Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Guv: “I’ll just have to work extra hard to get them to love me again” *** UPDATED WITH AUDIO ***
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Guv: “I’ll just have to work extra hard to get them to love me again” *** UPDATED WITH AUDIO ***

Friday, Oct 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The AP reports that the cruise ship the governor’s been riding down the River Nile has apparently sprung a leak

Gov. Rod Blagojevich is blaming his low approval rating on the nation’s slumping economy.

The governor says his 13 percent job approval rating is unrelated to the federal corruption investigation that’s been swirling around his administration.

Blagojevich contends that he’d easily win if he were running for governor in the upcoming election

* Blagojevich did make a self-effacing and quite funny quip about the Trib’s poll which showed him at 13 percent approval, however…

“That’s a baker’s dozen, right?” Blagojevich jokingly asked reporters after an unrelated news conference in Blue Island. “I consider that a lucky number.”

Blagojevich said he doesn’t think he’s done anything to garner such a low rating and said politicians across the state and country are being targeted by voters unhappy about higher gas, food and housing prices. But he dodged questions about the growing federal investigation of his administration.

* But this is our quote of the week..

“I love the people of Illinois more today than I did before,” Blagojevich said. “And if it’s a case of unrequited love at this point, I’ll just have to work extra hard to get them to love me again.”

He might start by doing what they want.

*** UPDATE *** Chicago Public Radio has posted audio clips.


  1. - One of the 35 - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:06 pm:

    Oh Governor, you just crack me up! I trust you will be as entertaining from, YOUR JAIL CELL!

  2. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:08 pm:

    It’s too bad he’s cutting back on Human Services, he needs some serious counseling.

  3. - 2ConfusedCrew - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    Since he loves to style his life after the news of the day maybe he should try this page from his hero, SaraCuda’s playbook…..
    WASHINGTON -An acclaimed celebrity makeup artist for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin collected more money from John McCain’s campaign than his foreign policy adviser. Amy Strozzi, who works on the reality show “So You Think You Can Dance” and has been Palin’s traveling stylist, was paid $22,800, according to campaign finance reports for the first two weeks in October. In contrast, McCain’s foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was paid $12,500, the report showed.
    McCain’s campaign said the payment covered a portion of her work in September and a portion of October. An earlier campaign finance report showed Strozzi was paid $13,200 for a portion of September…..Go for the eyeliner Blagoof.

  4. - Princess - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    Princess The Not So Dead Goldfish thinks he’s beyond delusional or it’s April 1st and Rich is pulling our leg with jokes.

  5. - Macbeth - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    I hate to say it, but he’s brilliant.

    If he runs again, he’ll win.

    It’s amazing — but there’s a lot to be learned here (and not much of it good).

  6. - culatr - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    I’m thinking Elvis’ “Love Me Tender…” when I read that quote!

  7. - VanillaMan - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:14 pm:

    He is lying, and he knows it.

  8. - Patrick Casey - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    what an incredible sense of self worth-I just wish the Guv would share what he’s smoking

  9. - The Doc - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    Has the con-con question been posed to the governor? Because if our state’s woes aren’t due to a failure of leadership (presuming Blago feels this way), it’s gotta be a structural deficiency, right? And what better way to deal with it than a con-con?

  10. - GoBearsss - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    “He might start by doing what they want. “

    Like cutting the budget?

    Or not raising taxes?

  11. - Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    If Gov. Blagoof is ever in Springfield there are some GREAT Mental Health proffesionals at the Vine Street Clinic. I would be more than willing to set him up with my shrink and pay for the first session. Is he planning an insanity defense when the indictments come down?

  12. - Pickles!! - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    The guy is clueless.

    But he knows there isn’t anyone whop can really beat him in a statewide election, which is why he thinks he’s reelectable.

  13. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:21 pm:

    ==He is lying, and he knows it.==
    All kidding aside, I would really like to know what you all think. Is he A) Lying to save face, or B) Actually crazy, or C) Do you have a better explaination for these comments? No snark intended, I think it is B and the man needs help getting back to reality.

  14. - Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:21 pm: I agree completely, it’s B. I’m telling you he is planning an insanity defense.

  15. - Truth - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:25 pm:

    Awwww. We wuv you too Guvy.
    Now get into your cell and stay there.

  16. - Leave a light on George - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:35 pm:

    I bet a Blago staff meeting resembles a scene from the day room in the movie “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.”

  17. - Bluefish - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    Blago “trusts the people to get it right”. Voters or jurors?

