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More Burris revelations, more threats *** UPDATED x1 ***

Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Drip, drip, drip

The son of embattled Sen. Roland Burris is a federal tax deadbeat who landed a $75,000-a-year state job under former Gov. Rod Blagojevich five months ago, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

Blagojevich’s administration hired Roland W. Burris II as a senior counsel for the state’s housing authority Sept. 10 — about six weeks after the Internal Revenue Service slapped a $34,163 tax lien on Burris II and three weeks after a mortgage company filed a foreclosure suit on his South Side house. […]

Burris II’s hiring, however, raises more questions about Sen. Burris’ interactions with Blagojevich and his inner circle at a time when the governor was soliciting Sen. Burris for campaign contributions and Burris was angling to have Blagojevich appoint him to the Senate seat once held by President Obama.

Burris also talked to former Blagojevich chief of staff John Harris and Blagojevich insider John Filan about a job for his nephew before Blagojevich was arrested.

* More drip, drip, drip

In Springfield, the head of the legislative committee that took Burris’ testimony on how he got the Senate appointment from ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich issued a timeline aimed at refuting Republican accusations that she sat on a controversial affidavit revising Burris’ story.

But in her written response to Republicans, Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago) acknowledged she received the affidavit from Burris’ attorney on Friday, Feb. 6, days earlier than was previously known.

“Without a closer look, I assumed the entire document was a routine response to committee questions,” she wrote. “Any suggestion that I engaged in a deliberate cover up, that I purposely delayed distribution of the information is totally false.”

*** UPDATE *** From House Democratic spokesman Steve Brown in comments…

Actually this part of the Trib’s reporting is dead wrong…her first statement and yeseterday’s letter contain the same info…As soon as Jim Webb returns my phone call the correction will be requested.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Delmarie Cobb, Burris’ media adviser who more than hinted to Carol Marin this week that she intends to play the race card, sent a pretty frank letter to Ald. Freddrenna Lyle which was then posted on a local blog

In true David Axelrod style, all week, white progressive Democratic elected officials have called for Roland’s resignation–David Orr, Dan Hynes, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, and Alexi Giannoullias.

You may not be able to ask this question, but where have all of these self-righteous people been during all of the corruption, scandal, pay-to-play and mismanagement revelations that have been uncovered by the Chicago Sun Times and Tribune on Mayor Daley. Not once have these elected officials or the Chicago media called for Daley’s resignation. As John Kass said in his column on Friday, black elected officials are perceived as weak and white elected officials are seen as powerful. Consequently, we can do to Roland–with no evidence of wrongdoing–what we can’t do to Daley and others with mounds of evidence.

Also, all of them will need black votes to be elected or re-elected, so this isn’t a good time to make enemies of the black community.

It seems pretty clear where this is headed.

A not so veiled threat…

Many black elected officials didn’t like Barack, but they stayed quiet and got on board and they need to do the same for Roland.

The ultimate goal…

We need to help rehabilitate Roland’s image and try to get him elected. Then, over the course of his six-year term, we need to find a successor, who is African American.

…Adding… As a commenter rightly notes, Ms. Cobb supported Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama last year. The irony abounds.

* Related…

* Burris expresses concern over turmoil he’s caused state Dem leader: “We spoke very briefly; he expressed concern over attacks on me and said that he’d done nothing wrong. We did not discuss the affidavit,” Currie said Wednesday.

* Burris trying to appear as if situation is normal

* Burris ignores calls to resign, goes about day

* Burris? He’s all theirs.

* Burris Presides Over the Senate

* Burris has campaign Web site, but not much on it: “Legislation,” “Endorsements,” “Accomplishments,” “Issues,” “News Articles” - these sections are all blank. The “Biography” section contains 500 words about Burris’ career, and he names his wife and children in the “Family” section.


  1. - tubbfan - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:03 am:

    Dana Milbank has an interesting article in the WashPost about how Roland is being universally shunned by the Senate. Good read.

  2. - Jeff Wartman - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:07 am:

    Shepherd Smith on Fox News asked the other day “If you’re from Illinois, are you embarrassed yet?”


  3. - PeoriaBob - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:07 am:

    $1 for the Chicago Lot?
    And, RWB II still couldn’t make the mortgage payments?

    And, how did RWB II get to buy the lot for $1?

  4. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    OK, since the Feds are still working on state hiring, who at IDHA wants to step up and be the first to swear under oath that Roland Jr.’s hiring was legit? Anyone? No?

