* 5:02 pm - Bill Brady has now responded to the news that Gov. Quinn didn’t have his facts straight when he blamed the Prisoner Review Board for the early release of an inmate who went on to murder a grandmother…
The tragedy in Peoria was a horrible crime. My heart goes out to the victim and her family. I hope everyone will join me in praying for a full recovery for Ms. Davis’s granddaughter.
Governor Quinn owes the family and the people of Illinois some clear answers on what happened and what didn’t happen. Over the weekend, the governor blamed the Prisoner Review Board for the alleged attacker being on the streets. But today news reports say it was Quinn’s own Corrections Board that recommended Edjuan Payne be set free as early as he was.
The Governor must take responsibility for his own actions and for the actions of the officials he entrusted the public safety to. He has a responsibility to understand and accept what happened and to hold his appointees accountable.
A more than minor quibble. The PRB recommended a 69-day term for Edjuan Payne. Quinn’s Department of Corrections recommended a 60-day term. Payne served the 69 days recommended by PRB and got out in March.
Either way, Payne would’ve been out on the street this month, when he allegedly murdered that poor woman. The problem is Quinn claimed a few days ago that the Prisoner Review Board was supposed to keep Payne locked up until July, insisting that the July release was recommended by his own administration. That statement, however, is not true. DoC actually recommended an earlier release.
The problem here is not who is responsible for letting a guy out of prison so he could murder somebody. The problem is that the governor once again relied on either bungled or untrue information from the Department of Corrections.
The bottom line is the director needs to go. Period.
*** 5:07 pm *** Click here to read both the Prisoner Review Board’s order that Payne be held for 69 days and, on page three, the Department of Corrections’ Parole Violation Report which recommends that Payne be held for “two months.”
Question of the day
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* A quick Rod Blagojevich news roundup before we begin…
* Blago’s Lawyer: “He’s a Celebrity Idiot”
* Jurors in Blagojevich trial will have identities withheld
* Blagojevich Knew Rezko Was Talking, Feds Say
* The Question: What one memory of Rod Blagojevich’s term as governor sticks out for you the most?
AP: Quinn’s explanation false
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I knew if I waited long enough, John O’Connor with the AP would get to the bottom of this story…
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn says the Prisoner Review Board let a man later charged with murder go too early when he was released after a parole violation.
Quinn says the board should have held the parolee for six months when he was sent back in January for the violation.
But records reviewed by The Associated Press show Quinn’s own Corrections Department recommended Edjuan Payne only serve two months for violating parole by drinking alcohol. He served more than that before the prisoner board set him free.
Wow. Bad, bad news for Quinn and his embattled Department of Corrections.
Here’s the back story from the Peoria Pundit…
In 1988, Payne was convicted of murder and was incarcerated by the DOC. He was paroled and 2003 and completed his parole in 2006.
In 2009, Payne was arrested and convicted of criminal damage to property. He was sentenced to two years is prison. But by the time he was sent to the DOC, he had already served six months and four days in county jail. The standard “day for day” credit means his sentence knocked one year off his sentence.
He was also eligible for “meritorious good time credit,” Elman said. Appellate court decisions state the DOC cannot take into account an inmate’s previous convictions when determining meritorious good time credit, therefore Payne qualified even though he was a previously convicted murderer, she added.
Payne was paroled from the DOC on Oct. 1, 2009, after serving only 14 days in the state prison system and slightly more then six months in a county jail.
Payne violated his parole in January. The Prisoner Review Board, which did not return my calls today, released him in March. Last week, Payne allegedly murdered a woman…
Orvette Davis would have left Peoria this weekend after a couple of hopeful weeks in town trying to land a job at the Caterpillar Inc. plant in Mossville.
Instead, a woman with no enemies - as her children described her Friday - traded her life for that of her granddaughter in a North Valley alley, where Davis’ body was found beaten and strangled Thursday morning by a child walking to school.
Lying in a puddle next to Davis with a fractured skull was the infant, 8-month-old Aaliyah Gaston. The baby had spent hours there in intermittent rain and survived.
“She put her life on the line to save my baby,” said Terrell Gaston, Davis’ son and the father of Aaliyah. “And my mom is going to live through my baby.”
