Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bill Brady growing as a candidate, leader
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Bill Brady growing as a candidate, leader

Wednesday, Aug 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Bill Brady tried to tone down the social issues rhetoric yesterday during a Springfield address…

Bill Brady, the Republican candidate for governor, is pro-life but told a group of Springfield senior citizens on Tuesday that there is not much he can do about abortion if he is elected.

“Yes, I am pro-life,” the state senator from Bloomington told a luncheon of about 40 people at Temple Israel on West Governor Street. “But really, if you look at the makeup of the letter of the law, there’s very little that the governor can do.” […]

He did pledge to implement a state law requiring parental notification before a minor can get an abortion.

“I think a parent should be notified anytime their minor child receives a medical procedure. We can implement that. But other than that, there’s not much a governor can do,” Brady said.

Brady has been hammered by the Democratic Governors Association and others for his pro-life views, so this was a good way to make himself appear to be less scary. And even if there is a total GOP takeover this fall, both the House and Senate Republican leaders are pro-choice. So, he’s got a point.

But Brady’s attempt at moderating the rhetoric didn’t sit well with William Beckman, the executive director of the Illinois Right to Life Committee…

“I think he’s probably, to some degree, minimizing the impact the governor can have,” Beckman said. “Unfortunately, in the state of Illinois, it seems the so-called political advisers seem to be of the mindset that you have to put these kinds of issues under the rug.”

True believers always want their candidates to be as forceful as humanly possible on their issues. But whether it’s the Left wing blasting Obama for being too accomodating with the Republicans or pro-lifers dinging Brady for not being belligerent enough, it’s usually bad politics to follow their advice. What Brady showed with his answers yesterday is that he wants to be the leader of the entire state, not just his base. That’s a good thing.

* This is becoming a habit of late. Earlier this month, Brady spoke out strongly in favor of more legal immigration

* He even did a better job than Mark Kirk at keeping an even keel on the not-so-Ground Zero mosque

Republican candidate for Illinois governor Bill Brady says he thinks there’s a “lack of sensitivity” regarding the building of a mosque near the site of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York City.

Brady on Tuesday wouldn’t give an opinion on whether he supports or opposes the mosque site near Ground Zero. He said he hopes “sensitive minds will deal with this in a sensible way.”

Thoughts? And, please, we had a big knock-down drag-out over this mosque thing already this week. There’s no need to rehash it today.

* A campaign and state news roundup…

* 14th Congressional candidates jump into Social Security debate

* Republican leaders turn out for Hoffman challenger Dwight Kay

* Did Peraica contribute to colleague’s opponent?

* Illinois Policy Institute Turnaround Tour comes to Decatur seeking solutions to state’s budget woes: About 75 people turned out at the Decatur Conference Center and Hotel on Tuesday for the kickoff of the Illinois Policy Institute’s Turnaround Tour.

* Quinn Law Requiring Utilities To Buy Solar Power

* Quinn moves to get more federal schools money

* Effective date of Springfield police layoffs postponed

* Quincy School District’s tentative budget shows $2.6 million deficit


  1. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:28 am:

    So Brady’s basic message right now is “I don’t really have any big plans, and I can’t do a whole lot anyway”?

  2. - dave - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Bill Brady growing as a candidate, leader

    I would I could grow as a leader by saying, “No, I am not going to lead on the budget, or anything else for that matter. I’ll just say nothing. And some more of nothing.”

    That is some kind of “leadership,” that’s for sure.

  3. - keeler - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    Brady is an adult and will thus continue to grow when he is the Governor.

    Quinn is a an unruly child and surrounds himself with like minded infants.

  4. - cassandra - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    Well, he seems to have been listening to those who stated the obvious…it’s Illinois, he has to ratchet down the rhetoric on social issues and
    stick to economic issues. What’s surprising is that so many thought he couldn’t do it. I was dubious myself. But it appears that maybe he can…and maybe it is working, judging by the polls. Of course, his opponent has been stumbling in recent weeks, always a boon to the other candidate, but you can’t run a campaign that depends on the weakness of the other guy–especially if the other guy is a Democrat in a blue state.

  5. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    I would rather brady be honest about his positions then try and mask what he is really thinking.

    If he is afraid to tell us what he thinks o the mosque issue, and wants to donwplay his social positions, this tellms me he knows his views are too extreme for most voters and wants to hide them to get elected; he knows voters dont want omon with his views in office.

    That said, he definetly is doing better with being a statesman/politician.