  5. - dupage dan - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    The feds are going after Daley - it’s just that he may be better at this game than Burris is. However, the feds have gone after Ryan, Fawell, Blagojevich, Harris, Sorich…the list is endless. All white. Playing the race card does not enhance Burris’ credibility one whit. Not in my eyes. I would hope that the black community can see that being black is not the only qualification for elected office. Being ethical and honest is vital. Supporting someone who is unfit for office damages the supporters credibility as well.

  6. - Porcupine - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    “We need to help rehabilitate Roland’s image and try to get him elected. Then, over the course of his six-year term, we need to find a successor, who is African American.”

    That made my stomach turn. How are we suppose to rise above the racial division of years past when this mentality exists in the highest forms of state government? I vote for people because of their capabilities and record regardless of party. I voted for Blago the first time, and Judy the second time. All I can do anymore is just shake my head in disgust with the politics of this state.

  7. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    Delmarie Cobb’s comments are exactly why racism is alive and well. We do not need a specific race, creed, color, or gender for any elected office we need qualified public servents who do not lie and are not tainted.

  8. - Hair today, gone.... - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    Playing the race card is so helpful! That ticks me off so much I can’t even comment.

    And now word that Roland II has a state job and is in the midst of foreclosure. Times are tough but from what I read, he was previously working for his dads law firm. Is business so bad that Roland couldn’t pay Roland II? From the Sun-Times, “Burris II and his wife got the mortgage on July 18, 2006, they’ve paid less than $3,000 on it the suit alleges.”

    Does Roland Burris have no shame? No, he doesn’t!

  9. - Sue - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:23 am:

    How long is Dick Durbin going to sit on his hands as Delmarie ridicules him and makes subtle statements that Durbin is a racist- Wonder if Mr Durbin was watching last night as Delmarie gave us the Burris point of view on Chicago tonight

  10. - Concerned Observer - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    I have to say — and I’m sure Black Ivy and others will disagree with me, probably with quite a bit of anger, but tough — that Delmarie Cobb’s letter is incredibly racist.

    Replace the words “black” and “African-American” with “white”, re-read, and then tell me that wouldn’t get you completely ostracized.

    I’ll never understand why it’s ‘okay’ for a minority to say “we need to find a successor who is “, but if a white person would ever stupidly do that, they’re the next coming of, well, Bull Connor.

    I don’t think white people should say something like that, but I don’t think black people or anyone else should, either.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    ===but if a white person would ever stupidly do that===

    They do it all the time.

    We need an Irish person, a Polish person, whatever. I’ve heard it millions of times.

    Try to take a step back, people.

  12. - Steve Brown - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    “But in her written response to Republicans, Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago) acknowledged she received the affidavit from Burris’ attorney on Friday, Feb. 6, days earlier than was previously known.”

    Actually this part of the Trib’s reporting is dead wrong…her first statement and yeseterday’s letter contain the same info…As soon as Jim Webb returns my phone call the correction will be requested.

  13. - Jake L. - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:42 am:

    I have not seen this brought up yet, since it is early on with this newest Burris landmine explosion, but will he catch heat for not mentioning that his son was hired MERE MONTHS prior to his testimony? That is an incredibly big thing to not mention. Also, wouldnt it have been common knowledge that his son was recently hired? Am I making a bigger deal out of this, than I should? because it seems to me this thing can blow up even more.

  14. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Sounds like he built a spec house and tried to flip it. His timing was terrible. I know things were pretty loosey-goosey in the mortgage industry, but you wonder how he got one with those tax problems. Maybe he wasnt’ asked, and he didn’t tell.

  15. - Concerned Observer - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Rich, I’m not as worked up as you think I am. I also think I’m right.

    Any irishman who says “we need an irish person for this seat” is just as wrong as the African-American who says “we need a black for this seat”.

    And if a white person stood up and said “this is a white seat in Congress”, as I’ve heard several African-Americans say recently, that person WOULD be attacked. Rightly so.

    Now, there is a difference between the following:

    “I believe an African-American person would best represent the constituents of the district”
    “We need a black person”

    Rhetoric matters. Always has, always will. It’s fine for someone to want a black person to take the US Senate Seat, and it’s perfectly fine for them to look to support an African-American candidate and even to SAY they support someone. But the suggestion of entitlement is wrong, whether we’re talking about black, white, or purple.

  16. - You Go Boy - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:44 am:

    In this state, paricularly the pols, the credo is
    “Go for what works”, rather than (HA)”do whats right”. They look for corners to back themselves into, nooks/crannies to hide, tight spots to weasel out of….oh, what a deal we’ve got.

  17. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:44 am:

    I thought the Trib story was wrong, too, but hadn’t checked yet.

