Pay raise vote this week?
Tuesday, Aug 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Don’t get your hopes up too high…
The commitment was for an up or down vote, but not specifically on the resolution to reject the pay raises. Jones’ people floated alternative ideas back in May. Plus, there’s a lot of backroom maneuvering going on right now. Stay tuned. The rising number of editorials and public awareness of this issue means any further games could backfire in a big way. So, maybe they will vote to reject the raises, but maybe not. Attendance won’t be high in the Senate this week, so one never knows. But if they do vote to reject the raises, then Comptroller Dan Hynes is off the hook. Hynes has refused to say yet whether the pay raises kick in this week. The Senate Democrats claim that the pay raises won’t take effect this week because special session days don’t impact the 30-day deadline that the chamber has to reject the raises. * I told you yesterday that Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn was protesting outside the governor’s City Club speech demanding that the Senate reject the pay raises. Senate President Jones was not amused…
* Related…
- Ghost - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:30 am:
I was a bit surprised by this, I did not think the het from this was anywhere near high enough to change Jones mind. I wonder if Jones blames blago at all for this mess. The special session calls have only highlited this issue. I wonder if Blago was confrring with Jones about doing these special sessions or did it all on his own. Regardless Jones is the only thing keeping the Gov propped up, I can always dream of the day when Jones decides to give up on supporting such a reckless demagogue.
- How Ironic - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:31 am:
If the raises go down in flames (and I hope they do), where does that put Emil and his favorite pet (the gov). Does he hold Blago responsible for forcing his hand on the issue?
Could this create a fissure between them?
- Rob_N - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:35 am:
“The Tiger” Sen. Kotowski has been taking a lead on this issue as well, working with Sen. Garrett to get the bill rejecting the raises up.
I don’t have high hopes that Jones will allow the vote either, but he’s said he’ll allow it and his word lately seems to be worth a bit more than dirt. These extra sessions may turn out to be painful for more than just the mushrooms (who don’t seem to show up anyway) and we the people.
Reject the raise y’all.
- Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:36 am:
Will Emil be signing up for his Link card on Thursday?
- Rob_N - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:36 am:
PS: Ironic… The Magic 8 Ball® sez, “Doubtful.”
- Levois - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 9:46 am:
The rules are kind of odd when neither chamber has to vote on their own raises and then the raises happen automatically.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 10:11 am:
Considering all the Emil has done for Blago, It’s interesting the gov threw his homey under the bus. Why you hatin’, playa?
- Ghost - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 10:45 am:
Word I am still not convicned that Blago did not work out some kind of deal with Jones in advance. Jones either has something cooked up to defeat the block, or may have been offered somthing else in return (perhaps a big chunk of the capital bill). While it would not be out of character for Blago to do this on his own, I suspect events are unfolding exactly as Jones intends them to. The question is more to wonder what the end game is, give up the raises to put pressure on madigan and get somthing else later on, or a trick which causes the block to fail. Only time will tell. Unlike Blago, Jones really does think several moves a head.
- Capitol View - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 10:56 am:
why is this so hard to figure out?
Few senators will be in town this week - it will take 30 votes to reject it, and there may not be more than 40 senators on the floor as they go into regular session.
So Emil can call the “real” motion to reject the pay raise, and have it fail. Or, he may act on another resolution, as has been the ruse in the past with the two chambers acting on differing resolutions so that the actions have no validity.
- phocion - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 10:59 am:
Emil Jones - such a class act. He must feel pretty confident that the national media will never take a look at his antics and tie them to his protege, Senator Obama. I would think he’d be keeping his head down to avoid embarassing the Democratic nominee. Oh well - hubris by any other name.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 11:04 am:
Um, CV, isn’t that what I said?
- rudy - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 2:27 pm:
This is exactly what Michael Madigan wanted when he designed the automatic pay-raise machine (Compensation Review Board)–get compliant “expert” appointees, unaccountable to the public, to propose the pay increases, and require the near-impossible (mid-session agreement of both chambers on a single issue) to reject them. So today we have a situation where almost all the legislators privately desire, but are free to publicly oppose the pay raises. They are then free to blame a handful of legislators who were on vacation, and therefore unable to join the overwhelming chorus of votes against the pay raises, for their passage.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 4:08 pm:
I have just called Gary Forby’s office and his secretary indicated that he will be in the Senate chambers tomorrow for the up/down vote on the pay raise issue. She said Senator Forby has never taken a pay raise and has instead donated it to charity. I told her two things: 1) the state cannot afford this pay raise and to give it to the legislators only for them to give it away to an outside organization doesn’t help the state’s financial situation; and 2) it would be really nice if Forby would remove his nose from Jone’s back side in order to vote this measure down. She said she would pass along the info to him. I’m sure.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 5:44 pm:
LE, Forby is too busy interviewing people for IDOT jobs to come to the ‘phone.
Not that they will give him any of them, mind you.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Aug 12, 08 @ 10:37 pm:
and with todays vote this issue has died, not with a bang, but with a whimper.