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Good politics, good government or both?

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ve seen a lot of back and forth this week over whether six “satellite” offices established by Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and his chief of staff Robin Kelly (who is running to replace her boss) are worthwhile or not. From the Sun-Times

State Sen. Dan Rutherford doesn’t believe State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and his deputy and heir-nominee Robin Kelly can open six satellite offices around the state without it costing the state any money.

“They say they’re using state office buildings so they are not getting charged rent,” said Rutherford, the Republican nominee for state treasurer. “We’re closing down Department of Children and Family Services offices across the state, five state police headquarters. If there is space in these regional offices, let them use it.”

A spokeswoman for Kelly, who is running to succeed her boss as state treasurer, said that since Treasurer’s employees no longer have to drive out to remote locations, the satellite offices actually save the state $30,000 a year.

But why does the state treasurer even need satellite offices, Rutherford asked Tuesday.

“I cannot think of one thing worthwhile,” Rutherford said. “They say it’s for ‘outreach, public awareness…’ There’s nothing the consumer needs at offices for the Treasurer. For people to come in and talk about Bright Start, Cash Dash? All of that stuff is on-line. And if it’s not, it should be. At the Thompson Center, there are people waiting at Attorney General’s office the Secretary of State’s office, but there’s not one soul waiting at the Treasurer’s office.”

The two candidates debated this week and longtime commenter and blogger bored now has video of the two going at it over this issue

Frankly, even if this saves $30,000 a year as Kelly claims, I still think it’s awfully suspect that they would be opening one of those offices in the Metro East a few months before the election.

* Kelly also defended her office over the Bright Start debacle. Kelly claimed that just 3 percent of Bright Start participants all of their money in the fund that crashed and claimed they got all but 36 percent of their money back. Rutherford wasn’t impressed. Watch

The two sparred over whether accepting contributions from banks and bankers was right. Kelly won’t accept them, Rutherford said “there’s no conflict” of interest

Kelly also answered questions about who was minding the store while both she and her boss ran statewide and how she was separating her work from her campaign

* Related…

* Treasurer candidates wrangle at Southland chamber debate

* Rutherford Thinks Treasurer Has Too Many Offices

* Galesburg Mayor Garza backs Dem. treasurer candidate

* Mayor Endorses Treasurer Candidate


  1. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    Wow, I almost forgot these two were running for office

  2. - chuddery - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:17 pm:

    ==There’s nothing the consumer needs at offices for the Treasurer. For people to come in and talk about Bright Start, Cash Dash? All of that stuff is on-line. And if it’s not, it should be.==

    I don’t want to defend opening up these offices so close to an election, but some of Rutherford’s criticism is ridiculous.

    Does he think district offices for state legislators are worthless? I mean conceivably you could put all the information constituents would need online, but it doesn’t make it a good idea.

  3. - George - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    Rutherford is right… I mean, doesn’t EVERYONE have a computer, know how to use it, and LOVE dealing with faceless websites?

    I mean, its just a little online transaction, its not like its your entire life savings or anything… oh, weait.

  4. - shore - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Rutherford for me has been a standout among the gop ticket and has run I think one of the better campaigns. I don’t know him personally or his record in springfield, but from what I’ve seen, seems like a decent guy and is completely right on this.

    On the other plus note, jesse white gets a job well done on this drivers license recertification thing. took 2 minutes from my computer. if only government was that effective all the time.

  5. - Scott Summers - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    I am on the November ballot as the Green Party candidate for state treasurer. Had I been allowed to participate in this session, I would have made the following observations:

    1. The satellite offices are unnecessary and should be closed.
    2. The offices of comptroller and treasurer should be merged. A state constitutional amendment will be required to accomplish this.
    3. The losses in the Bright Start college savings program have not been satisfactorily examined — nor satisfactorily explained.
    4. As a Green Party candidate, I accept no contributions from special interests. None. Period.

  6. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:46 pm:

    ===As a Green Party candidate, I accept no contributions from special interests. None. Period. ===

    Dude, have you raised any money at all? Just askin…

  7. - DzNuts - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    Rich, thanks for the exposure of this race and for my mid-afternoon belly laugh at your last comment :-)

  8. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    Is there a great walkup traffic in other state treasurer’s locations? I kind of doubt it.

