* CBS2’s Mike Flannery is reporting that Cohen “wants” to drop out…
Under increasing pressure to step down, Democratic lieutenant governor nominee Scott Lee Cohen is reportedly considering stepping aside. A source told CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery Friday that Cohen wants to drop out and is “trying to figure out how to do it”
Easy: “I quit. Sorry.”
A key Democratic source told CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery on Friday that “I think he (Cohen) wants to get out. He’s trying to figure out how to do it.”
When CBS 2 called Cohen’s campaign to confirm that information, Cohen’s spokesman said “I’m not aware of anything like that” and said if reporters wanted to speak directly to Cohen, the candidate would be at the Vertigo nightclub at the top of the Dana Hotel and Spa in downtown Chicago Friday night.
* 4:41 pm - From the Rep. David Miller, who is the Democratic Comptroller nominee…
“Scott Lee Cohen should step down as the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor immediately. He does not represent the values of our party and I don’t believe he has adequately disclosed his past history to the voters of Illinois.
I find it appalling to even consider someone with his record to hold any kind of public office. People need to have faith and trust in elected leaders, and we don’t need anyone in office who has abused women or neglected their responsibilities.
His refusal to step down is not only arrogant, but he is sending a message that domestic abuse is acceptable. It is completely and totally unacceptable.”
* 4:45 pm - Don’t go away, kids.
* 5:12 pm - Calls are being made. Something’s coming soon, I think.
* 5:18 pm - From Attorney General Lisa Madigan…
Scott Lee Cohen should step aside immediately. It is clear that he isu nfit to hold public office. The fact that he thinks he’s “done
nothing wrong” just proves that. His ex-wife and court and police records confirm that he has a recent history of violence against women. His alleged failure to pay child support and his admitted use of steroids are just a few other examples of his complete lack of judgment. This conduct is inappropriate for a public official, and his extreme character flaws are an insult to the people of Illinois.
[This post is now closed. Click here for a fresh thread.]
- Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:40 pm:
He seems like he could be a fun guy to party with. If Snooki from “Jersey Shore” can get $10,000 per appearance, I hope he’s at least getting some cut of Vertigo’s cover tonight.
- corvax - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:41 pm:
I don’t think he should drop out. the only truly troubling allegations relate to violence, but none of that has been proven and his ex-wife is now supportive of him. he’s entitled to the benefit of the presumption of innocence. i didn’t vote for him, but the party is getting what it deserves. Quinn will beat Brady anyway and this ultimately won’t matter.
- Prognosis Negative - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:41 pm:
Hello, Hello
I’m at a place called Vertigo
- Visual Manager - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:42 pm:
He’s seriously going to spa???
- TJ - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:42 pm:
Look….. Cohen dropping out would be good for everyone (except Plummer and the GOP, of course
), but I’m honestly having a hard time believing that the guy would drop out this quickly after sinking a few million and change into his own campaign when even the most delusional person had to imagine that his history would eventually be reported.
i.e. - I hope he does quit and that the Dems nominate a good replacement (a la - none of the other loser Lt. Gov. candidates who didn’t have the temerity to report on Cohen’s criminal record), but I’m not seeing that happening.
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:42 pm:
That would be a relief, if he dropped out.
My goodness we have another Ex-Gov going to trial, we have enough National News coverage on our Politicians.
Is there something in the water? or air in this State?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:43 pm:
===and his ex-wife is now supportive of him. ===
She also stands by her original story.
Are you daft?
- Can I Speak? - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:48 pm:
I voted for him because he was an outsider and I wanted that. If we keep throwing out people that voters put in, those are not my values and I will not support any Democrat. The time to speak against him was before we nominated him.
- Linda - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:49 pm:
I love the optics and throbbing beats of a press conference at a nightclub! Will the press be able to hear the lines Rich has so generously offered him: “I quit. Sorry.” ?
Or will we be parsing the words through the beats for weeks?
- fedup dem - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:49 pm:
Perhaps Mr. Cohen could then try his luck as a contestant on one of those TV reality shows. i suspect his background would certainly get viewers to watch the show.
- Cindy Lou - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:49 pm:
It’s almost 5 on a Friday, hope we at least get weekend updates even if closed comments…
Wants to drop out? Yeah, it’s the right thing to do and it’s gotta be done, but we can’t say the guy didn’t try and warn us. Does he get a consolation prize?
- Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:49 pm:
Even if you can set aside the allegations of him holding a knife to his girlfriend’s throat or attempting to rape his ex-wife, there’s still the admission of hanging out and meeting women at massage parlors, the bizarre ‘roids taking (i.e. admitted illicit drug use) and federal tax issues. And these aren’t things he can chalk up to some “youthful indiscretions” but just happened five years ago.
While everybody is looking into all these records, could someone put in a call to Dave Orr and find out if he even voted in the last election or was he still too busy “running with the fast crowd” four years ago?
- wndycty - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:50 pm:
Is it me or is Scott just playing to the stereotype he portrays when his spokesperson says “the candidate would be at the Vertigo nightclub at the top of the Dana Hotel and Spa”
- Jim - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:50 pm:
Let the fools from the State Dem party who didn’t vet him give him his money back, but give any $$ owed in alimony and child support directly to the ex and children.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:51 pm:
I think SLC looked in that “briefcase” I suggested they gave him and it wasn’t like in Pulp Fiction …
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:51 pm:
corvax -
This is the court of public opinion, not a criminal trial.
Cohen isn’t innocent until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.
ANY reasonable doubts about a candidate’s integrity to hold office is a disqualifier.
I mean, for Christsakes, the guy counter’s his image as a womanizing partyboy by telling the press what nightclub they can find him at tonight?
You’re worried about our judgment, when you should be worried about Scott Lee Cohen’s.
- Adam Smith - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:56 pm:
-To Rep. Miller, Quinn, Alexi, Madigan, et al. who are suddenly aghast at Cohen’s nomination,
Mark Brown writes for a major daily paper with circulation in the six figures. He is a respected political columnist. He wrote an entire column on Cohen’s shady past. The candidate himself admitted the domestic violence arrest (never convicted or even prosecuted). To claim this is some sort of stunning surprise is ridiculous.
All the Dems are guilty of political malpractice and are getting exactly what they deserve.
Most importantly, the Trib has a mug shot of Cohen’s girlfriend from her prostitution arrest. Rich you should have a special thread just for comments on that.
- Don't Worry, Be Happy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:57 pm:
He’s at the Dana Hotel and SPA?? That’s gotta be a joke.
- Peoria Joe - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:59 pm:
Step 1: Get prominent IL Dems to condemn him.
Step 2: Start a whispering campaign that he “really” wants to quit the race, even though he doesn’t want to quit.
Step 3: ???
- George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:03 pm:
Peoria Joe, I think you mess up the steps:
Step 1: Nominate knife-wielding, prostitute-slashing, wife-beating, steroid-injecting, lipstick-writing, child-abusing, STD-bearing, deadbeat pawnbroker to Gubernatorial ticket.
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: Profit!
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:07 pm:
George, you’ve got it right. He may never recoup the $2+ million but he’s going to make some dough off of this. Tabloids, interviews, maybe a book. He’ll probably wind up as Blagojevich’s co-host on WLS this Sunday.
- Keep Smiling - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:10 pm:
He’s not going to be there, c’mon. He’s bone throwing. But the media kind of has to go now, just in case. Well, at least he picked a fun place to dump ‘em. Just keep an eye out for the guy with the fake nose and mustache… at Excalibur.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:11 pm:
Adam Smith -
How is it the fault of other Democrats that Cohen was elected?
You have Google…did you read the Brown article? Did you warn your friends?
What’s next…you want Madigan to cut up your steak and chew it for you?
Hey, I’ll admit it, maybe I’m guilty too. Although because I was always for Art Turner, I never really looked into Cohen’s past. Although unlike Mark Brown, i knew Cohen had a decent chance to win, and if I’d known about the allegations I would have looked a little further…anyone who’s willing to spend $3 M always has a chance.
- Captain Flume - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:16 pm:
I hope EVERY candidate for EVERY office gets scrutinized before the election. Mr. Cohen is not a member of the established political order in Illinois and thus the treatment he gets here and elsewhere. Next time I see an elected official pawing a woman at a bar or rolling out sotted from some hotel, I’ll get out my phone camera and post the picture.
I am not condoning Cohen’s alleged behavior but I am condemning the self-righteousness of those who missed the boat on vetting him as a candidate because they thought he did “not have a chance” to win. Well, he proves that with the right message, almost anyone can win. I know he spent a lot, but so did Hynes and so did McKenna, and they both lost. Money is not the whole story.
- soccermom - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:16 pm:
I love the word daft. Thanks, Rich.
