Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Burris adviser says he’ll run, planning to play race card *** UPDATED x1 ***
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Burris adviser says he’ll run, planning to play race card *** UPDATED x1 ***

Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Burris hires new staff. From a press release…

Brady King, interim chief of staff], a Capitol Hill veteran since 1992, has served Representative Chet Edwards (D-TX) as Appropriations Advisor, Representative Allen Boyd (D-FL) as Legislative Director, and Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) as Defense Policy Advisor. King holds degrees from Texas A&M University and Baylor University, and he is completing a PhD at Temple University.

[Jim O’Connor, Communications Director] is a veteran of Chicago and Illinois politics. O’Connor has served as Press Secretary for US Senate candidate Blair Hull, Political Director at the firm of Wilhelm & Conlon, and has most recently been based in San Francisco as a political commentator for Bay-area evening news station, KRON4.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* He isn’t leaving and he’s talking about running again

“Roland is going to stay in the Senate, going to stay until the people of Illinois decide if he should leave,” [Burris media and political adviser Delmarie Cobb] said.

Meaning what?

“Petitions will begin to be circulated in September,” she responded. “Then we’ll see.”

Announcing that he wouldn’t run in 2010 would’ve forced Sen. Burris to give up his only remaining leverage.

* Cobb clearly intends to use the race card

Now, Cobb says, Burris’ enemies are trying to bloody him up and weaken him with mounting legal bills.

“And then it won’t be called racism,” said Cobb.


* Dick Durbin ramps up the pressure, but there’s only so much anyone can do…

Durbin said he would not support Burris if he ran.

* Speaking of doing nothing

A plan to change the way Illinois fills vacant US Senate seats faces a tough road in the state Legislature.

* This is strange

Durbin said Burris told him he was under some financial pressure. Burris has said he now owes at least $400,000 for lawyers.

Burris said his legal bills were $400K three weeks ago, before the latest round of madness. Maybe he just hasn’t received the new invoice, or he’s just clueless or not telling the truth. The law firm he’s using is his own, so they’re really piling up the bills on the guy, or he’s just making stuff up.

* The congressman didn’t respond, but he could’ve said the same thing right back to Burris…

Burris approached fellow Illinois Democrat Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., and while shaking his hand, said, “I did nothing wrong, Jesse. I did nothing wrong.”

* Burris was given a taste of the “DC diss” during the president’s speech last night

Members of Congress have special public rituals for pariahs who cannot, for various reasons, be ejected. At best, they show a distinct lack of made-for-TV enthusiasm for the scorned. At worst, they’ll stare into the middle distance as if through Those Not to Be Acknowledged.

More commonly, they smile, but not warmly; hug everyone else and issue a polite nod or maybe back-pat to the undesirable before moving on. Rarely, they’ll turn their backs or be rude. Particularly not on live television.

Oooo. That’s so… not gonna work at all. Whatta buncha goofs.

And, horror upon horrors, he had to walk alone

U.S. Sen. Roland Burris walked alone to President Barack Obama’s address tonight, while other senators walked in pairs.

* Brutal? Really?…

After the speech, Obama went around shaking hands. When Obama came near the area when embattled Sen. Roland Burris was standing — alone at this point and looking a little forelorn — Burris waved at him a few times.

Obama appeared not to respond. And the president certainly did not reach out. I don’t know if this qualifies as a snub, but it was a brutal reminder of the tough time Burris has ahead now that he has decided not to resign in the wake of controversies stemming from his appointment by ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

I really don’t think he cares…


* Related…

* He’s not budging

* Burris rebuffs call to resign

* Heck, no, Burris won’t go — despite Durbin urging him to do so

* Durbin advises Burris to quit

* Durbin Suggests Burris Resign

* Burris gets frosty reception at Obama’s speech

* Stubborn Burris should resign

* Cross calls on Burris to give up Senate seat

* Brauer: Burris good for GOP, but he should quit

* Complicated Relationship Ahead for Burris, Durbin

* Beecher — Burris among missing at forum


  1. - Ghost - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:10 am:

    If only the Senate had some kind of rule in place where they could remove a sitting senator with a vote…..