The day after her murder, the governor was in Peoria and blamed the whole thing on the Prisoner Review Board…
The Illinois Prison Review Board made the wrong decision this year when it granted accused killer Edjuan Payne an early release, Gov. Pat Quinn said Saturday at an appearance at the Peoria YWCA.
The Illinois Department of Corrections believed Payne should have remained incarcerated until July 22, but he was paroled March 29 from a southern Illinois correctional center.
“The tragedy here is a separate state agency gave him an early release,” Quinn said, siding with the IDOC. “He should have been in jail.”
But now, according to the AP, we find out that the Prisoner Review Board actually held Payne longer than the Department of Corrections recommended. Quinn will either have to backtrack, go to ground, or fight back. Tossing Director Randle overboard has long been ruled out.
Sound familiar?
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has won national plaudits for budget-cutting, but the main component of his spending reduction plan is skipping the state’s $3 billion pension payment. He needed to cut $11 billion to balance the budget, but cut far less than that, and made schools, property tax payers and local governments take the brunt of it.
Up in Minnesota, Gov. Pawlenty and the Democratic legislature are working on a plan to “erase” its $3 billion budget deficit, according to the AP. But $2 billion - two-thirds of that so-called erasure - is actually a postponement of scheduled state education payments.
Florida claimed to be facing a revenue shortfall of $3.2 billion, but its new budget actually increases spending by $4 billion.
In California, none of the gubernatorial candidates has even a remotely realistic budget balancing plan, even though the state is currently facing a $19 billion deficit.
* Whenever a magazine issues rankings, be wary. Usually, they’re just using a gimmick to peddle subscriptions. CEO Magazine has gotten a lot of publicity lately here for its ranking of Illinois as 46th in the nation for business friendliness…
For the second year in a row, Illinois nabbed spot No. 46 on Chief Executive magazine’s annual ranking of the best and worst states. The results, derived from a survey of 641 CEOs across the country, looked at issues like proximity to markets and resources, regulation, tax policies, workforce quality, educational resources, quality of living and infrastructure.
Where did Illinois fall short? CEO’s gave the state low marks for its overall business taxes, sales taxes and unemployment insurance tax.
It isn’t mentioned in any of the media coverage, but what makes this ranking all the more stunning is that the magazine placed Illinois at 8th in the nation just four years ago…
So, Rod Blagojevich’s stewardship rocketed us ahead of Indiana, but Pat Quinn’s has us at the bottom of the barrel? Apparently, these CEO’s aren’t much for predictions if this state can fall so far so fast.
What’s really going on here?
I’ve been hearing a lot from business types the past year that what they desperately want from Illinois is some stability and predictability. If you’re gonna raise taxes, then do it already. If you’re gonna cut, then cut, for crying out loud. Get it over with and stop the confusion. The magazine’s publisher said pretty much exactly that last week…
“There’s no doubt that uncertainty is not good for business and making investments–CEO’s need to know there’s continuity and stability with the regulation laws, fees, taxes,” he said. “So when things are in flux, it makes it hard for businesses to invest heavily in an area.”
Again, while I generally scoff at rankings like this, I think this one may be a good indicator of how CEOs actually think. Let’s look at some history.
The 2005 and 2006 legislative sessions went fairly smoothly. Blagojevich was on his way to a relatively easy reelection based on a pledge not to raise taxes. As a result, Illinois ranked high on the list during both years (the first two years they published the rankings).
But then 2007 hit and all heck broke loose. Blagojevich unveiled his wildly unpopular Gross Receipts Tax plan and refused to back away. The session quickly devolved into a bare-knuckled brawl that dragged into infinity and, as a result, Illinois’ CEO Magazine ranking dropped from 8th all the way down to 40th in just one year.
It’s pretty clear that they value stability over almost all else, at least when it comes to Illinois. Unfortunately, they’re gonna have to wait.
* Meanwhile, you just knew it had to happen sooner or later. The hyperbolic wild men at the Chicago Tribune editorial board would compare Illinois to Greece…
Fortunately for the governor, enough Republican and Democratic legislators seem determined — thus far, at least — to keep Quinn from making Illinois the westernmost outpost of Greece.