  18. - carbon deforestation - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    The problem with Dell Marie Cobb’s statement isn’t that she wants a black politician in the Senate. The problem is that she fails to understand the problem here. It’s not about Roland’s image. It is about the fact that the only reason Reid allowed him to take a seat in the Senate was based on his supposedly truthful testimony. Now that testimony is clearly full of lies, he lied not only to the ILGA but to the US Senate.

    Re-election? What are you smoking. This guy won’t even complete this appointment.

  19. - Leroy - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    Is Burris’s son legally employed by the State of Illinois?

    If so, then why all the hubris?

  20. - Concerned Observer - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    Okay, now I HAVE worked myself up. I’ll take a self-mandated 20 minute penalty to cool off. There must be real work to do around here somewhere :)

  21. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:47 am:

    Here’s your sign everybody - When Burris takes up jogging and goes for a run in the middle of the day when he should be working the end is at hand.

  22. - carbon deforestation - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    Trying to connect Roland to Daley won’t help him one bit either. Daley is not the one who stood with Blagojevich at a press conference to accept an appointment, Daley isn’t the one who said under oath that he was never asked to raise money for Blagojevich and Daley isn’t the one who told the world that he was an honest man and then corrected his false testimony less than 4 weeks later.

  23. - BannedForLife - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    “Delmarie Cobb, Burris’ media adviser who more than hinted to Carol Marin … ”

    Cobb was back on Chicago Tonight last night on a panel with Jim Warren.

    Marin’s last question for Warren was, does Burris finish his term? Warren said yes, explaining about our short attention spans, the media will find another story.

  24. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    “Burris will be “in the big chair” from 3 to 4 p.m”

  25. - Shore - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:59 am:

    Rich I know you don’t like national stuff, but this was good.

  26. - Speaking at Will - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    == They do it all the time.

    We need an Irish person, a Polish person, whatever. I’ve heard it millions of times. ==

    This might be true, although I dont remember hearing the outcry for Polish candidates, or Irish or whatever at nearly the frequency that we hear calls for black senators or congressman.

    Its not that we shouldnt encourage more minorities to seek positions of power. But I agree with C.O. there is a double standard, and there always will be. Delmarie Cobb’s statements are beyond unacceptable and should be treated as such.

  27. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    Anon: Senator Burris was “in the big chair” yesterday.

  28. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    DelMarie Cobb was a Clinton supporter in the primary over Obama. I guess race only matters depending on who is paying her.

    As for Rich’s comments that whites play the same racial or ethnic game sometimes he is correct. My family expected me to support Dan Hynes in 2004 for the Senate because he is of Irish descent and from the 19th ward.

    I voted for that other South Side Irishman Barry O’Bama. I believe he may go far one day.

  29. - Cassandra - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    I heard Ms. Cobb on Chicago Tonight and I though that while she was less nuanced than the other two
    guests, also African American ladies, she made some credible points. It’s hardly shocking that in s society with a history like ours, African ican oters would be suspicious of attempts to
    oust the only black US Senator. Ms. Cobb is entitled to her views.

    For those who are interested in looking at structural problems with state employee hiring, it might be worth looking at the precise circumstances of Roland II’s hiring. Was he a political appointee in a double exempt position?
    And if so, why was the job double exempt. Lawyer
    in a comparatively obscure state agency is hardly
    a policy job. And if this was a Rutan job, were Rutan procedures properly followed? Was there a pre-established examination and interview process?
    Was he one of the top three candidates. Who did the interviews? If we want to clean up our patronage-ridden civil service, these matters should be investigated when they come to light as
    possible concerns. There are a lot of unemployed lawyers these days, many with excellent creds. As taxpayers, we are entitled to the services of the best of them, not just the ones with the best connections.

  30. - ProfWho - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    “We need to help rehabilitate Roland’s image and try to get him elected. Then, over the course of his six-year term, we need to find a successor, who is African American.”

    I am no math whiz by any means, but I am fairly certain that Burris only has a 2 year term since he is finishing Obama’s.

    I don’t think it says much for Delmarie Cobb’s abilities if the best she can do is pull a lazy race card and not even get the facts straight on his term. How much is Burris paying her? I am willing to do just a lazy job for half of what she is charging.

  31. - Anon from BB - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Prof, I believe she was referring to getting Roland elected in 2010 and THEN working to get someone else by 2016.

  32. - IMBack - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    So RBII works for the great state. Why isn’t this reflected in the ARDC registration information, which says that, for 2009, his biz address is 4528 S. St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653-3429 — which looks like a home on Google. Does he telecommute? How green of him.

    And the phone number on the ardc listing is for Kittleman & Assoc, an executive search firm.
    RBII does not appear in the state employee telephone directory either. Lots of transparency here.

