Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x7 *** Mark Kirk asks for Sarah Palin’s endorsement
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*** UPDATED x7 *** Mark Kirk asks for Sarah Palin’s endorsement

Wednesday, Nov 4, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been hearing that Mark Kirk was about to move sharply to the right, but asking for a Palin endorsement? Really? Wow

Illinois Rep. Mark Kirk penned a memo to Republican poobah Fred Malek hoping to secure an endorsement from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his Senate candidacy, according to a copy of the memo obtained by the Fix.

After noting that Palin will be in Chicago later this month to appear on “Oprah”, Kirk writes that “the Chicago media will focus on one key issue: Does Gov[ernor] Palin oppose Congressman Mark Kirk’s bid to take the Obama Senate seat for the Republicans?”

Kirk goes on to write that he is hoping for something “quick and decisive” from Palin about the race, perhaps to the effect of: “Voters in Illinois have a key opportunity to take Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Congressman Kirk is the lead candidate to do that.”

Malek confirmed the authenticity of the memo in an e-mail exchange

Um, I don’t think the Chicago media will be “focusing” on the Kirk-Palin “issue” when she comes to town for her Oprah show. They’re usually mainly focused on ogling Oprah. Somebody is a bit too self-centered, methinks.

Also, the Chicago political media has historically been one of Kirk’s most loyal constituencies. They’ve helped brand him as an independent, liberal Republican. Getting Palin’s nod won’t endear him to those types at all. This looks beyond bizarre to me. Is anybody over there thinking about the general election? Is anyone thinking about how McCain/Palin got stomped here last year?

I’m really stunned by this remarkable display of brazen pandering. I guess I shouldn’t be so suprised, but I am.

*** UPDATE 1 *** I’m now hearing that the Kirk memo was sent yesterday - before the NY congressional results came in. The word I’ve been getting for a few days is if the Conservative Party candidate won the race, Kirk would move hard to the right. This memo fits in with that. And the memo’s date also fits. Kirk simply out-thunk himself because, despite the polls and very high expectations, the Conservative Party candidate lost and the Democrat won. Oops.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Democratic US Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias….

“Mark Kirk begging for Sarah Palin’s endorsement makes it clear that he’ll seek any endorsement, take up any political or policy position, and attempt any political maneuver that he thinks will get him more votes. At the very best, this is shameless political pandering. At worst, it’s further proof that Mark Kirk lacks the political courage to make the tough decisions to move this state forward.”

Also today, the Senate Republicans announced they won’t be spending in contested primaries

With Republicans grappling with the fallout of an intra-party battle that may have cost them a House seat, the head of the Senate Republican campaign effort is making a pledge that may ease some of the anger being directed at the party establishment. “We will not spend money in a contested primary,” Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told ABC News in a telephone interview today.

*** UPDATE 3 *** The DSCC is sending around Mark Kirk quotes about Palin…

· Kirk Called Palin the “Patrick Fitzgerald of Alaska.” In a release from the Illinois Republican Party praising Senator John McCain’s choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate, Kirk called Palin the “Patrick Fitzgerald Of Alaska” for her grit and determination in taking on the old-line Republican guard in Alaska. [Illinois Republican Party release, 8/29/08]

· Female Voters Criticized Kirk for Supporting Palin. In September 2008, a group of 75 female voters sent Kirk a letter strongly criticizing his support for Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and accusing him of not “standing up for women in the 10th District.” “There is nothing encouraging about Palin’s extreme political views, including her opposition to a woman’s right to choose even in the cases of incest and rape, equal pay for equal work, and gun control,” they wrote. “Your support for Sarah Palin shows that you are more concerned with supporting the Republican Party and continuing with more of the same disastrous policies of the last 8 years.” [Washington Post, 9/11/08]

· Kirk: Palin Would Not Have Been My Choice for Vice President. Kirk told the Chicago Sun Times editorial board that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would not have been his choice for John McCain’s running mate. [Chicago Sun Times, 10/13/08]

· Kirk: I Don’t Know If Palin Is Qualified to be President. In October 2009, Kirk was asked by the Chicago Tribune editorial board if he believed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had the qualifications to become president. “Quite frankly, I don’t know,” Kirk responded. [Chicago Tribune, 10/1/08]

*** UPDATE 4 *** Dan Hynes cracks a joke on his Twitter page

While we’re on the topic - - I will not seek, nor will I accept, Sarah Palin’s endorsement in 2010.

*** UPDATE 5 *** From David Hoffman’s US Senate campaign…

Statement from Hoffman Campaign on Kirk Seeking Palin Endorsement

“What does Mark Kirk really believe? Last year he correctly called the addition of Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket a mistake. This year, when faced with a conservative primary challenge he is seeking her endorsement. Kirk has again revealed his true colors: No principles, no standards, whatever it takes to win. Palin is out of touch with the values of the people of Illinois. Today, Mark Kirk reminds us all that he is too.”

I think “What does Mark Kirk really believe?” is the real issue here. He’s been all over the map since he started this race, jumping from one core belief to another. The history of his position on Palin clearly demonstrates that he has had this problem for quite a while now.

*** UPDATE 6 *** Tribune

The [Palin] request came a day after Kirk, who has long billed himself as a moderate, dodged questions from reporters about whether he would want Palin, the controversial 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, to raise campaign money for him. […]

At his Monday news conference, Kirk eventually got around to replying about a Palin fundraiser: “We’ll see. We’ll see. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve got a lot of folks coming in. I think I’ve got (Senate Republican Leader) Sen. (Mitch) McConnell coming in shortly.”