    Anyway, as the treasurer surely knows, the state’s broke, so try to get by without plastering your names on storefronts a few months before the election.

  9. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    something tells me these two will be looking for a new gig outside State government after 11/2…they are to put it gently inept and unable to accept responsibility for their actions or lack thereof…

  10. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    My wife and I were driving on I-55 near Pontiac, when suddenly our left front tire started telling us that it was flat.

    We pulled over onto the shoulder…

    And low and behold, right next to one of the new Illinois Treasurer’s branch offices! Immediately, a staff came out to check on us, our oil levels, change our tires, wash and wax our car, and tell us how much money we could save with Bright Start!

    I am so very glad we have these offices open in order to serve other Illinoisans!

  11. - George - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    Umm… I would consider the Springfield Office “Branch Offices” as well….

  12. - David Ormsby - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    Six satellite offices? Piffle.

    Think of dough saved if the office of treasure was whacked and its rump, core duties were transferred to the comptroller.

    Any takers?

  13. - Big Difference in Style - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 3:46 pm:

    Rutherford has a complete command of the issues and articulates them well. Kelly seemed to ramble throwing out responses to see which would stick. No one cares about the issues for the lower ballot races, it is all style. In terms of style and persona, Rutherford wins this race.

    Say that I am wrong, Rutherford still wins. Talking about an expansion of offices when the state is broke, will not add up to the average person. We all know that government does not manage money well and it will cost to run these offices. Kelly is only opening them to get the quick ribbon cutting coverage.

  14. - chitownguy - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    Trying to be impartial here, and maybe it was just the segments chosen for posting here, but did the moderator seem to be slightly tougher on Robin Kelly than on Rutherford with the phrasing o the questions to anyone else? (i.e. “risky investment scheme”)

    I know its a chamber of commerce debate and all, so it naturally skews to the right, but there should at least be an appearance of non-partisan equality.

    Rutherford does have a more polished style for campaigns than Kelly.

  15. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:20 pm:

    Ok, so the State Treasurer’s office has six (6) “Outreach” offices. And Kelly’s really serious about the State Treasurer’s office needing these 6 offices??

    For comparison, the IL State Fire Marshall’s office has a total of three (3) sites statewide - and they actually have to go out in the field all the time and do real work - not wannabe outreach work like the State Treasurer.

    State Treasurer offices are in Springfield, Chicago, and Marion. They have to go out into the field all the time on elevator inspections (where they don’t contract out the work), arson inspections, boiler inspections, and petroleum and chemical tanks - all sorts of good stuff.

    Kelly’s gone overboard on this one, and Rutherford just scored with this one.

  16. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 5:23 pm:

    “State Treasurer offices are in Springfield, Chicago, and Marion.”

    That’s an error there - should read as:

    “State Fire Marshall offices are in Springfield, Chicago, and Marion.”

    My Bad.

  17. - bored now - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:00 pm:

    i always enjoy politicians who attack their opponents for doing pretty much what they claim they want to do. dan rutherford *says* he wants to save the state of illinois money, but then goes and attacks programs that have, ahem, saved the state money.

    but not only has rutherford been disingenuous, but he promises to reverse policies that have saved the state money, all the while claiming that he is interested in, ahem, saving the state money.

    i’m kind of surprised that rutherford opened his campaign on this attack, as it exposes him to suspicions of hypocrisy. rutherford hasn’t qualified his attacks, saying that he would close the offices if his post-election audit (taking credit for something that already happens with every transition) shows that the satellite offices doesn’t save the state money. rutherford promises to close the offices regardless, which demonstrates a certain ideological stubbornness not a pragmatic (or “businessman’s) perspective.

    instead of an honest debate about the issues, this forum showed that illinois will be treated to an archaic debate over ideology. dan rutherford clearly believes that smaller government is cheaper, again, regardless of the facts.

    it doesn’t matter that the treasurer’s office has already reduced its budget from that of the judy baar topinka era. nor is it relevant, apparently, that the office has 17% fewer employees than its republican predecessor.

    it’s merely ideology. rutherford apparently believes that government should be concentrated (and, thus, more responsive to the rich and the powerful) while kelly apparently believes that government should be more accessible to all the residents of illinois, and not merely those who can afford lawyers and accountants to do their bidding?