    I am assuming that RBII serves as the lawyer type of counsel, and not the counseling type for IHDA.

  33. - Lefty - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    I think Burris’ mausoleum should be titled “Blazing Saddles” rather than “trailblazer”. It would be much more appropriate for this fiasco.

  34. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    OK People - let’s set something straight!

    Two or more things have to occur to undermine a political office holder. Only one is the law. We see office holders stretch the law and cross it many times, yet remain in office.

    Then we see others hounded out without proof that they have broken the law.

    An individual gets into a political office via politics and politics determines who is forced out. If they are not voted out, they can be removed if politics determines it.

    Blagojevich and Burris lost all their political support before facing the political firing squads. All that remained for them was a legal issue. They don’t even have to have actually committed an illegal act. All they needed to have happen is what always happens with political people if they are not careful - they get tossed a legal quandary on top of their lack of political support.

    So debating the legal points isn’t the issue in these cases. Blagojevich and Burris were politically dead before the lawyers started swarming. That is why they are being buried - and justifiably so.

    We see 24/7 election campaigning from our elected officials today. They recognize that although they have won a term in office - they need to still play the election game to stay in power, and to use the mandates given by the electorate to stay empowered within government. So it is completely natural to see a political player lose their power and then their political position.

    Especially when we consider the offices these men held. Governor and Senator isn’t just any elected office - they are important! Blagojevich and Burris could have played along for years if they didn’t reach this level of political office. We are only supposed to elect the best to these offices, not just anyone. It is natural for anyone in these positions to find themselves under fire continually, because the offices are under continual fire. That’s the deal!

    Burris is a liar. He had no political mandate behind him. He blew his credibility when he made a deal with Blagojevich. He has been an empty suit ever since. He could have just told the truth, and not have these problems. He could have told the truth, sat in the US Senate and built up a mandate. But he couldn’t, and isn’t.

    He has to go now!

  35. - Homer J. Simpson - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    The one thing that does seem to be working on the website is the “Donate” link.
    Pay-to-Play much?

  36. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:37 pm:

    “Gov. Pat Quinn said today that his general counsel and chief of staff are looking into how the son of U.S. Sen. Roland Burris was hired for a state job under the Blagojevich administration.”

  37. - ProfWho - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    Anon from BB,

    But that would be 8 years then. Anyway you look at it Cobb clearly cannot do simple math.

    Burris if you or your people are reading this my offer stands. I will actually be able to add and subtract simple numbers and play the race card all day to the press for you for half of what Cobb is charging. Heck, I will even come up with more inventive PR angles as well.

  38. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Roland Burris deserves the calls for his resignation because he is weak and was not elected. He was appointed in a most dubious manner which entitles him to no consideration in regard to will of the people arguments.

    Weak politicians are perceived as weak and strong as strong regardless of race. Jesse White and the late John Stroger are or were as powerful as any white pols. Kass can really be idiotic at times.

    BTW, this Delmarie is just Burris’s version of Lucio Guerrero and she’ll be doing her, I was misunderstood tour, quite soon after Burris goes the way of the former Governor.

  39. - You Go Boy - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    Kass has pounded Burris as well as Daley. He, as a person who wants readership, will utilize means to provoke a reaction. In pounding both, on different occasions, for different reasons, doesn’t make him (necessarily) an “idiot”. He just wants our love and money. And money. No one can out-Royko Royko, but many try.

  40. - Steve Brown - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    As I was saying…Burris presides in Washington; Currie defends her handling of affidavit
    CORRECTED AT 11:50 a.m.

    In defending her actions handling Sen. Roland Burris’ affidavit, Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie provided more details Wednesday but did not change the timeline of when she received the document.

    In her written response to Republicans, Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago) reiterated her belief the affidavit from Burris’ attorney arrived in her mail on Friday, Feb. 6 and she provided a more detailed explanation of Burris’ attempts to get the information to her. She repeated that she did not completely review the documents before giving it to staff, where there was a delay in releasing them.

    “Without a closer look, I assumed the entire document was a routine response to committee questions,” she wrote. “Any suggestion that I engaged in a deliberate cover up, that I purposely delayed distribution of the information is totally false.”

  41. - GOPvotecounter - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    You mean to tell me that one of the Democrats kids got a job in government??? There is nepotism in Democratic politics? I am shocked shocked!! Have Lisa Madigan look into this! Or Danny Hines or Alderman Burke or Mayor Daily! How about Congressman Lipinsky,President Stroger or maybe Adlai Stevenson if we want to go back.
    You can’t pile on Burris for doing what Democrats have done for generations. There is a old Chicago saying “Cut me in or cut it out” Lets be fair. How many Daily relatives work for the city

  42. - Cynic - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    @ GOPVoteCounter — do you really think nepotism is only a democratic issue?