*** UPDATE 7 *** Statement from Republican US Senate candidate Patrick Hughes…

“I believe Mark Kirk, who has consistently supported President Obama’s legislative agenda, including cap and trade legislation, is quickly realizing that Republican Primary voters do not share his extreme views. In a desperate attempt to prove otherwise, he is seeking the endorsement of Sarah Palin, a true Reagan conservative, to help disguise his liberal voting record.”

[ *** End of Updates *** ]

* Meanwhile, Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady has a word of warning for GOP gubernatorial candidates

Brady says the state GOP would clamp down on any negative ads that “cross the line” by Republican candidates in crowded primary fields in both races.

Brady says the party “will call people out” over their ads because he doesn’t want to have a bloody, divided primary.

Yeah, OK. Good luck with that, Pat.

So, what crosses the line? Whacking Kirk Dillard for endorsing Obama? Well, it’s true, but it’s also very damaging. Whacking Jim Ryan over Stu Levine? Also true, very damaging, but over the line?

And who are the candidates gonna listen to - the party chairman or their pollsters/consultants/managers who say this or that ad is the path to victory?

* Hope springs eternal

Al Reynolds didn’t collect quite enough signatures to qualify to run for state Senate in the 52nd District, he said Tuesday, but he still hopes to be the Republican candidate to oppose Sen. Mike Frerichs, D-Champaign, next fall.

“When I got ready to file, I decided that I didn’t have enough good signatures that I thought would overcome somebody’s scrutiny,” said the Danville man who was an organizer of local “tea party” tax protests earlier this year. “I found signatures there from people who were out of the district, people from Bloomington and Mahomet who had come to my tea parties. They didn’t realize that you had to live in the 52nd District.” […]

Reynolds said he hopes to be slated as the Republican candidate by GOP officials. But he said he hasn’t met yet with Champaign County chief Jason Barickman or Vermilion County Chairman Craig Golden.

Any candidate who can’t get signatures is a weak candidate. How could he even think that his petition disaster makes him qualified to be appointed to the ballot?

* And, finally, you know it’s campaign season when Dave Syverson starts coming up with political stunts

State Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Rockford, wrote Friday to Donald Trump, urging the developer/television star not to put Blagojevich on his “Celebrity Apprentice” show.

Syverson, the Senate Republican caucus chair, warned Trump that putting the indicted Blagojevich on his TV show could give the ex-governor yet another forum to claim he was railroaded out of office.

“When I heard he was going on ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ I thought, we’re making a hero out of this guy who has damaged Illinois. It sends the wrong message that we make celebrities out of disgraced leaders, so I’m urging Trump not to do it,” Syverson told me today.


  1. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    i really regret that mark kirk had to stoop to this low. if he makes it to the general, this won’t bode well for him. thanks a lot pat hughes.

  2. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:14 pm:

    If you’re reading this Sarah, please, please, pretty please endorse Mark Kirk.

  3. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Very shortsighted on behalf of Cap’n Kirk’s camp. For every conservative vote she-who-must-not-be-named brings Kirk, he loses at least one independent vote in exchange. He knows that there is both a primary AND a general election, right?

  4. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Yes Pat Brady is the perfect guy to give a lecture on civility.

    This is the same guy who literally got into a fist fight on the street with the incumbent State’s Attorney of McLean County when Brady ran against him in 1996.

    Give us a State Chairman who didn’t start a street brawl with his county’s chief law enforcement officer and maybe someone might listen.

  5. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    just sayin’, do you have to bring that up every time Pat Brady is mentioned here? It was a very long time ago. Move along, man.

    Just sayin…


  6. - Heathcliff - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    Seems normal to seek Republican support in a primary from Center and Right.

  7. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Sorry Rich, but I guess the answer is obviously yes. LOL

    Once a street brawler, always a street brawler.

    There are some anger issues there.

    I’m just sayin’

  8. - well - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:29 pm:

    Is just sayin’ Doug Ibendahl? Because he’s the only person who seems to be hung up on that.

  9. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    He must be more worried about the primary than I imagined. That NY 23 episode must have given him a scare.

    Maybe the Illinois Review/Eagle Forum crowd has been trying to wrangle a Palin endorsement for Hughes. If nothing else, maybe Kirk could secure neutrality.

    Still, in the long run, which is worse: To ask for it and not get it, or to ask for it and get it?

  10. - Segatari - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    A liberal pretend Republican asking for a conservative endorsement after he voted for cap-n-trade…yeah the heat on him must be unbareable and conservatives have found someone else to support.

  11. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    That is completely consistent with Mark Kirk. He will be whatever people want him to be. Think his district wants a moderate? Fine. He will call himself a moderate. Need to go right to get by Hughes? Fine, he goes right.
    Cap n’ trade? More than happy to flip when asked.
    If you need to know which way the wind is blowing, just watch Mark Kirk.

  12. - Bubs - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:43 pm:

    Look beyond Illinois, folks. Kirk needs national money, since there just won’t be enough GOP dough in Illinois.

    A Palin endorsement could free up money from hard Conservatives in the South that would otherwise be hung up in the GOP Civil War, as Illinois right wingers try to sabotage Kirk’s campaign for their own empowerment.

  13. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===He must be more worried about the primary than I imagined===

    That’s exactly what I was thinking too Word. So I started wondering…

    There really is no chance of Kirk losing the primary, so maybe he’s hoping to be publically scorned by the former Alaska Governor. Heaven knows, if she actually has any principles, she couldn’t support Mark Kirk in good conscience. Getting a very public eff-you from Palin would be quite a coup for Kirk in the general.

    I might be overthinking this though.

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    Bubs, Kirk will do fine with DC cash, which is where the real GOP money is. I just don’t see him collecting checks from little ol’ southern ladies.

  15. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    The backward evolution of Kirk continues.

    The most electable Republican running for statewide office in IL is groveling for a Palin shout-out? Bizarre.