    why should regular people learn about the unclaimed property program? or the help that the treasurer’s office can provide to entrepreneurs (who very rarely have access to lawyers and accountants, let alone the time or extra resources to travel to springfield or chicago)?

    perhaps rutherford will cut back the treasurer’s budget on that outreach, as well, given the lean and efficient manner that the treasurer’s office under alexi and robin has run.

    this election could very well turn on a simply choice: whether illinois wants someone who has a proven ability to manage the office well and reduce its costs or someone who promises a return to the past, regardless of whether that past is cheaper or more expensive for the taxpayers of illinois. personally, i believe in smarter government, one committed to serving all the people of illinois, not merely those who have a lot of money (and, thereby, are potential campaign contributors).

    note: i directed robin kelly’s petition drive

  18. - chitownguy - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 6:49 pm:

    BN: well said and an excellent argument in favor of the Kelly campaign.

  19. - Nikki B. - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 8:02 pm:

    Sure, the treasurer’s office has forms online, but not everyone can access the Internet. My grandmother had money from old stocks in the unclaimed property system, but there’s no way she would have known it existed or been able to complete the process of claiming it if the treasurer’s office hadn’t called her before an event in her county. I think it’s great that people can benefit from the treasurer’s office programs even if they don’t happen to live in Springfield or Chicago.

  20. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 10:16 pm:

    i’ll take good politics, and then when right the people are elected i’ll take good government.

  21. - dznuts - Wednesday, Jul 14, 10 @ 11:52 pm:

    bored now - I admire your honesty to put the context of your comments in the appropriate box. If I understand Rutherford’s campaign correctly, the campaign is not as much about ideology as it is about common sense and the ability for grown ups in Springfield to sometimes say “no”. I respect Robin and I worked with her briefly when she was first elected to the House. However, I’ve also worked with Rutherford and I can tell you, in no uncertain terms, she better have her A game and then some from now until November. She will not outwork him nor will she beat him on debates. If this race is about ideology as you profess, I’m not sure after watching those debate clips that your client didn’t come across as the more ideological (and less pragmatic) one. Just sayin…

  22. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 4:04 am:

    dznuts: i did come away from this forum (which i have to say, since i taped it, i’ve seen over and over again) thinking that this was really a race about the two candidate’s belief about the role of government and not about the office.

    personally, i’m not sure what rutherford (who i am *told* i’ve worked with before oh so long ago, but don’t have a direct memory of) can do to really alter the course of springfield or illinois’ financial issues from the treasurer’s office. sure, he could propose legislation and he could even try to use the bully pulpit, but who would listen? do republicans really think they can shame michael madigan? does dan rutherford?

    or are they just pretending that madigan doesn’t exist?

    what struck me (and i’m going to put the entire think up online, starting with their opening statements) was the unrealistic nature of rutherford’s proposals. he says he wants to save money, but the first thing he’s going to do is reverse cost-saving measures in the treasurer’s office. he says he wants to bring a “businessman’s” perspective (which is an ideological position) to the office, but i don’t know a single businessman that would reverse cost-saving measures just for the heck of it. there is nothing common sense about his proposal to close satellite offices if they do produce savings for the treasurer’s office.

    ftr, i came away impressed by rutherford, but that doesn’t mean i’m rooting for him…

  23. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:26 am:

    Hey come on! Those offices couldn’t possibly cost taxpayers a dime! They are all for free! Giannoulias can open extra offices at no charge to the taxpayers and actually save them money.

    But let’s stop for a second. Furniture? Telephone? Computers and network hookups? Someone to sit in the office who will receive a salary? And the latest office in a region of the State where Giannoulias will need a strong Democratic vote turnout?

    All at no cost to the taxpayers.

    Strange math indeed.

    Now everyone close your eyes, tap your heels three times, and repeat after me . . .