- HWah - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:17 pm:
“if reporters wanted to speak directly to Cohen, the candidate would be at the Vertigo nightclub at the top of the Dana Hotel and Spa in downtown Chicago Friday night.”
Are we being punk’d here?
- Jeeves The Cat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:19 pm:
Jim – “Let the fools from the State Dem party who didn’t vet him give him his money back”. If we were anywhere else, some of this might make sense. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party of Illinois doesn’t actually function as a state party per se and, as far as vetting goes, any citizen who collects the minimum number of valid signatures can get on the ballot. With an army of paid circulators to get him there, the only thing anyone who knew he would be a problem could do was to try and organize the opposition and thin the candidate field to counter. Again here, having a functioning state party would have been nice . . .
- been there - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:20 pm:
maybe there can be legislation that requires deducting overdue child support payments from any money that a candidate tries to spend on campaign ad buys.
- George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:21 pm:
“maybe there can be legislation that requires deducting overdue child support payments from any money that a candidate tries to spend on campaign ad buys.”
They can take from your personal bank account, and from your wages, why not your campaign account?
- Timing is everything - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:22 pm:
“Next time I see an elected official pawing a woman at a bar or rolling out sotted from some hotel, I’ll get out my phone camera and post the picture.”
That’s not why SLC is being asked to drop out of the race Captain.
- corvax - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:22 pm:
i admitted the allegations of violence are troubling, they’re worse than troubling if true, but we don’t really know if they are true. what an angry wife says in the context of a divorce has to be a little suspect. had he tried to hide any of this, i’d feel differently. it was widely known he was a pawnbroker w/no gov’t experience and he looked like he was trying to buy the election. with a couple fairly acceptable alternatives, on that basis alone i didn’t vote(and don’t think most folks should have voted) for him. (i’m amazed by the number of presumably informed people i know who have confessed to voting for him since tuesday). he certianly won’t be the first “womanizing partyboy” to be elected.
if there’s reasonable chance he’s violent or commited acts that suggest he’d violate the public trust, he should resign. i’ve heard the rumors of federal tax problems, but w/o a lot more info that’s not a disqualifier–many folks have tax problems and his seem settled. steroids, massages, etc.–i don’t think those matter.
it seems disingenuous for Quinn at al. to be saying what they’re saying after the election when they knew of this before. i wish Dillard were the nominee so i could cast one of my few repub votes
- Peggy SO-IL - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:28 pm:
Let me get some popcorn for this Friday night show!
- Just Observing - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:29 pm:
This is such a crazy story. But Rich, its not as easy as saying “Sorry. I quit.” — if he is trying to get out of this, then he, his team, and party leaders need to help him find a way out with a little dignity. Just because he is getting eaten alive right now does not mean this is an easy decision that can be made in haste.
I’m not saying this to toot my own horn, but for the past several weeks I was thinking he had a good chance to win (just because of the amount he was spending) — so this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. But, I don’t blame the party leaders too much.. I blame the voters.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:31 pm:
===find a way out with a little dignity===
What dignity? It’s too late for that. For crying out loud, man, the Tribune is chasing down hookers.
- Jeeves The Cat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:31 pm:
Is now an inappropriate time to bring up the subject of public funding for races in Illinois?
- Jeff - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:40 pm:
From the CBS Story:
“He’s not going to be lieutenant governor,” Durbin said. “I’m just saying we have found ways legally to give voters an alternative.”
Durbin earlier told WBBM Newsradio 780 that Cohen should leave the ticket and spare himself and his family what lies ahead, but Durbin won’t specify what that is. Durbin says Cohen should sit down with somebody he trusts who will explain it to him.
- jimbo2600 - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:41 pm:
spa looks pretty classy for SLC http://www.danahotelandspa.com/spa/index.cfm
- babs - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:41 pm:
Rich, OMG - LOL - It’s finally appropriate
- enn - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:44 pm:
===But, I don’t blame the party leaders too much.. I blame the voters.===
Let’s remember that the only way a voter could possibly have known about these allegations (aside from doing his or her own search of court records) is if s/he were to read the one and only column in which they were mentioned a solid year before the primary. It is unreasonable to expect voters to read every. single. piece. that comes out about a downticket race a year in advance. This should have been picked up and it should have been everywhere.
- John Bambenek - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:45 pm:
The man put in a few mil… His answer is “pay me or suck it”. At this point he has little to lose by staying in. Its all there, his reputation is trashed (yet still better than the parade of insiders who couldn’t beat this guy for the nomination)… What more can you do to him?