  16. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    ===Does Gov[ernor] Palin oppose Congressman Mark Kirk’s bid to take the Obama Senate seat for the Republicans?”===

    That is the question. Palin needs to give a yes or no answer. I hope Kirk gets an answer. However, I think either response only fuels the civil war going on in the Republican Party…a war that, IMHO, is gonna cripple the party for quite some time…allowing Democrats to remain in power for some time. Two governor’s races out east notwithstanding.

  17. - True Observer - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    The Democrat Owens would have defeated the Republican Dede if they had been the only candidates on the ballot.

    If Hoffman had been the Republican candidate, he would have defeated Owens.

    The lesson was not lost on Kirk.

    The lesson from NY is that if the Palin crowd can get the Republican nomination for one of their own, that candidate may very well defeat the Democrat.

    Who would have dreamt that they could take an unknown and within 30 days almost have him win except for the double cross by the Republican.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    I think Kirk really wants Palin’s endorsement, which leads me to believe he’s nervous that there was some movement afoot to secure it for Hughes.

    If nothing else, that would give Hughes some free media and probably an opportunity to raise some money to get on TV.

    With all the competitive, big-time Dem primaries, the GOP primary universe is probably going to be smaller than usual. And we all know there are some hard-core GOPers who just can’t stand Kirk.

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    47th Ward, check the update. He apparently sent the memo yesterday, before the NY congressional results came in. Oops on Kirk.

  20. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:58 pm:

    ok. bubs you are right. I agree about the money angle. But, if Kirk makes it to the general, what does he say when pressed about ingratiating himself to Palin to assuage moderate democrats?

    I understand the need for cash, so I can give him a pass—he’s just using her, but “smoozing” Palin is money in the figurative and literal sense for the democrats ya know. Oh the fodder and attack ads they’ll make.
    I’m thinking of the fallout and no real way for him to mitigate it.

  21. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:02 pm:

    Oops indeed. The Palin stink is really going to stick to Kirk now. Good luck wiping that off the bottom of your shoe Congressman.

  22. - ToddAF - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    Okay, maybe I haven’t been paying enough attention to the GOP Senate primary, but is Hughes really that much of a threat to Kirk’s bid that he has to seek an endorsement from an ultra-conservative former governor from Alaska who got trounced along with McCain in Illinois last year? It’s not as if Palin is a beloved figure in Illinois, except perhaps among arch-conservatives. This is really going to hurt him in the general election, considering Illinois is still such a blue state.

  23. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    I am absolutely stunned. Stunned. stunned.

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:12 pm:

    ===is Hughes really that much of a threat to Kirk’s bid===

    I don’t see it, unless Hughes is prepared to go ultra-nuclear - and I’d rather not debate that here, thankyou.

    The only thing I can figure is that he might be worried about the Right staying home in November or about provoking a third-party Right candidate next year.

  25. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    I’ve always worried in the back of my mind that mark’s record on guns, gays, abortion, the surge, cap n’trade would be kindling if ever anything developed and could whack him, but I thought that the military and fiscal discpline stuff had given him enough to shut off the right threat.

  26. - True Observer - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    “considering Illinois is still such a blue state”

    Like New Jersey?

  27. - colt 45 - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    there is nothing that is non-factual in the suggested text from the kirk camp to governor palin. seems short of an endorsement if you ask me.

  28. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:24 pm:

    colt 45, that’s only part of the memo. I’m hearing bits and pieces about the rest of it. Fun stuff.

  29. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:25 pm:

    TO, the big difference is that Kirk is not running against a hugely unpopular incumbent. It’s an open seat in the POTUS’ home state.

  30. - babs - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    The funny thing is - I got a direct mail solicitation from Kirk yesterday - and I’m a hard Dem on any voter roll. He is really suffering from a bad case of “Sybil” personality disorder. It’s about time he grew up and decided who he really is.

  31. - And I Approved This Message - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    Word–There’s a third option with Palin: not asking for her endorsement and getting it anyway. Apparently that happened in the VA governor’s race.

    I’m the first to admit that I have a very unhealthy obsession with Sarah Palin and know way too much about her. I can’t inagine her endorsing Kirk. She could have endorsed the party-backed candidate in the 23rd but the candidate was pro-choice and pretty moderate on other issues. She backed the out-of-district, devoid of ideas, Glenn Beck backed, uber conservative instead.

    I think Kirk made a big mistake here. And it does look like it was gear toward primary voters. My bet is that she turns him down and now he looks more unacceptable to Conservative primary voters and far less attractive to moderate general voters.

    Bad move all around. Must be looking at some interesting polling numbers.

  32. - True Observer - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    “It’s an open seat in the POTUS’ home state.”

    In 2008 all the results in IL would have been the same whether Obama was heading the ticket or not.

    He did not and does not have coattails.

    The Seals/Kirk race was proof positive.

  33. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    Heading off a third-party threat seems to make the most sense.

  34. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    Re: Update 2

    There was Alexi G. Next up…David Hoffman?

  35. - ANON - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    Mark Kirk announced during his last congressional compaign that Sarah Palin would not be welcome in his district.

  36. - Enver - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    This tells us Patrick Hughes is causing Mark Kirk some stress, especially after last night’s results.

    Personally, I think this whole thing is ludicrous, given Kirk’s close relationship with John McCain.

    Do you honestly think that Sarah Palin would endorse Mark Kirk? If that happened, then you would really have the GOP civil war that is part of the DNC’s talking points this morning.

    Bottom line, not going to happen. She’s far more likely to endorse Hughes.

  37. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    ==In 2008 all the results in IL would have been the same whether Obama was heading the ticket or not.

    He did not and does not have coattails.

