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Question of the day

Friday, May 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you know, I vowed not to cut my hair or trim my beard until the General Assembly adjourned for the summer. Since the session doesn’t appear to be over, do you think I should ignore my wife, loved ones and friends and keep the promise? Or should I go ahead and cut and trim?

As always, explain your answer, please.


  1. - HW - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:04 pm:

    You should go to the other extreme now…shave off all of your hair. You should then send this hair to the appropriate legislators and threaten to send them another crop unless this session is expediently concluded.

  2. - jake - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    Keep the promise, and then when it is all over, shave everything–head, beard, the whole works. I did that last spring and this spring both, just to celebrate the coming of the warm weather. it feels great, and folks will compliment you on your new look. Just like Michael Jordan–how far wrong can you go?

  3. - Pleading the fifth - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    Ignore their hair removal request like the General Assembly has ignored their jobs.

  4. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    The people of Illinois suffer enough with the incompetence of it’s General Assembly without being reminded by your personal appearance.

    Look at the elected officials under the Dome. Do you really wish for them to be your guide to attractive grooming and personal appearance? Not only do they fail to set proper standards regarding policy, ethics and behavior, many of them also fail to set proper standards regarding fashion and grooming.

    Please do not allow their lack of accomplishments to be your guide.

  5. - just sayin' - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    In theory they could be done until veto. So I think you’ve got enough cover.

  6. - fact - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    At the very least shouldn’t you wash your hair and take a bath?

  7. - Heartless Libertarian - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    Keep the promise… I haven’t cut my hair in 9 months…. The guys at work think I look like a slob… even though I wear a fresh pressed shirt and a tie. It is a classy, classy, very 70s look….

  8. - Old Shepherd - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    I vote for a 10% across the board hair cut.

  9. - 47th Ward - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    I was wondering how the non-end of session was going to impact your pledge. I think you should do a full Richie Tenenbaum (without the suicide attempt of course). Summer is going to be hot enough without the mangy hair.

    Get it all cut and trimmed and have the grey dyed out of the beard. Then post an “after” photo for another caption contest. That’ll give us something to look forward to over the summer.

  10. - The Doc - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:12 pm:

    Keeping your promise would be tantamount to admitting you don’t have what it takes to cover IL politics.

    Snark is good.

  11. - Betsy - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:12 pm:

    Cut, baby, cut!!! Seriously, the Illinois economy needs any boost it can get, Rich.

  12. - KeepSmiling - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    You’ve got your act together much more than the legislature does. You don’t need to stay in the muck with them.

    I recommend snip, snip. But do it for yourself and feel great.

  13. - Bluefish - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    Cut or by the time the General Assembly gets around to passing a real budget you’ll end up looking like Cousin It from the Addams Family.

  14. - The Doc - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    Yet another reason why the sales tax should be applied to barbers.

  15. - Obamarama - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    First reaction is to avoid ticking off the wife whenever possible.

    Second reaction is to cut one or the other for the time being.

  16. - Stupid Human Tricks - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    Session is over June 1… least for beards.The House cannot get enoughvotes to suspend Continuing Approps to the systems so the fate of the bond bill shouldn’t matter too much

  17. - train111 - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    I last cut my hair for my 20th Class Reunion. I plan to not cut it again until 25. I’m at 22 now and have got many compliments–especially from Mrs. Train111. Have it in a pony tail now. Truthfully I like it after having short hair all my life. It kind of grows on you. Perhaps if you leave it, you may like it and keep it. You’ll be the ‘hippie’ or ‘Jesus’ state house reporter:->


  18. - The Dude - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    Unless it is a Blackhawks playoff beard nobody cares.

  19. - bored now - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    i’ve always found that ignoring my wife had unintended consequences, so…

  20. - South of I-80 - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    As Lou Manfredini says “Happy Wife, Happy Life”!!

    But on the other hand, speeding around Lake Springfield with a black headband on to keep the hair out of your eyes would be entertaining. You know, that Rambo thingy!

