Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Libertarian in the boxes? Not quite
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Libertarian in the boxes? Not quite

Tuesday, Oct 26, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Click here for the second mailer, scanned in by a friend. It’s about the Wall Street bailout.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Some suburban [and, according to commenters, Downstate] residents received a curious looking direct mailer the other day. I apologize for the quality. It was scanned and e-mailed to me by a friend. Here’s the front…

Venture inside and you’ll see this…

Libertarian Mike Labno has the money for mail? And he’s using it to blast Mark Kirk?…

But it isn’t from Labno. Check out the return address…

And there’s a pro-Giannoulias message as well, which kinda defeats the whole purpose…

* The idea here, obviously, is to peel off a few conservative votes from Kirk and send them to Labno. But I just don’t see this working since it’s paid for by the Democrats and features a big pic of Giannoulias. Not many “true” conservatives will fall for that.

…Adding… A commenter rightly notes that the vast majority of people will only see the cover of this mailer. That’s why I wasn’t as harsh as I could’ve been about the piece. You get a few seconds between the time they see it and the time they pitch it in the garbage can. Also, from a trusted politico…

I seriously doubt they are sending only a single piece. That’s not how mail guys work. They send waves. So, you’re probably seeing the first of 2 or 3 which says Labano is pro life and pro gun and Kirk isn’t

* Roundup…

* Clinton exhorts Democrats to turn back Republican tide: “They have relentlessly, in a uniform and unified way” played on people’s anger, Clinton said. But he said that anger should be focused on Republicans. “We only get hired as Democrats, really, when things are messed up,” he said. He urged Democrats to ensure that President Barack Obama, who returns to Chicago this weekend for his own rally, gets the continued support of a Democratic Congress.

* Sen. Scott Brown–Massachusetts miracle–at Kirk get out the vote rally Sunday

* US mid-term election spending nears $2bn mark

* Sweet: Illinois Senate race: What’s with the undecides?

* Big names hit Ill. in campaign’s last days

* Obama heading to Chicago for free rally on Saturday

* Huntley: Desperate Dems turn to dirty politics

* Illinois Senate candidates burn through $7.7 million in 13 days

* Critics: Giannoulias lacks the experience

* Giannoulias tweaks Kirk with one-man Senate ‘debate’

* Giannoulias: We’ve Been Endorsed By Every African-American Official Except One

* Voters’ trust in Kirk dashed after gaffes


  1. - A.B. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:29 pm:

    I received this yesterday. I have to say that this late in the game, I don’t think this piece is doing much other than filling recycling bins.

    Seems to me that a week from the election, conservatives have decided which camp they are in. This is a battle for the undecided indys and the D’s that it appears maybe staying home. Plus it arrived with 3 other pieces in the mailbox, so it will be lost in the shuffle.

    One other interesting point…this came addressed to my wife. Also a hard R, but female.

  2. - Living in Oklahoma - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    Just a note, I also received this mailer and I live in Jackson County in Southern Illinois. I show up as a hard R on the political mailing lists, so obviously targeted at conservatives.

  3. - Madison County Watcher - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    I received the mailer in Madison County.

  4. - A.B. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    Does everyone’s say it was sent by the Lake County Democratic Party?

  5. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    How dumb was it to include Alexi? On a scale of 1-10, “this one goes to 11.”

    Did Labno participate in this? Did he approve?

  6. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:41 pm:

    90% of people who get it will only see the cover.

    The campaign probably sent it to their 0-10s.

  7. - MrJM - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:42 pm:

    I think the intention was to make the recipients say, “You know what? Screw all these guys, I’m staying home.”

    I don’t think it succeeds, but I bet that was the intention.

    – MrJM

  8. - shore - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    the real thing here is the dog that didn’t bark-namely the conservative base of the party that swallowed hard and didn’t quit on kirk. I don’t know if its years of losing, the economy, desperation, hatred of obama and blago, the fact that the tea party took over the conservative movement and is economic issues based rather than social issues based ,kirks military service, his backroom dealing, or bad organizing, but the issues this flyer raises haven’t hurt kirk like many thought it might 16 months ago.