It’s a stupid but all too predictable comparison, as I’ve pointed out before…
Greece’s 2008 GDP was $343 billion. Its external debt was $552.8 billion as of last June. Illinois’ GSP (Gross State Product) is $633.7 billion. Its total debt is about $140 billion.
No escaping the goofiness
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* My weekly syndicated newspaper column expresses exasperation at the bumbling goofballs running for governor…
It occurred to me not long ago that the best analogy for this year’s governor’s race would be if the Washington Generals played the Washington Generals.
The Washington Generals basketball team was formed in the 1950s specifically to play solely against the Harlem Globetrotters. The Generals lost over 13,000 games in the ensuing decades and won just a handful. All of those wins were mainly due to luck. If you ever saw them play, you know that the hapless team just couldn’t do anything right. They were comedic in their supreme ineptness.
A Washington Generals split squad game would surely be a sight to behold. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to imagine such a spectacle. We’ve got one right here in Illinois.
Last week, Gov. Pat Quinn spoke to throngs of angry union members at the site of a factory which is being retooled in part by out-of-state workers. Unions have been quite unhappy about the use of nonunion employees from other states and have been protesting for weeks.
“When there’s a job to be done,” Quinn told the union members, “look to Illinois workers because they are second to none.”
The very next day, Quinn finally announced the hiring of his new campaign manager - a young out-of-stater who has never run an Illinois campaign. His main claim to fame is that he works for the Wisconsin lieutenant governor. Before pursuing that guy, Quinn tried to hire someone from Kentucky, but was politely turned down.
If this “Factories should hire Illinois workers but I don’t have to” gaffe was an isolated case, then it would be no big deal. But Quinn has stumbled time and time again, to the point where he nearly lost his Democratic primary race after leading by more than 30 points. Like the Generals’ rare victories, Quinn lucked into his win.
And then there’s Bill Brady, who earlier this month challenged reporters to “find the tape” of him even once supporting a 10 percent across the board budget cut. Brady insisted he’d never said it. My intern Dan Weber found the tape quickly because Brady has made the across the board cut proposal literally dozens of times. Only a Washington General wannabe could make a goofy mistake like that. It almost looked like he did it on purpose, kinda like how the Generals stood around listlessly while the Globetrotters performed their awesome comedy routines.
Again, this is no isolated case. Brady, like Quinn, has a history of giving his opponent sweet little gifts, like introducing a puppy and kitty mass killing legalization bill right after he won his primary by 200-odd votes. A few months ago, Brady spoke in favor of a massive pension borrowing scheme. This month, he lobbied hard against a much smaller version supported by Gov. Quinn, claiming it was the wrong thing to do.
It’s no wonder that some top labor union officials have mulled the idea of backing Green Party nominee Rich Whitney this fall. Trouble is, Whitney can’t even manage to get himself into the Washington Generals split-squad game that’s playing out in front of our eyes. He’s that inept. Too often, people like him would rather “lose the good fight” than even consider the possibility of trying to actually win. Winning is so dirty and dishonorable. It’s not to be comprehended.
And that brings us to Scott Lee Cohen, he of the oh-so weird and allegedly violent, steroid-using past who announced an independent candidacy for governor this month. He then chose Baxter Swilley as his running mate. Swilley was Cohen’s spokesman during his post lieutenant governor primary meltdown. One can’t help but wonder whether Swilley will remain on Cohen’s payroll, and whether that would be the only way Cohen could ever persuade someone other than a total whack job to run with him. Cohen seems more intent on getting in on some of that Rod Blagojevich national clown show action now that Blagojevich’s trial is about to start, rather than actually winning this race.
The unmistakable conclusion from all this is that whichever candidate wins this November, we’re gonna have a goofball running this state for at least four years. God help us all.
* Related and a roundup…
* Seniors burdened by Madigan’s revenge?
* Enough with ’semantics’; give detailed plan: Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady should stop trying to explain away the “semantics” of when a call for a 10 percent across-the-board cut isn’t a call for a 10 percent across-the-board cut. Instead, the state senator from Bloomington should get specific — real specific — about where he thinks the 10 percent cut in state spending should be made.
