Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn press conference live-blog *** Quinn to Burris: Resign ***
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Quinn press conference live-blog *** Quinn to Burris: Resign ***

Friday, Feb 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:07 am - The Tribune has live video of the governor’s press confernce. He’s expected to talk about a special election for the US Senate seat currently held by Roland Burris.

I’m hugely distracted right now with work, so any help you can give in comments would be appreciated.

* 11:13 am -
“Only” 13 minutes late.

Quinn says he supports a bill by Rep. Jack Franks. Here’s the summary…

Requires that a special election be held to fill a vacancy in the office of United States Senator occurring 90 or more days before the general primary immediately preceding the general election at which the office is regularly scheduled to be filled. Requires a temporary gubernatorial appointment for any vacancy in the office of United States Senator until the vacancy is filled at the special election or the general election at which the office is regularly scheduled to be filled

* 11:19 am - Quinn just called on Burris to resign, saying he needs to do what’s right for the people of Illinois.

* 11:26 am - Rep. Franks’ bill in its current form would not apply to Sen. Burris. But Franks just said he is amenable to amending the bill to make it apply to the current situation.

Quinn on the proposal: If Franks’ bill passes, likely would be litigated. Best thing would be for Burris to resign.

* The governor said he would find a way to “help” local governments pay for a special election.

* Quinn: If he chose a temporary replacement it would be someone who has no interest in running for the office.

* “I have not spoken to Sen. Burris about this matter.”

* Quinn said if Burris resigned he would talk to every legislator and tell them the special election bill is of “paramount interest to the people of Illinois.”

* Won’t name replacement until law is passed, “Hopefully within a week.”

* Quinn said, “In passing, I saw Speaker Madigan at dinner last night” and mentioned to Madigan that he is “for this concept” of the special election. How did Madigan respond? “He’s a fellow who likes to aborb information and he’ll give you his opinion down the road.” That’s a pretty good insight.

* 11:45 am - Finished.


  1. - chicountryguy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:13 am:

    Walks in and says:

    “Hello, my names is Pat Quinn and I’m the Governor of Illinois”

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    Explaining the importance of Senate ‘we’re in two wars now’

    said he has been to 2 funerals this week for Illinois soldiers

  3. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    “We have a senator with a cloud over his head–he has been my friend for 37 years”

  4. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    It’s very important to pass a law, right now, to fill vacancies. Within 5 days a ‘writ of election’ would be issued by governor…within 72 days there would be a primary…within 6 weeks a special general election

  5. - NL - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    Just asked for Burris to resign.

  6. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    America the Beautiful. yet again. from gov. poet to gov. singer

  7. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:26 am:

    dang it…I actually had to work and missed it :-)

  8. - This Guy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:26 am:

    …from gov. poet to gov. singer …

    True, but at least Quinn’s reference appears to be pertinent, applicable and non-delusional. So he’s got that going for him…which is nice. :)

  9. - John Bambenek - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    Special election bill should apply to ALL future appointments. Quinn should be running the “never again” platform for his administration (and I expect he more or less is)… The question is whether he’ll put the screws to Madigan to get this bill passed.

  10. - bored.... - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    The ticker on my live feed says 28 minutes and counting….this guy loves to hear himself talk. Nothing exciting or unexpected going on. Just said the seat doesn’t belong to a race of people…wonder how that will fly.

    Anyone think he introduced himself as governor because he doesn’t yet believe it himself?

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    ===Just said the seat doesn’t belong to a race of people===

    I didn’t hear that, but was distracted when my wife came into my office. Anyone else hear that statement?

  12. - neo state worker - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    I heard it as well.

  13. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    I did not but was distracted by facebook…

  14. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    === Quinn: If he chose a temporary replacement it would be someone who has no interest in running for the office. ===

    Does that rule Bill out? As far as I know, he was DRAFTED, and has expressed no desire to run, serve, or be appointed.

    Can I get a ruling, Rich?

  15. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    @I was distracted by twitter.