  9. - Fred - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    Right now this is having an effect. I know because Labno has gotten a lot more attention of late. There is one candidate who is pro-life, pro-gun rights, supports the right of states to enforce immigration, and would never vote for tax increases, bailouts, or stimuluses. There are a lot of voters who are not certain of their vote. Mike’s vote portion in the polls that dare mention his name has increased.

    Mark Kirk, Gianoulias, and Jones are all radically pro-abortion, radically anti-gun, all support anti liberty positions and Mark Kirk has voted for countless anti-gun, anti-life legistlation as well as being one of six to vote for Cap and Trade. He also came out against the Arizona immigration bill. Mike Labno is up on Radio and will be through election day. He will also have volunteers handing out voter info on election day. He will pull more votes than any libertarian Senate candidate and that is a good thing.

    The truth is a vote on principle is what matters. Conservatives were shafted this election by Chicago we ended up with two major party candidates that are barely distinguishable. The best thing we can do is to stop Kirk. He is not our friend and having him in our camp is like having a sleeper cell for the other team. It is better to have your enemies in your sights than to having them guarding your back.

    I hope you consider Mike Labno. He is the only candidate worth voting for that is unless you just want to return the days before the Tea Parties.

    His Facebook Site.

    His campaign site.

  10. - A.B. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    @ Fred
    This audience is hyper-aware that a vote for Labno is a vote for Giannoulias.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    –…unless you just want to return the days before the Tea Parties.–

    The Tea Partiers didn’t show up until the economy went south. They’re a phenomenon of bad economic times.

    So, yes, I’d like to return to the days of low unemployment, strong economic growth and ever-rising property values.

  12. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    I got it yesterday… Montgomery County - Panhandle area.

  13. - Former Downstater - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    This is hitting in Chicago too. A neighbor has received this piece and another in the past week. He’s a 60+ white male. I wouldn’t be surprised if he also received pieces hitting Kirk on the military exaggerations. I know that’s the target I’d be aiming for to compliment the TV ad.

  14. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:57 pm:


    A vote for Labno is a vote for Labno. Nobody deserve’s anybody’s vote… you have to earn it.

  15. - More Courage - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    Giannoulias tweaks Kirk with one-man Senate ‘debate’

    Still loses.

    Actually, given his flip flop answers on when he was at the bank and what he did or do not do, he could hold a debate by, and against himself!

  16. - Dirt Digger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:00 pm:

    Ah, week one shenanigans. Fun times…

  17. - lawyerlady - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    Too late in the game and voters realize the only choices are Kirk and Alexi. People aren’t going to throw away their vote on someone they’ve never heard of.

    That said, this is a pretty twisted tactic.

  18. - Nieva - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    I got this is Southern Illinois a few days ago and pitched it as soon as I opend it. The tree huggers ought to be after these guys for a waste of paper!

  19. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    Somewhat related, I noticed that Alexi is alone among the major candidates in putting his party brand on yard signs: “Alexi: Democrat for U.S. Senate.”

    I wonder if there’s a reason.

  20. - Team America - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    == I seriously doubt they are sending only a single piece. That’s not how mail guys work. They send waves. So, you’re probably seeing the first of 2 or 3 which says Labano is pro life and pro gun and Kirk isn’t===

    Yesterday, I received the “Time” piece and another very similar piece complete with many of the same quotes and promoting Lexi, except the theme was Wall Street Bailouts.

    A waste of money, especially this late. I got one of each mailer, and so did my wife. So a total of four pieces of mail on the same day to a “hard-R” household that ain’t buyin it. And we voted days before anyway.

  21. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:10 pm:

    Also, just received a fourth IEA mailer for Alexi. Nothing by them for other candidates.

    Why is the IEA pumping so much money into a federal office?