    The Seals/Kirk race was proof positive.==

    Really? Your evidence is a single moderate district with a popular four-term incumbent?

    To suggest that Obama didn’t have coattails in 2008 is preposterous. A better case can be made on his effect in 2010 - maybe.

  38. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    Maybe a “street brawler” is what the IL GOP needs. Good luck with policing negative campaigning, though, Patrick. People may say they don’t like it, but it works and you won’t be able to stop it.

  39. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    seals did worse WITH obama than he did WITHOUT in 2006. Alexi can tie himself all he wants to Obama but Kirk is only in office today because he and Eric Elk and Doug O’Brien and Liesl Hickey and John McGovern know how to completely localize the election. Alexi is going to run a 2006-2008 campaign at Mark and it’s not going to work.

  40. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    If palin hired people that knew what they were doing , mark would be the kind of republican that she would get behind realizing that the guys that won yesterday won because they made the sort of appeals that mark makes every year to voters in inner metro suburbs.

  41. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    A congressional district is not statewide. And if any candidate has proved that Obama can influence statewide races it’s Alexi Giannoulias.

  42. - ZC - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    Kirk should take a lesson from the VA Gov race. Bob McDonnell conspicuously did not ask for an endorsement from Palin, nor ask her to campaign for him, and he won big. And that was in VA.

  43. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    Um, ZC, it’s a little late for that advice, ain’t it?

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    Wow. Thanks for the update Rich. Kirk might be acknowledging that he really has a problem with the “Teabag” wing of his party. There are over 600 RSVP’s for this “Tea Party” event in Homer Glen tonight. Do we know if Hughes sought a Palin endorsement?

  45. - Skeptical Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    Imagine that the day of a GOP Senate primary debate, both Kirk and Hughes come down with H1N1 and Palin and Da Coach get to step in as surrogates. Just imagine it.

  46. - Clyde Frazier - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    Alexi preening about Palin is rich. He’s knee deep in muck in the most corrupt state in America and he’s going to look down on a Governor who newsmagazines said was one of best in US until liberal news media went into Obama protection mode.

  47. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    Actually, I’d be more likely to vote for either Sarah or Ditka. At least they have personalities.

  48. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:05 pm:


    Would that be regular Ditka or mini-Ditka?

  49. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Enver, you’re right about Kirk’s closeness to McCain.

    But let’s be honest the $500K that McCain helped Kirk raise recently would be dwarfed by any fundraising support from Palin. But, I too don’t see why she would go out of her way to help Kirk, which makes his asking her all the more disturbing to me. She does seem more likely to help Hughes, as he is her brand of republican.

    So, did Kirk ask because it couldn’t hurt; what’s the worse she can say? no, right? Deep down I think his outreach/plea for help was more serious, though. I don’t feel good about it.

  50. - Conservative Veteran - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Palin won’t endorse Kirk because they disagree about many issues. She’s pro-life, and his latest rating from Planned Parenthood is 100%. She’s pro-gun rights, and his latest rating from Gun Owners of America is 0%. She supports tax cuts and spending cuts, but his cap & trade vote proves that he supports tax increases & spending increases.

  51. - Skeptical Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    Last year when Dan Seals and Kirk jointly appeared on Chicago Tonight at election, Kirk said in his closing remarks he should be elected because he was a fiscal conservative who was pro-gun control, pro-enviro, and pro-GLBT rights and good fit for his district. What happened to that guy?

  52. - Skeptical Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:08 pm:


  53. - train111 - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    To quote a tag-line from a few years back

    “What’s he thinking?”


  54. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    Re: Mark Kirk’s views on Sarah Palin…

    he was for her before he was against her, now he’s for her again.

  55. Pingback Good for Kirk | Chicago Daily Observer - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    […] Good for Kirk Backyard Conservative 4 November 2009 No Comment [This article was syndicated via RSS from BackyardConservative. The views represented do not necessarily represent those of the Chicago Daily Observer.] Capitol Fax reporting WaPo’s The Fix. Illinois Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk is angling for a Palin endorsement to coincide with her Oprah appearance. This is good news for any conservative watching the race closely. Kirk, though, has a conservative opponent. I don’t think Palin will jump the gun. Let the primary play out.As far as the Kirk appeal to Palin, given the Dems’ shellacking in Blue New Jersey this should not be a stunner to any objective political observer.It’s a conservative year.And despite the media attempting to paint Palin as a social conservative wacko the main take from her values is that she has rock-solid integrity–she allied herself with Democrats to toss out corrupt members of her own party–and succeeded.Democrats in Illinois and D.C. could take a page from her book. […]

  56. - Brennan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Seems risky to me, but Hoffman went from 13% to 44% after he was endorsed by Palin. Palin was the first national figure to endorse Hoffman.

    He came pretty close to winning without knowing much of anything about the local issues. Kirk is knowledgeable on this front.

  57. - Brennan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    =he should be elected because he was a fiscal conservative who was pro-gun control, pro-enviro, and pro-GLBT rights and good fit for his district. What happened to that guy?=

    The same thing that happened to that other guy - Barack Obama. They want to win.

  58. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    It seems to me, after reading various Internet news accounts in the wake of the NY Congressional results, that the ultra-right wing is starting to bully mainstream Republicans in order to get them off the ballot, primary and general. Now the party says it won’t fund contested races? Are more “mainstream” Republicans now caving in to the Palin/Limbaugh branch? Or will the “mainstreamers” push back, leaving the ultra-rights out in the cold? Probably a combination of both, nationwide. I see a really bloodied GOP in a few months. Or a lot of ultra-right third parties. Who doesn’t think this all benefits the Dems.

  59. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    ===given the Dems’ shellacking in Blue New Jersey===

    The margin was 5 percent, right? That’s a shellacking? Creative interpretation? Rhetorical flourish?