  21. - JOD25 - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    Grab three of your favorite legislatures go to Vegas film Hangover 2 and then shave it.Might as well make some money while these guys are dragging arse.

  22. - A.B. - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    In honor of the Stanley Cup Finals, it would be bad mojo (or juju depending on your preference) for our mighty Blackhawks and Illinois government if you cut it and did not go the distance. Keep the hair, but please wash regularly.

  23. - Leroy Brown - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    In this state of mindlessly sticking to skewed principles, I say keep it growing…to fit in.

  24. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    So your “no hair cut” promise is kinda like Quinn’s “I’ll live in the mansion” promise?

  25. - Really?? - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    You should keep it until the session is “officially” over and then have an event and a raffle where people donate money for the chance to cut it off for you. You can then donate the money to your favorite charity. You could make a point about the ridiculousness of the legislative process and do some good at the same time!

  26. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    Session is over
    Get it cut
    Have a great summer
    Let us know when you get the boat tuned up

  27. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    Keep it all at least until the Blackhawks win.

    The General Assembly might not adjorn until the State Fair. It might be a hot summer, or start listening to ZZtop music until you cut it off.

  28. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:04 pm:

    Also Rich if you continue to have teeth problems no one will notice if you keep the beard and hair long.

    Find a good Dentist

  29. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:08 pm:

    Basic rule to follow in your decision:

    “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”


  30. - 4 Tops - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    You better convene the four tops and this figured out. It is gonna get hot!!

  31. - Robert - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    trim your beard and cut your hair today…but then start a new pledge to not shave your mustache until the budget is balanced.

  32. - Rod sez I'm pork - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    Keep it so I can vicariously remember the joys of hair.

  33. - Samwise - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    Make Barton shave your head with a razor. Make Dan film it. Then post it on CapitolFax.

  34. - FOIA Fan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:18 pm:

    It’s time for a trim. The effort was admirable– now, however, it is time to show the GA that you, at least, are capable of taking timely, decisive action for the good of all.

  35. - Upstate - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    Shave and then repent. Never again hold yourself hostage to the legislature! Remember, no man’s life, liberty, property, or personal hygiene is safe while the legislature is in session!

  36. - Jake from Elwood - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    Follow the lead of the general assembly.
    Cut only a little and leave alot of loose ends.

  37. - Nearly Normal - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    Get a trim to the keep the family from disowning you. After all, there is only one ZZ Top.

  38. - Excessively Rabid - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    Depends on how annoyed the wife is. Ignore everybody else.

  39. - David Starrett - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    I think you were foolish to place yourself at the mercy of the General Assembly, but now that you have, you my as well go for the record.

    Come to think of it, maybe this is the real reason that they HAVEN’T adjourned!

  40. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    On second thought, just remove the mustache. Polls seem to be telling us we are about to enter a new age of Amish political leadership, and you can get a jump on the rest of us.

    Remember - no buttons!

  41. - Madame Defarge - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    Be like Quinn don’t cut it and say you did you
    Be like Blago cut it and say you didn’t.
    Be like Brady cut it 10% across the board except where you don’t.

  42. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    VM I believe it’s no zippers, buttons are ok.

  43. - Just the Basics - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    Cut your beard and hair, it is going to get hot.

  44. - MrJM - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    I’m sure that if they looked into their hearts — deep into their hearts — your loved ones would rather have you a hirsute man of your word.

    – MrJM

  45. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    You will look like the Yeti given the general state of things in the Legislature.

    I say cut it, keep it trim, and keep a daily photo log of the accumulating clippings. Here’s how much hair it takes to pass a budget, etc.

  46. - yikes - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:06 pm:

    Based on the testimoney given, your understanding when entering committee, I mean the hair promise, is now different so you can change your vote, I mean hair promise, without guilt.

  47. - Responsa - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    Easy answer. If your wife wants it gone–make it gone. Today

  48. - Anonymous - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    I learned a long time ago to never depend on the legislature for anything good. Cut it now or you become their slave!