  22. - A.B. - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:11 pm:

    IF all of the candidates were viable options, then you’d be correct. But one week out, a vote for Labno merely identifies a voter who most likely has Kirk as his/her second choice. Unfortunately in a tight race that could be the difference between Kirk winnign, who they disagree with sometimes, or Giannoulias winning, who they agree with almost all of the time.

  23. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    A vote for Labno is a vote for Labno and no one else. If you like Labno’s positions, you should vote for Labno, plain and simple.

  24. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    A.B., voters show up to the polls for top of the ticket. Senate is top of the ticket. If they show up and vote for Labno at the top, they weren’t a Kirk voter. Sorry.

  25. - Had enough - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:18 pm:

    Honestly, anyone can accuse me of throwing away my vote, but it’s those that continually vote for the same crooked politicians based on a letter by their name, rather than a true representative, that keep throwing their votes away and killing American freedom. What a shame. Votes are counted by yeas and nays, not Ds and Rs. So, it really doesn’t matter if you have Giannoulias or Kirk in there, they both will vote the same, just as Kirk has proven. What a shame that you’d rather vote for a letter. My son will thank you for never getting to know freedom because you continually vote for a letter of the alphabet. Mike Labno is the only man that gives a hoot about our freedom, our Constitution, and returning to fiscally sound policies. Mike Labno has my vote, and had before this stupid flier came out. Too bad the people posting here didn’t do their research prior to a week before voting.
    Don’t believe he’s pro-choice? He even voted to allow partial birth abortions! He also voted to fund abortions for female inmates WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS! Don’t believe he’s anti-2nd Amendment? Don’t believe he voted for Cap & Trade? Don’t believe he voted twice for TARP? Be ashamed. I hope you can live with yourselves with that vote.

  26. - Bakersfield - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    Conservatives did not get shafted, none of their heavyweights had the guts to step up and they ran some horrendous candidates in a primary that was about 45 years ago. Looking forward to Kirk winning in spite of the people who are buying the “woe are conservatives” line.

  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    George, in off-years, the governor does more to set the voting universe than anyone. So, I’m betting the idea is to persuade a handful of conservative Republican Brady backers to go with Labno.

  28. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    True. But, having been out there, I don’t know who - if anyone - is getting people out to vote this year.

  29. - shore - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    I get the feeling team america slept overnight outside his early voting polling station the night before early voting opened so he could vote for kirk as soon as possible just as bored now probably did the opposite for alexi.

    getting conservatives to eat kirk alive was one of the democrats major strategies in this campaign and it has been a total dud. so much for the idea he’s too moderate to get elected as a republican.

    maybe with brady on the ticket conservatives figured they got their pound of red meat.

  30. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    I got that mailer too. It’s a very good piece. And it’s a lot more honest than most of what I’ve seen from guys like Brady and Kirk. Nothing is being hidden and it’s all factual.

    And it’s not like it doesn’t hit Labno too. Says he and Kirk are just fighting over labels.

    I am so sick of the Kirk camp’s whining about every little thing.

    By the way, anyone know for certain at this point which Willie Wilson endorsed Kirk yesterday? The one from DC or the one from Chicago? Willie F. Wilson (DC Reverend and anti-gay commenter), or Willie L. Wilson (Chicago area and not a Reverend)?

  31. - Linus - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    - US mid-term election spending nears $2bn mark

    Wonder how much Illinois elections are adding-up to by now. I know individual caucus amounts are reported here and there, but haven’t seen any comprehensive, statewide guesstimate yet.

  32. - Bakersfield - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Rich, thanks for referencing Labno and drawing the moths to the flame. I’ll go back to the Review now as it is probably crickets over there.

  33. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Had Enough, I’ve had enough of self-righteous hysterics who think they don’t have freedom or liberty in this country. You are terribly ungrateful for the hard work and sacrifice of those who came before you that made it happen.

    Take a look around the planet, take a stroll through history. Then cry me a river about your lost freedoms.

  34. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    This is obscene.
    This kind of politics corrupts our electoral integrity and discredits it. Any party doing this should be outlawed after being fined out of existence.

    This is undemocratic. It turns our elections into a mockery. It undermines all campaigns and all candidates.