    The political system in Illinois is broken and corrupt to the core. It’s not a republican problem or a democratic problem; it’s not a black problem or a white problem; it’s not a downstate problem or a Chicago problem — it’s an ILLINOIS PROBLEM.

    The sooner we all realize that, the sooner we can go about fixing the problem.

  43. - Cheswick - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    The timing of releasing of Burris’ additional affidavit by the committee chairperson is not a big deal.

    Would the Republicans have us think anything would have changed had it been released the day she got it? What would have changed? Nothing.

    I think the Republicans should be mad at themselves for not doing a proper examination of Burris on the witness stand. They are the ones who let him slide right into office. Isn’t that the bigger picture. They should be publicly flogging themselves for their own ineptitude instead of focusing on the timing of the release of the affidavit.

  44. - GOPvotecounter - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    I said we have to be fair, it is not unheard of in Illinois for kids to follow their father/mother in politics.
    But being fair the GOP has fewer names (That I can think of) than thwe Dem’s do. Name me some GOP kids who followed their father/mother in politics? The Fawells in Dupage come to mind but that is the minor leagues compaired to Dem’s. The family business for generations for Democrats is the government GOP tend to go into business

  45. - GOPvotecounter - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    If the GOP knew before or when he was sworn in about this it would have been a very HOT session because of the turnaround Madigan and the 2 leaders of the Senate did about a special election. It would also have put THE ONE VOTE the President needed to pass the bill in jepordy. That is what happened when she HID the papers. It may not have changed things but it would have raised the stakes on both sides. Voters should know how close the state Democrats are to the President and visa versa. We removed a Governor in an election year because of it.

  46. - Downsized - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    Cobb has a point
    Aren’t there at least two US Senators who have been accused, charged and convicted of being naughty yet continue to enjoy the fruits of the senate?
    Burris has certainly been accused but neither charged nor convicted of anything so why should he “do the right thing”?
    Just asking

  47. - Brian McDaniel - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    Just received a robo call from Citizes to Change Illinois. Recorded female voice told me Emily McAsey voted against a special investigation into Roland Burris and she isn’t calling on him to resign. Press 2 to be connected to her legislative office.

    Call came from ELECOM at a Grand Rapids area code.

  48. - A Citizen - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    If Burris II is 5 months into the 4d(5) exempt attorney job then he is one month shy of Civil Service Certification. Hmmmm !!

  49. - Anon from BB - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Prof, reread what she said:

    “We need to help rehabilitate Roland’s image and try to get him elected. Then, over the course of his six-year term, we need to find a successor, who is African American.”

    He wasn’t elected the first time. What she’s saying is that they need to work for the next two years to get Roland actually elected, then over his six-year term to find a successor that is African American.

    Makes perfect sense. And that’s all the defense I’m going to giver, because her actual stance I find reprehensible.

  50. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    “I think the Republicans should be mad at themselves for not doing a proper examination of Burris on the witness stand.”

    From the havoc they’ve caused the Dems, they should be patting themselves on the back.

  51. - Niles Township - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 4:32 pm:

    Jim Clyburn, elder statesman of the Black Caucus in Congress, essentially called for Burris to not run again in 2010. However, Clyburn did not call for his resignation.

  52. - A Citizen - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 4:49 pm:

    Great news Campers - Fast Eddie Vrdolyak is available for appointment to the Senate Seat, now Burris can resign.

  53. - Cynic - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 8:14 pm:

    @ GOPVoteCounter — you’re changing your argument. You initially talked about nepotism generally, and now you’re shifted the argument to following a relative into politics (where admittedly there are more Dems “guilty” than Reps).

    However nepotism, in the broader sense of the word, is universal. Why argue whose hands are dirtier? No one has unclean hands and we have the right to demand more from ALL pols.

  54. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 8:44 pm:

    I’m not sure that the Illinois Housing Development Authority is underthe Civil Service Commission: I don’t think it is.

    If it is, thought this may have changed in the past few years, when I was director of CMS I believe attorney’s were statutorily exempt from competitive selection. What was required to be hired was a law degree (Attorney 1) and admission to the Bar (Attorneys II and up).

  55. - A Citizen - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:04 pm:

    Steve, they are Exempt from Merit and Fitness only, that being satisfied by their law degree/license. They still serve a probationary period and get Certified after Six months. Jurisdictions A and C still apply.

  56. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:58 pm:

    Thanks. Is there then no eligibility list kept? What about IHDA; under Civil Service?

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