  6. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    ===If he is afraid to tell us what he thinks o the mosque issue

    How is it an issue for the Governor of Illinois? I love to bag on Bill Brady, but I thought his response was pretty appropriate and far smarter than almost anything else he’s ever done.

  7. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    Oh, please STL. His message is that, yes, I have this position, but it’s largely a moot point. Abortion is nothing more than a needlessly divisive wedge issue right now (on a state level). I always thought that intelligent liberals hated the right for exploiting those. So whay are you attacking Brady for trying to put it to bed??

    Brady’s statement here isn’t cynical spin - it’s a brutally honest assessment of the situation. Rich is right to commend him on that.

  8. - Responsa - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    Many years ago in a condo association I belonged to there was a long serving board president who, despite being personable, was just increasingly seen as not doing a very good job. The repaving of the parking lot by the company he’d hired didn’t hold up. He seemed to have a few favorites whose side he took in disputes or when applying condo rules. There were always a few units whose dues were not timely collected causing difficulty for bill-paying, etc.

    When somebody finally decided to run against him for board president (but in a civil, low-key manner) the general feeling of owners was, “well we don’t know how good he’ll be but he probably won’t be any worse than the guy we have now.” Soon, we had a new condo board president.

    I think this same attitude by large chunks of the electorate is how and why Brady is leading in the polls, and why he is going to win the Illinois governorship in November.

  9. - Cuban Pilot - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    My thought is that this is not so much growth of the candidate as it is Brady has done three common sense actions that Quinn has yet to even consider:

    1) Brady hired a competent campaign manager after early mistakes;

    2) Jerry Clarke and his team have put together a message that resonates with voters (i.e., its the economy/budget/jobs stupid, plus throw in a little talk about corruption and ethics) Avoid all other issues as they do not help the candidate and voters in this election cycle don’t really care about any other issues;

    3) Most importantly, Candidate Brady has stuck to message of economy and ethics. He has not gone out on a limb on issues really irrelvant to Illinois voters (i.e., the Mosque, and he has not sponsored any new silly legislation like giving local governments more ways to exterminate animals).

  10. - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    He seems to be listening and acting on wise advice something a lot more politicians would be wise to do.

  11. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    Oh please grand old partisan, the real message is “I have extreme views, but try not to think of them. And I don’t understand the budget mess, but try not to think of that either.” Brady is growing as a puppet of his campaign manager, not as a leader.

  12. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:13 pm:


    =I would rather brady be honest about his positions then try and mask what he is really thinking.=

    Either you are naive, clueless or obtuse. Or perhaps a smattering of all 3. Tell me, if Brady told the “truth” would that cause you to vote for him? Make that statement, then: “If Brady tells the truth, no matter what it is, even if I strongly disagree, I will vote for him - honesty in a politician is what I value more than anything else”.

  13. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:14 pm:


    BTW, what does “omon” mean?

  14. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    Brady and team deserve a lot of credit. I love the sour grapes from dems who think they are so intellectually superior that any GOP win can only result from some sort of deceptive practices.

    Looks like many people underestimated Brady. Me included.

  15. - Cuban Pilot - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:20 pm:


    In addition to what DD stated, there is also a difference between masking what one really believes and between making your views more consumable for the voters.

    Its not what you say, it is how you say it. The average voter knows Brady is conservative, and so Brady is just presenting his political views in a way that will not scare the average voter.

  16. - Vole - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    Seems like a big jump in judgment — grown as a candidate, leader — to make from this statement on abortion and the proposed cultural center in NY. These simple reflections on reality do not make up for his locked in thinking on the 10% across the board budget cuts as the panacea for solving the state’s deficits. His position on this reveals much more about his candidacy and leadership ability than a couple of quotes.
    Hold Brady accountable for his weak budget positions and don’t get soft in the head over distractions on these side (non) issues.

  17. - Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    Rich, the right wing media must have gotten through to you. It won’t be a mosque…it’s to be a community center…big difference.

  18. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    “I think he’s probably, to some degree, minimizing the impact the governor can have,” Beckman said.

    Beckman is right. Governors have super-human powers that are placed upon them as they enter the Governor’s Mansion the first time. They wear electro-magnetic power belts that automatically protects them from any alien lasers. Governors get special X-Ray eye wear, enabling them to see through barriers such as budget deficits, debts, unbalanced budgets, ethical campaign rules and nylon running shorts.

    Governors get a staff of assistants that warn them whenever a stagecoach gets held up, whenever there is a mob of torch-carrying voters surrounding the Mansion, and able to perform feats of political lies unimaginable to non-governors.