  24. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:47 am:

    yes, louis, dan rutherford is counting on your pre-existing bias that government can’t possibly do anything right. and you can believe that, but it only means that you are ignoring facts (hey, you could be home-schooled — or educated in indiana).

    while the treasurer’s office under alexi’s and robin’s leadership have reduced staff costs by 17%, you don’t see rutherford promising that he’ll further reduce the treasury staff. state employees have reimbursements that allow room for savings. to assume that, by reversing this decision, that those fixed costs would disappear is beyond naive, it’s actually dangerous IF you care about a more efficient government.

    your assumptions are bizarre. but i completely understand that they are ideologically driven and have no known association with reality. and that’s the problem. the only way you can look at rutherford’s assertions that closing the satellite offices would actually save the state money is by being completely unrealistic (or idealistic) or by being completely ideological.

    you really have to question rutherford’s “businessmen’s” perspective here. this is more like blagojevich budget math than looking at government like it was a business…

  25. - dave - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:49 am:

    @Louis… no one said that there were not costs associated with satellite offices. That isn’t the argument, and you know it.

    What Kelly (and others) have said is that the offices save the state money.

    And some of your points are just absurd, and make it clear that you have not read anything about these offices. They are not hiring new staff to sit in these offices. They are creating these offices so that staff doesn’t need to travel as much, and by doing so are saving a lot of money.

    I know that it can be difficult to see a full picture, rather than saying, “you need to buy furniture and pay for phones, it costs something!” but at least try to be intellectually honest.

  26. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 7:56 am:

    i keep forgetting to address the baseless charge that these offices are being opened with politics in mind.

    my understanding is that the satellite offices have been opened at a pace of every six months. if this is true, than the timing of their opening is being determined by calendar, not by politics.

    and, OMG!, they are opening them up where there are voters! outside of politics, we call them people. people who democrats believe should have equal access to services, just like the rich and powerful do in springfield and chicago. again, my understanding is that they were opened by need: that people who could use the treasurer’s office’s services resided there (something that an eighth grader could determine by contrasting unclaimed property by zip code), that local property was available for use under the right circumstances, and that it could be properly staffed.

    robin kelly has proven to be a strong, effective manager, so i can’t imagine that this process wasn’t equally effective in serving everyone’s needs…

  27. - sto wife - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 9:22 am:

    Aimee Pine - get to work and stop reading and posting.

  28. - illinois funds participant - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 9:46 am:

    I’m just one participant, but I’ve been with the Illinois Funds since the 1980’s when it was called IPTIP. Let me tell you all something that you can not refute: home based marketers were the strongest driving force that made IPTIP successful. Not only did IPTIP attract many smaller local governments, but marketer’s kept their loyalty, when otherwise local banks would have gotten all of our business.

    For those of you who have never been “home-based” or continue to bad mouth those types of employees, it is harder to be home based because that person has to account for their entire day and prove productivity, not just sit in an office where we know some of you are goofing off.

    The people that are still with the Illinois Funds right now are thanks to the home-based marketers across Illinois that created the loyal base. The Illinois Funds rates are so terrible - so why do you think any of us local agencies are still investing when the local banks ca give us better rates? Becuase of the loyalties that home-based marketer’s built.

  29. - thewatchdog - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 10:54 am:

    I’ve read through all the posts, and very pleased to see this topic back in the spot light. Thanks Rich, you’ve tapped into something very big - the satellite offices.

    I know the claims that these offices are not costing us taxpayers anything extra, but that is totally false.

    For example, the Treasurer’s Office advertised a job opening for a marketing position for the Rock Island area - please note that it was specifically looking for a candidate to relocate and work in the Rock Island area, when there was not an office yet open in Rock Island. All it would take to verify this would be to FOIA the Treasurer’s Office for a copy of that job advertisement. The job advertised for $45,000 a year.

    So the person that works in the Rock Island satellite office was originally based and hired in Springfield, and then moved to Rock Island - and guess what, her salary is approximately $44,827.59 (according to the Pantagraph state salary database) and her name is Ikponwonsa “IK” Oriaikhi. That office is costing us her salary, so it wipes out the “$30,000 of savings” that Kelly claims.

    And isn’t the only one. Courtney Rakers was also hired out of Rep. Hoffman’s office to staff the Collinsville Office - so her salary should also be added to the “free” cost that’s being claimed.

  30. - thewatchdog - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Somebody FOIA IK’s hire date and compare it to the Press Release of the Rock Island Grand Opening.

    Contrary to popular belief - We the People can connect the dots and smell a scam.

  31. - dave - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    That office is costing us her salary, so it wipes out the “$30,000 of savings” that Kelly claims.

    Wow… you really don’t understand context, do you.

    Once again, no one said that the offices were not costing money. What they said was that they were costing LESS than if they did not have the satellite offices.