  60. - Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Cute Tweet from Dan Hynes:

    While we’re on the topic - - I will not seek, nor will I accept, Sarah Palin’s endorsement in 2010. - 7 minutes ago from web

  61. - Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    No way Palin will endorse Kirk. However, this makes it difficult to diss her endorsement of Hughes. Dont you think that Hannity, Rush and others are going to set their sights on Kirk! He is such an easy target. Also, once they do, or Palin endorses in this race, Kirk is going to find the fundraising alot more difficult. Kirk is more vulnerable in this primary than Kustra was when he was toppled by then unknown Al Salvi. Kustra was supported by a very popular Gov and still lost. Wait till Mark is opposed by a very popular former governor in this race. Mark Kirk’s stock may need a federal bailout soon to avoid junk status.

  62. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    Mark Kirk begging for Sarah Palin’s endorsement makes it clear that he’ll seek any endorsement, take up any political or policy position, and attempt any political maneuver that he thinks will get him more votes.

    Nice ATTEMPT at a spin by Alexi.

    The question seems to be–and I think it’s a fair one: Whether Sarah Palin is willing to take a more active role in helping the Rs take this Senate Seat.

    I’d imagine that the Democrats would prefer NOT to look at the question, or the task, in THAT way–even though Hoffman and Giannoulias have been running around for months now talking about how important this Seat is–both strategically and SYMBOLICALLY–to the Democrats.

    I wanted to see Palin in as McCain’s running mate long before the decision was made not only because of her popularity and “likeability” factor, but because she’s strategic.

    I’m sure she’ll consider the true context of the request–including the importance of this Seat, and the ability of all our Candidates to take it–before making a decision.

  63. - George - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    Notice Dan Hynes DIDN’T say that he doesn’t WANT Palin’s endorsement.


  64. - George - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    Additionally, Dan Hynes’ statement doesn’t preclude him from seeking or accepting Sarah Palin’s endorsement before the end of the calendar year.

  65. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    Who leaked this request?

    Someone on Team Kirk?

    Someone on Team Palin?

    Or did Kirk send the request via someone who leaked it?

    If Kirk’s team leaked it, was it done deliberately or by someone in the campaign who disagrees with the move?

    If Palin’s team leaked it, why did they leak? To build Palin into something bigger? To feed her ego?

    If Kirk gave it to a third party who leaked it, what’s that say about the judgment and professionalism of the Kirk campaign?

  66. - George - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    Plus, that Alexi” statement is actually just bad.

    Is he saying Sarah Palin’s endorsement will get Mark Kirk MORE votes? Don’t you just say: “we are glad Mark Kirk is begging to become Sarah Palin’s candidate in Illinois. It will help the voters better distinguish Mark Kirk from the rest of the field of sane candidates”

  67. - Brennan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:45 pm:

    Last year New Jersey elected a Republican to a state wide office: 1997.
    Party Registration advantage as of June 2009 in NJ: +14 Democrats(UNA or indies are still about half of the NJ electorate)
    Margin of Obama’s victory in Nov2008: +15

    The NJ results are significant. Christie was cleaning Corzine’s clock with independents.

    I’m sure Quinn can dodge every single pothole in Illinois over the next 12 months.

  68. - George - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    For those of you who think New Jersey was a referendum on Obama….

    If a Republican wins the Governorship in Illinois next year, do you think it will be a referendum on Obama?

    Or a referendum on Rod Blagojevich?

    All politics is local. Governors don’t run on national issues.

  69. - Segatari - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    >It seems to me, after reading various Internet news accounts in the wake of the NY Congressional results, that the ultra-right wing is starting to bully mainstream Republicans in order to get them off the ballot, primary and general.

    That’s because the Rhinos LOSE ELECTIONS. You don’t push a candidate that intends to get all their votes from the 36% of independents and throws the entire 40% of the conservative voting base under the bus…it’s a strategy DOOMED TO FAILURE. The conservatives want someone to vote for that matches up with their viewpoints. They are NEVER EVER gonna vote for a pretend Democrat. I can’t understand why that simple explanation doesn’t get through people’s thick skulls!

  70. - SeenaBecker - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    News flash: Kirk is wining a Republican primary and unifying the team for a big battle in the fall.

  71. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    I’m alway’s curious as to who the leakers are as well.

    You have to wonder why Kirk felt it necessary to put the request in writing to Malek. Why not a phone call?

  72. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Just one more thought: I hope someone sent Sarah’s office the links to all the Giannoulias and Hoffman speeches (videos and print)–and there are plenty out there–referring to this Senate Seat as “Obama’s” (v. Burris’) and using the quote “strategically and symbolically” to describe its importance to the Democrats.

    My guess is that she’d enjoy seeing them.

  73. - Segatari - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    >Or a referendum on Rod Blagojevich?

    Hod Rod isn’t governor anymore, Pat Quinn is. It will be a statement against the Dems who’ve had control of everything for the past eight years and have run the state into the ground. And Obama is from this state too.

  74. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Wow did Commando Crusts Kirk step on it or what? That boy know how to snap a victory away

    Meanwhile “Gags” Brady is planning to reprise his state fair stunt by censoring campaign commercials…Maybe TUgBoat Andy McKenna wasn’t so bad afterall.

  75. - Skeptical Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Mark Kirk isn’t unifying anything

  76. - dexter - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    I thought that only ACORN collected bad signatures? hahahahahahaha

  77. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:13 pm:

    Anonymou 2:59: another handle, please. That one’s already taken. New poster?

  78. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:15 pm:

    Kirk is almost as liberal as Alexi. No matter what he has to say to win the primary we have already won the general.

  79. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:16 pm:

    See, Dan Hynes has an excellent sense of humor and fun personality.