  2. - Leroy - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:11 am:

    Here’s how Burris can get my vote:

    Publicly call Durbin a hypocrite.

    Go on the offense, Roland. Take the battle to them. You’ve got nothing to lose. You’ve already been painted as the post Blago-era scapegoat-at-large by the machine. Run with it.

  3. - The Doc - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:13 am:

    Senator Burris pretends to be a gargoyle while spewing venom at the back of Senator Evan Bayh’s head.

  4. - archpundit - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:14 am:

    Man, if they’ll only strip me of my committee assignments, I can really relax and get paid.

  5. - archpundit - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:16 am:

    So pretty much DC is like high school popularity games for the reporters. Nothing new or revelatory there, but a great example of why DC is so screwed up.

  6. - Levois - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:17 am:

    Leverage for what? He’s not committed any crime. Perhaps he wants something for giving up his senate seat. That’ll just prove that he’s as greedy as the guy who appointed him.

  7. - Ghost - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    Leverage to negotiate remaining in office if for example the Senate grew a backbone and called for a removal vote; or if the ethics committee actually moved with some speed on addressing the conflicting testimony (would take a day maybe 2).

  8. - Speculator - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    Bayh is yawning too!!! All that clapping makes Senators tired. good luck charging roland with perjury.. Durbin again proving to be an ineffective leader.

  9. - Ken - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    Burris/Blagojevich-AS a Republican you have got to love this side show.

  10. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:23 am:

    That’s a fake television time yawn, as a snub to Obama, for Obama snubbing Roland.

  11. - Concerned Observer - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:27 am:

    Ken — I think the Republicans would love it more if they had any viable candidates to take advantage.

  12. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:29 am:

    How could Burris be any less effective than Obama? I was never a fan of B Obama, but he was in senate for 2 minutes and decided to run for President and won. The people have spoken, but what in Senate did he accomplish that would make him so accomplished compared to what Burris could do?

  13. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:30 am:

    “Roland is going to stay in the Senate, going to stay until the people of Illinois decide if he should leave,”

    Uh - the people of Illinois didn’t choose Burris. He should resign NOW!

  14. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    Now, Cobb says, Burris’ enemies are trying to bloody him up and weaken him with mounting legal bills.

    “And then it won’t be called racism,”

    It would be called - political justice, dummy!

  15. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    So far, nobody has stepped forward and taken the bait on Burris’ Pay to Quit Playing inuendo by establishing a floor on his price tag to exit, with a minimum bid of $400,000. Perhaps he needs to retain an “emissary”, but anyone taking on such a position should be cautioned to get paid up front; and in cash.

  16. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    Caption: “Burris Discovers Controversial Seat Too Hot For Comfort”

  17. - Say WHAT? - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Roland Burris, like my cat loves the light. For my cat, it is sunshine, so he stays in the window and falls asleep. For Burris its the lime light that he cannot resist. It makes him sleepy. Like my cat, he stubbornly refuses to leave the light. When I try to remove my cat he sometimes bites. I wonder if Roland bites too…… Hmmm.

  18. - soccermom - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    Chilly smiles? Polite nods? Gosh, I hope the Senate does not go so far as to inflict the collective senatorial eye-roll on Senator Burris — he might not survive the resulting emotional distress.

  19. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    “…Play the race card…” - I thought The Roland already had Rush do that for him. How many “race cards” are there in a deck? Is The Roland playing with a stacked deck? Apparently not with a Full Deck.

  20. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    I think it’s clear he will stay out his term. What will be tricky is how the Democrats will handle a re-election bid and the primary for it. If they
    excoriate him too much, the black community, many of whom have expressed concern about displacing the only black member of the Senate and hence support for Sen Burris, will get behind him in enough numbers to make him a serious contender. Given the importance of the African American primary vote in Illinois, he might well win.