    Beckman is right. If Brady is elected governor, he will be able to fly magically into any hospital or clinic where a doctor and a lady could discuss medical procedures and vaporize any medical tools which could be used for nefarious purposes.

    If Brady is elected, he will be able to appear on television sets across the Land of Lincoln and hypnotize Illinoisans with his spiralling eyes, ending maritial discord, increasing church attendance, and the wearing of white, long sleeve dress shirts from JC Penney.

  19. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    It won’t be a mosque…it’s to be a community center…big difference.

    Then what’s the big hub-bub over “freedom of religion” then? Does this freedom extend to the development of any other cultural center?

  20. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    - Does this freedom extend to the development of any other cultural center? -

    Is that a real question? I’m pretty sure anyone is free to develop any building they want to, as long as whats going on inside is legal and properly zoned for. You weren’t aware of this?

  21. - Pat collins - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:41 pm:

    needs immigration to grow the economy

    But of course, if we had LESS immigration, we would not need to grow the economy so much. And of course, will he support moving to a Australian/Canada style policy, that focuses on younger, core (NOT extended) family and high skill sets?

  22. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    yes if a politician is open I am more willing to vote for them even if I disagree with their views. Thats what drew me to Edgar and Paul Simon.

    The mosque issue is relevant to delve into an individuals perceptions abou tgovernemnt control and regualtion of private enterprises as-well-as on issues related to govt invovlement in excercising its authority over organizations run by religious or minority groups.

    Making a view more consumable to the voters is just a fancy way of saying you do not want voters to know what you really think. Lets not forget his campaings attempt to remove his wiki page and conceal this information. I would be more impressed if he took ownerhsip and was not afraid of what he wanted to do.

    Your all missing the much better argument about my position, which is to point out that he (eventually) clealy took the position about how to fix the budget by enforicng 10% budget cuts; so he is not afraid to come out on the critical issues facing IL.

    omon technically is the russian police version of what we think of as SWAT units, with a little FBI tossed in. My typo was the word somone, but I hit the first and last key too fast to record.

  23. - Vole - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    Pat, Brady’s comments on immigration raise all kinds of questions. I have serious doubts if the US could sustain a 4% growth rate as Brady proposes.

    What are Brady’s positions on resources, environmental protection, environmental regulations, global warming, etc.? I would guess that he would be in favor of weakening regulations on business, also as a means of increasing growth.

    And according to Brady, is a “lack of immigration” really crippling the Illinois economy?

    And from that statement on immigration, would his proposed 10% cut in higher education fulfill his pledge to “fight for the finest educational institutions”?.

    Question everything this guy says.

  24. - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 1:34 pm:


    Sadly not ever governor can be
    Governor William J. Lepetomane

  25. - Sue - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    Does anyone else think the President’s positioning on the Mosque fiasco is the equivalent of his SOP of voting present while he served in the State Senate?

  26. - Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    once again, it’s not just about a Governor signing bills the
    legislature sends. there are administrative regulations,
    nuanced decisions on budgets, like for health programs.
    Senator Brady, you are not fooling us with your mild
    rhetoric on reproductive choice. Senator Brady, we
    know that you are an extremist.

  27. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    You weren’t aware of this?

    Pretend I am Obama talking out of both sides of my mouth on this shouldn’t-have-been-brought-up issue. Perhaps that way, you’ll cover me when I suggest that a community center is somehow covered by our freedom of religion right, that is, when it isn’t a mosque, which according to the White House today, it no longer considers questioners to be bigots, but still worthy of investigation by Speaker Pelosi.

    Then pick me apart.

  28. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    - cover me when I suggest that a community center is somehow covered by our freedom of religion right, that is, when it isn’t a mosque -

    You see, you don’t get it Vman. This issue was brought up because the community center has religious affiliation with Muslims. If it weren’t, no one would have said anything. But, it can’t be discriminated against for the Muslim affiliation because we have freedom of religion in this country. Its really not difficult.

  29. - Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:11 pm:


    The freedom of religion thing comes from the fact that his center is to be built by Muslims. The right wing extemeists have been very successful in describing this thing as a Mosque. So-called objective journalists have bought into that description big time.

    It would appear some people have a problem with the Muslims having a presence two-and-a-half blocks from Ground Zero. They don’t say how far away is far enough either. Like there’s a definition of Muslims being too close to Ground Zero on the books somewhere.

  30. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:15 pm:

    I’m not really seeing growth. I’m seeing a guy who’s been convinced that if he keeps his mouth shut, the other guy will beat himself. Clever, not growth.