    This really isn’t very difficult to understand.

    And it appears that some people, namely “thewatchdog,” have extreme difficulties connecting ALL the dots.

  32. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    thewatchdog: talk about naivete (or profound ignorance), the cost of an employee is a fixed cost. had that employee’s slot not been filled, than the “savings” wouldn’t have been in the column of savings generated by opening satellite offices, but rather the reduction in employee costs (which the treasurer’s office says is 17%).

    it seems odd that you felt the need to name a treasurer’s office employee (little vendetta on your part?) for this purpose. especially when you can’t figure out simple budgeting. understanding budgets, costs and savings shouldn’t be that hard, and anyone with an eighth grade math education ought to be able to do that. but thewatchdog provides us with a perfect example of why our children must be given a better education in financial management. had thewatchdog had such an education, (s)he undoubtedly wouldn’t have made such an elementary error…

  33. - Truth Hurts - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    The truth certainly hurts, is that why you’re so offended? You guys should stop calling people names and judging people’s intelligence. The point made was that a person was hired at a salary to run a satellite office. How can you deny that 45K doesn’t cost Illinois? No one said anything bad about that person, at least watchdog gave solid proof of his claim.

  34. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 5:28 pm:

    poor, truth. feel free to provide evidence that ” a person was hired at a salary to run a satellite office” who would not have otherwise been hired to fill a vacant position at the treasurer’s office. i love strawman arguments, given that they are so easy to refute, but rich’s commenters are supposed to be smarter. watchdog made a stupid assumption. period.

    but if you want to give us evidence that his assumption (which defied any logical assumption about illinois state government!), then i would love to see it!

  35. - voter - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 8:06 pm:

    So what’s the total of running the offices, including all costs and salaries? And how are you figuring that the overall savings is 17% ? I’m just a curious voter, thanks.

  36. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 15, 10 @ 8:43 pm:

    i’m using their figures. but you’ve misstated what i’ve said (using their faq): “FACT: the State Treasurer’s office has 17% fewer employees under the current administration then the prior one.” if you really want to know, i’d suggest contacting the treasurer’s office (not a campaign entity) directly…

  37. - observer - Friday, Jul 16, 10 @ 12:09 am:

    Some of those satellite offices run with one person working them. Who is supervising them? Someone from the central office in Springfield? Wonder how much that person “travels”.

    If these offices were really legitimate, the people defending them wouldn’t be so hostile or rude.

  38. - Springfied - Friday, Jul 16, 10 @ 6:40 am:

    What a waste of money. D’s always want bigger government, but Dan Rutherford is the Treasurer Illinois needs in the financial crisis we have been placed in by bad leadership and overspending. Robin Kelly is a fine lady, but we have too many Liberals as it stands. I still haven’t read one good justification for satellite offices. Cash Dash has been run for years by the Unclaimed Property Division, anyone can access the database.

  39. - bored now - Friday, Jul 16, 10 @ 6:53 am:

    wow, talk about someone who believes in BIG GOVERNMENT!

    in the 21st century, effective managers in both government and business have figured out how to minimize direct supervision because of the excessive costs involved. now *most* people appreciate these cost savings. (i get that there are people who object.)

    and, yes, i have a very low tolerance for stupidity. i realize that not everyone actually thinks about things or thinks for themselves, that they simply assume (or act on a lack of information). but it is very difficult to tell the difference between stupidity and ignorance on a blog. regardless, it’s incredibly stupid to *assume* that just because i have a low tolerance for stupidity that the policies are illegitimate. unless, of course, you’re a third grader.

    i am equally aware that illinois is an insular state politically, and missed the “reagan revolution” and the advances made by the conservative movement. i was trained within the conservative movement. outside of illinois, politics is more of a blood sport, far more brutal (and personal) than the wimpy politics practiced here. lots of people in illinois are offended by a more aggressive, more brutal style of politics. i understand that. given your preference for a much more gentle approach, you ought to feel blessed that you live in a state that practices wimpy politics…

  40. - Springfied - Friday, Jul 16, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    Stop insulting Illinois and Illinoisans. Your mockery reflects back on Robin, and after having had the chance to meet her and seeing that she cares about people, you do her wrong.

    If we’re so beneath your standards, then stop contradicting yourself by pretending to care.

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