- ZC - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:46 pm:
I don’t think MJM had anything to do with nominating Cohen.
I would be willing to believe that MJM is now exerting all his behind-the-scenes power to get Cohen _off_ the ballot. And in which case, Michael J Madigan again deserves another thanks from the IL electorate.
- Richard Afflis - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:47 pm:
I did not vote for SLC. The information that came out yesterday was there long before yesterday. He is not in my mind a role model by any means.
He still did play by the rules of the game. It seems that he is now being punished because others did not do their jobs beforehand. This is information that should have been acted on before and for other nominees to cry “foul” at this point appears disingenuous. I do not think that Pat Quinn was Rod R. Blagojevich’s first pick as Lieutenant Governor, but he accepted the election results as all other nominees did except Adlai Stevenson.
I hope he does not drop out unless he recoups the $2million he spent on his campaign. Anything short of that, he should stay in.
- FDR Dem - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:49 pm:
If Cohen quits, can the Central Committee
appoint someone to replace him who has already
lost in the primary for Lt. Gov> In some states
that is not allowed. Any elections lawyers on the blog tonight? It has obvious implications
for Rep. Turner.
Also, given the downstate R Gov and Lt. Gov ticket, would it make more sense for Quinn to
take a downstater or write it off as Ryan did
against Poshard and go with a collar county
running mate?
- TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:50 pm:
Rich, do you still have that Withdrawal form we had to track down for Jack Ryan when was delaying?
Not that I want him out, its more fun if he goes rogue.
Lisa Madigan, what is your solution to make sure a guy like this doesn’t win this primary of your party on your party slate in the future? Especially when its already happened within memory?
- viva democracy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:52 pm:
This story was covered by Mark Brown at the beginning of Cohen’s campaign. Informed voters knew of if background or could have by doing a simple internet search. I find it outrageous that the democratic in-crowd thinks they can oust the elected winner so easily. It is just another example of their disdain for the public. And, perhaps, the public realized how disdainful the incumbents are and so when they had a chance the voters went for the new guy disclosed warts and all.
- Obamarama - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:52 pm:
The music on the Vertigo lounge website. Oh dear.
- Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:55 pm:
“Flannery: Cohen want to get out”
Democratic source {”I think} he (Cohen) wants to get out.”
A hearsay statement, with certain exceptions, is not admissible as evidence of the truth of the subject matter of the statement. For the most part, a witness is not allowed to testify about what someone else who is not in the courtroom said in the past.
- Screwball - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:56 pm:
== For crying out loud, man, the Tribune is chasing down hookers. ==
When aren’t they?
- babs - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:56 pm:
Why is the AG commenting now? I would much prefer to see all of the state-wides coming around to support the Gov. and not talking about SLC. Go to work behind the scenes and stop this “I’m here. Let me tell you how bad this guy is.” It does not help the party or the ticket.
- True Observer - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:56 pm:
“For crying out loud, man, the Tribune is chasing down hookers.”
2008 - Eliot Spitzer resignas as governor of New York due to using the services of a prostitute.
2010 - Eliot Spitzer will be a candidate for U.S. Senator from New York. He is given an excellent chance of defeating the incumbent.
- Gregor - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:56 pm:
Somewhere Adlai Stevenson is spinning around, saying:
“Wait, that’s all it takes, telling the guy he’s no good!?!?!?”
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:00 pm:
Rich, I don’t want to be a jackass. But why do you keep deleting comments that call out the people over at Grainger Terry? It is documented that you got paid to help them conduct a “crash course” on how to run a campaign and I have no problem with that because I don’t think anyone really knew who the hell Grainger Terry was at the time. Everyone has got the list of who works there and who got paid out of the D2’s. I feel bad for all the 18 year old kids who they hired to do help them participate in their lame publicity stunts and got paid like $200 to show up at a staged rally or job fair, but this is a question of transparency and fundamental honesty here. Grainger Terry knew who SLC was, they took his dirty money, and did a disservice to the Democratic Party and all honest citizens of the people of Illinois who are mad as hell at all the BS that goes on on this State and believe in honest and transparent government. Thanks for your work over the last 96 hours, and I am a fan of the blog, a true observer and active participant of the game, but until the people over at Grainger Terry publicly apologize for their actions, the heat on them isn’t going away. Thanks Again for all your hard work, and I mean that respectfully.
