Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * A little Humble Pie for all you “Greater Chicagoland Area” folks caught in that wicked storm that’s blowing through. Stay safe, stay dry and, for crying out loud, stay inside. Then turn it up… Hey, get off my window
*** UPDATED x1 *** NY Times: Kirk merely “played with the children” - “He was never, ever considered a teacher”
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * It turns out that Mark Kirk wasn’t a nursery school teacher, as he and his campaign have both claimed. Instead, he apparently assisted a woman who ran a “play group” for kids in a church basement and just played with the kids…
This is what Kirk’s campaign spokesperson was quoted as saying yesterday…
I “expect” a teacher to, you know, teach. Not play with kids. It just gets weirder and weirder with this guy. …Adding… I’ve moved this here from a previous post. I do agree with the Giannoulias campaign about this point…
That was a high-class private school in a hoity-toity London neighborhood. There’s just no fathomable way that people were concerned about kids bringing guns to that English prep school in the early 1980s. Also, will the Sun-Times now retract today’s goofy editorial? *** UPDATE *** From NBC5’s Mary Ann Ahern…
“Not doing anything” except meeting with the IEA on the same day that yet another “teacher” story broke. Oh, the irony.
You’re not out of the woods yet, Alexi
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Alexi Giannoulias needs to remember that just because Mark Kirk is in some hot water these days, that doesn’t mean he is somehow absolved. Statements like this are bound to be attacked…
There was more to his family bank’s collapse and FDIC seizure than simply ” the economic downturn’s effect on community banks.” Giannoulias was responding to a Republican attack on another campaign statement this week…
Sale? Yeah, the bank was sold, but first it failed and was then seized…
Um, Joe, how about practicing those lines before you talk? You rendered those gems useless for the teevee and radio. And even though the Sun-Times editorial today was based on incomplete information and was, therefore, ludicrous, I still agree with this part…
[Section deleted and moved to a different post for clarity.] * From Public Policy Polling…
There is a partial explanation… ![]() Obama did way better in 2008 here than any Democratic presidential candidate in many a year. He scored a higher percentage than Lyndon Johnson did in 1964, which is pretty darned amazing. So, as politics returns to a bit more normal level here and voters return to their more traditional behaviors, it’s understandable that Democratic candidates wouldn’t be doing nearly as well with Obama voters as Obama did. Even so, those numbers are just horrible for both Quinn and Giannoulias. Horrible. And their Democratic support is almost as bad… ![]() ![]() * More from PPP...
The Illinois results with the national results in parentheses…
* Related…
Voting with their feet
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Forbes has a new interactive map that shows 2008 population movement by county. Outbound movement is in red, inbound is in black. Here’s Cook County… ![]() Not a whole lot of black lines there. Just to compare, here’s Dallas County, Texas… ![]() And Wayne County, Michigan, the home of Detroit… ![]() Go play with the map and report back. [Hat tip: Illinois Review] * Related and a roundup…
Question of the day
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * You’ve probably seen this by now. It’s a sign posted in Chicago’s federal courthouse cafeteria advertising a new sandwich… ![]() The sign was quickly changed to delete references to defendant Blagojevich. * The Question: Can you come up with a more appropriate sandwich name for Rod Blagojevich? Major bonus points for listing the ingredients. * And here’s your Blagojevich trial roundup…
Dear Daily Herald: How hard would it be to click over to Dold’s site, too?
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is a prime example of seriously lazy journalism…
Here’s the image in question, which has since been removed from Seals’ site and which Team America published on Wednesday… ![]() Props to Larry for pushing that story into the mainstream, but the Daily Herald reporter and Larry should’ve both looked at Republican Bob Dold’s website before they launched into their attack on Dan Seals. If they had, they would’ve seen this… ![]() In case you’re a little slow this morning, that would be the exact same “problem” as Seals’ website had. Dold is prominently displaying a Tribune endorsement from the primary. Oops. Rob thinks this is an example of media bias. If the reporter knew about the Dold site and didn’t include it in the story, then, yes, it’s bias. But we don’t know yet whether the reporter knew, so that’s why I’ve just labeled this as journalistic laziness. If it’s worse, I’ll get back to you.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Stupid human tricks
Friday, Jun 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * What is it about people these days who see a video camera and don’t immediately think “My stupid overreaction could be seen by thousands of people on YouTube”? Sheesh…
It’s not nearly as bad as the Etheridge incident, but it’s not good, either. The video… * The NRSC did a nice job of pushing the video into the public domain by issuing a memo advising campaigns on how to deal with trackers…
Thoughts? *** UPDATE *** The Giannoulias campaign called to say that they had just one paid staffer at that fundraiser and that nobody in the video was a campaign staffer or a volunteer. They were event attendees, according to the campaign.