    LOL at this entire thread. I’m guessing Mark Kirk wishes he hadn’t bothered with a Sarah Palin memo the other day. But this thread is funny.

  80. - Enver - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:17 pm:

    If Republicans do not nominate Patrick Hughes for Senate in 2010, Kirk will go on to lose in the General.

    Here’s why - if you take a look over the last few cycles, most of the conservative Republican base has chosen to stay home, rather than vote for Democrat wannabes (the distinct exception is Alan Keyes).

    Among the many reasons that Peter Fitzgerald won this same seat in 1998 was, 1.) he had the GOP base solidly with him going into the General, 2.) high downstate turnout as a percentage of the total statewide vote, and 3.) he was able to put together a coalition of Republicans, Independents, and Reagan Democrats that were sick and tired of the improprieties perpetrated by Carol Moseley-Braun, the same legacy that Roland Burris carries on today.

    I’m sure that many on here will say, well, Fitzgerald was able to dump in $12 million and everyone hated Carol, and the GOP was stronger at that time. This is all true, but if you don’t have the basics down, as mentioned above, the cash doesn’t matter, you’re going to go down on election night.

    After hearing both, Hughes can fire up a crowd, Kirk can’t. Mark Kirk is slightly more engaging than Andy McKenna.

  81. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:18 pm:

    Imagine that the day of a GOP Senate primary debate, both Kirk and Hughes come down with H1N1 and Palin and Da Coach get to step in as surrogates. Just imagine it.

    Ouch! Poor, Ditka…but what an honor!

  82. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:19 pm:

    ===most of the conservative Republican base has chosen to stay home, rather than vote for Democrat wannabes===

    And, of course, you have data to back up that bold statement. Right?

  83. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:20 pm:

    Ya know, Enver has a point let’s all pull a republican ballot and nominate Hughes!

  84. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Enver, please. There are reason why the White House is scared of Kirk. very good reason(s), I might add.

    if Hughes had announced and kirk decided to stay put in Congress or seek the governor’s office or get out of public office entirely, the white house would have backed Alexi G on day one of his announcement.

  85. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Last year when Dan Seals and Kirk jointly appeared on Chicago Tonight at election, Kirk said in his closing remarks he should be elected because he was a fiscal conservative who was pro-gun control, pro-enviro, and pro-GLBT rights and good fit for his district. What happened to that guy?

    He has to win the primary first. It is classic GOP strategy to run right in a primary, and then to the center in the general. For our sake, I hope Kirk can pull it off. I can’t vote him in the primary because I am a Dem, but I fully intend to vote for him in the general.

  86. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:32 pm:

    Mark Kirk isn’t unifying anything

    Do you wanna bet on that one, Cynic?

  87. Pingback ArchPundit | I’m really stunned by this remarkable display of brazen pandering. I guess I shouldn’t be so suprised, but I am - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    […] That’s Rich’s quote regarding Kirk’s effort to get Palin’s endorsement. […]

  88. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:45 pm:

    yeah Niles, just as it is a classic democratic strategy in a primary to be left for a primary and then run center for a general. On this one we agree. As a moderate dem, I too fully intend to vote Kirk.

    Should kirk make it to the general, I can see some pretty effective and damaging ads coming from the democrats and rightfully so. The ads will not make him look good to moderate dems or independents, rightfully so. All, the more reason for him to innoculate himself now from as many future headaches as possible. This palin thing was bad move on his part.

  89. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:46 pm:

    ===He has to win the primary first. It is classic GOP strategy to run right in a primary, and then to the center in the general. For our sake, I hope Kirk can pull it off. I can’t vote him in the primary because I am a Dem, but I fully intend to vote for him in the general.

    I’m always baffled by this. What is it that makes Kirk better to you as a Democrat? Are you against universal health care? Card check? A strong cap and trade bill? What is it that you find appealing about Kirk as a Democrat?

  90. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:47 pm:

    On this one we agree
    WCW: I’m glad we agree on something!! Knew we could find at least one thing.

  91. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:49 pm:

    I’m always baffled by this. What is it that makes Kirk better to you as a Democrat? Are you against universal health care? Card check? A strong cap and trade bill? What is it that you find appealing about Kirk as a Democrat?


    Actually, while I am for health coverage (even a public option) for the uninsured, I am against every single bill currently in congress. On card check, I am totally against it, I am for free, fair & open elections, not card check. Finally, I am for a broad pro-environment policy, cap & trade is a weak excuse for that.

  92. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    ===I am for free, fair & open elections===

    Well, those don’t currently exist in most cases.

  93. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:52 pm:

    Well, those don’t currently exist in most cases.

    Rich, I agree, but I am not for card check. I would be all for legislation guaranteeing, regulating and enforcing free, fair and open elections.

  94. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    ===I am against every single bill currently in congress===

    OK Niles, nothing else you say has much credibility after that.

  95. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    If the elections were free,fair & open the unions wouldn’t need card check.

  96. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    OK Niles, nothing else you say has much credibility after that.

    Why? None of the programs currently being proposed would insure all the uninsured. That is what I am for. What takes away my credibility by saying that a bill that purports to solve a problem, actually solves it.

  97. - Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    ++Actually, while I am for health coverage (even a public option) for the uninsured, I am against every single bill currently in congress.++

    So, you support a guy vocally against the public option?

  98. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:56 pm:

    So, you support a guy vocally against the public option?

    In its current form, yes.

  99. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:57 pm:

    Oh, you oppose every single HEALTH CARE bill in Congress. That distinction wasn’t very clear in your original post. Carry on.

  100. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    I’ve heard the house version offers access to coverage for 94% of all. If that’s true that is a pretty good first step

  101. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:00 pm:

    ===Why? None of the programs currently being proposed would insure all the uninsured. That is what I am for. What takes away my credibility by saying that a bill that purports to solve a problem, actually solves it.