    I say, everybody should back off and let this get off the the front page. It’s gotten too sensational.

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:02 am:

    ===How many “race cards” are there in a deck?===


  22. - Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    ==DC is like high school popularity games==
    I have always thought that…especially during State of the Union speeches when one side roars with approval while the other side sits on their hands, it reminded me of high school: 500 people in their cliques worried about what people think of them.

  23. - Shore - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    Last night my neighbor told me the economy may suck but thank god we have the Democratic soap opera for entertainment. Viva Roland!

  24. - Black Ivy - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    Is it really “playing the race card” to intend to run and call for backing by his most reliable base, Rich? Roland Burris is a longtime highly respected and regarded African-American elected official in Illinois. He has been supportive of and supported by Black in this state for years. For the most part, his support among African-Americans has remained steadfast despite this latest controversy. It is shameful and self-serving for President Barack Obama to “diss” and the Senator he ultimately supported only a few weeks ago. And U.S. Senator Dick Durbin’s attempt to strong arm his fellow Senator to refrain from running in 2010 is unacceptable as well.

    It is important for the media to understand that there are NO OTHER African-Americans in the U.S. Senate. Three of the four African-American U.S. Senators in American history have come from Illinois, so maintaining representation at all costs is a matter of great import to Blacks nationwide. Neither U.S. Senator Roland Burris nor the ensuing outcry from the Black community will go away quietly. Some may call it “race card” politics. Others call it justice.

  25. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Infinite race cards - Reminds me of the Ladies’ Afternoon Poker Party - Twos, Fours, Tens, Jacks, and Man With The Axe Wild. LOL

  26. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:23 am:

    71 years old - 9:00 pm (eastern) - past bed time - yawn

  27. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:24 am:

    ===It is important for the media to understand that there are NO OTHER African-Americans in the U.S. Senate.===

    I think all reporters understand this fact.

    Also, you completely missed the point. Re-read what she said.

  28. - EmptySuitParade - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    Delmarie is sharp. Roland will be in good shape
    BTW when will IL’s sad sack media start asking the GOP (as in MOPE) hypocrites why they did not want an election for Watson’s replacement?
    Way to give away the issue

  29. - The Fox - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    What one may think of Roland (and most aint good at the moment), I would hate to be in a trench with Dick Durbin.

  30. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:31 am:


    I wonder how many Illinoisans think if Burris goes that any appointee or special election winner will have provide any benefit to the people of Illinois. Who is convinced either party really has someone who would make a difference considering the numbers in the Senate?

    What we are really talking about is damage containment for the democrat party.

  31. - sneaker - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    Interesting that Burris want the people of Illinois to decide if he stays or goes. It appears to me that since he lost several statewide races the people of Illinois have clearly said, we don’t want Roland Burris.

  32. - Andy Warhol - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    I think everybody is wrong. Burris is crying and Bayh probably just has some chew in his lip. They do that in Indiana right?

  33. - tanstaafl - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Black Ivy - It is playing the “race card” when a person’s race “trumps” ethics and qualifications for a person to hold a position. No seat in the U.S. Senate “belongs” to a person of any race - white, black, hispanic, Amerindian, etc… A senate seat belongs to the person elected by the majority of the state of residence. I did not vote for Roland Burris, nor the former governor who appointed him.

  34. - Illini - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    Tired after a long day of trailblazing!

  35. - heet101 - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:51 am:

    I thought we elected an African American as President in November. No need for any more race baiting right? Be you white, black, green or blue, your color won’t be a determining factor in your potential for election, right? ‘Oy’ in this case will suffice in place of what I would rather say. ‘Sick’ would work better for me in this case.

