*** UPDATED x1 *** It’s official: Quinn/Simon 2010
Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller [Posted by Barton Lorimor and Dan Weber] * It’s official.
* Standing on stage with Simon, Turner and Speaker Madigan, Gov. Quinn identified Simon as someone committed to reform and someone who understands what it means to live from paycheck to paycheck. *** UPDATE *** * In her first interview as a lieutenant governor candidate, Simon said now is the time for the party to unite after a long selection period. Have a look… * Quinn and Simon spent time answering questions from the press before meeting with Democratic county chairmen. Here’s the footage. *** End of update *** * Shortly after Simon was selected, Turner said he was hurt by the decision. He said his career in the Legislature - almost 30 years - had prepared him for the committee’s decision. * Simon said she voted for Turner in the primary election and considers his son is one of her hardest working students at SIU School of Law. Simon said she also got a chance to speak with Turner immediately after the committee’s decision. Here’s her account of that conversation… * State Sen. Susan Garrett, who had been speaking with the Quinn campaign during the last couple weeks, did not attend Saturday’s committee meeting in Springfield. It has been speculated that Quinn recently preferred Simon because she supports the governor’s income tax increase proposal. Here are Quinn and Simon addressing the issue…
***UPDATED x1*** DSCC hearing from Lt. Gov. candidates…Committee selects Sheila Simon
Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller [Posted by Dan Weber and Barton Lorimor] * Gathering in a Springfield hotel conference center, the Democratic State Central Committee is listening to 3-minute presentations from candidates for lieutenant governor before making their official selection. Below are videos taken of those speeches. We’ll also have updates as the afternoon rolls on. Keep checking back. *** 12:25 p.m. *** We are having trouble connecting to YouTube, but they are starting to upload. Rep. Art Turner is now at the lectern. *** 12:41 p.m. *** Committee members are now nominating candidates for consideration. *** 12:47 p.m. *** The Democratic State Central Commitee has selected Sheila Simon to be the party’s lieutenant governor candidate. Chairman Madigan did not cast a vote. *** UPDATE x1 *** * Here is footage of the Finalists giving their presentations. Few of them stayed under the 3-minute mark. Sheila Simon says she voted for Art Turner, and spoke about her value to the women and downstate voting demographics in her presentation: * Art Turner spoke about many things, among them his 30 years of experience representing the 9th district in the House of Representatives. * Raja Krishnamoorthi threw his hat in the ring after losing the democratic primary for comptroller. He spoke of his success in the Chicago suburbs and central Illinois, as well as his fundraising success, in his presentation: * State Sen. Iris Martinez spoke of her importance to the ticket and as being the first and only Latina woman in the state senate, but as a state central committeewoman she ultimately voted for Sheila Simon. Here is her presentation: Related: * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Thomas Carroll * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Megan Drilling * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Lori Koziana …Adding… * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Jasper St. Angel * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Paul Park * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Spiridoula Mavrothalasitis * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Dean Koldenhoven * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: James Farrell * DSCC Lt. Gov finalists: Jay Rehak
Weighted vote for today’s LG debate
Saturday, Mar 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The African-American state central committeeperson weighted vote is about 33 percent of the total. Here’s the list from the Democratic Party of Illinois…