* Sun-Times: Legislature’s failure hitting home already
* Daily Herald: The state’s priorities confusing
* Legislators are pretty unhappy, too
* States’ Budget Woes Hitting Programs For Kids Hard
* Bugdet quagmire leaves communities in limbo
* Bill to help state police will cost local governments
* Journal-Star: Effective, lasting fixes needed for mismanaged ‘All Kids’ program
* Bill to help state police will cost local governments
* Journal-Star: Effective, lasting fixes needed for mismanaged ‘All Kids’ program
* Lack of funding for MAP grants could affect future JWCC students
* State Delay Costs Schools Millions on Construction
* Pantagraph: Edgar knows what it will take to fix state mess
* Can regulators keep video gambling crime-free?
* Simon, Madigan like their party’s chances in election
* Ex-Dem candidates for governor run as independents
* Walls, Scanlan Team Up to Run for Ill. Governor, Lt. Governor on Independent Ticket
* Whitney trying to raise awareness about Capital Green Bill
* Women in politics: Do they have an advantage over male candidates?
* Quinn says 3,800 employees to get subsidized jobs
* Quinn touts job program in Peoria
* Quinn signs bill closing suburban Cook office of education
* Quinn Abolishes Suburban Cook Office of Education in Response to Scandal
* Bill would allow craft distillers to sell their own liquor
* Debt settlement legislation close to becoming law: Legislation was passed by Springfield lawmakers that will keep these companies from charging fees for their services until they actually manage to negotiate lower debts for their customers. And when they do charge consumers, the amount cannot be more than 15 percent of what a person saved.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Bad, CWLP! Bad!
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* For whatever reason, the local electric company cannot keep a steady supply of juice running to my house today. I had more reliable electrical service when I was in Iraq. So, I’m going to try and post a couple of stories, then I’m taking the rest of the morning off. Not feeling well anyway.
*** UPDATE *** From the SJ-R…
City Water, Light and Power officials say the storm is the likely cause of a power outage that started at 5:45 a.m. Monday and affected approximately 1,700 customers in the Lake Springfield area. Power was restored to most by 8:23 a.m.
Yeah, it went on again about that time. But then it went off again. Then on. Then off. Sheesh.
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Morning Shorts
Monday, May 17, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Report: Toyota sought to discredit SIU professor
* CEOs of Chicago area firms had an up-and-down year
Chicago compensation expert Don Delves, head of the Delves Group, said most boards of directors of Midwestern companies have maintained their equilibrium, a characteristic typical of Midwestern companies known for conservative fiscal policies.
“We don’t have too many bad actors here,” Delves said.
* Blame recession: Gambling down 9% in Ill.
* No getting around construction season
* Metra director Pagano improperly took at least $475,000 — report
* Metra: Pagano cashed in on unchecked power
Besides outlining the “blatantly illegal” advances Pagano took on vacation pay, the investigation also showed Pagano faced serious financial concerns, borrowing $839,000 against the value of a deferred compensation account and an insurance policy. Those concerns were not spelled out in the report.
* Hinz: Pagano plundered Metra for decades, special counsel reports; feds join probe
The most major violation was the one that initiated the probe, a $57,000 payment last year for 2010 vacation time that had not yet been earned. To get the money, Mr. Pagano “forged” Metra board Chairman Carole Doris’ name on the needed voucher, Mr. Sotos reported.
* Goudie: Protectors of Pagano’s Metra: The Way to Really Hide?
* Metra begins long journey to administrative reform
* New Train Cars Debut On Green Line This Week
* Aldermen did not have to report China trip, Ethics Board says
And that illustrates the vagueness of standards for elected officials to report such activities with business leaders, one watchdog group says.
“It really begs the question, when is a gift a gift, and when is business business?” said Cynthia Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.
Under city rules, trips paid for by private organizations like the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce — which is set to receive about $34,000 from the city this year for supporting “commercial area development” — are not gifts if costs are “reasonable,” said Steve Berlin, executive director of the city Ethics Board.
* Cook County Commissioners Could Override Stroger Veto This Week
Commissioners pushed the hiring freeze after news reports that Stroger made several hires since losing his re-election bid in the February primary. Some of those positions dish out six-figure salaries.
* State shuts down Towanda grain elevator over finances
* Journal-Star: [Peoria] deficits offer chance for fundamental change
* Southern Illinoisan: Jackson County must kill plan to give officials raises
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