- HWah - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:02 pm:
A hearsay statement, with certain exceptions, is not admissible as evidence of the truth of the subject matter of the statement. For the most part, a witness is not allowed to testify about what someone else who is not in the courtroom said in the past.
We aren’t in court here.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:03 pm:
Anonymous, I haven’t killed all of them, but I have killed those which looked coordinated to my eyes (often one immediately after the other with the same message). Also, some were quite inappropriate, filled with gratuitous insults, rumors, and excessively rabid.
Those guys are on their own, they get what they get, and everything I deleted would’ve been deleted if they were written about someone else.
- Easy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:04 pm:
where’s circular firing squad???? hehehe
- Patrick McDonough - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:05 pm:
Attorney General Lisa Madigan should take a closer look at daddy’s business….
- ZC - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:05 pm:
I just don’t buy all this MJM conspiracy theory. I’ve never even met MJM, but based on what I’ve read, at one level the man is ridiculously easy to read.
He may not be particularly pro-Quinn. He may or may not secretly want a Republican governor.
But there is one thing you can always, always count on MJM to do, above all: protect his House majority at all costs. He is a simple-minded creature in that respect. He will do nothing to risk _not_ being the House speaker.
This Cohen thing has been a huge black eye for the Democratic party. It could trickle down and hurt some of MJM’s candidates. Would he lift a finger to risk that, just to spite Quinn a bit? Perish the thought.
- TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:05 pm:
“For crying out loud, man, the Tribune is chasing down hookers.”
Rich, that’s the opening line of your book on this mess. Heck, just piece together some of the comments here this week and its half done.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:07 pm:
Also, anonymous, I didn’t delete your comment yesterday blaming this mess on Grainger-Terry.
- dump the shady banker - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:07 pm:
Will Quinn and the gang please ask Giannoulias to quit instead of Cohen. Because by November Alexi’s banking record will make Kirk an shoo-in.
- paddyrollingstone - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:07 pm:
This whole thing is amazing in one huge respect - SLC is truly “the most interesting man in the world.” Think of how much life this guy has lived -drugs, money, hookers, lawsuits, divorce, bankruptcy, statewide election! Seriously, its amazing. i do feel kind of sorry for him, though. Nothing left to do buy smile, smile, smile.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:09 pm:
I don’t see why the firm is to blame. They took a client. People worked for blair hull, people worked for alan keyes, a lot of people worked for blago.
- i'm just saying... - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:12 pm:
Sounds like Mike Flannery kinda backed off if SLC is gonna drop out…….
- really? - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:12 pm:
will all this publicity help SLC’s business?
And though wrong, Spitzer used a prostitute’s services, but he did not beat her up, use steriods, or fail to pay his child support.
- Wumpus - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:15 pm:
It is not like they should not have known about this…it was in the papers. Stay Scott, Stay!
- McHenryMike - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:16 pm:
So Durbin is now hinting that there is some legal recourse for the Party to keep this guy off the ballot? Was this the same Dick Durbin who said that there was a Senate Rule to keep Roland Burris from being seated when an actual reading of that Rule showed it did no such thing? I would like to see what he is talking about.
- Easy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:17 pm:
I learned through this process that the pawn shop business is quite lucrative. However, I do have one lingering question…what exactly was Scott Lee cohen taking performance enhancing drugs for? why is no one in the media asking this question?
- T.J. - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:18 pm:
“And though wrong, Spitzer used a prostitute’s services, but he did not beat her up, use steriods, or fail to pay his child support.”
He’d never make it in Illinois. He’d get laughed at and called a DINO.
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:19 pm:
No reason to blame Grainger Terry. It’s not like they actively hid the issue. He came out with a brief description when he announced his candidacy, and the media and his opponents failed to make an issue of it. GT just did their jobs.
If anything, I see it as a great ad for them. If getting a man like SLC elected isn’t an indicator of expertise in the political realm, I don’t know what is!
Now am I the only one continually refreshing this page after the hint that something should be coming soon?
- james - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:21 pm:
I don’t blame anyone but the voters–it’s not the media’s job or the party’s job. Anyone should be able to run. We need to do our homework. Let this be a lesson to us.
I hope he steps aside. There are at least 2 million reasons why he wouldn’t want to. But also, I don’t think he got into this game to spoil the Dems chances, but rather to do something positive, and maybe now he doesn’t look forward to nonstop scrutiny and recriminations.