    This demonstrates a lust for power that knows no limits. It shows a hatred towards voters by willfully subverting our elections.

    How low have we come? It isn’t enough to call each other names. It is not enough to pad our ballots with sound alike candidate. It is not enough to cut political deals to wheedle out money. It is not enough to pad your credentials.

    No. Now we are seeing our very own democratic foundation loosing its credibility in order to gain power.
    If Giannoulias wins after this we will have witnessed when our elections lost their legitimacy entirely.

  35. - Responsa - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    OK, this post made my day. Several conservative friends have independently told me this over the years: they vote for the most fiscally conservative candidate who is running in the primary. If that person wins the republican nomination in their state-great. But if that person does not win the primary then they always always vote for the republican candidate in the general rather than a third party candidate which might help tilt the election to a tax and spend Democrat (which is anathema to their fiscal philosophy). The strength of the Republican support for Kirk as shown by percentages in recent polls bears out this electoral strategy once again. Conservatives, with reason, often spout off and rail against those they consider “RINOs”, and call them Democrat-Lite. But in the crunch conservatives rarely “waste” their vote, rarely refuse to vote, and almost never pull the lever for a Dem.

    By paying for production of this scam mailer and the pathetic attempt to deceive, Alexi’s supporters/whomever dreamed this up and thought it was a clever idea, show how truly little they understand the core beliefs and intelligence of conservative voters. These voters know full well that as a congressman Kirk voted against the Porkulus and against Obamacare which suits them fine. Alexi would not in a million years have voted against these bills which conservatives despise, and they are quite well aware of that fact.

  36. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:37 pm:

    VMan, that is absolutely hilarious! Watch out for that cyclone!

  37. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    I think the cyclone has displaced the tinfoil hats…

  38. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    VM, politics ain’t bean bag. As for elections “loosing” credibility, see Bush v. Gore. There’s no crying in politics.

  39. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    I don’t think vanillaman is going to make it to next Tuesday. Up the dosage VM!

  40. - Ghost of John Brown - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    I’ve received two of these on Kirk and another one comparing Bill Foster vs. Randy Hultgren vs. Dan Karis. Do the Lake County Democrats, Terry Link as Chairman, think that anyone that might be considering Hultgren will vote for Dan Karis?

    I worry that it actually might be helpful. The Democrats have put out SO many negative ads that they have poisoned the well not only for the competition but for their own candidate as well with independent voters. The only option they have is to try and peel off voters to the “other choice”.

  41. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:50 pm:

    Your batting average regarding your understanding of the tea parties is about as good as your ability to understand the Sami language. The tea parties do not speak your language. Get over it enough to at least stop belittling them.

    Bush Gore was over ballot errors and even after a decade some are still angry over it. No. This stunt is not bean bags. It is a Constitutional insult greater than what we have been insulted with before.

    It sounds more like an election stunt in North Korea or some other embarrassing hole in the ground. It sounds like an election ran out of a dictators clique of followers. It sounds like a stunt out of Tojo Era Japan.

    You guys do not get it. Anyone who craps out this kind of politics is undermining all of us.

    There is no crying in politics? You think that is all this is about? Shame on you for losing sight of what we are trying to do next Tuesday. It may just be politics to you but listen up Buddy…your attitude is exactly why many voters are seeking scalps.

    We are sick of your disgusting politics.

  42. - Adam Smith - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    A couple of points.

    First, Had such a stunt been pulled by the GOP, Democrats would be up in arms spouting righteous indignation at the underhanded and nefarious dirty trick.

    As usual, their scumball tactics are justified by their arrogant moral superiority. When Republicans try such trickery it is an evil plot to subvert our very democracy. The double standard is pathetic.

    Second, it is another clear example that the Democrats at every level have fallen back on a desperate strategy of lies and personal attack which is the only thing that could confuse the electorate enough to preserve much of their power.

    They have no record (that they will admit to), no agenda, no message.