  18. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:37 pm:

    He might be right about being responsible for the huge amount of foreclosures and the mortgage mess this state is in. It would have taken leadership to help stop corrupt appraisers, mortgage brokers and lenders his office licenses from preying on gullible people. Needless to say, Blago is referring to the stock market crashing, of which he had as much to do with as I did, however, he should answer for the corrupt practices of the individuals his office licenses.

    This CYA press release demonstrates his complete ignorance of the level of voter disgust in him and his disdain for any non-imaginary solution, like resigning, to the problems of the state.

  19. - Captain Flume - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:43 pm:

    The Governor is right about not having lost an election. If he is on the ballot in November 2010, he will win. There will be no one remotely attractive enough, or clever enough, to stand up to his campaign.

    As Martin Mull once observed in “Livin’ Above My Station”: “I kept my dreams within my reach/
    And every one came true”

  20. - Little Egypt - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:43 pm:

    Could someone please identify the planet on which Blago lives? He’s definitely not from my world.

  21. - Baines for Prez - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    He’s been working on his Jedi mind tricks too much in front of the mirror. With hair like that, I can understand his temptation, but I believe it may have impaired his judgment.

  22. - Bill Baar - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:48 pm:

    …is this Gov as insane frame and attempt to discredit his testimony about others once indicted in advance?

  23. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    I was going to rip on Martin Mull and write something comparing Blago’s and his careers both being in the tank but I kinda like Martin Mull and think he would not be at all pleased with your comparison to our Governor.

  24. - Milorod - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    New sign over toll booths:


  25. - Captain Flume - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    I can see The Governor as a guest on Fernwood 2 Night, too. I think Marty would appreciate the irony.

  26. - Skeptic Cal - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    It sounds so funny to read this.
    The sad part, however, is the cost of his arrogance. The money wasted on his healtcare initiative should be reocovered by the taxpayers. Instead, we are paying large fees to lawyers to defend his abuse of power.
    It is no longer laughable.
    He is right that the economy is driving public opinion, but even if it is only milliions of dollars he has wasted recently, that money could have been used properly for legal programs.

  27. - What planet is he from again? - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:02 pm:

    ==Could someone please identify the planet on which Blago lives? He’s definitely not from my world. ==

    I have to ask the same question…

  28. - Bill Baar - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    Blagojevich beats Eisendrath 70% to 29%.

    Blagjevich beats Topinka 50% to 39%.

    Now not a single voice to defend the guy? I’m supposed to believe he’s insane?

    What kind of party have Democrats become that they’re so quick to bail on someone who after hall has remained true to a pledge not to raise the income tax, and has been a consistent advocate of some strong liberal planks e.g. health care?

    So know I’m supposed to believe this Gov who had such support a few years ago is insane?

    Whow… loyalty is cheap in Illinois among Dems.

  29. - Jaded - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:26 pm:

    “He might start by doing what they want” Like cutting the Budget? Or not raising taxes?

    Uh, no Go Bearsss, the answer would be resign. They’d love him just fine then.

  30. - BFF - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    I have some definate ideas on how Blago can get me to love him again but I don’t want to be banned for life.

  31. - Ernest T. Bass - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    He really is in love with himself. I thought it was it was just a summer thing. (Line stolen from the movie TWISTER.)

  32. - The Mad Hatter - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:36 pm:

    He claims people are mad at him because of the recent economic downturn? I think people have been mad at him longer than that. This is the same buffoon who claimed victory after the General Assembly voted 107-0 to reject his idiotic Gross Receipts Tax on businesses. The same guy who needed his ally Emil Jones to quash the proposed recall amendment for the state constitution so he wouldn’t have to face that prospect in the next election. The same guy who “mistakenly” gave $1 million to a “church school” that wasn’t affiliated with the church but did donate money to his campaign. The same bozo who repeatedly defied the voters and General Assembly to offer health care to everyone, even if they could afford thweir own. I could go on, but I get nauseated. A-Rod, I don’t think you’re ever going to see the people “love” you again. Your fellow cons might, but the rest of us won’t.

  33. - Hunterdon - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    wow…just wow….is this man so completely insulated from the outside world surrounded by sycophants and yes-men that he really believes this?? I have to think it is simply another example of his unmeasurable arrogance and complete disdain for all Illinois citizens.

  34. - A Citizen - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:41 pm:

    Suggested QOTD - What drugs/pharmaceuticals/beverages do you find most helpful for getting through the day without thinking/brooding over the existence of guv ?