    But you are moving away from it by supporting Kirk who doesn’t want a universal health care coverage bill.

    Fair enough on the card check bill, but Kirk is against the compromise bills floating around that will restrict union busting.

    Being for environmental legislation is nice, but what else would you support to reduce carbon emissions? A carbon tax? It’s more efficient, but again, Kirk is farther away from that.

    This is what I don’t get–what is it that makes you a Democrat and yet you think Kirk is closer than the Democrats running given he’s farther away on these issues? Is there some other issue trumping them?

  102. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:03 pm:

    Update 5: Hoffman chimes in:

    Kirk has again revealed his true colors: No principles, no standards, whatever it takes to win.

    Ah, but aking people to vote for a Senate Seat because it’s “SYMBOLICALLY” important is a good thing?!!!

  103. - Lefty Lefty - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:08 pm:

    Hey, I got here from Eschaton, aka the Baby Blue Cherub! Welcome, George Soros zombies!

  104. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:10 pm:


  105. - well then - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:10 pm:

    so is Kirk’s mcConnell comment suppose to make him sound like he is getting moderate Repub support …. Mitch makes Palin look like a card carrying uber-liberal

  106. - Abe Froman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:12 pm:

    This is a pretty big tempest in a teapot. Kirk and his team are pondering the possible impact of Palin on the race. What a news flash. They consider if they should ask her to say something favorable about him. Astounding. If the campaign wasn’t thinking about the potential impact of one of the most widely known political figures in the country today it would be campaign malpractice.

    I bet they send memos around considering the impact of Barack Obama, John McCain, George W. Bush, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Rod Blagojevich, and others.

    So Kirk is considering whether or not he wants to get an endoresement from Palin. Was it finalized? Did he stand with her at a news conference? Did he issue a statement that he thinks she is the second coming?

    The Kirk haters on the left and right are in a frothing frenzy because they can all try and use this to attack the man they are most scared of. The right knows Kirk is a lock for the nomination and the left knows he is going to be very tough for any of their candidates to beat.

    It further shows why independents gravitate towards Kirk.

  107. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:15 pm:

    ===Kirk and his team are pondering the possible impact of Palin on the race. What a news flash. ===

    That’s interesting spin but it’s not accurate in the least.

  108. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:16 pm:

    I think there might be a slight problem…we can’t pull a ballot and vote or a democatic gubernatorial candidate and Mark Kirk for U.S. Senate, right?

    So how about this: you pull the Republican ballot and vote for Mark Kirk, and I’ll pull the Democratic ballot and vote for Dan Hynes. Sound like a plan? :)

  109. - Bordo - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:22 pm:

    I generally vote Democratic, but have cast many ballots for many Republicans since moving to Illinois including twice for Jim Edgar as governor. Increasingly, it is hard for me to take any GOP candidate seriously when they go begging for the endorsement of an empty-headed, whiny demagogue like Sarah Palin, who represents some of the worst traits now current on the American right.

    If Mark Kirk wants to join up with the knuckle-dragging cavemen of the right, he can be assured he will receive neither my vote nor my donations.

    This was an incredibly stupid move and one I will not forget.

  110. - scoot - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:24 pm:

    The Kirk campaign released a statement saying: “The Kirk campaign provided (Ms. Palin’s) team a briefing including talking points on Congressman Kirk and the Illinois Senate Race. The memo was like many others regularly prepared for high-profile visitors, pundits and media. The briefing provided details on the race and only requested supportive comments.”

  111. - scoot - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:29 pm:

    The thing is bizarre & I feel blown outta proportion. The campaign asked for her to drop a nice statement or words about the Congressman…which in my mind is odd.

    The primary is early Feb. & the voters are not going to pay attention to anything until after the new year, so that gives the no-name rightwingers a couple weeks in January to beat Kirk in the primary and thats not going to happen. I’m just a little shocked that they would ask Palin to say anything.

    This maybe news today-tonight..but it will quickly fade.

  112. - walter sobchak - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:31 pm:

    You can’t pen a clearer reminder of the reason that the press is tanking big time because it isn’t trusted to report that the sun rises every day than our dear leaders comment in setting up this piece:

    “Also, the Chicago political media has historically been one of Kirk’s most loyal constituencies. They’ve helped brand him as an independent, liberal Republican. Getting Palin’s nod won’t endear him to those types at all.

    Not saying at all that it isn’t true or an apt observation but so much for the fourth estate as a bulwark for democracy.

  113. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:33 pm:

    Sarah is news every night. This is going to get the Cap’n some national tv time. Maybe that is what he wanted but I think it will backfire when the usual suspects get a load of his voting record and planned parenthood ratings.

  114. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:43 pm:

    ===This maybe news today-tonight..but it will quickly fade. ===

    Actually, it’ll pick back up when Palin does Oprah, and then again when Kirk steps out in public to react to whatever Palin does. So, yes, it’ll fade, but not for several more days.

  115. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:44 pm:

    Bill, again, it’s Commander, not Cap’n.

  116. - AS - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:47 pm:

    The “Patrick Fitzgerald of Alaska”. Is that really supposed to be a compliment. Let’s see. Pat Fitzgerald is either inept or corrupt to the bone. I think the latter personally. His little Plame whitewash is proof positive. We now know the entire Bush admin conspired to out Plame and old Patty boy insured that they all got away with it.

  117. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 5:48 pm:

    AS, I’m assuming that you’re not from around these-here parts.

    Try to keep your bumper sticker slogans to yourself. Thanks.

  118. - Skeptical Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 6:00 pm:

    Anon 4:32
    I am a Kirk backer, but Kirk isn’t unifying because he is all over the road. If he stays center-right and talks reform, he beats Alexi easily.

