Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Video: New Emanuel TV ad features Obama; Madigan talks spending
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Video: New Emanuel TV ad features Obama; Madigan talks spending

Wednesday, Feb 9, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rahm goes for the gold with a new TV ad featuring President Obama. Rate it

* Transcript…

President Obama: We could not have accomplished what we’ve accomplished without Rahm’s leadership.

His advice has always been candid, his opinions have always been insightful, his commitment to his job has always been heartfelt, borne of a passionate desire to move this country forward and lift up the lives of the middle class and people who are struggling to get there.

We are all very excited for Rahm as he takes on a new challenge for which he is extraordinarily well qualified.

…Adding… Money troubles for unions? Maybe

Public employee union leaders who took offense at Rahm Emanuel‘s new campaign commercial are hoping to air a rebuttal, but they may be having trouble raising the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to buy time on broadcast channels.

…Adding More… The Chico campaign responds to the ABC7 poll showing a huge lead for Emanuel…

That ABC poll does not jive with every other campaign’s internal polls which we all disclosed has Gery in the 20s and Rahm in 40s. Our own poll taken just days earlier has Rahm at 46 overall, Gery at 23 and Braun and Del Valle at 7. Also, In our poll we were clearly in first with Latino voters. . .so there is just no way that Emanuel is in first with this voting block with not one but two credible Latino candidates. . .one who has the support of Luis Gutierrez!

* Meanwhile, House Speaker Michael Madigan gave a brief interview to an Illinois Statehouse News reporter late this morning. Worth a watch


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:38 pm:

    I understand why Team Emanuel want and have used the president so mcuh. But, the undecideds who haven’t gone for Emanuel are clearly not interested in his ties to Obama. Anyone who has been undecided this long in the game, isn’t going to Emanuel. He’s had plenty of press with his residency issue with his claim that he was doing public service at the request of the preseident, in addition to his other constant use of the WH in his campaign. I think voters who are undecided probably don’t think the president should be bought into a local race like the mayor’s race, and are probably turned off by Emanuel’s constant usage of Obama’s coat tails.

    People who are undecided this late are more likely to be discriminating voters and more educated about the issues, and they are probably not big fans of Obama either.

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:47 pm:

    It’s really beyond the pale for Emanuel to keep dragging the president of the United States into what is effectively a race among supporters of his own party.

    There’s absolutely no benefit to Obama for doing this, which should be the only consideration.

    The fact that Bill Daley, as chief of staff, hasn’t shut this down speaks volumes.

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:48 pm:

    Regarding Madigan’s spending restraint: I guess that means my supplemental appropriation bill isn’t going anywhere. Oof.

    We’d like to get capped at 100% of where we were a few years ago, not capped at the current, cut level that happened by accident this year.

    Oh well. I guess that means I won’t be spending too much time in Springfield this session.

  4. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:54 pm:

    We in DuPage county have all this stuff figured out so we can sit back and laugh at all the foolishness in Chicago! (snark)

    BTW, saw an article in the Sun-Times about Madigan considering doing something about current state employees pensions. Will be watching that one. AFSCME says it goes against the state constitution…..

  5. - Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:56 pm:

    This is a simple but powerful ad. Whether one likes Rahm’s personality or not, or agrees with Obama’s politics or not–the fact that Rahm effectively moved in the top echelons of government says a lot about him. And this ad will force every voter, at least for a moment, to reflect upon Rahm’s achievements, and policy knowledge, and contacts against those of all the other candidates running for mayor.

  6. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 2:58 pm:

    DD, that article is excerpted below.

  7. - Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 3:06 pm:

    Anon–There is no evidence in the literature (or in my actual electoral experience) that “undecideds” are more discriminating and educated. In fact, quite the contrary. They want to go with the winner, and my bet would be on their breaking toward Rahm.