  16. - Redbright - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    I think a special election is a very expensive idea and won’t necessarily lead to a better ending. Look at the 5th CD. There are 23 people running. There is literally not time for the less-successful ones to be weeded out. A statewide election held on short notice won’t be any better.

    If there is just one election, our next Senator will go to DC with a winning plurality of probably 20 percent. To get to a meaningful election will at least take a primary too, doubling the cost.

    Let the State Senate confirm a gubernatorial appointment. Burris wouldn’t have gotten through a real confirmation hearing in January – no Blago appointment would have.

  17. - True Observer - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:53 am:

    “Requires a temporary gubernatorial appointment…until the vacancy is filled at the special election or the general election at which the office is regularly scheduled…”

    Under Franks’ Bill, the Primary would be 30 days after the vancancy and the general 30 days afte that.

    So, let’s get this straight.

    The Governor gets to appoint John Smith (O.K., Emily’s List, let’s make it Jane Smith).

    John or Jane Smith will be named to one of the highest offices in the land with all the attendant publicity befitting the office, including the swearing in on the family bible held by the spouse with adoring children standing by.

    And 30 days later, John or Jane will be just another equal candidate on the ballot for the nomination.

    Even the Mob couldn’t put in a better fix.

  18. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:57 am:

    –* Quinn: If he chose a temporary replacement it would be someone who has no interest in running for the office.–

    Even money, Mikva or Netsch.

  19. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    Looking very prescient now…I joined the “Bill For Senate” FB group AFTER Roland was appointed…just didn’t pass the smell test! But as punishment for speaking out against Con Con, PLEASE do not appoint DCN!!!

  20. - Illinois Republican - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    Roland Burris shouldn’t resign unless Tom Cross does first. Cross seems a lot more dishonest to me.

    Plus Tom Cross’ threats to Jack Franks on the floor Wednesday should be enough to demand Cross’ resignation all by itself. Isn’t it illegal to threaten another public official with retailiation simply because that other public official talked about turning over evidence of political corruption to the state’s attorney?

    What’s going on? Or is there simply a different standard for the black man?

  21. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===Does that rule Bill out? ===

    Bill, what say you?

  22. - IrishPirate - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    I think Quinn looks purdy good coming out of this one.

    Say it loud, Say it Proud. Quinn in 2010!

    My bet is that Alexi runs for the Senate after Burris resigns, which I think will happen(wishful thinking perhaps), and that Lisa Madigan better plan on four more years as AG.

    The best laid plans of mice and Madigans………

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    I just talked to Bill and he has agreed not to run for the seat if appointed. We’ll retool the Bill for Senate page over the weekend.

  24. - Redbright - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Wordslinger - Sheila Simon — someone with a family name that is still recognized nationally as the highest integrity in the land.

  25. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    Dawn Clark Netsch now! Quinn and Netsch boxed on so many things that it would absolutely not look like he was doing it in his self interest or hers. She is smart, smart, smart on finances and this would help in the atmosphere in D.C.

  26. - Prairie Sage - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    RE: local costs of a special election.

    No better time to try for a 100% mail-in election. I know all the arguments against it, and I know Illinois ain’t Oregon, but I’m still for it.

  27. - IrishPirate - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:37 pm:

    Somehow Custer comes to mind when I think of the predicament Burris finds himself in.

  28. - True Observer - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    The Burris naysayers are setting themselves up for a fall.

    Pretty quick, they’re going to realize they need his 60th vote for card check, mortgage bailout,…

    It will be interesting to see how they start backtracking on the sermonizing.

  29. - Redbright - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    If we have a special election with more than three names on the ballot the Beavers-Berrios machine will decide the outcome. As I have commented before, they own the election judges in large areas of Cook County and the ballots will be checked to make sure that the voter made the correct selection before the ballot goes into the scanner.

  30. - soccermom - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    The Bill is Overdue!

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    ===the Beavers-Berrios machine===

    Beavers has been getting his clock cleaned at the ballot box. Not sure how you can even think about a statement like that. Please remove tinfoil hat. I know it’s quite large and thick, but please try.