    The biggest issue for the next governor is the budget and Brady says he doesn’t have a clue. I understand the tactics; I just don’t respect them, and I don’t give points for it.

    As far as immigration goes, I’ve been around the block a few times in business. I’d like to hear how a housebuilder and hotel owner ensured he was only paying for documented folks on the job. Then, let’s see him back it up.

  31. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    “He seems to be listening and acting on wise advice something a lot more politicians would be wise to do.”

    Yup. I’ll bet one of his close advisors is on a Chris Christie watch, studying the NJ Governor’s campaign, platform and performance in office. If Brady is smart enough to pay attention to what is happening out east, learn and absorb the message, he could be a good governor when elected.

  32. - anon - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    Deep South, you are also wrong to call it a “community center”, it is to be a “cultural center”.

  33. - Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    Yes, anon, you’re right…a cultural center…but not a Mosque.

  34. - socratic - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 3:39 pm:

    Remember, George Ryan had to make an executive decision as to whether Illinois medicaid would cover abortion procedures, and he was damned by conservatives when he said he wouldn’t let poor women be denied a choice that others had.

  35. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    Argue all you want about whether a Mosque or Muslim Community Center should be constructed in that area in or around ground zero.

    Then ask yourself, why is the New York Port Authority refusing to allow little St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church to rebuild across the street from where the Twin Towers once stood, a place where worshipers freely worshipped for over 100+ years until the church was flattened and destroyed on 9/11/01.

    So while the President and other big shot politicians endorse the community center as being “constitutional” they remain silent when a government entity is preventing the rebuilding of little St. Nicholas Church.

    Explain THAT inconsistency.

    It is also nice to see the main stream media finally start picking up on this story.

  36. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    Louis, with all due respect, both of these are local decisions. One was approved, one was denied. Until we know why the Port Authority denied permission for the Greek Orthodox church to rebuild, it’s hard to agree or disagree with the decision.

    But it’s also apples and grapefruit. The mosque/community center became an issue because some people were outraged by the zoning decision. I guess enough people don’t share your outrage, so that’s why the President isn’t making a federal issue out of this. And neither is Newt Gingrich nor Sarah Palin. I’d recommend you find a champion for your cause.

    Oh, and Quinn came out today against the mosque/community center. So Rich, I’d say it’s less that Brady is growing as a leader, more that Quinn is shrinking.

  37. - Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 4:55 pm:

    - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    “So while the President and other big shot politicians endorse the community center as being “constitutional” they remain silent when a government entity is preventing the rebuilding of little St. Nicholas Church.

    Explain THAT inconsistency.”

    Father Karloutsos, assistant to the Orthodox Archbishop hasn’t reached out to Alexi yet. From the Weekly Standard Blog:

    In February of 2008, at Father Karloutsos’s request, Giannoulias’s political director, Endy Zemenides, used his clout with the University of Illinois to help a Greek American student whose family knew Karloutsos gain admission through a secret, political insiders only, admissions process after she had been waitlisted. Four months later, Karloutsos helped Giannoulias with a fundraiser that netted at least $120,000 for Giannoulias campaign fund.

  38. - Steve Downstate - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    Brady strikes me as similar to George W. Bush in his reluctance to push for actual change in abortion laws. Yes, of course, Illinois is too liberal for those changes to happen any time in the foreseeable future, which is why both W and Brady felt comfortable saying, essentially, “I believe in a culture of life, but until we HAVE a culture of life, there’s not much I can do to promote a culture of life.” In other words, don’t expect me to work for what I’ve deemed a core value; just let me exploit the issue for political gain. Sorry. I don’t count that as leadership in any sense of the word.

  39. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 5:02 pm:

    The more I hear about this, the crazier it becomes. Why did the President make this front page news?

    Stupid. Freedom of religion has nothing to do with this if it isn’t about building a mosque. It doesn’t matter who sponsors a community center or who builds it, freedom of religion has nothing to do with this.

    There is a difference between building a synagogue and building a Jewish community center. One is protected by freedom of religion and worship, the other is not. It doesn’t matter if the community center is being built by a specific religion.

    Gee whiz - every YMCA in every community across the US would then be protected by the freedom of religion, right?

    That’s nuts!

    All I know now is that 63% of New Yorkers are against this as is over 70% of the country, while the President is trying to take back what he lectured us about this weekend because he opened a can of worms politically.

  40. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    - Explain THAT inconsistency. -

    Well, that started 9 years ago, I think someone else was running the country at that time.

