Question of the day
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * It’s Friday, we’re all very busy, harried and a bit cranky. Plus, the QOTD is extra late. Sorry about that. So, here’s an easy one… * What are you doing for the Memorial Day weekend?
- wordslinger - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:49 am:
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:50 am:
Kind of a big state. Care to be more specific? lol
- I'm just saying, - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:51 am:
Heading down I-65 to the Indy 500!!!!
- Fire Ron Guenther - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:53 am:
Going to Washington, DC to visit my uncle. Also plan to visit Arlington National Cemetery to remind myself why we’re all getting Monday off work.
- wordslinger - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:53 am:
Ludington State Park, about an hour north of Muskegon on Lake Michigan. Lovely place.
- Speaking at Will - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 11:58 am:
Sleep. Gonna try to avoid the bars, but that is always a tough feat to pull off.
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:00 pm:
I didn’t even realize it was a holiday weekend until yesterday. Living in a bubble.
Hopefully, boating and bbq-ing with friends, family, etc.
- beth - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:04 pm:
White Sox at Cellular Field!!
- Boscobud - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:05 pm:
Boating on the Fox River. Than a bar b Que. with family.
- Heartless Libertarian - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:05 pm:
Spring Cleaning!!!
- bored now - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:08 pm:
same thing we do every year: gaelic park for the weekend and bro-in-law’s cookout on monday…
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:08 pm:
Yardwork and BBQ. The plan is voluntary house arrest!
- OneMan - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:09 pm:
Checking out the The Greatest Spectacle in Racing
- waiting for my spouse - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:09 pm:
Celebrating. A High School graduation and our 25th wedding anniversary….and they said it wouldn’t last!
- Toni H. - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
Graduation parties, yard work and a possible cookout.
- Happy - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
working out. lots of 12 oz curls.
- nick - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:19 pm:
Indy 500!
- Paul, Just This Guy, You Know? - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:20 pm:
Visiting with family in Galesburg; been too long.
- Leroy - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:21 pm:
Nothing. Saving my money for all the impending tax hikes of doom.
- Scooby - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:21 pm:
I’m going to let a certain hockey team break my heart this weekend.
- Anonymous Coward - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:24 pm:
Yardwork, beer, landscaping, beer, cookout, (lots of beer), Angels & Demons (popcorn)…
- Rep David Miller - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:24 pm:
Parades and 2 grill action!
- MOON - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:31 pm:
I plan on spending the weekend praying that Madigan, Cullerton and other members of the General Assembly tell Collins and his Commission “go away”.
I am truly tired of these supposedly “do gooders” that have no basis in fact to support their position as it pertains to the General Assembly!
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:34 pm:
Licking my wounds from yesterday’s baseball smackdown: Sox lose 20-1 and Cubs get swept by Cardinals. Ugh! Other than that 2 graduations, 2 birthday parties and Indy 500 on TV (remember when they showed it tape delayed?)
- Boxing Cross - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:37 pm:
Spending time on the rules for a new game called Boxing Cross. The central theme is how many more times SGOPs will jam it to Cross this session. The current count is 3…..Any rules suggestions will be incorporated. We will also be working with CapFax to develop prizes for the winner.
Have a great weekend
- DC - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:38 pm:
I’m going to take the boat out and cruise by the Miller compound on Lake Springfield this Sunday
- Southsider - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:38 pm:
taking part in the 32nd Annual Ridge Run in the beautiful Beverly neighborhood.
- dupage dan - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:39 pm:
I will be up in northern Wisconsin (Door Cty) with family. Wish I could say I would be boating - will be working on the old hull anyway. On Monday, there is a service at a local cemetery - we attend to pay respects and listen to my niece plays taps. She is an Iraq veteran, Wisc National Guard. Now in OCS and pursuing a law degree. You can tell I am one proud uncle!
- Skeeter - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:42 pm:
Sitting in front of a television most of the day Sunday (Monaco Grand Prix, Indy, and maybe even part of the NASCAR race) and outside with the kids the rest of the weekend.
- Deep South - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 12:52 pm:
Making a six hour drive to Skokie for my mother-in-laws 91st birthday celebration. Then making the six hour drive BACK to God’s country.
- Ramsin - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:04 pm:
Playing basketball with high school kids at Eckhart Park, probably.
- erstwhilesteve - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:05 pm:
Gardening/resting/more gardening
- Princess - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:07 pm:
The husband has to work Monday, so I volunteered to do the usual fishing and hot dogs with the grandkids and my daughter. The son is suppose to get the pontoon boat out into it’s summer spot for us. Bet I get worm duty, but maybe they’ll roast me a marshmallow.
- Little Egypt - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:07 pm:
Car show, wedding, church, ballgame.
- Ghost - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:10 pm:
making tin foil hats
- VanillaMan - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:12 pm:
7:00 AM - Decide to get out of bed as the VanillaTwins and VanillaPre-Schoolers try to craw out of cribs and beds. Kisses and smiles all around. Open windows to air rooms of pee smells.
7:50 AM - VanillaWife leaves for gym as VanillaMan feeds kids a myriad of frozen breakfast foods with syrup and ketchup - as needed.