On Chicago Tonight, he twice left open the possibility he would step aside, but he seemed to want to hear from the voters rather than the politicians. Maybe we should all write him nice letters, or maybe a nonbinding petition requesting him to step aside that could be circulated over the internet.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:22 pm:
===Now am I the only one continually refreshing this page after the hint that something should be coming soon? ===
I hope it’s soon. I’m getting tired.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:22 pm:
Some of us in the business have a sense of ethics. Yes, there is no Hippocratic Oath for political consultants, but whoever told Scott Lee Cohen it would be helpful to him if he brought his former wife on WTTW should be drummed out of the profession. And whoever took money from him by promising to get him nominated should send it back with penalties and interest. Political malpractice, plain and simple.
- circularfiringsquad - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:23 pm:
Sorry been busy with the wing nuts in Nashville waitin’ for the lumb
- circularfiringsquad - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
Oops meant lumberjack
- bwana - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
wouldnt it be fun to just let SLC stay in and see how the GOP blows the silver platter…..AGAIN!!!
- Screwball - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
How can you blame the media firm? They got hired to help a guy win an election and they did exactly that. That’s what they do, that’s the business they’re in. Media firms have been fleecing egotistical rich guys for years. They follow the car salesman’s motto, “it’s my job to separate fools from their money”. See Oberweis, Jim or Hull, Blair.
- Its Just Me - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:29 pm:
Ah man, I wasn’t done having fun with this one. I was hoping he would at least stay on the ticket for another week.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:30 pm:
Screwball, buyer beware? Is that what you’re saying?
Dude, leave now. Or change the name of the firm. Fast.
- Screwball - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:31 pm:
And of course this is exactly what you’d expect out of Bernie Stone. PI has a post about Stone telling a radio station that he stands by his endorsement of Cohen.
- Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:32 pm:
Grainger Terry may have helped Scott Cohen win an election, but it seems plausible they might have screwed over some of their other clients by encouraging them to support Scott Lee Cohen. And they certainly embarrassed all their other clients for the association with the now tarnished firm.
- dupage progressive - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:33 pm:
=========what exactly was Scott Lee cohen taking performance enhancing drugs for? why is no one in the media asking this question? =========
Someone asked SLC this question last night - one of the networks I believe. His response was pretty sheepish when he said “I wanted to get some muscle.”
Glad you asked the ? Easy, it was pretty funny moment in such a crazy story.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:36 pm:
===They got hired to help a guy win an election and they did exactly that.===
Um, no they didn’t. Cohen got nominated. Thanks to the crackerjack team over there, he’ll never be elected to anything in Illinois ever.
But seriously, keep posting like this is some other blog.
- Screwball - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:38 pm:
Well I was being a little tongue in cheek, but overall it’s the consultants job to help the candidates downplay their faults and play up their strengths. Now you can fairly criticize the firm for how Cohen has handled the press this week, but I don’t think a different strategy would have made this week any better. But I don’t think it’s fair to blame the consultant for allowing their candidate to win the election. That’s just silly, that’s what they were hired to do.
Aside from that I was also making the point that the media firms in politics that I’ve dealt with include a number of people who are in it for the money moreso than the best interests of the people they’re working for. And I’ve seen them first hand stroke the ego of some weathy people with already big egos who went on to lose as the media firm made very large commissions off of the buys. I’ve also dealt with some honorable consultants, I’ve just dealt with more who weren’t.
- cassandra - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:38 pm:
I got deleted too when I made what I considered to be a mild defense of the sex trade. Hooker is a derogatory term. It shouldn’t be used. Sex trade worker is preferred. And no, I’m not a sex trade worker.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:39 pm:
Update your resume Screwball. It’s time to move on.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:44 pm:
perhaps miller could just do an email list so every time there is an update to the blog you get an email.
- IrishPirate - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:45 pm:
Instead of ’sex trade worker’ could we substitute “horizontal entertainment specialist”?
Just asking.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:45 pm:
cassandra, you got deleted because you’re cassandra. lol
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:46 pm:
someone takes oil companies and drug kingpins and blago and african dictators and blood diamond companies as clients. these guys took him. it sounds like sour grapes.