  32. - Gabriel - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:47 pm:

    == I think a special election is a very expensive idea and won’t necessarily lead to a better ending. Look at the 5th CD. There are 23 people running. There is literally not time for the less-successful ones to be weeded out. A statewide election held on short notice won’t be any better. ==

    So what. The costs of allowing the next Senator to be chosen is how much?

    How many more holes to the Illinois Democrats want to dig that they’ll just have to fill in later?

    Call the special election. This does more to save the Illinois Democratic Party. The more the public learns about the inner workings of the Illinois Democratic Party, the greater their chances of losing their stronghold.

    Stop hedging. Close out the outstanding positions. Time for the special election.

  33. - fedup dem - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:48 pm:

    Of course, it should be remembered that bwetter bills than Rep. Franks’ proposal have been tripped up by the obstacle course known as the legislative process down in Springfield.

  34. - Little Egypt - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:13 pm:

    Bill, you would be perfect as a fill in U.S. Senator. Think how impressive that extra line would look on your mausoleum. If you don’t do it for the people of Illinois man, at least do it for your family.

  35. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:14 pm:

    This problenm is easy to solved. Burris resigns and the seat stays open till next election. We haven’t had reresentation from that Senate seat in years, what’s another couple?

  36. - GOPvotecounter - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:20 pm:

    Hey Democrats remember the first of the year when you called a special session to call for a special election? What happened? Polls said you would lose the seat? Wonder how bad your polls are now for you to be asking for this again? Now that it blew up in your face you want to CYA? NO! Live with your choice. Gov Quinn where were you? Now your going to act like a reformer? Did Madigan say it was OK now? Come on 2010!

  37. - Gregor - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    Senator Marilee Leahy has a nice ring to it. Even if it is just temporary.

  38. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    so matt murphy and jan schakowsky agree on something, moving the election would take care of the Roland problem.
    but, jan, don’t even think about running. we don’t need the
    scandal from your husband. it’s time to start fresh.

  39. - Deep South - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    Please, not DCN OR Sheila Simon!

  40. - Ghost - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:27 pm:

    I think we should fill the vacant spot with rotating memebers who serve for 1 week, and are selected randomly from jury pool lists. aka Monty Python style

  41. - Redbright - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Rich – I know you are not saying that there is no political machine in Cook County. Unless it is being run by the Mother Theresa or some other heavenly figure it hardly matters who is in charge.

    It is there and it controls the jobs and community life in large areas of the county. It’s not big enough to control a statewide election in a normal year but it is if there are a large number of candidates to split the votes.

    (PS: I’m the person who argued last week that Beavers/Stroger were on their way out when The Iceman came out for Preckwinkle.)

  42. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===I know you are not saying that there is no political machine in Cook County.===

    You are correct. I didn’t say that.

  43. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    Why are we assuming that if Burris resigns, the next appointee won’t have similar issues? Burris is not unique.

    If there is a next appointee, that individual must have no ties to Blagojevich, right down to party affiliation, or being in the same room with him.

    Quinn should select a noted Illinois independant. If he deliberately selects a non-Democrat, he would pour a lot of calming oil on this entire issue.

  44. - Anon - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    Re: the other idea being floated by some posters about letting the governor still appoint, but require Senate confirmation….Do any other State’s do this? My immediate thought is, taking a strict reading of the 17th Amendment, giving the State Senate a veto power over an appointment would be unconstitutional. I say just do what the constitution explicitly allows the Legislature to do: establish special elections.

  45. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    No, save the headache by needing to weed out the crooks it will take too long. Just leave the seat vacant till the next election, we’ll won’t see a bit of differnce reresentation wise.

  46. - wordslinger - Saturday, Feb 21, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    –Why are we assuming that if Burris resigns, the next appointee won’t have similar issues? Burris is not unique.–

    Silly statement. Burris, is unique in the fact that he actually accepted an appointment from Blago and has been lying about the circumstances.

    I don’t even know what an “independant” is, but I do know if the GOP wants a statewide officer, they’re going to have to find someone that people will vote for.

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