  49. - Dead Head - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:17 pm:

    I’m with train111, let it grow. You could be “The Dude,” of the Statehouse!

  50. - QC - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    Cut it off - for pure practicality’s sake . . .

    if you are waiting for the General Assembly to truly “get the job done” . . . you will be tripping over your beard . . . we’ll be calling you something like Rich Van Winkle!

  51. - dupage dan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    The blogger has been feeling most wary,
    while the GA was acting most scary.
    Should he give into his wife?
    Avoid domestic strife?
    Or should he go on being hairy?

    Hair is overrated (ok, I’m bald). Make your wife happy. Cut it off.

  52. - SAP - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:33 pm:

    This is as close as the GA comes to adjourning anymore. Cut and donate the flowing locks to the oil cleanup effort in Gulf Coast.

  53. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    I believe it is no buttons - if you are really devout.

    And you can’t use your hands.

  54. - Festus Hagen - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    You should “cut & paste” or your wife and a divorce attorney will take care of the pasteing for you because you and your barber refused to do the cutting. You still look okay but if you go much longer without a haircut, we will be mistaking you for Rip Van Winkle.

    Better yet, if you really want to get your point across (and aren’t afraid of losing your wife in the process), why don’t you refuse to bathe until they adjourn? Then, go sit in session with them and let the “sweet smell of success” drift their way until they can’t take it anymore? They will quickly adjourn for what shall forever be known in the Illinois political history books as “Miller Time”.

  55. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    Father know best! Listen to your Dad.

  56. - Matt Dietrich - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    Compromise with a stylish mullet. Business in the front, party in the back.

  57. - budman - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Remember where you live…….you are now genetically wired to say one thing, and do another.
    Hack away, Baby.

  58. - How Ironic - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:29 pm:

    Since the session is ‘mostly’ over, I’d ‘mostly’ cut your hair. Start at the ears, and shave it bald forward. Leave the rest. Then you can do a sortof ‘modified’ combover for the important hearings you choose to attend.

    BTW I think that the first post wins if there were to be a prize. That was funny.

  59. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    There are about 110,000 hairs on the human head, give or take a few thousand. If you were to cut them all off and sell them for $120,000 each and donated the proceeds to the state, our $13 billion budget hole would be erased.

    Kinda puts a weird perspective on it, don’t it?

  60. - Ray del Camino - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    Remember Lyndon Johnson’s two rules for a happy marriage:

    “First is to let the little woman think she’s gettin’ her way. Second is to go ahead and let her have it.”

  61. - Whizbang - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    Rich: A promise is a promise. Keep it growing.

  62. - anon - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 4:46 pm:


  63. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 4:57 pm:

    Keep it until May 31, then it requires a super-majority. Have a great weekend!

  64. - aufjunk - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    Let’s see - there’s Rod Blagojevich, whose promises were guaranteed to be worthless before he even thought of them, and there’s John Shimkus, whose term limits promise was as good as gold until the time came to keep it, and then there’s Rich Miller, who has to decide what category he wants to occupy. Your real friends will advise you to avoid bad company.

  65. - Quizzical - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 6:10 pm:

    It was a foolish promise to make — go ahead and trim the beard. With hot weather coming, extra hair will be bad for your disposition.

  66. - late night anon - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 6:24 pm:

    Up the ante with dreads or cornrows.

  67. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 8:31 pm:

    It’ll be a long summer if you do not acquiesce to your wife’s request.

    Have the trimmings made into extensions you can put on whenever you go to the state house.

  68. - Siriusly - Friday, May 28, 10 @ 10:58 pm:

    Session is mostly over. Cut cut cut. You look bad, even for you.
    Plus you can send your hair to Louisiana it is a natural oil cleanser you know.

  69. - zatoichi - Saturday, May 29, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    Get the cut then find some rug that is slightly off color and act like nothing has changed.

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