  119. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 6:09 pm:

    Thanks for the kind reply, Cynic!

  120. - Bubs - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 6:35 pm:

    Rich, I agree that there is loads of RNC money coming for Kirk after Feb. 2, but I suspect this General Election will go to the wall. It’s hard to see how Obama will allow the Dems to be outspent here, if he has anything to say about it, and he does.

  121. - Bubs - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 6:41 pm:

    It will indeed be interesting to see how hard Oprah pushes Palin on Kirk while on the air. I suspect the answer is “way hard” after the NY-23 escapade.

    So, wouldn’t it be interesting to listen in on calls Sarah will be getting from Washington in the next few days?

  122. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 8:05 pm:

    A little off topic, but this is just one of the many reasons why Mark Kirk will be our next Senator:

    “As Americans, we knew right from wrong – we knew the soft power of the human spirit could defeat the hard power of oppression.

    In the end, we won the Cold War because we never lost our moral compass.

    We never lost the conviction of our own convictions. And that made all the difference.”

  123. - Bobs yer - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 8:39 pm:

    “I’m really stunned by this remarkable display of brazen pandering. I guess I shouldn’t be so suprised, but I am.”

    Sorry, you feel that way, Rich. Also sorry you always make silly demands on R candidates, like “provide immediately a full and complete plan for fixing all the problems the Democrats created, or go away”

    You know, I kind of like Sarah Palin. Something new. And This Site is becoming too much an arm of the regular Democratic organization.

    Rich, thanks for the Blago coverage during the past year.

    See ya’

  124. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 8:42 pm:

    Oooohh, Mark Kirk thinks we really bucked up during the cold war. Well then, to heck with the economy, health care, or all the pandering and flip flopping. Swear that man in!

  125. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 8:53 pm:

    Uncle Bob, I think you’re being a bit too hard on Rich for that statement.

    Rich knows his bloggers well (many of us have been here for years)–and in addition to expressing his own views, he’s very good at “pushing our buttons”–if you will–with the sole intent of fostering the great discussions we have here.

    Please reconsider, Uncle Bob, because your thoughts and opinions have contributed as much, if not more, as anyone else’s to what we learn here from each other each and every single day.

  126. Pingback Kirk courts Palin | Obama Biden White House - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:38 pm:

    […] This episode, while relatively harmless in the long-term, plays into the image of Kirk as a candidate who pays as much attention to his own political standing over principle. The notion that the Chicago media would focus on Kirk v. Palin after her visit to Oprah Winfrey’s show, as Capitol Fax’s Rich Miller suggests, is a little self-centered. […]

  127. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:49 pm:

    Well, if the Keyes election is a sign of what the right can do when they really support a candidate, no moderate should even remotely consider trading independent support in exchange for right wing support as being a good deal. What did Keyes do, carry 5 counties, or maybe it was six, the largest of which (Effingham) has fewer than 50,000 residents and is as strong a pro-life county as there is in the state, and some of the others he carried had as few as 10,000 residents. After Effingham, where he got about 9000 votes, his next largest vote total in a county he won was 3800. He won less than 60% of the Republican vote, and 25% of the independent vote. Now there’s a formula for victory. Jesus!

    The rights high water mark in head to head contested primaries against a credible opponent was 90 when Baer got 33% against Edgar. Roesser did worse than that in 94 against Edgar.

  128. - Anonymous - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 1:11 am:


    Did you even read the speech? I’m guessing from your comment that you haven’t.

    It’s an interesting and quick read–and says alot about Mark Kirk that you should probably know.

  129. - JonShibleyFan - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 7:44 am:


    1) The relevance to his speech, regardless of how inspiring the prose, is nil. We aren’t fighting the Cold War, we’re dealing with a flagging economy (Hey! Thanks for voting for Bush’s bloated budgets and ill-advised tax cuts for the Rich!).
    2) If I had a nickel for every Republican who moaned “well…Obama makes a nice speech, but yadda yadda yadda” I’d be a wealthy man. Now I’m supposed to be wowed by Kirk’s speeches? Meh.

  130. - Ghost - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 8:27 am:

    I think this will backfire horribly for Kirk. The conservative GOP base is not going to buy that Kirk is conservative, even with Palin in his corner. And the Moderates in IL who he needs to win an election will be tunred off by this endorsement. The polling information suggests most americans do not think that much of Palin. And IL is a dakr blue State.

    I was leaning towards Kirk much more then Alexi, until this announcement. Kirk has persuaded me not to vote for him.

  131. - Bill - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 8:52 am:

    The US came out on top in the “cold war” because the USSR squandered their wealth, human capital, and credibility fighting a losing war in Afghanistan not because of some tough talk by Reagan and certainly not because of Cap’n Kirk.
    Osama, Omar, the Taliban, and the Mujaheddin beat the Soviets not the US. The same thing will happen to us if we don’t cut our losses and get out of there pronto.
    Kirk is full of it. His handlers should just keep him quiet until after the elections. If they do he still might have a chance.

  132. - 10th Indy - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Good lord I missed all this silliness yesterday -go figure! A candidate asked a key player in his party for support in a primary bid - the horror!

  133. - Wumpus - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 9:34 am:

    Kirk, be yourself. Pailin had no problem accepting the invitation to be the Veep nominee from another Maverick GOPer with an independent streak…John Sidney McCain.

    He is simply trying to get all the votes he can.

  134. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    It’s simple.
    Kirk is playing politics.
    If you think he isn’t supposed to - don’t vote for anyone running.
    If you think this means anything more - you probably wouldn’t have voted for him anyway.

  135. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 5, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    Bob, you obviously see only what you want to see.


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