  35. - Bill Baar - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:48 pm:

    An Exec who over promises and a dysfunctional legislature….

    …this is Democrats folks.

    Walk away from the Gov if you like, but these habits are ingrained in the party.

  36. - N. Diamond - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 3:52 pm:

    You don’t bring me voters
    You don’t sing me Cub songs
    You hardly talk to me anymore
    When you come bringing subpoenas
    At the end of the day

    I remember when
    You couldn’t wait to love me
    Used to hate to leave me
    Now after governing, you say I ain’t right
    When I make up new programs
    And you’re feelin alright
    When I forget to fund them
    Then you turn out the light
    And you don’t bring me contracts anymore

    It used to be so natural
    To talk about forever
    But oaths of office don’t count anymore
    They just lay on the floor
    til we sweep them away

    And baby, I remember
    All the things you taught me
    I learned how to laugh
    And I learned how to cry
    Well I learned how to love
    Even learned how to lie
    Youd think I could learn
    How to tell you goodbye

    ‘Cause I don’t have the numbers

  37. - Princess - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:02 pm:

    geez, I think it was worse listening to his comments just now than only reading it. –”“I love the people of Illinois more today than I did before,” Blagojevich said. “And if it’s a case of unrequited love at this point, I’ll just have to work extra hard to get them to love me again.”—-

    I’ve had just about as much love flowing from my governor that I can handle. More? Please, no. If I promise if any pollers call my home to ask what I think of you, Rod, that I think you’re great, doing a wonderful job blah blah, will you promise to stop loving me for a while?

  38. - Sweet Polly Purebred - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:02 pm:

    The best case senario I can see for Illinois is that after the OBAMASSIAH ascends to the golden throne in Washington, Roddy Python appoints himself to the open senate seat to join the OBAMASSIAH, Mo’ Money Jones and the rest of the “BIPARTISAN COMBINE” - who are not yet in jail in Washington to help “LEAD” this United States. Think of all the pension plans, real estate deals, commissions, etc left to plunder and pillage at the Federal level.

  39. - OneMan - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    Perhaps he should try a different strategy than offering the people up stuff the state can’t afford.

  40. - DzNts - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:11 pm:

    Blagojevich is the kind of politician who would blame a compass for pointing north. If his popularity was only tied to the economic downturn, it would probably be in the 20’s instead of the teens. Actually, truth be told, the 13% is probably a little high because of the size of the sample. I would argue it’s lower than 13%.

  41. - A Citizen - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    If he takes BHO’s senate slot will he officially become the Court Jester ?

  42. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:46 pm:

    I think RRB accidentally got a hold of one of Bill’s Blog posts and thought it was his speech.

    Could be wrong.

  43. - Bill - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:59 pm:

    The thousands of children who have now health insurance, thanks to Rod, the women who can now get a mamogram, the children who can now go to pre-school and their parents, and all of you conservatives who don’t want to pay any taxes should all love (well, at least not hate)Rod.
    He may have some personality quirks that you don’t like but he has kept some of his promises.
    As for 2010, never underestimate Rod Blagojevich.

  44. - Bookworm - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 5:51 pm:

    Bill, you are absolutely priceless! I think you are confusing being loved with being… another term you’ve used in reference to His Hairness : )

  45. - Dan S. a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 7:36 pm:

    Bill - Friday, Oct 24, 08 @ 4:59 pm: Bill, I’ll make you the same offer. I’ll set you up with my shrink and pay for the first session.

  46. - Tatler - Saturday, Oct 25, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    The speaker should simply pass a bill requiring state parks to close and cutting the state empoloyees and the Governor will actually pump more $ in to spite him.

  47. - Beowulf - Saturday, Oct 25, 08 @ 4:13 pm:

    Oh-Oh! The Gov has found religion! His comment about lucky Number 13 might be mistaken by some as “a walk on the dark side”.

    How does that hym by John Newton back around 1807 go? “Amazing grace! How sweet the sound-That saved a wretch like me!I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see.”

    Somehow that hym and the image of “The Gov” sprang into my mind when I heard his reply to his embarrassingly low recent approval ratings.

  48. - pup - Sunday, Oct 26, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    66 ironworkers will be layed off from the CTA Dec 31st, 2008. How do you propose you are going to pay for the up keep of the rails that the entire city depends on? Year after year there is never enough money - what’s the problem with budgeting for our cities mass transit- it’s not something you can let go. Save the ironworkers local 1 jobs.

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