9:00 AM - VanillaMan dresses kids and begins to unlock security gates and door locks to release kids into backyard.
9:30 AM - VanillaWife returns. VanillaMan grabs oldest VanillaPre-Schooler and heads to gym in order to find time to shower, shave and brush teeth as VanillaPre-Schooler enjoys dance.
12:00 PM - Neighbor brings more VanillaPre-Schoolers and VanillaToddler to house for lunch and playtime.
12:30 PM to 5:00 PM - Wearing plaid shorts while sitting in a shaded backyard controlling three toddlers and two pre-schoolers as they cheerfully rip everything up. Between diaper changes, they drink juice Capri-Sun fruit flavored water, and I drink The Glenlivet. I padlock the fence gates to keep the neighborhood safe.
5:00 PM - Grilled foods are eaten.
6:30 PM - Bathtime for all humans under age of 5.
7:30 PM - Bedtime for all humans under age of 5.
7:31 PM - VanillaMan cuddles up to VanillaWife and sees how far he can get.
Sunday - Repeat, replace church with gym.
Monday - Repeat, replace The Glenlivet with Glenmorangie.
- Fan of the Game - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:14 pm:
Golfing with my older daughter this afternoon. Helping coach my younger daughter’s softball team on Monday. Mowing and trimming sometime in between. Hope to get some grilling in, also.
- Secret Square - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:25 pm:
Anxiously waiting (because daughter is VERY anxiously waiting) for the pool to be filled at our apartment complex
- 3 beers to springfield - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
Wedding and Memorial Day veterans’ cemetery service with my husband and his two brothers, veterans of Vietnam.
- RobRoy - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:28 pm:
Reds vs Indians in Cincy with family.
- Jake from Mell-y-wood - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:29 pm:
Turn the cellphone off and just chill with the family.
- OneMan - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:37 pm:
Good luck with 7:32
- Lou Ferrigno's Wallet - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:42 pm:
I’m thinking about taking my kid to the St. Louis Zoo.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:46 pm:
Forgot to add covering the local Memorial Day service for my local rag and pay honor to our veterans…remember the reason for the season!
- Obamarama - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 1:56 pm:
Triple-consolidated family birthday party, Lakers, Wood Dale Parade
- 47th Ward - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 2:01 pm:
It rains every Memorial Day it seems. I’ve given up on Gaelic Park having lost too many shoes to the mud over the years. Between the spilled beer and torrential rains, being ankle deep in the mud is a tradition I won’t miss.
One place I know I won’t be is here. Enjoy the weekend Rich. If you can.
- The Rapture is Coming - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 2:05 pm:
I’m going to watch the new TV hit: “I’m a Rutan-Exempt, get me Out Of Here!”
“Release the bees!”
- Anon in BB - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 2:14 pm:
Going over to my parents Saturday and fixing my dad’s bicycle. I’ll probably get roped into other duties as they come up.
Helping my brother and sister-in-law move on Sunday. After, I have a cousin’s graduation from high school.
Monday is a family barbecue. Looking to try out a new way to prepare baby back ribs.
- Stones - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 2:36 pm:
Michigan, specifically boating & skiing and maybe a little fishing and a lot of drinking!
- Erickson - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 3:04 pm:
crying in my soon-to-be-more-expensive beer. hehehe
- Old Shepherd - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 3:05 pm:
I will take part in one of the nation’s oldest Memorial Day ceremonies in Carbondale at Woodlawn Cemetery.
I will also watch baseball and bask in the glow of the Cardinal’s sweep of the Cubs (someone had to get it in somewhere)!
- Dirtybird - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 3:08 pm:
Hot date with the future “Miss America.” : P~
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 3:22 pm:
One word about the subscriber extra: WOW!
- Linus - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 3:34 pm:
My wife and I have a Memorial Day weekend tradition of taking a broom, grass clippers and a dozen or so small U.S. flags to a local cemetery, for sprucing-up the headstones of military veterans.
We’re not hyper-patriots or big flag-wavers. But I’m descended from a long line of vets whose graves are hours away from our home, so the wife and I like to quietly honor those who’ve passed on and rest in cemeteries closer to us.
And perhaps we all could say THANK YOU to the vets selling poppies on street corners this weekend!
- wordslinger - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 4:14 pm:
Lou F, St. Louis Zoo is a great place to take the kids, as is it’s location in beautiful Forest Park. Admission is free, and you can scout a place to park.
If you can swing it, take the kids to the City Museum, just north of the stadiums. Truly original, you’ll all have a blast.
- Loop Lady - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 4:29 pm:
just finished 18 holes-thanks very much veterans!
- Give Me A Break - Friday, May 22, 09 @ 5:03 pm:
Spending time with family, BBQ, grad party and praying session ends next week.
- Anonymous - Saturday, May 23, 09 @ 11:00 pm:
Heading over to the cemetery, yard and housework, trying out some new recipes, reading, catching a movie with the kinder who just got home from school for the summer, pretending I’m working on my first novel, and visiting mom.
- Rhino - Monday, May 25, 09 @ 10:40 pm:
Door County Wisconsin. Then visiting Frank LLoyd Wright buildings for a week.