- Luther's Boot - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:47 pm:
Cohen should hang in there. I rememberback in the old days, the Democrats were too embarrassed to have Quinn on their ticket too. But they got over it. And they will get over this too. Cohen is their guy and they need to just accept it. The people have spoken.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:48 pm:
a lot of chicago tonight was spent discussing corruption and my guess this is peanuts compared to the blago trial. the democrat governors race was all about the cemetary issue and harold washington, I do not have great faith in alexi’s ability to make this campaign about jobs. it seems as if the political class is more interested in soap operas than the economy which should be interesting.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:49 pm:
Thanks Shore.
Scum exists, why should new scum repulse us?
Stick with that, I like where you’re going with it.
- Jobs - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:50 pm:
That nice man Scott Lee Cohen was just running one of his job fairs at various spas, helping young women stay employed
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:51 pm:
February 2,2010 @ 7:00 pm - February 5, 2010 @ 6:50 pm. OY!
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:53 pm:
Sorry, fyi,
My comment at 6:49 was in response to Shore’s at 6:46, before the subject got changed.
Carry on.
What are we waiting for btw?
- Keep Smiling - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:56 pm:
The deal. Lt Gov must be fn golden, too.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:56 pm:
There’s something that I don’t think some people are quite understanding here.
Frankly, I don’t care if the guy shot up ‘roids and lived with a hooker. He had a “bad year.” OK, I get it. Fine. He’s better now.
My problem with this guy isn’t just one thing. It isn’t just what’s in his divorce. It isn’t just that he allegedly knifed his girlfriend in the throat. It isn’t just that his ex-wife stands behind the long list of abuse allegations. It isn’t just that his brother sued him for $400K. It isn’t just that his sister-in-law tried to evict him from his house. It isn’t just that he spent $2mil+ on a campaign while his ex-wife was suing him for child support. It isn’t just that about 4 dozen lawsuits have been filed against him, or that his voting record shows that this year was the first time he’s voted in a primary. It isn’t just that he “doesn’t remember” writing threatening notes in lipstick on his wife’s mirror.
It’s a totality. Plus the fact that he’s got a lame excuse for everything.
Too many of you are defending him by looking at just one thing. That’s stupidity. Look at it all together, step back and see the disaster.
Defend it all. Go ahead. Try. But stop focusing in on just one thing. Stop insulting our intelligence.
- not sure I understand - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:58 pm:
isn’t it the job of political consultants to get their clients elected? since when do we hold political consultants to high ethical standards? While there certainly may be political consultants with high ethical standards who only work for “the good guys,” I don’t think the average person hears “political consultant” and thinks “bastion of ethics and integrity.”
- Bookworm - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:59 pm:
There’s only one way to describe this entire week… Illinois politics on (ahem) steroids
- And I Approved This Message - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:00 pm:
Rich, I know you were holding back, but I’d add the GED to the list.
- not sure I understand - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:00 pm:
sorry all, my 6:58 comment is directed at the discussion blaming the political consultant - not directed at whether SLC is a disaster. unfortunately I was choosing the title “not sure I understand”
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:03 pm:
Also, those who focus in on “just one thing” are gonna be deleted this evening.
If you can defend the totality, go ahead. If not, shut up.
- TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:04 pm:
Yeah you are right, in totality this guy never should have run and there is absolutely no way anyone should or should have voted for him. I like the entertainment value.
- Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:05 pm:
Thanks for the info about the voting record. As I suspected. Geez.
- TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:08 pm:
For the record, I hadn’t read your totality argument before my post. I’m still not a fan of Robert Rita and think he was forgiven awfully easily by a lot of these people.
- Bob - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:11 pm:
I voted for him and I hope he stays in the race and wins. If He drops out I am sure we will get a Reality TV Show. He should go on a vaction for a few weeks and not let the media and Crook County Pols force him into making a decision
- Bookworm - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:12 pm:
This is the FIRST TIME he ever voted in a primary?
Forgive me if this question has already been answered or can’t be answered… but since this guy seems not to have shown any particular interest in politics prior to this campaign aside from the “Rod Must Resign” site (which just about anyone could have created) … SOMEONE must have talked him into this, or convinced him that it would be good for him. I can’t imagine that he just woke up one morning and decided, completely on his own, “Hey, I think I’ll run for lieutenant governor!” What I want to know is who or where did he get the idea?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:15 pm:
I’m closing this post out. Fresh thread here… https://capitolfax.com/2010/02/05/fresh-slc-thread/
- Little Egypt - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:15 pm:
Well said Rich. Now let’s hope everyone posting here has the sense to read your bolded comment before showing their ignorance in defending SLC.