  36. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    Do I recall correctly that there have been 4 African-American Senators in the modern era, and 3 have been from Illinois, with 2 elected from here? Seems to me that the racial issue regarding electing Senators should be directed at the other states rather than at Illinois. Illinois should not be looked on as having to have a Senator of any certain ethnicity, without taking account of their ethics, competence or the manner in which they obtained the job. Illinois voters have more than enough justification to vote Mr. Burris out. If another African-American who is qualified wants to stand for election in Illinois, fine. History proves they will get a fairer shake here than elsewhere.

  37. - sal-says - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:05 am:


    “Man, I am REALLY hard at work! Just joking, IL taxpayers.”

  38. - Avarus - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Blacks are 13% of the population and only 1% in the US Senate, the only chamber that can vote on treaties, confirm judges and cabinet secretaries. I think it’s important to have the African American voice. Even if Burris did lie.

  39. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    Avarus, like it matters. There is nothing unique about the “Black Voice” 90% of blacks vote D in abad year. If Burris cannot do anything, what is the point of being there to rep the black vote? Maybe Burris would have voted for Janice Rogers Brown… is abotut party.

  40. - Did you say that - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Avarus, Did you say that you would choose someone because of their heritage even when they openly lied to self promote? If that is the voice of the African American community I’m deeply worried because I fear that you are voting by color and not qualifications.

  41. - Speaking at Will - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    ” I think it’s important to have the African American voice. Even if Burris did lie.”

    WOW! There is some logic for ya! Might wanna re-think that.

  42. - Anon - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:37 am:

    ==[Jim O’Connor, Communications Director] is a veteran of Chicago and Illinois politics. O’Connor has served as Press Secretary for US Senate candidate Blair Hull ==

    So does this mean Burris feels the need for a spokesman who can handle “Has the Senator stopped beating his wife?” questions from the press?

    (OK, that’s in horrible taste, but I couldn’t come up with a good photo caption.)

  43. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    Black Ivy, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m a white dude. But exactly what does Roland Burris bring to the table for “Black America?”

  44. - Speaking at Will - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:42 am:


    Displaying odd Behavior, Roland Burris yells out “Bill Ayers!” during Barack Obama’s Address to the nation Tuesday night.

  45. - Deep South - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    I wonder if Roland can get enough petition signatures to get on the ballot.

  46. - J. Brown - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    Everybody sing!
    Think about the sacrifices that I made for you.
    Think about the good things I done for you.
    Now think of all the bad things I tried not to do baby baby.
    Think of all the wrong things you did to me too. Come on
    THINK~about the good things baby.
    THINK~about the wrong things maybe.
    THINK~baby about the right things.
    THINK~about the outta sight things.
    Lady before you leave me realize I’m the one who loves you.
    How much of all your happiness can I really claim.
    How many tears have you shed for which I was to blame.
    I I I dont remember what they brought.
    I tried so hard to please you , at least thats what I thought. Come on.
    THINK~about the good things baby.
    THINK~about the wrong things maybe.
    THINK~about the the things I would’nt do.
    THINK~what I done for you.
    Lady before you leave me realize I’m the one who loves you. Heeeeeey!
    Think of all the sacrifices I made for you.
    Think of all the good things wooo hoooo
    Think of all the bad things I tried not to do.
    When you get tired of me think about the good things done for you.Come
    on Reeee!
    THINK~babe about the good things.
    THINK~just sit on down and.
    THINK~just sit on down and.
    THINK~just sit on down.
    THINK~think think Heey heeeeeey.
    THINK~just think on baby.
    THINK~If you getting tired.
    THINK~sit on down.
    THINK~sit ahhhh.
    THINK~heeyy THINK~ heyyyy
    THINK~baby THINK~yeah.
    Think about the sacrifices I made for you.
    Think about the hard times I spent with you.
    Now think about the good things now think about the good things.Come on
    THINK~think baby.
    THINK~and don’t you forget to.
    THINK~hey heyy. never never never make me fret.
    THINK~think think.
    THINK~heyy heeey
    THINK~and don’t you forget.
    THINK~how much of your happiness.
    THINK~can I really claim.
    THINK~(fade out)

  47. - You Go Boy - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    Snubbed and Dissed, Burris breaks out in song “Change is Gonna Come”….here he yelps, “I was Boooorrrrrnnnnn by a rivah….oh, lord…”

  48. - DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Burris -
    I can sing louder than this guy in front of me.