  41. - Yiddish Cowboy - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 5:44 pm:

    As to the mosque statement made by Gov. Quinn: Thank you, Gov. Quinn. Finally,something you’ve done or said with which I agree. I am certainly glad that you have come out on the “right” side of this controversy. Now if you would just have a talk with our esteemed president, who is, as usual, a big disappointment. It’s all about being sensitive to thoose who have suffered; has nothing to do with freedom of religion. Gov. Patterson has provided this association an opportunity to relocate elsewhere. They refuse to do so. Wonder why?

  42. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    There is already a mosque within 300 feet of the proposed site of the “ground zero mosque”. No one apparently knows or cares about it. This is all a fake controversy generated to drive up the overall level of hatred in America.

  43. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 6:12 pm:

    ===Why did the President make this front page news?===

    Yeah, no one was talking about this until Friday. Good catch VM. Stay vigilant my friend.

  44. - DuPage Dan - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 6:28 pm:

    @47th Ward,

    =Until we know why the Port Authority denied permission for the Greek Orthodox church to rebuild, it’s hard to agree or disagree with the decision.=

    Yeah, we’ll see how that works out. The symbolism is likely to overwhelm any actual reason the Port Authority decides to put out there. Ain’t gonna make the decision to allow the community center any easier to defend. Just sayin’

  45. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 6:29 pm:

    Louis, I’m quite certain you know the answer to your question. Everyone is against The Greeks. Everyone. It’s all anyone can talk about. How else do you explain snags in building in lower Manhattan?

    I think Newt is leading the way. Comparing the religion of 1.6 billion people to Nazism wasn’t enough (you thought it would be, considering we’re desperate for many of them to be our allies in two Asian wars). He thought he’d throw in the Greeks, too.

    Wow, he’ll make a great president.

    VMan, keep it incoherent, brother. Pick your outcome and try to come up with a rationalization. Maybe you’ll get better at it, eventually.

  46. - Mike - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 6:34 pm:

    Rich, did you see that Halverson sacked her campaign manager today?

  47. - dave - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 7:09 pm:

    The more I hear about this, the crazier it becomes. Why did the President make this front page news?

    Seriously? The President DIDN’T make this front page news. The President commented on it because it already was first page news.

    VMan - don’t let reality get in the way.

  48. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 7:34 pm:

    ===Yeah, we’ll see how that works out. The symbolism is likely to overwhelm any actual reason the Port Authority decides to put out there. Ain’t gonna make the decision to allow the community center any easier to defend. Just sayin’===

    Dan, I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

  49. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 8:58 pm:

    Wordslinger, to paraphrase an old Greek saying, there are two kinds of people in this world, Greeks and the rest of you. :-)

  50. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 9:04 pm:

    Louis, I hope you get your church built. That’s hot real estate down there, any way you want to define it. A lot of emotions and money in play.

  51. - Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 9:14 pm:

    ===Explain THAT inconsistency.===

    Haven’t you heard? The president is a Muslim. Probably a terror baby, too.

  52. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 18, 10 @ 9:15 pm:

    If it makes anyone feel better, it’s hard to get anything built in that neck of the woods. Coming on nine years, and the actual Ground Zero is still pretty much a hole in the ground.

  53. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 8:51 am:

    The President didn’t need to do anything. He opened his mouth on an issue he should not have touched and used his Office as gasoline on an ugly difficult decision.

    wordslinger is correct in that we really don’t know even after almost a decade what to do with Ground Zero. I thought that by now, we would have a better handle on our emotions so that we could move forward. Obviously we are not. Worse, we have a group many Americans consider responsible for the mass murders we saw on 9/11, trying to tell us what to do there. That just isn’t going to work.

    If the Muslim whatevertheheckitis, is forced upon us at this time, it will anger many Americans for no good reason whatsoever. It will become a flash point for protests and threatened. It will probably need very high security to protect it.

    I find it a tad crazy for those who wish not to irritate anger, so fully willing to anger their neighbors over this. While it may be someone’s “right” to do this, forcing it down millions of emotional American’s throats is downright stupid.

    Move the damn thing somewhere else.

  54. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 19, 10 @ 11:15 am:


    I never figured a conservative like you would be such a fan of political correctness. Now that you’re offended, we need to ignore local zoning laws, do away with property rights and let a mob of angry people shout down a group that is obeying the letter and spirit of U.S. law? Sorry, that’s not how it works. We don’t have a right to not be offended.

    I feel sorry for you, I really do.

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