain. [Like I said above, ignore the national politics and keep it state-centric, please. There’s only gonna be one warning.]
Kadner on Jackson, Rezko and Halvorson; Plus: Greens; Seals
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told you a little about this story yesterday, but Phil Kadner goes at it hard today…
* Kadner doesn’t believe Blagojevich administration claims that Rezko was never involved, and I don’t blame him one bit. I’m with Phil on that one. Kadner, however, only briefly mentions that Jackson aide Rick Bryan brought Democratic congressional candidate Sen. Debbie Halvorson into the mix. That’s more significant, at least politically for Halvorson, than Kadner claims. Here’s a quick refresher about what Bryant wrote…
* I think that any direct Halvorson connection is a big stretch, but the most significant aspect of this statement was that an incumbent Congressional Democrat would seek to undermine a Democratic congressional hopeful by connecting her to Tony Rezko, no matter how tenuous those ties might me. Jackson and Halvorson have fought bitterly on this issue over the years. Halvorson complains that Jackson wants to put an airport in her Senate district (and in an area which is not in Jackson’s district) without first getting permission from those residents. That’s a good point, but there’s no denying that Jackson has given Halvorson’s GOP opponent, Martin Ozinga, lots of ammo. From an Ozinga press release…
* Meanwhile, three Green Party congressional candidates were kicked off the ballot yesterday…
The Greens aren’t sure yet whether they’ll appeal. * And Dem congressional candidate Dan Seals has harsh words for Springfield…
Charlie Cook now rates Seals’ campaign against incumbent Republican Mark Kirk a toss-up, partly because of Barack Obama’s presence on the ticket. * Somewhat related…
Another important, but overlooked story
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told subscribers about this bill and other measures stuck in the legislative mire yesterday morning. Today, the Sun-Times editorializes in favor of a bill to require insurance companies to cover people with autism. The editorial claims the bill “never made it out of the House,” but actually the bill did pass the House. The House, however, refused to back away from an amendment the Senate rejected which forbade the Blagojevich administration from promulgating any new administrative rules. Anyway…
* Madigan and others are not just accusing Blagojevich of doing end-arounds on the General Assembly. It’s a fact of life. Let’s go back and see what happened last year…
Lots and lots of bills were essentially killed this year because Speaker Madigan no longer trusts the governor to follow state law and the Illinois Constitution. I don’t see an easy way out of this mess. Discuss.
Two very important, but overlooked stories
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told subscribers about this situation yesterday. The General Assembly hasn’t yet sent the governor the four appropriations bills which make up the state the budget. Three are Senate bills, one is a House bill…
Emphasis was added to make a point. The chamber where the bill originates controls when it transmits the bill to the governor. They have 30 days to do this, and this time it’s not just Speaker Madigan holding up the show. It’s Jones. * As I’ve been saying for weeks, a big reason the Senate doesn’t want to come back for an overtime session is that it will activate the legislative pay raises…
* Another factor might be the impact on state employee pay checks, but last year a judge allowed state workers to be paid without a passed budget. Still, Flannery reports…
Could be. * Meanwhile, a Chicago media outlet finally notes that Mayor Daley did not support the gaming proposal, which is one of the major funding sources for the capital plan. Except they buried it at the bottom of the piece…
Why the Chicago media hasn’t taken more notice of this is beyond me. * Budget bills and related stories…
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Thompson strikes out with Wrigley deal * Tribune, IFSA talks to buy Wrigley Field hit taxes snag * City seeks alternate funds as gaming tax revenues slip * Daley Reacts to IOC Transportation Concerns * BGA has CTA salary database * Glenview contractor in Chicago city inspector bribery probe gets 33 months * Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration * Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration * Deputy Governor To Step Down * Blagojevich Names New Deputy Governor * Nix says governor not distracted by verdict
* Consulting Deal Sweeter Than Acknowledged For Former Health Bureau Head
* Mayor’s ad blasts Blagojevich over IDOT jobs transfer * In ad, Springfield mayor urges governor not to move IDOT jobs * IDOT says I-57 moving again * Mayor’s aide: Next step in IDOT fight is hearing * Want to know what happened to the art around the Sears Block? * State taxes add to pain at the gas pump * Republican party elects woman from Pekin * Republicans Elect Pat Brady to Replace Bob Kjellander as Illinois Republican National Committeeman * WGN poised to offer top news job to sidelined anchorman Suppelsa * 183rd’s jets as good as gone
* SIUC’s energy research center waits