  49. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    It is important for the media to understand that Roland Burris is the only African American in the United States Senate therefore he shouldn’t be removed regardless of what he has done. Besides he is by far the most qualified U. S. Senator appointed by any Illinois Governor in this decade.

    BTW, right after the yawning Burris photo was taken he fell fast asleep and the other Senators carried him out and put him on the capitol lawn where he woke up cursing their immature hazing rituals.

  50. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    So if Burris manages to hang on and resist the pressure, will there be an African American challenger in the primary? I’m hearing yes. So Burris’ support may wind up being the old guard of the black community, and that is all. In a primary with three legitimate candidates, I do not see Burris getting more than 15%.

  51. - Ghost - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    Black Ivy, who said Burris couldn’t or wouldn’t be replaced by a black canidate? I am reminded of the words of Dr. King who oppinioned that a man should be judged by his character, and not the color of his skin. I myself am more worried about the character of Burris being patently dishonest and that the Burris conduct has rendered him unable to effectively serve in his position.

    I think Sandi Jackson would be a far better senator, for example, then Burris.

  52. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 12:51 pm:

    I am not black but if I were, I wouldn’t want my one and only representative in the Senate to be a tainted, washed up, phibbing, befuddled dude wandering around the building lost, ignored, ill advised with no staff, no respect and no ideas. Maybe it is just me but I think I could find someone better, especially since he is so spotlit.

  53. - 618er - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    This is what interests me. I am in my mid to late thirties, and before this fiasco I had no idea who Roland Burris was or what his political pedigree was/is. People a generation or two older than me seem to think him decent person/politician before this. Now they think what most citizens think of him. I seriously doubt that generations younger than me really could care less, now that this past election cycle is over. My point, most of his accomplishments seem to be irrelevant to his current actions, and barring quieting down and doing a REALLY GOOD job as our junior senator, a race card might be all he has to keep his job come the next election.

  54. - Weeders - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 1:35 pm:


    Hey!! Look at me. Put the camera on me.

  55. - Captain America - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    Roland Burris has ablsoutely no chance of being reelected in 2010. If he wins the primary somehow, he will be defeated by a Republican. Persoanlly, I don’t think Burris will be able to raise much money. Everyone is going to remember who appointed Burris,and the lies of omission/ commission he told to get admitted to the U.S. Senate.

    I think Burris is a decent fellow and a loyal Democrat. But he’s a total lightweight! Hence, I won’t vote for him under any circumstances. Supporting a mediocre “has been” becasue he is an African-Americans is not a winning political strategy.

  56. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    Roland Burris practices closing his mouth just in case he’s approached by the press.

  57. - The Football - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    Here’s an interesting exchange between Delmarie Cobb and Freddenna Lyle that no doubt highlights the race angle being played:

  58. - InParis - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    Would someone that is under financial stress be working for that lobbying or consultant job after politics the entire time they are in office. It makes one wonder what the basis for his decisions and senate votes are going to be going forward. Roland Burris has to all appearances, had a good reputation based on his past policital career; but his decision making in the period leading up to and after his appointment by Blagojevich has been questionable at best.

  59. - Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 3:37 pm:

    Avarus/Black Ivy - It’s a pretty sorry statement to say that we Burris should stick around because of his race. If a white person said the same thing, I imagine you’d be livid.

    Not only is it a sorry statement, but it’s also a stupid statement. It wasn’t so long ago that there was an outcry for Bush the Elder to appoint an AA to replace Thurgood Marshall. How’s Clarence Thomas doing representing your interests?