  43. - gfalkes - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    I received one in central illinois so its a statewide effort

  44. - soccermom - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:52 pm:

    Word —
    Given that they had to identify that it was being sent by Dems, they had to boost Alexi. Otherwise, it looks like a dirty trick. And I’m guessing the IEA is trying to get tepid Alexi voters to the polls, where they will undoubtedly (maybe?) vote for the Governor as well.

  45. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:57 pm:

    –Any party doing this should be outlawed after being fined out of existence.–

    Had Enough, watch out for this guy. He’s after your freedoms. Who do you suggest should do the fining and outlawing, anyway, here in the United States, for sending out campaign literature that discloses its source and shows a picture of its favored candidate?

    I wonder what he would do with old Pete Roskam. He had back in 2008.

    Check it out now. Somehow, I don’t think Roskam kept the domain name, lol.

  46. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:58 pm:

    Take a breath VM. You’ve been here too long, read too many crazy stories and comments, and have made enough crazy comments yourself to be so thin-skinned a week before the election.

    I’m not buying your faux outrage, and you, of all people, shouldn’t be selling it here.

  47. - kimsch - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:58 pm:

    I got one of those in the mail. I didn’t open it. I did see it was from the Democrats and I’ve been wondering why I have been receiving a lot of mail from them.

  48. - Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    I got them both yesterday. The Illinois Victory Fund was once set up to assist Dan Seals defeat Mark Kirk, and was active back in 2008.

    Have Terry Link and the Lake County Democrat gang since abandoned Seals?

  49. - Downstate - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    The second mailer arrived today. Too bad they didn’t check that I had already voted. I don’t like Kirk’s positions on a number of issues, but at least he’s not a mob banker too adorable for his own good.

  50. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    VMan, dude, you’re the gift that keeps on giving today. A Constitutional insult? Tojo-Era Japan? What in the world are you talking about?

    You’re not driving today, are you?

  51. - ChrisChicago82-Independent - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:05 pm:

    I have to be honest… this SHOULD hurt Kirk, but it WONT.

    There is such an anti establishment mood out there that somebody in Labanos position should easily pull in mid single digits in this race.

    However… whethers its because the conservative IL electorate is just far smarter then some on the left give them credit for, or if they happen to really like Kirk himself (I’m more inclined to believe the former before the latter), this particular ad campaign to divide conservatives on Kirk simply has not worked, nor will it.

    It is almost as if IL conservatives, in a rare 2010 showing, are cutting their loses, holding their nose, and going with the candidate that doesn’t quite reflect their own principles, but more easily defeats the “true” opposition in a showing of acting with their heads, instead of their hearts (which is, again, just not a common theme for neo cons this year as proven by O’Donnell beating Castle, and Miller beating Lisa M, etc, etc).

    Alexi has not had as good of luck as Kirk in this regard when trying to avoid having any votes go the way of Jones.

  52. - train111 - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Ah yes!!
    The good old sound of faux outrage from water-carriers on both sides of the aisle who know full well that their side perpetrates the same kind of stunts!!


  53. - Bubs - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    Looks like desperation to me. Most hard right types already know about Labno. He’s made the rounds. He is viewed as a nice guy and very conservative, but not ready to be Senator from Illinois.

  54. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    “VMan, dude, you’re the gift that keeps on giving today. A Constitutional insult? Tojo-Era Japan? What in the world are you talking about?”

    He’s angry about it, therefore it must somehow be against the Constitution. We’re hearing a lot of that kind of talk lately. Nevermind that the people who wrote the Constitution were known to run some pretty dirty campaigns themselves.

  55. - too obvious - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:46 pm:

    Kirk’s people must be the biggest cry babies ever in the history of the universe. There is nothing wrong with that mailer and it hides nothing.

    But when you’re so used to being dishonest about most everything, even a flash of honesty causes a crazed knee jerk reaction.

  56. - George - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 3:50 pm:

    James Madison says we need three branches of Government, when obviously two will do just fine. What’s he thinking?