  8. - SR - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 3:07 pm:

    ===It’s really beyond the pale for Emanuel to keep dragging the president of the United States into what is effectively a race among supporters of his own party.===

    Do you think he is doing it without the president’s consent, or that he twisted some arms to get the footage? My thinking is this has been part of the plan from the moment they staged that farewell. I can’t think of another staffer who got this kind of send off.

  9. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 3:13 pm:

    Thanks, Rich, for pointing that out. I miss things right in front of my face sometimes.

  10. - amalia - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 3:15 pm:

    The more others speak the words for Rahm, the less we hear from Rahm. And that is how the handlers like it. They are used to this tactic, after all, they repped the current mayor, the one who recently talked about ending “the musicals” at Taste of Chicago. With this client, Mayor Elect Emanuel, they have another speaking problem….when he speaks, people just don’t like him. Put up Bubba and Obama and others speak for him. Attractive, likable others. They will have a more difficult time if they get in a runoff, but they are trying to keep the ick factor down and skate on through. polls look like they will do just that. Then we’re off to fun with the press when the enamored corps gets a real vision of what it is like to work with the tan one.

  11. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 3:23 pm:

    SR is spot on.

  12. - Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 4:07 pm:

    I just don’t like that commercial. It makes the president look like a cheap political operator catering to Chicago politics and not an independent Leader of the Free States. Unimpressive.

    I also think you’re right. The less Rahm speaks the better. He has a very boring voice and does not do well at all.

  13. - Honest Abe - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 4:24 pm:

    Rahm Emanuel seems like the Bill Brady of the Chicago mayoral race. “I have a plan. I will implement the plan. I cannot describe the plan to you until after the election. Judgment day is here. We will work collectively.”

    Hat tip to Gery Chico for calling out the editorial boards for endorsing Emanuel on the basis of his unspecified plan.

  14. - Esquire - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 4:26 pm:

    It is a regal commercial with a dull message. The music sounds like a funeral dirge.

  15. - SR - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 4:37 pm:

    They’re all light on specifics for the most difficult issues. Has anyone explained how they’re going to try to resolve the pension crisis? Chico is the candidate who said if he couldn’t find how to pay for 2,000 police officers he didn’t deserve to be mayor. How about giving some general idea before asking for our votes?

    I think the most appealing speaker on style alone is Braun. She has a pleasant voice and demeanor - well, when she’s not calling other candidates crack heads or snapping at reporters who want to see her tax returns.

  16. - Little Lewbowski - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 4:44 pm:

    Another dull, uninspired ad with no theme from AKPD. Let me guess, they’ll end with a direct to camera. Most political firms understand the need to modernize their approach, AKPD clearly does not. Boooooring.

  17. - JBilla - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 5:26 pm:

    Surprise, surprise, a New York and LA based media conglomerate has Emmanuel over 50%. Did they poll anyone in Chicago?

    Madigan gave an excellent explanation of the tax raise, and of the reason to reduce the budget, spot on.

  18. - mokenavince - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 5:50 pm:

    It’s time for MJM to put his money where his mouth is.I just don’t have any more faith in what he man says.We live in a sorry State.

  19. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 9, 11 @ 11:17 pm:

    There isn’t a candidate in this race (let alone a poster on this blog) who wouldn’t use that footage in a commercial if they had it. Criticize the ad’s effectiveness or style if you want…that’s fair. But to say it is misleading or unfair is just a joke. The bottom line is that obviously the President thinks Rahm did a great job, so it makes perfect sense for Rahm to get that message to the voters. Gery spent his career working for daley, he is free to go find some footage of the mayor singing his praises and put it on TV. Problem is Gery can’t decide if the mayor is great or horrible.

  20. - Rob - Thursday, Feb 10, 11 @ 3:55 am:

    Most of the mistakes during the first two years of Barack Obama’s presidency can be traced to the incompetence of the people around him, including Rahm, Valerie Jarrett, Arne Duncan and yes, David Axelrod.

    Rahm’s talent is dirty politics and fundraising. That’s IT. Chicago would be making a tragic mistake to elect him as mayor.

    Obama should stay out of this race.

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