  60. - You Go Boy - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 4:20 pm:

    Caption: “Yyaaaawwnnn. I’m bored…let’s talk about me”

  61. - Belle - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    Caption - Burris imitates ‘The Silent Scream’ painting prior to claiming he did nothing wrong, is a victim of racism and oh yeah, he did nothing wrong…..what a joke.

  62. - sal-says - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 4:48 pm:

    Caption. Try 2.

    “Oh, well. It’s only a speech by a guy who has only about 60 points better approval rating than me….Why should I listen?”

  63. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 5:20 pm:

    Caption-It’s tough being a trail blazer clearing the way for these boring young black pols who really don’t know how to make a stimulating speech.

  64. - Quizzical - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 5:52 pm:

    Caption —

    What all this about schools, banks and responsibility?

    When’s he going to stop all this boring stuff and start talking about Roland Burris?

  65. - Inside Cook - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 7:17 pm:

    All of you ragging on Burris, take your hypocritical asses to a cliff and jump off. All politicians solicit money and favors, don’t hold Burris to any higher standard. Burris also disclosed his contacts. More than we can say about Rahmn Emanuel spoke to Blago’s people. Gov. Richardson was under federal investigation for bribery when selected for Commerce, Daschle made $2.5 M a year working for a law firm with a BA in poli-sci. Sick of White people clamoring about morality and standards when you have none.

    Next you’ll tell me obama is your child’s role model. Get a damn life.

  66. - Lynn S - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 9:32 pm:

    Read the DelMarie/Fredrenna link. Would like to know why we have to re-elect Burris to a six year term before we can start searching for his African-American replacement.

    Would also like to know why it is the responsibility of Illinois to supply an African-American senator (of either sex) for the U.S. Why can’t other states step up and do their share? I know we are not the most populous state in the nation, and I question if we have the highest black population (in either population numbers or percentage).

  67. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:16 pm:

    Caption: “Hey can I get a cold one and dog here? Hold the mustard.”

    Let Burris do his time. The crowd should move on to other things. If the best he has to offer is another race card issue, he brings nothing new and he will simply be keeping the seat warm. If someone else wants that seat, they need to start developing the support that will move Burris along. If Burris really wants to run he has to decide how to handle all the self inflicted BS, because it is never going away. He has to decide is it worth the hassle of being shunned.

  68. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:24 pm:


    Mississippi would be the likeliest candidate for supplying a black senator, since at 35% its black population is highest in the US by percentage. I hear things are changing down there, to the extent a good black candidate could siphon off more than the 15% white votes needed for a majority. In raw numbers, IL is behind states like NY, TX, CA and GA in black population. But Chicago has the second largest black population behind NYC.

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 10:36 pm:

    Aware that all previous attempts to stop his jaw from flapping by pushing UP on his chin have failed, Burris now tries to lock his jaw by pushing DOWN on his chin.

    (I’ll admit the caption would probably have been even more appropriate if it were a picture of Blago.)

  70. - Lynn S - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:02 pm:

    Six, that’s fine, let’s see the folks in one of those other states stepping up and either appointing an incompetent hack or electing someone to be the “African-American Senator”. This Illinois taxpayer is tired of that burden, and I suspect I am not the only one…

  71. - Mark Allen - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    What will the Democrats do if Burris WINS a crowded Dem Primary ???

  72. Pingback ArchPundit | Cobb’s Selective Outrage on Race - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    […] * Delmarie Cobb, Burris’ media adviser who more than hinted to Carol Marin this week that she intends to play the race card, sent a pretty frank letter to Ald. Freddrenna Lyle which was then posted on a local blog… In true David Axelrod style, all week, white progressive Democratic elected officials have called for Roland’s resignation–David Orr, Dan Hynes, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, and Alexi Giannoullias. […]

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