  57. - lawyerlady - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    - just sayin’ - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    “Nothing is being hidden and it’s all factual”


    What? The ENTIRE premise of the mailer is a farce. It pretends to have increasing Labno support as its goal, when in reality, the creators of the mailer want Alexi to win. The fact that nothing about who paid for the mailer or Alexi are found on the first page clearly indicates an intent to deceive voters.

    Luckily, I don’t think it’s going to work. I wouldn’t go so far as Vanilla Man in saying that this is obscene or should be outlawed, but it is pretty slimy and distasteful and most certainly is not an honest piece of campaign literature.

  58. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    “It pretends to have increasing Labno support as its goal, when in reality, the creators of the mailer want Alexi to win.”

    lawyerlady, what are you talking about? The piece has the “Paid for by Illinois Victory, a Project of the Lake County Democratic Party” clearly displayed where one would expect to find it, and it clearly is a pro-Alexi piece and includes his website. Even Jason Plummer would know the creators want Alexi to win. You’re just wrong.

    I think the Kirk people should worry more about the real lies, big lies from their candidate and less about trying to manufacture lies for someone else.

  59. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    I go the ad out here in the corn fields. It quickly joined all the other ads, robo calls, door hangers, and wind shield stuff. Quick look, trash, forget.

  60. - lawyerlady - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:41 pm:

    - just sayin’ - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 4:27 pm:


    Right, on the return address on the back. The front looks like some sort of newsletter, not a campaign piece - thus, it might not be as obvious that one would need to check who paid for the ad. Yes, it would occur to you or me to check the return address? Sure. But we’re on Cap Fax right now debating this stuff. Would the average person check to see who the mailer was from? Who knows. The purpose of the piece was to try to persuade conservatives to vote for a candidate with no chance rather than Kirk, in order to help Alexi win. The piece clearly pretends to support Labno until you read more thoroughly.

    Can you honestly, without giggling, tell me that you believe this piece was created to look like a conservative newsletter, and to point out all of Labno’s strong conservative credentials, and mailed to hard Rs to get them to vote for ALEXI?? Come on, guy.

    Also, tacking on the phrase “you’re just wrong” and the like to a comment never does much to advance a person’s argument.

  61. - Marcus Agrippa - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    Zadek! Look him up. He is the real pro-life Senate candidate - running as a write in.

  62. - Fred - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:40 pm:

    There is no winning that is what you faux conservatives don’t understand. Real conservatives only win when we stop letting candidates like Kirk who are not ‘moderates’ be labeled as such. A person who doesn’t believe the second amendment is relevant doesn’t belong with an ‘R’ beside his name, if they are 100% pro-abortion then the same is true, Kirk isn’t even a solid fiscal conservative after voting for cap and trade etc.

    A vote for Kirk is a wasted vote that will become the club to beat you with.

    Do what you like but if you are principled you will vote Labno. No better way than to teach the establishment a lesson than to stop acting like attack dogs happy to receive scraps from the table.

    I think we see the spirit of many of those who support Kirk comes from. They want to end the Tea Parties to and go back to the good old Bush days.

    The Revolution wasn’t sounded with the cry “Give me Liberty or Give me a Govt Check” and those willing to embrace Kirk deserve the socialist tyrannical government they are voting for.

  63. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:42 pm:

    ===those willing to embrace Kirk deserve the socialist tyrannical government they are voting for. ===

    Tone it down or go away. Last warning.

  64. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 5:52 pm:

    They don’t make socialistic tyrannies like they used to. Now East Germany, that was a…..

  65. - RMW Stanford - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 6:17 pm:

    I got one of these in the mail a few days ago, I am located in central Illinois. It seems pretty clear that the intent of the mailer is to try to break some conservative voters off of Kirk. It would be pretty easy to miss the pro-Alexi part of the mailer if you just glance over it. Which is what I betting they think most people will do. There is no way in hell they were trying to contrast Alexi and his positions to Kirk and Labno and win supporters for Alexi, if they were trying to do that why not include all four candidates?

  66. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 26, 10 @ 8:53 pm:

    This crosses the line. This is fraud.

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